The Unmatched Beauty | TKΒ°

Oleh PranitiSinha

196K 11.8K 12K

{Completed} A Beta, very unusual, not generally known about, and chosen with great care in order to make peop... Lebih Banyak

(1) Pink Clouds
(2) Angel Star
(3) His Fragrance
(4) Me-ting and core-ting
(5) First Date
(6) Homely
(7) Sleepover
(8) His white wolf
(9) Scenting
(10) Don't Leave Me
(11) Nightmare
(12) Explaining
(13) Fix You
(14) Comforting in silence
(15) Meeting the parents
(16) Fair Warning
(17) Acceptance Ritual
(18) Warmer than usual (M)
(19) Mark me (M)
(20) The Responsibilities
(21) The Divine Creators
(22) With you
(23) Mystic Shadow
(24) Meeting the past
(25) A duel
(26) Healing
πŸ’› Minnie Day πŸ’›
(27) A conversation
(28) The bathtub and praises (M)
(29) Expecting
Bonus β™‘

(30) Rosy hues

4.6K 227 1.2K
Oleh PranitiSinha

Third Person's POV

Jungkook stood in front of the full-length mirror, double-checking his reflection for the dozenth time. He drew a shaky breath as he fiddled with his suit, a baby bump visible through. 

"Need some help with that?" Jimin's sweet voice made him jump, he hadn't realised he was so caught up in his own thoughts as the older omega approached him. 

Jungkook turned to face him, smiling gratefully as his hyung pretended to straighten his already perfect suit. 

"It's not like you to be so twitchy, Kookie"

"I can't help it" Jungkook was practically bouncing on the balls of his feet. 

Jungkook being the unique beta with healing abilities, the pregnancy wasn't tiring at all. It was all smooth, he just felt heavy around his stomach and that's all. The morning sickness was over in the third week itself and there was no pain, thankfully. He and his babies were perfectly fine and healthy. 

They did the gender reveal a week back and found out they were having twins, a princess and a prince. They couldn't be any happier, plans did change a little because they hadn't thought about twins but they were content and that was what mattered. The twins were good to their mumma, not tiring him much and being calm. 

"I just want it to start already, I need to see him!"

Jin chuckled from the other side of the room, smoothing down his dark-grey waistcoat. 

"You saw him last night, before we came here"

Jungkook pouted, 

"It's not the same thing! Last night was the first time in over a year when I didn't have my Taehyungie next to me. It felt- wrong!"

"You always were a greedy child" Jimin rolled his eyes 

Jungkook gasped, his Bambi eyes widening.

"Is it greedy to be in love?" 

"It is when you act like this. Try not to crush the life out of him as soon as you see him"

Despite his harsh voice, Jungkook detected the amusement in his words and relaxed. Of course he was being clingy, he was a unique beta, he was naturally like that but his heart was threatening to jump out of his ribcage if time didn't move any quicker.

Jin fastened a tiny blue rosebud to his lapel, his eyes sparkling as he smiled.            

"I'm so happy for you, Jungkookie" His voice came out breathy and he wrapped his arms around Jin for a hug but he pulled away. 

"Careful, you'll wrinkle my suit!"

Jungkook laughed and hugged him anyway. Jin clapped his hand on Jungkook's shoulder with a beaming smile. 

"You ready?"

With one last glance in the mirror to check his hair, Jungkook smoothed his hands over his snow-white jacket and smiled at his Best Man.

 "Since the day I met Taehyung"

❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

Taehyung stood on a raised platform, wringing his hands together. He glanced at his watch for the millionth time, almost snarling that it was only ten seconds since the last time he'd looked.

"Breathe, Taehyung" Hoseok chuckled next to him, looking the epitome of calm.

"He's on his way"

Taehyung didn't need to be told that, he could feel his mate arriving at the hotel over their Mate Bond, the excitement almost knocking the wind out of him. But it didn't do much to relieve the anxious knot in his stomach.

"Y-you've got the ring, right?" Taehyung asked again. Hoseok smiled crookedly and patted his breast pocket. 

