Distorted Reality || Inso's L...

By chewy_chui

15.7K 655 102

What if the world you know wasn't your reality? The life you're having has been distorted. You woke up in a... More

i. L e e J o o h e e
iii. B a n Y e o d a n
ii. - C l a s s 4 A
iv. T h e 4 h e a v e n l y k i n g s
v. 3 y e a r s l a t e r
🎃 Happy Halloween! 🎃
vi. Y o o C h u n y o u n g
Long time no update
viii. E u n J i h o

vii. K w o n E u n h y e o n g

1.2K 61 21
By chewy_chui

This chapter will be full of flashbacks.


Third Person's P.O.V.

Eunhyung was the first one she got close with among the four heavenly kings. He approached her first after the incident.


It was after Baek Yeomin's scene when the redhead approached Joohee. Joohee was still quiet in her seat seemingly observing her surroundings. No emotions can be seen and her thoughts cannot be guessed.

The red hair shows a concerned look since the girl was pretty talkative during break time but now after the scene, Baek Yeomin had caused Joohee to be unusually quiet.

Eunhyung approached the quiet girl and tapped her desk.

"Hey, Joohee." He said while smiling at her. Joohee was dazed, staring at him.

"Uhmm, are you okay?" Eunhyung asked, feeling the intensity of Joohee's stare.

Joohee blinked, returning to her travel around her thoughts. " Wow, you're so handsome up close" she murmured.

Eunhyung was surprised by the sudden compliment. The tip of his ears was turning red as he tries to process what he heard.

(A/N: I really tried my best to edit the blush but I don't have any talent in drawing T^T forgive me but look he looks like a lost puppy!! 0////0 )

A soft giggle was heard from Joohee when she saw Eunhyung's flustered face.

I didn't know this side of Eunhyung could be this cute.

"I'm okay Eunhyung-ssi! I'm just trying not to sleep" Joohee said with her energetic tone once again getting Eunhyung out of his flustered state.

"Oh, you can take a nap. We still have a few minutes before the next class." Eunhyung suggested to the sleepless girl.

Looking at it he can see the bags under her eyes.

"It's okay. A few minutes is not enough for my nap" Joohee said while trying to stop her yawn. " I need about an hour or so for a nap" she added. Tears started to gather in her eyes when she tried to stop yawning in front of the boy.

Then the bell rang signaling the end of break time.

Eunhyung's P.O.V

P.E is the last subject for today. We've changed our uniforms into our tracksuits and went to the field.

"Today, we're gonna run. Get ready to run 5 laps." Our P.E teacher told us.

My classmates started to do their warm-ups on their own. Chunyeong and I were about to get started too when I heard the group beside us.

"Joojoo, are you sure you can run in your state right now?"

I saw Yeoryeong ask the half-asleep Joohee.

"Yah! I told you to stop reading and go to bed early last night." then Dan-i started to scold Joohee also.

"I did stop reading but my mind keep imagining what I've read then when I opened my eyes it's already 5 in the morning, Dan-i." Joohee protest to them while she tried to stretch on her own.

Seems like Joohee and Chunyeong can be late-night buddies. Tsk, tsk.

As we finish our stretching, our teacher signaled us to run.

"3..2..1.. START!"

Our classmate starts to run one by one, Chunyeong and I also started to run.

While running I noticed Dan-i was already panting although we just had one lap. Joohee catching up to Dan-i with an amused look on her face said " You tired already, Dan-i? Now, who's tired between us?"

Dan-i side-eyed Joohee noticing small giggles escaping her cousin's mouth which are getting louder and louder as she struggles to run then






she tripped.

Joohee's P.O.V

Karma is a bitch. Fck, that hurts!!!

I just tripped while laughing at Dan-i! Now, who's the loser here?? IT'S ME!!


I should have slept or pretended to be sick and stay at the clinic.

As I started to regret my decisions in life, I felt my body lift from the ground.

