

5.1K 110 9


Ch. 2 Haunted
Ch.3 Kill Your Demons
Ch.4 Familiar Ground
Ch.5 Acropolis
Ch.6 Revelations
Ch.7 Eye On The Prize
Ch.8 Aces and 8s...
Ch. 9 Trouble
Ch.10 You Called Me
Author's Note
🤗 Gratitude 🤗
***Author's Note***

Ch. 1: Night Terrors

341 15 1


"No!" I panted. "Please Mistress! Help me!"

My pleas hung in the stale air as I desperately sought the shelter of my mistress's temple. My head throbbed and throat burned with the power behind my screams.

I could hear low chuckles, it was if they bounced off the walls and scampered towards me from every direction. I stilled, lowering myself behind the alter of offerings. I was prey. This predator was toying with me.

"Please my lady, I need your help. PLEASE!" I prayed as I clung to my pendant for dear life.

Candlelight bathed the room in gold, but the shadows wouldn't be banished. This place that had always been my sanctuary is now a hunting ground.

"Come out little mouse, we have business.." a husky, seductive voice snaked through my ears.

"My lady....please..." I begged through hushed whispers as I clung to the hope my charge would help me.

She didn't take kindly to the kind of trash this man represented tarnishing her place of worship. She would save me, I thought. I've been nothing but loyal. I've given my all to my lady, swore my oath and celibacy to offer my most virtuous self as her priestess so she would defend me and my honor . She had too.

A shuffle brought me out of my frantic thoughts. He was getting closer. No. I frantically wracked my brain as I pushed myself into the shadows under the offerings table.

"Please my Lady...I need you so..." I whispered one last time, pouring all that I was into my whispered plea.

I quickly scanned the shadowed room, seeing the small tables lining the wall leading towards the only door in this chamber. I had to try and save myself until My Lady could. I took a deep breath and willed myself to calm down...I needed to concentrate.

I listened intently for another hint of where my aggressor was. The silence only made my blood boil and roar in my ears. I leaned low and scanned the space between me and the first table against the wall.

I didn't see him, so I gently crept forward on my hands and knees, holding my breath as I did. I only released my breathe when I was safely tucked under the first table.

"Come now little mouse, while I enjoy a good cat and mouse game, I'm growing annoyed..I've got better games we both would enjoy." the man's gravely voice echoed again.

My skin crawled and goosebumps raced across my skin. I had no desire to play this devil's games. I knew his reputation, what he wanted. I had refused him but he wouldn't take no for an answer. I needed My Lady to fend him off. I couldn't comprehend how he had infiltrated her Temple. How something so vile could walk in a place so Holy.

I took my chances, creeping along the wall, clinging to the shadows beneath the tables. I held my breathe and praised My Lady the whole way. My heart drummed in my chest but I knew I just needed to have faith. She would come. She would save me, her humblest of servants.

I finally rested under the table closest to the door leading out to the common area and finally to the doors that could mean my freedom.

I was so close! I'd come this far, I could do this. After taking one final intent listen, it dawned on me it was now or never. Fear wrapped itself around my spine and I fought hard to level my breathing. I gently crept from beneath the last table. I kept myself lowered in a crouch, prepared to sprint at the slightest need. I moved silently, finding myself crossing the threshold into the common area without issue.

I scanned the room quickly and found that the full moon illuminated it enough I could see I was alone. I stood tall and took padded steps, heading straight for the double wooden doors that would take me outside and offer me possible escape.

I gently pulled the door open, bracing a flat palm against it to help prevent further noise. I quickly placed myself through it and closed it as silently as I opened it, risking taking a breathe again.

I dared not linger. I gently lifted the front of my dress to expose my bare feet and began to descend the mighty staircase. I scanned the horizon, noting that the sea before me quivered in the moonlight. Small ripples lapped at the shore and offered a symphony that on any other occasion would've brought me relief and peace. Not tonight though. Maybe never again.

I quickly picked up my pace as I padded down the steps. The ocean spray from the rough surf earlier had coated them, making them slick. I looked down and paid close attention to my foot placement, not looking forward as I did so. Big mistake.