"Has everyone arrived?"

"Relax, Taehyungie. Everyone's here, no one's going to show up halfway through to disrupt the proceedings"

"I knew it was a bad idea to watch that movie with you last night!" Taehyung glowered as his Best Man laughed at him.

He quickly glanced around the room and smiled to himself. The large room was filled with white and blue roses, large vases dotted around to fill the room with their gentle aroma. Several rows of chairs, covered with white silk, were facing him, each one occupied with a smiling family member or friend. There wasn't a single empty seat.

In the middle of the room, separating the rows of chairs down the centre, a long pale-blue carpet ran from the door to the platform he was standing on with Hoseok and his dad. A balding beta man with thick-rimmed glasses and a cheap black suit stood just behind Taehyung, a black folder in his chubby hands.

Taehyung turned to his dad and asked anxiously, 

"How did you do this when you married mum? I don't think I can take all this waiting much longer!" 

His dad smiled warmly at him,

"I was a wreck too, I nearly dropped the ring, my hands were shaking so much! The trick is to remember why you're here"

Taehyung smiled at that thought, his heart finally settling into a steady beat. He was here to start the rest of his life with the love of his life. Yoongi, who was standing at the door, quickly glanced into the corridor and held his thumb up to Hoseok. Taehyung had to remind himself to breathe.

 He's here.

Yoongi moved to hit the play button on the small stereo and a beautiful piece of classical music filled the room. He then took his seat in the row second from the front, next to Namjoon.

Jin entered first, his suit was black with a dark-grey waistcoat, his blue cravat standing out against his crisp white shirt. He had a blue rosebud pinned to his lapel and his periwinkle shoes were shiny.

The omega walked slowly down the aisle, smiling brightly at the guests. Taehyung felt his heart thump harder as they smiled at him, waves of excitement washing over him from them both.

"You look so handsome" Jin gushed, making him blush. 

Taehyung laughed, trust Jin!

He might have quipped back but he felt an overwhelming surge of love hit him from the door. He turned his gaze in the direction of the surge and felt his heart stop.

Hoseok gasped next to him. 


That was an understatement.

Taehyung had never seen Jungkook look so beautiful in all his life.

In a snow-white tuxedo, his mate looked like he'd been sculpted out of ice and diamonds. His hair sparkled as he nodded greetings to their friends as he made his entrance, his arm loosely linked with Jimin's.

When he finally looked up at Taehyung, the true blood felt his knees buckle. The love, the excitement, the purity in his large sapphire eyes made Taehyung want to cry. Jungkook's bunny smile quivered as he breathed heavily, the anticipation making his heart ache.

Taehyung was in a matching tuxedo, his black hair combed back into smooth waves. Even from behind his glasses, Jungkook could see those chocolate eyes glisten with threatening tears.

He had never looked so handsome before.

When he finally got to the podium, Jungkook turned to Jimin. The surly omega smiled at him and patted his arm affectionately. Jungkook mouthed 'thank you' to his hyung, his voice momentarily failing him as he turned back to step onto the podium.

Taehyung held out his hand to Jungkook, that first warm contact of trembling fingers making his heart quicken. Jungkook squeezed his hand and smiled even wider, a rosy blush rising to his cheeks.

"Hi" He said quietly, before scolding himself for not saying anything more romantic.

Jungkook grinned. 

"Hi" He said back, Taehyung could hear the excitement bubble in his voice.

For a moment, they just stood there, gazing deep into each other's eyes, grinning inanely, gripping each other's hands. It was only when the minister cleared his throat did they actually remember that there were other people in the room and they giggled, all tension and anxiety instantly melting away.

"Dearly beloved" The minister's voice carried to the back of the room effortlessly,

"We are gathered here today to witness the union of Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook. I must ask that if there be anyone who objects to this match, let them speak now or forever hold their peace"

Taehyung and Jungkook glanced around the room, feigning worry, much to the amusement of the congregation. The minister smiled before continuing.

