The Owner Of The Crown.

By ElmaZehraRizvi

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Aristia Pioneer Algeria Ephesus by the will of her grandfather the Emperor becomes the Supreme Empress and ru... More

Chapter 1: A Princess?
Chapter 2: Training and Lessons
Chapter 3: Grandpa Time.
Chapter 4: Lisa Kingdom
Chapter 5: Adulthood
Chapter 6: A Lovely Aunt.
Chapter 7: Grandpa's Story
Chapter 8: The Outer Guardians
Chapter 9: Heartfelt Goodbye.
Chapter 10: Preparations
Chapter 11: Cornation.
Chapter 12: Border Safety
Chapter 14: Him.
Chapter 15: Truth.
Chapter 16: Threatre.
Chapter 17: Queen Madelyn.
Chapter 18: Reunion.
Chapter 19: A King.
Chapter 20: Switch!
Chapter 21: Fitting In.
Chapter 22: Into The light.
Chapter 23: Annoyed.
Chapter 24: Friends And Family
Chapter 25: Outing.
Chapter 26: Reveal.
Chapter 27: You All Along

Chapter 13: Negotiate

106 6 0
By ElmaZehraRizvi

There seems to be a problem with Castina , Rua , Sonu,Sopu, Yit and Lisa. All six nations have pledged alligance and signed the peace treaty. We have started trade but now they're requesting military supply. Especially the Lisa Kingdom.

Aren't they aware that this is an ancient law here that we are to supply no weapons. Ofcourse we are a civilization quite ahead of them but the weapons we produce are very harmful and the aftermath will be very destructive.

Exactly ...nuclear weapons, bombs and equipment capable of destroying nations will just end up in bad use.

And they think that I'll accept their pleas. What about Castina? I didn't expect that.

It's the Noble faction again. They think you'll go lenient since you're a member of House Monique.

I am a member a House Monique but right now I'm the Empress. I trust that the Emperor knows I won't be agreeing. He agreed to them to have them show myself that I'm a Monique only in Castina but not in Ephesus. It's the deal we personally agreed upon.

They think you're just a sixteen year old girl who became Empress and have no sense.

We both laughed. Only a few know that I have an adult mind and experience from my previous life.

Will you protect the Castina Emperor if anything goes wrong.

He's my Lord and I have pledged him loyalty as a Knight. I've promised his father to stay by his side as a friend. I think by now he's quite happy with Jieun , she must've won his heart or be it some other Lady.

Your Majesty ...

It might be impossible with Jieun but I think with so many woman hitting on him , he must've found a good one. Besides , I can't give him the care and love be wants.

Cheer up your Majesty.

Yep. Shall we go ahead than? Arrange a meeting with all the Kings and announce the negations will take place at The Commonwealth Conference.

Yes your Majesty!

He left shortly as I passed on through the papers. The Emperor came to my mind ... we've pretty much now in our seperate lives.
It doesn't matter if it's Jieun , it can be done other lady. I did hear Lady Whir was entering and exiting the Palace quite frequently. Could it be her? Oh well whoever it is ... let's just see him happy.
I've realized that it doesn't hurt anymore. It's good that I'm empty and unable to feel emotions. Would I have been hurt ? I wonder ...

Merkel p.o.v

The Emperor and Empress are both very similar. I wonder is she knows he hasn't given up ... Anyways let's prepare the meeting.

I saw the Emperor a few days ago when I visited Castina. It was so obvious that he's missing her but it's heartbreaking to see Aristia like that. I don't want anyone's bad I just want both of them to be very happy and not alone.
Being a ruler and leader of a nation is burdensome and lonely so I can understand.
I've been in a position of Prime Minister from years and in times I have to act as the father of the nation when all Regents go to defend at the borders.
It can be very lonely so that's why it's important to have the right person by your side whom you can lean on. I do and I'm greatful that Silviana , my wife , is there for me. It would've been hell without her and I give her the credit too.

Aristia and Emperor Ruveliss would've been such a good couple if the dispute and misunderstandings didn't happen.

The Emperor yearns to be loved and Aristia can give that to him. She always gives out love and care to all of us and the Emperor is someone she previously loved.
He's an improved person and I do feel pity for him who suffers even though he's done nothing wrong in this timeline.

Why do things have to be so complicated and extremely twisted?If they both would've married than they would've been happy. They would have great understanding as husband and wife , that would make them very ideal.
It's sad ...


Aristia p.o.v

The conference has been set , I was right now getting ready for it. I felt lonely ... was it because the Kings and Queens weren't with me at this moment? They are all away at the borderline district , I guess I'll feel like that since it's my first time alone.

The Prime Minister , Merkel Favs and the military Knights Division leaders would be there. Namely Grand Duke Felixstowe Suffolk , Marquees Noah Wykeham , Kevin Knightley and Alec Baldwinsville as well as the Minster of foreign affairs , Ian Gelinas.
I entered the conference as everyone stood up to greet me.

The Empress of Great Ephesus Empire , Aristia Pioneer Algeria Ephesus! The Supreme Sun now enters!

I still haven't go used to that type of announcement.
After sitting down did I see all the people infront of me.

There were six sections seperated each having the kingdom's insignia. The media and reporters will make a frenzy of this conference.

I gazed at the section with the Castina insignia and my eyes met the Emperor. With him were many Nobles ... Duke Ruth , Duke Arkint , Duke Zena , Marquees Ensiel , Marquees Penril , Earl Hamel and Earl Holten also my Dad. Papa?! You're here too? Don't you know I'm going threaten then?!

I gazed at the Emperor , he signalled me to calm down. Looks like i just need to act like I need too.