I felt my body collide with what felt like a warm statue. A husky chuckle rained down on my ears from above me and my breathe hitched. No. How? My entire body cramped as my muscles ground to a tight stop. It took all my strength to force my head up to look him in the face.

"Gotcha Mousie." He chuckled low.

To someone far more naive it would've sounded melodic, sexy even, but it just added to the fear that gripped me, making my chest tighten and stealing my breathe.

I felt his hand as it ran along my cheek before reaching my chin and forcing my face up. I tried to close my eyes but couldn't. Instead, I was forced to look into two pools of the brightest blue. Even in the moonlight I could see the green and gold flecks that danced around in them. They set above a chiseled nose that set above a pair of lush, plump lips. His cheeks were sharp and his chin was covered in a dusting of white as his neatly trimmed beard hid it.

"My Lady...Please.." I pleaded one more time, causing his lips to pull back and show his perfect straight, white teeth.

"She isn't coming Mousie. Your not her priority. Your nothing to her." He chuckled lowly.

Anger bubbled up inside me at his disrespect of my Lady. Before I knew it, my mouth opened to defend her.

"How dare you. I am the High Priestess of the Temple. My Lady is majestic, mighty and more! Her wit and beauty are incomparable!" I huffed, making him chuckle more.

"Prove me wrong then." He stated.

This confused me. "How?" I demanded.

"Call her here then. Lets see her save you from me." He mocked me.

I faltered. I had been calling her Lady, begging her for salvation. She hadn't come forward yet.

His snicker brought me from my thoughts. "I told you Mousie."

Before I could react his hand was around my throat, stealing my air. Spots soon danced before my eyes and my knees grew weak and began to buckle. He lowered himself with me, forcing me onto my back on the steps as he lowered himself over me. I flung my hands at him, desperately trying to hit him, knock him from me or remove his hand from my neck. Tears sprung to my eyes as I struggled.

He successfully wedged himself between my knees and used his own bodyweight to hold me down and tightened his grip on my throat.

"Easy Mousie, you played a good game, but now it's time for me to claim my prize." He husked in my ear as he ran his tongue from my temple, down my cheek and finally to the side of my neck. He bit me, causing pain to course through me.

Bile rose in my throat as I struggled against him harder. A broken scream escaped my lips and I again begged my Lady for salvation.

I felt his free hand moving up my leg to my thigh, raising my skirt with it. "No!" I strangled out. "Nooo!"

But he persisted. He was so much stronger than me and I couldn't fight him off. His mouth roamed my neck, shoulder and soon my chest as I begged and pleaded for him to stop.

Soon, I felt the his manhood pressed against my inner thigh and fiery tears raced down my cheeks. "Please..." I huffed out, daring to look him in the eyes. "Please don't do this." I begged.

He smiled down at me, his eyes twinkling. For a brief moment, he hesitated. I stupidly took this as a possible change of heart. "Please...." I whispered desperately, staring deeply into his eyes.

His gaze dropped for a moment. Please, I begged the universe, please let him spare me. She felt his chest quiver. Maybe he felt some regret after all. Maybe he would free her. Spare her this damnation. I felt my muscles slightly relax as I was convinced he was shedding tears at his actions. I let myself hope it would all be okay.

But reality came crashing back loudly as I realized he was actually laughing. It bled from his chest up his throat and poured over me as it grew louder.

"I love it when they beg..." He chortled before he stole my innocence in the most brutal of fashions.

My screams and attempts to free myself were futile. Nobody came to save me. Nobody cared that I was being violated in the cruelest of ways. Nobody cared that my existence was exponentially forced to change against my very own will.

Darkness ebbed at the edges of my eyes as I felt myself giving up, accepting that in this moment there was nothing I could do, no way to save myself and no way that once the sun rose that I would ever be the same.

A cluster of golden dust began to flicker above me before forming a silhouette. My abuser took notice and stilled himself, a harsh, cruel smile on his face. He observed the silhouette breathe life to The Lady herself.

Golden hair poked out from her golden helmet, glistening in the fleeting moonlight as did her flawless armor. Her hands occupied with her shield and lance. The deafening sound of them crashing to the floor raced through the night. Her beautiful eyes bore witness to the monsterous act taking place on the steps of her Temple and finally, Fury consumed the irises of her grey eyes.