"Love is blind, so the saying goes. It doesn't see gender, primary or secondary or race. It doesn't see religion or politics. Love doesn't care if you're young or old, rich or poor. Love only looks into your heart and sees itself, ready to be shared with someone else. Today, love has brought Taehyung and Jungkook together, in front of their family and friends, to bond them, to join them and to nurture them. We will now witness the exchange of vows"

Taehyung cleared his throat, praying his voice wouldn't crack as he gazed at his beautiful mate's blushing face.

"Jeon Jungkook, I have loved you since the day I first set eyes on you. I always believed that I was never good enough but somehow you made me feel like I was worth something. Every day I have fallen more in love with you, with your smile, your laugh, with your very being. And I promise to fall more in love with you every day until the day I die. I will do everything in my power to keep you smiling, to keep you laughing. I will honour you, support you, comfort you and worship you, with every beat of my heart"

Jungkook felt tears cling to his eyelashes as Taehyung slipped a new silver ring on his finger. Jungkook drew a shuddering breath, steadying himself as his mate stood waiting for him to recite his vows, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Kim Taehyung, I am blessed to be your mate. I watched you grow into the leader you are today and I thought I couldn't feel any prouder. But being your mate would never be enough. I loved you more than I had ever loved anyone in my whole life and the day you told me you felt the same way made me feel happier than winning anything in this world! You are more than just my lover, you are my best friend, my soulmate, the one I was destined to be with. From this day forward, I will love you with every fibre of my being. I will be your strength, your laughter, your comfort"

Taehyung thought his smile was going to break his face. He waited for Jungkook to place the ring on his finger but was puzzled when Jungkook just stood there, smiling sweetly.

"Umm- Jungkookie?" Taehyung whispered, feeling everyone stare at them.

Jungkook's grin grew and he turned his head to the door. He brought one hand to the side of his mouth and yelled at the top of his voice.


Gasps of surprise and chuckles filled the room as a blur of brown fuzz bounded in, paws ruffling the carpet as he raced to his cheering dad. Jungkook held his arms wide and caught the ball of fluff, cooing brightly.

Taehyung blinked wide a couple of times before smiling with a soft shake of his head. Jungkook smiled sweetly at him, his cheek still nuzzling Yeontan's head. 

"You didn't think I'd leave our baby out today, did you?"
He reached under Yeontan's chin to a tiny box, fastened on to his collar by a blue ribbon. He pulled out the sparkling ring and held his hand out to Taehyung, his eyes sparkling with amusement and love. Taehyung's heart burst as his mate slipped the silver band on his finger, the room filling with applause.           

The minister held his hands up after a few moments, politely asking for silence.          

"Now, may I ask the former alpha to step forward for the Pledge"         

Taehyung and Jungkook turned as Mr. Kim stepped forward. The oldest true blood in the pack, he had been given the title true blood Dominante by the true blood Council, meaning he was held in the highest regard by all other true bloods, Taehyung especially. 
Dressed in a navy-blue suit, Mr. Kim stood before the couple, his powerful aura encompassing them like a protective bubble. Taehyung bowed his head to his dad, Jungkook following suit in reverence.
"Young true blood" Mr. Kim addressed Taehyung first, the man stepping forward to kneel on one knee,

"Do you pledge your life to Jungkook? Do you swear to protect and shield your beta, to honour and respect your mate, to do your upmost for your pack?"

Taehyung looked him in the eyes, his chocolate eyes glinting. 

"I so swear, on my life, my love, my Bond"                

Mr. Kim growled low in his chest, accepting the Pledge. He then turned to Jungkook, who knelt beside Taehyung.                

"Young beta, do you pledge your heart to Taehyung? Do you promise to support your true blood, to be the source of his strength, to provide him with the home his soul deserves?"               

Jungkook's eyes shone as he lifted his chin to face Mr. Kim.

"I do, with every beat of my heart" He let a soft purr vibrate from his chest as he spoke, sending a wave of his pheromones to his mate. Taehyung returned the gesture with a wash of his own, their pheromones bending perfectly.               