Let's begin the conference. Under the Charter clause nine zero eight , laws of Ephesus states that trade is allowed for everything except the military weapons and supply-

Duke Vince:
We just want to trade between military to make our nation stronger and protect it when danger comes.

And that's unnecessary. What do you mean danger? In the thousands of years Ephesus Empire has ruled ... not once did danger befell upon us.

Chancellor Merkel argued with Duke Vince , the general of Lisa Kingdom army.

Duke Zeiss:
We nations just want Ephesus Empire and is to have good relations and military trade is the best for us.

We have permission to trade soft power like cosmetics , electronic gadgets and technology that's friendly to the public and people. Not military weapons , we are the great Ephesus Empire and we do not need to keep good relations with you by giving you destructive weapons.

The atmosphere was getting tense , there was suffocation and scilence spreaded across the hall.
I remained silent. Than the King of Lisa , Ashwin spoke.

If it's like that than we shall stop trading with you.

Juan De Sopu:
Yes exactly ...

If it's like that than we'll close all trading routes to the six of you.

Wait Prime Minister! This is not what Rua wants. For us we must adapt the modern equipment. We can't live behind time like some stone aged race that's why we want continue trade with Ephesus.
To make some contribution to society and my people.

It's the same for me , Ephesus is a highly modernized and advanced civilization. We want to adopt and be a dynasty in an age of modernity not being in the dark like some animals.

If that happens than King and Emperor , you must cut off ties with the rest. To fully let trade and development happen. Until than we shall stop all trade and developments.

That would not be good Prime Minister.

Earl Holten:
Yes how can you say to cut off all relations with each kingdoms? And we the Empire serves as a mediator.

Than we shall cut trade treaty with all of you if problem serves. It's not going to harm us in anyway.

Duke Zena:
Than we shall not care too.

Duke Arkint:
Duke Zena! This is not what the general public wants!

Duke Zena:
We will not be humiliated and dependent on Ephesus. We , the mighty Superpower will not bow down to Ephesus.

Juan De Sopu:
Yes , we are independent and do not sought protection!

If it's like that with all of you than me , being the Supreme Commander will push Castina , Sonu , Sopu , Rua , Lisa and Yit kingdom out of Ephesus and the sheild should be removed.

I could see surprised faces. Ofcourse , I scoffed silently. If the shield of protection set by Ephesus will be removed and pushed out than they will be vulnerable to the frequent incoming dangers.

What do you say your Majesty the Empress?

They all looked at me and I nodded. If you think I'm going to side with you than forget it.

Your Majesty the Empress , will you- ?

Yes I will , I will push you out and than you can take responsibility for your own protection.


You should all stop acting like I'm taking your independence and freedom away. It's military weapons supply which I'm not willing to trade. It's one of the very old and ancient laws of the Empire that we shall not distribute harmful weapons.
It's the Crown's responsibility to ensure safety and security to those under it and it includes all of six nations.

Earl Holten:
But your Majesty-!


There was scilence. I answered in a very cold chilly voice with a short glare. It's the glare that my grandpa showed and it gave people chills down their spine as it shot right through their soul.

Don't let us go the hard way. I'm a guardian and not a greedy human. It's a guardian's responsibility to ensure humanity's safety. These differences of governments and nations is not of my concern.
You've seen the weapons haven't you ? now you're all having the greed to take them and throw it at each other.

Arden De Sonu:
It's not like that ,you have misunderstood. Military supply is something that strengthen ties between nations so that's why we considered it.

Oh really? Even though knowing that it's strictly prohibited. I'm well aware how relationships are between the six of you.
They're highly dangerous as seen so I cannot bare give them to you. They are only supplied to the Vassel nations. Unless you are Vassel nations , we can give you but wouldn't that mean I take away your freedom?

If you become a Vassel than goodbye arrogance and kneel down. I like a King or Emperor who kneels down to me and that is what I want from a man.

We will ensure complete safety and-

I don't trust you , any of you.

If you do not trust us than what's the point of it all.

I don't trust any power. The consequences for the nation will be very bad.

But Empress , it's for the government.

That's not a King's thinking King Ashwin de Lisa.


You must think of the safety of your own people. A King who can't defend one's own nation and only thinks of power is no King to me.
What my final proposal is that we continue trade , development and investment to make each of the six places a better place. Improve sectors that are lacking and make better the things they are good. Be it agriculture, technology or any other.
This military weapons supply chain shall not be talked about again. Agreed or not?

What if we don't agree?

Yes what if we don't agree?

You all six will have to face the consequences be it agreed or not.

What kind of thing if that?!

Duke Zena:
We shall surely go to war than!

Yes Lisa Kingdom will attack.

Okay that's your call.

Everyone looked dumbfounded by my calm response.

If it's war than it will be war your Majesty.





His challenging eyes faced by cold and expressionless face.

We will fight if this unfair deal is struck.

Same your Majesty , Castina will not back down.

Dad! We have no choice , he has pledged loyalty and alligance to the Emperor and the imperial family. However I need to make my threat too.
I'm The Empress and as the ruler of several nations , I should treat them equally showing no favouritism. I have to go against my Dad too.

Aristia: don't worry about that Marquees Keirean , I'll make sure to crush all of you with the same weapons me. They haven't been demonstrated so it's good I'll them in action too.

I've even gone against my own Dad now what will you say?

So do you accept the proposal or not? Last chance.

I accept the proposal.

I accept it too.

I accept the Empress's proposal.

I accept what her Majesty proposed.

I ... also accept the proposal.

Than it's settled. The meeting ends now.

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