"HOW DARE YOU!" She hissed. Her melodic voice laced with disgust.

The man hovering above my broken form simply smiled and laughed with great mirth.


Tears stained her priestess's face. Shame etched in ever line. "My Lady...Help me...Please.." she begged.

Her storming grey eyes fell to her priestess, her most devout...

"Oh, I intend to do just that... Medusa...."

A scream ripped from Medusa as she sat straight up in her bed. Darkness clung to the room as her heart raced so quickly it would surely burst. She could still feel Posiedan's tight grip on her throat, squeezing the air from her lungs. She could still feel Athena's feral stare penetrating her own, and the absolute disgust that resided within those eyes that were once home.

Becks sat up and observed her. Her face was wild, tears were streaming down her cheeks and her gaze was far away.

"Hey...it's alright..." He cooed as he reached over to run soothing circles in her back.

"DONT TOUCH ME!" Medusa screamed, jerking away from him and falling out of the bed and meeting the floor with a loud thud.

She had brought the blankets down with her and wrestled desperately to free herself as she frantically panted. Her fear was tangible and it hurt Becks to witness it. He quickly lept up and circled the bed. Falling to his knees, he gently grabbed Medusa's face and forced her to look into his eyes.

"Dusa. Dusa! Listen, it's me. It's Becks. Your safe love. Your safe." He chanted as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pressed her hard to his chest.

This only fueled her panic as she continued to see flashback after flashback play before her eyes. She suddenly jumped up, forcing Becks to his feet as well before she brought her knee up and crushed it into his stomach. As he bent over, she followed it up with a swift punch and then finally with a kick to the chest that sent Becks crashing into the wall opposite of their bed.

As he hit, the air whooshed from his lungs in an audible torrent. Medusa rushed him, grabbed his hair and forced his face up to look at her. She raised her fist high in the air ready to rain a powerful blow down upon him, but hesitated.

He looked up at her and whispered. "Dusa. I-it's m-me. Becks. I-I l-love y-y-you..." His chest was tight and his back stung from the force of his meeting the wall, but he desperately forced the words out.

Medusa's eyes softened as she became aware of her surroundings. Tears formed in them as she took in the sight of Becks crumpled form and her hand in his hair forcing his face up.

"Oh Goddess- BECKS!" She blurted as she released him and fell to his side. "I'm...I'm so sorry." She pleaded as she gently took his face in her hands and studied it.

A smile graced his face. "It's o-okay Babe. You always come back to me." He cooed as he leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

She broke down. She had hurt him- AGAIN. "IM SO SORRY!" She wailed. He gently pushed her hands away and used the wall to push himself up with a slight grunt before he extended his hand to her, helping her up as well.

"Don't be Love." He whispered as he gently drew her to him for a comforting hug.

"But I am Becks. I'd never hurt you. EVER. And yet I have for months now. What's wrong with me?!?" She crumpled against him as all her frustration dampened his shirt. He gently rubbed her back and whispered soft words of encouragement to her.

"It's okay Dusa. I'm fine, really. I'm a dingo remember? I'll be good as new in no time."

"No Becks, it's not. I can't keep pummeling you because my demons haunt me."

He smiled at her, brushing her dishevelled hair from her face. "If that's what you need to do to defeat those demons, I'll take every hit with a smile. Fight if you need to Babe. Your fierce."

She stared at him in awe. How was this possible? How could he restore her faith in living with a dashing smile and the words she needed at that exact moment? He gently bent and picked her up bridal style before carrying her back to the their bed. He gently laid her down on her side before he picked up their blankets and spread them back over her and the bed.

As he climbed back in on his side, he slide closer and wrapped an arm protectively around her.
"Sleep my love. I'm right here. Your safe. Please believe it." He whispered as he nuzzled up against her.

Oh how she wished she could. The events that night changed her life forever. It made her the monster she was. It would haunt her forever. She wished she could believe his beautiful words. But Posiedan and Athena's actions that night broke her. Not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well.

She looked over at a now sleeping Becks. He had saved her emotionally, but not mentally. She doubted anyone could save her from the terrors locked in her memories. He saved her and she was going to break him if this continued. He had saved her, but how could she save him?

She had to kill this fear.

But how?

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