Mr. Kim smiled warmly, his cedar scent encircling the couple.                

"I, Kim Taewon, true blood and the former alpha, acknowledge the Pledge between the true blood, Kim Taehyungand the beta, Jeon Jungkook and pledge my support. May their bond grow stronger every day, may their love be a pillar of strength for themselves and for our community, may their souls forever be bound together in peace and prosperity"                

Taehyung and Jungkook rose to their feet and bowed their heads again to the older true blood, silently thanking him for his blessing. With another smile and nod, Mr. Kim returned to his seat. The minister's smile grew wide. 

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to pronounce that Taehyung and Jungkook are hereby lawfully married and bonded"               

Taehyung beamed as their friends began to cheer, wrapping his arms around Jungkook's waist.              

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Hoseok and Jimin cheered, his phone pointed directly at the newlyweds.                

Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows at Taehyung, stepping closer to his mate. 

"My Alpha" His voice was no louder than a whisper against Taehyung's cheek, his Bambi eyes brighter than ever before.

Taehyung ran a finger along Jungkook's collar before tugging gently, bringing his mate closer until their noses were touching.

"My lovely beta" He smiled against Jungkook's lips as he finally kissed his new husband, capturing the joyful gasp from the beta's mouth. He felt slender fingers card through his hair, soft lips pressing harder and deeper and he fell into the embrace.

His eyes snapped open as he felt heat radiate from his core. Jungkook pulled away at the same time, eyes wide in surprise. The room filled with gasps of awe. Taehyung gaped as starlight shone out of Jungkook's skin. He traced his hand along Jungkook's cheek, soft light and warmth playing on his fingers. Jungkook mirrored his actions, his eyes drinking in the beautiful sight of his mate's glow. In perfect unison, the newlyweds placed a hand on their lover's chest, knowing without looking exactly where the source of the glow was.

They had renewed the Mark the night before, just before Taehyung had left to stay at Hoseok's house, not wanting to feel separated from each other. Now, as they gazed deep into each other's eyes, drowning in pools of love and purity, they knew they had made the right decision.

Their Bond Mark radiated for the congregation to see, publicly displaying their connection better than any kiss could.

One soul. One heart. Two vessels joined for eternity with love and light.

❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

"I should have known when I first met Taehyung all those years ago that this was where he was going to end up. I was eighteen, new in college and had been told that my roommate was a true blood. I'd expected this bigbutch, snarling athlete and, as you can all see, I was absolutely right. Not!"

Taehyung groaned as Namjoon's speech made everyone chuckle. He'd been dreading this part of the day, knowing the mischievous alpha was determined to make him cringe. With a wink and a grin, Namjoon continued. 

"So, anyway, the first time Jungkook was at the pack house and Taehyung met him, he was insanely happy. He stood on the rooftop and screamed-"

"I'm begging you, hyung don't!" Taehyung whined.

"I'm begging you, hyung, do!" Jungkook cheered and Namjoo's grin grew. 

"He said, 'I am not mateless you all, I am the mate of a fallen angel?'" He paused as everyone laughed at his corny Taehyung impression, right down to the panicked look on his face. 

"He was just so so happy that he stayed up till five a.m. screaming that he has a mate, he wasn't mateless. The next time he went to meet Jungkook, he called us, reaching his studio. He was standing outside when he shrieked like a school boy "oh my god he's here!!" until I thought he was going to hyperventilate. I've always known he was crazy in love with Jungkook. Thank god you came along, Jungkook, I was one click away from getting him a love pillow with your picture on it!"

"Kookie, I think you've given Taehyung more heart attacks than what should be medically possible since you accepted him as a mate. But you've made his heart whole since the day you became his mate. And I know his poor ticker is in safe hands with you from today onwards. So, I want to wish you both all the love in the world. To the newlyweds!"

With a raise of his champagne glass and a regal bow, Namjoon handed the microphone to Jin for his toast. Now it was Jungkook's turn to squirm uncomfortably, with Taehyung chuckling quietly next to him.

'You look worried, my love' Taehyung teased over their empathic link. 

'I thought I knew all your little secrets'

'You do!' Jungkook promised. 

'I hope'

The omega cleared his throat and pulled out a piece of paper from his waistcoat pocket. Then, with a cheeky grin, he let go of the bottom of the page, revealing that it was in fact a very, very long roll of paper. Jungkook's eyes blew wide when the page reached the floor, his face burning before his hyung had even uttered a word.

"You're probably wondering what's written on this little note of mine" Jin teased, flashing mischievous olive eyes at the two grooms.

"I wish I could say that it was all the times I've caught Jungkook doing something scandalous but I would need more paper"

Jungkook hid his face in his hands. Taehyung patted his shoulder, although he didn't hide his sniggering.

"I wish I could say it was a list of all of his virtues but I'd only need a post-it note for that" Jin paused to wink at the beta, who was now almost completely bright red. 

"I'm afraid to tell you, Taehyung, that your new husband is a terrible influence-"

"You're one to fucking talk!" Yoongi bellowed, earning a wave of chuckles and a dirty look from Jin.

"Well, you've just talked yourself into another dance-off, Min!" Namjoon and Hoseok cheered as Yoongi swore out loud before Jin continued with his speech. 

"When Jungkook and we all met, him and I used to text a lot. This is actually just a fraction of the texts Jungkook sent me when he and Taehyung had their first ahem-ahem. Should I read some of them to you?"

"NO!" Jungkook screamed in panic.

"YES!" Taehyung cheered, grinning from ear to ear.

The omega pulled out his reading glasses from his pocket and cleared his throat again. He pressed his fingertips to his chest and made his voice shrill and gushy.

"Oh hyung! My Taehyungie in his sweatpants, he's so delicious he should be served with a side salad!"

Jungkook slammed his face onto the table and covered his head with his arms, groaning. Taehyung was too busy blushing furiously, staring wide-eyed at his new husband, to comfort him.

"You-you really said that?"

"Kill me now!" Jungkook whined, knowing full well that Jin was just getting warmed up.

"OMG hyung! I'm dying! Taehyungie just told me he wants kids, I'm so happy I think I'm going to scream! HE LOVES ME hyung- AAAAAHHHHH!"

Taehyung smiled sweetly at the flustered top of Jungkook's buried face, sending a warm wave of pheromones to his mate.

'If it makes you feel better, I sent a similar text to Jiminie that day too'

Jungkook peeked out from under his arm, Bambi eyes twinkling. 


'Of course. That was one of the best day of my life' They mind linked again. 

Jungkook finally sat up, smiling at his husband. He gently took Taehyung's hand in his and brought it to his lips. 

'Me too, hyung' 

They sat there, laughing until tears fell down their cheeks as Jin read more of Jungkook's texts. They ranged from gushy, romantic spiels to downright filthy messages that Jungkook clearly had sent to his hyung when he was once drunk.

 After what felt like forever, Jin folded up the piece of paper and raised his glass to the couple. 

"Jungkook, the days of getting those ridiculous texts are over. From now on, I only want to receive boring texts about how amazing married life is. Because I know you two are going to be the most boring, loved-up couple for the rest of your lives. And I couldn't be happier for you both. To Jungkook and Taehyung, boring and in love!"

Taehyung set his glass back down on the table and stood up, drawing a deep breath. Jungkook smiled up sweetly at him and he felt a fresh blush bloom on his cheeks.

His voice came out squeaky and he had to clear his throat, much to everyone's amusement. He felt a sympathetic brush of beta pheromones from Jungkook and smiled before he began his speech.

"It's funny, I have been managing the whole pack but somehow I'm more nervous now than I've ever been in my whole life! Not because I've suddenly got cold feet or anything, I just keep thinking I'm going to wake up and find that it's all been a dream. Jungkookie, since the day you showed up, you've changed my life. How the hell I managed to convince the world's most courageous, most beautiful beta that I was worth a second glance, I'll never know. Whatever it was, I'll be forever thankful for it. I won't bore all of you with how much I love my new husband, holy crap, you're my husband! I mean- umm, can I ask you all to raise your glass to my husband, my mate, my Kookie"

Jungkook took Taehyung's hand and kissed it softly as he raised his glass, blushing.

'When did you get so eloquent?' He teased his husband, hiding his sly grin against Taehyung's knuckles.

'I may have had too much champagne already' Taehyung confessed with a lopsided smile. 

He leaned down to capture Jungkook's lips with a sweet kiss, stealing the breath from the beta. It took Jungkook a second to steady himself before he could stand to give the final toast of the evening.

"I'm not normally lost for words, as you all know but, standing here, in front of all my family and friends, I'm suddenly speechless. How do I even begin to tell you all how happy I am that you're all here? How do I put into words how I feel like my heart's going to burst now that I can finally call Taehyungie my husband? How do I tell him that I can't wait for tomorrow and the day after that, just because I know it'll be a new day with my mate? Oh, I guess like that!"

He paused as everyone chuckled. Taehyung shook his head fondly, smiling proudly at Jungkook. The beta felt warmth drift over their Mate Bond, like a blanket blocking out all other feelings. He returned the sensation, his heart skipping as Taehyung sighed quietly.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, thank you Taehyungie, for making me the happiest man in the world. For accepting me, for being my husband. I swear I'll do my best to be the best I can be for you. And, on behalf of myself and my new husband, oh, wow, this new tag, it feels amazing. Thank you all for being here with us!"

❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

Taehyung collapsed into an empty seat and hooked his finger into the loop of his cravat, loosening the silk. He felt like he had been on his feet forever and just wanted a minute to catch his breath.

He gazed out over the crowded ballroom with a fond smile. The tables had all been pushed aside to make a dance floor in the centre of the room. The lights had been dimmed and soft mood lighting spun and twinkled overhead from the DJ booth as music blasted through the room.

His eyes drifted around the room at all the people he held dearest to him, smiling thoughtfully to himself as he watched them dance and laugh and chat amongst themselves. There wasn't a single person there who hadn't touched his life in some deep or profound way, whether they were childhood friends or fellow pack mates or if they had helped him fight his demons or had been there to cheer him on, everyone held a piece of Taehyung with them and he a piece of them. They were all a part of this enormous jigsaw puzzle, making this amazing picture of his life, his love. 

He quickly pushed his glass across the table out of arm's reach. 

'I've clearly had too much champagne!' he thought with a flushed chuckle.

Jungkook collapsed in the empty chair next to him with an exhausted sigh.

"You okay?" 

"Yess" Jungkook beamed.

"Babies aren't troubling you are they?" Taehyung asked, running his hand on Jungkook's stomach softly before pulling away. 

"Nope, they have been good" Jungkook smiled, caressing his stomach fondly. 

Taehyung couldn't stop himself from grinning at the sight of his new husband, still pinching himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. His cheeks, rosy from laughter and alcohol, his silver hair twinkling in the dim light, his crystalline eyes sparkling as he returned his look with a coy smile.

"What?" Jungkook asked, to which Taehyung simply shook his head and smiled.

"Nothing. Just- I don't think I've ever been this happy"

Jungkook's bunny smile blossomed, the corners of his eyes wrinkling. The rest of the room dissolved away as they leaned into each other, lips instinctively finding each other. Taehyung sighed into the kiss, tracing his mate's jawline with his fingertips. The beta shivered at the touch and deepened the kiss, his hands circling around his husband's neck.

'I love you, Mr. Kim' Taehyung sighed across their Bond, deliriously happy.

Jungkook pulled away from the kiss, much to Taehyung's surprise.

"About that" He said with a shy tilt of his head, hair falling over his eye, 

Jungkook toyed with Taehyung's fingers, twisting them around his.

"Would it be okay for other to see two Kim's" It took Taehyung a second to realise what his husband was saying. When it happened, Jungkook giggled at the gawping expression on the true blood's face.

"T-two Kim's?" Taehyung stammered. 

"You mean- are you telling me that you're taking my name?" 

Yes, Taehyung have joked and teased the beta about it but it was never serious, yes he did want Jungkook to take his name but it was completely Jungkook's choice, if he would have wanted to stay as Jeon Jungkook, Taehyung would have been more than happy to oblige. 

"Of course I am!" Jungkook looked like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

"You're my husband and my true blood, why wouldn't I take your name?"

Taehyung thought his head was already spinning from the champagne but now it felt like he was in the middle of a whirlpool. 

"But-but I thought you were going to going keep your surname"

Jungkook glanced across the ballroom for a moment, a soft smile playing on his lips. 

"I know but then I got to thinking, what if our children want to get married and they hyphenate? Then they'd be Kim-Jeon-Kim or something? Urgh, too cruel!"

Taehyung was glad he was sitting down, he was confident that his knees would have buckled under him, given that he couldn't hear much beyond the pounding of his heart.

Jungkook turned his gaze back to him and Taehyung saw a deep light glow in those Bambi eyes, his smile lighting up his face. 

"One day, maybe. Our kids are going to find their mates as well" He turned in the chair so that he fully faced his true blood and took both his hands in his, keeping their intertwined hands on his baby bump. 

"I know it is still a long shot but I've been thinking about it for a while now, Taehyungie and, I keep picturing our baby boy with your eyes and our little girl with my smile and it, it just makes me so happy!"

Taehyung gripped Jungkook's hands tight as he spoke, eyes blown wide. Taehyung's face had split in two, his smile almost hurting. He cupped Jungkook's cheek and pulled him in for a sweet kiss.

'Nothing would make me happier than this love'

A diamond tear threatened to fall from the beta's lashes as he returned the kiss.

'Nothing would make me prouder than having our babies finally, Taehyungie'

"Oh god! Get a room, will you?"

The newlyweds laughed at the disgusted tone that could only come from Yoongi. Sure enough, he stood a few feet away, arms crossed and scowling darkly.

"Technically, we paid for this room, so we're all set, thank you very much!" Jungkook teased the blonde alpha, much to the annoyance of the young man. Yoongi flashed eyes at Taehyung and huffed.

"I hope you both stay like this forever"

Both Taehyung and Jungkook stared wide-eyed as Yoongi's scowl melted into a half-smile as a rosy hue spread across his cheeks, shaking his blonde hair fondly.

"Are you drunk?" Jungkook asked, stunned because his hyung was blushing.

Taehyung stood up and walked towards the alpha. Before Yoongi had a chance to object, he flung his arms around his thin frame and hugged him tight.

"Thank you hyung" He whispered, his throat suddenly feeling tight.

Yoongi shoved him away although not as hard.

"Look I only came here to tell you both to get over there and start dancing"

Yoongi paused as he turned to walk away and looked back at the couple over his shoulder. His lips pulled back into a genuine smile.

"Bless you both"

Jungkook grinned at Yoongi and nodded his thanks. Taehyung smiled warmly. He took Jungkook's hand in his and gave it an affectionate squeeze, bringing the beta's attention back to him.

"Will you be okay dancing baby?"

"Of course hyungie, the little ones are good"

"Then, may I have the honour of this dance, Mister Kim?" Taehyung asked with a formal bow, stooping to catch Jungkook's knuckles with his lips.

Jungkook pressed the fingertips of his free hand to his chest in a dramatic fashion, grinning widely. 

"The honour would be mine, Mister Kim"

As they made their way to the centre of the dancefloor, Taehyung caught the smiles of their guests and the happy pulse of each of their individual scents. He hadn't realised until that moment just how wide his circle of friends had become over the years. And how all that mattered to him was that they were there with him. With them.

Jungkook felt the joyful pull of his true blood over their Bond and beamed with pride, his inner beta positively humming with excitement at how happy his mate was. His eyes caught the smiles of everyone around them as they vacated the dancefloor for them. Some, mostly the omegas, were already wiping away happy tears as he passed them. Others, especially Hoseok and Jimin, had already whipped their phones and cameras out to record their first dance.

"And now" the DJ announced, 

"It gives me great pleasure to welcome for the first time onto the dancefloor, Mister and Mister Kim!"

The room filled with gasps of delight as their guests realised what the DJ had said. Taehyung cast a slight accusative glance at his husband.

'You told the DJ before me?' Jungkook shrugged playfully. 

'You know what I'm like with surprises. At least I told you before he announced us'

Taehyung rolled his eyes and smiled.

The beautiful melody of a single violin accompanied by the gentle strums of a guitar washed over the ballroom. Taehyung gripped Jungkook's right hand gently and placed his free hand on the small of his mate's back. Jungkook gave Taehyung's hand an affectionate squeeze before resting his other hand on his husband's shoulder.

As the music filled the room, Taehyung led Jungkook with a slow sway, gazing up into his perfect Bambi eyes. Jungkook felt himself falling into the chocolate pools of his mate's eyes and sighed wistfully as the first verse began.

You , you are my universe

And I, just want to put you first

And you, you are my universe, and I

As Taehyung spun Jungkook gracefully in his arms, he felt his mate release an almighty burst of his scent, his happiness peaking. It washed over him, enveloped him until it felt like there was no one else in the room. In the whole world. All that existed was Taehyung and his beautiful husband.

In the night, I lie and look up at you

When the morning comes, I watch you rise

There's a paradise they couldn't capture

That bright infinity inside your eyes

Jungkook pressed his forehead to Taehyung's and closed his eyes with a contented sigh, the warmth of Taehyung's scent wrapping around him. Time froze. All that mattered was the perfect man who held him like he was the most precious thing in the world.

I fly to you every night 

Forgetting that it's just a dream

I meet you with a smile 

Never ending forever, baby

The beta smiled fondly as the lyrics spoke to his heart. Taehyung had become his life, his love, his whole world. He silently sent a prayer of thanks, thanking God for bringing this wonderful, strong, kind true blood into his life, for blessing him with all the love he could ever dream of. 

You, you are my universe

And I  just want  to put you first

And you, you are my universe

And you make my world light up inside

The true blood felt his heart burst with joy as he pulled his husband closer, circling his arms around his waist and feeling Jungkook wrap his arms behind his shoulders. He vowed in his soul to always show his mate just how happy, how proud, how lucky he made him feel.

I was more at ease in the dark

In the shadows that grew long 

And they said that we can't be together

Because, because we come from different sides

He thought back to their conversation a little while ago as they swayed together. Jungkook wanted to take his surname. His surname. He looked at Jungkook with a round belly and glowing, their children were growing inside him. Yesterday he had laid his head against his mate's stomach to sense their babies heartbeats, feeling them kicking and filled him with the strongest surge of true blood pride he'd ever felt in his life.

'Are you alright, Taehyungie?' Taehyung was drawn from his thoughts by the velvety sound of his husband's voice. 

'You're crying'

Taehyung opened his eyes and suddenly felt that his cheeks had grown wet. He looked up into Jungkook's eyes and immediately touched his hand to his cheek, reassuring the beta that he was not distressed.

'I was just thinking, about what you were saying earlier'

Jungkook raised a quizzical brow, still swaying in time with the music.


'I can't get it out of my mind! K-Kim Jungkook'

Jungkook's hand flew to cover Taehyung's hand on his cheek, a breathless gasp spilling from his lips as his smile grew wide. 

"D-do you really mean that?"

Taehyung pressed his lips to Jungkook's, feeling more love than he had ever thought himself capable of. 

"Yes!" The beta exclaimed excitedly as his mate flung his arms around his neck.

As their song trickled over the sound system, the young couple basked in the glow of their love as they continued to sway. Lost in a bubble of soft lights and softer kisses, Jungkook and Taehyung knew they would look back on this day as the happiest day of their lives. The day they had joined, in heart, soul and spirit. The day they had stood before everyone to declare their love and share the light of their Bond.

The day they began the rest of their lives as mates.

❃.✮:▹ The End ◃:✮.❃

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