Firm arms wrapped around my body, lifting me at ease from the ground.

"Is this the famous Princess carry?!"

The red-haired male student had a confused look while looking at me.

Did I just say that out loud? Stupid Joohee, stuuupid! I started to slap myself internally.

"Hey Joohee, are you alright? Do you want me to take you to the infirmary?" He asked while still carrying me.

Well, my prince. You're still carrying me, where do you think we'll go???

"I hope this won't leave a scar."
Eunhyung asked while eyeing at my knee.

His handsomeness blinds me that I didn't even realize I have a wound on my knee. While in the background you can see Dan-i trying to stop a fuming Yeoryeong.

"Ah, I didn't even feel that. It doesn't even hurt. I can go by myself."  I started to blabber, the humiliation is slowly entering my body.

Eunhyung gently puts me down. When my feet were starting to support me again the wound suddenly hurts.

" Ah fck" I hissed. Damn! Didn't know this little wound would hurt that much?!??

"Joohee, are you really okay?"

I was still trying to mentally lessen the pain that I couldn't answer Eunhyung.

"That's it." He said when he suddenly lift me up again. "Woah!" That surprised me.

"Seonnsaeng-nim, I'll take Joohee to the infirmary" when he was given a confirmation he strides to the infirmary.

"I told you to sleep when we had a break earlier, right? You should have taken a nap, at least your body got rest even just for a minute." He said sounding concerned as I can't look at his face feeling ashamed.

I also think I am blushing... Waaaah, he smells so good!

"Joohee, are you listening to me?" He asked.

I was about to answer him when his face was so close to mine. His olive eyes are showing concern staring at mine. I was in awe that I forgot to feel the butterflies I was supposed to feel. The sincerity that I felt was something else.

"I'm sorry, Eunhyung-ah! I promise to sleep from now on" I said as I raised my pinky finger showing that I am serious with this promise but instead a finger will meet mine, a laugh could be heard.

" Joohee, I can't pinky promise right now cause my hands are full. Mind postponing it for now?" He playfully said as he slightly tossed me in the air.

Therefore, I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck.

If we were friends I would smack you on the head T^T

"Don't do that again. I'm scared" I said while looking at him.

I felt him flinch. 

Is my pouty face that bad, that you flinched?!? Do you know how tall you are?!? And what will happen if I fall from your height?!

"I'm sorry, I won't do that again next time," he said when we arrived at the infirmary.

Wait... Did he just say next time?

Poof! The butterflies came back and I can feel how hot my face is. How embarrassing, Joohee.


After that time Joohee is always seen sleeping during the break. Eunhyung was also taking care of Joohee because he knows how clumsy the girl would be. That perks up Eunhyung's childhood friend's curiosity on why his friend is taking care of the late enrolee with so much care. With that, he approached the girl.

Eunhyung's P.O.V

I saw Dan-i and Yeoryeong in the hallway carrying a bunch of bread in their hands.

"Did you buy that for Joohee? But she's still sleeping" I asked them while offering some help to them.

Then while we entered the classroom, I heard Joohee laughing.

She's supposed to be sleeping now, what is she doing?

Yeoryeong, Dan-i, and I stopped in our track. Trying to analyze what's happening in front of us.

Joohee was laughing while Chunyoung was being pissed.

How did she know what button should be pushed for Chunyeong to be pissed off while trying to get away with it?

"That's weird. Joohee is supposed to be sleeping now not laughing" I heard Dan-i beside me.

"Yeah, Chunyeong too. He's sharing his earphones with someone else today"

I kinda expected that Joohee and Chunyoung will get along well, so this doesn't surprise me that much.

A few weeks after that Chunyeong got confessed in front of us. Joohee got caught on the scene when that sunbae pointed at her.

I feel bad for Joohee. Seeing how Joohee remained silent after that, I know something changed.

Time skip~

"Class dismissed"

My classmate started to gather their things and leave, I looked at Chunyeong staring at Joohee as if he wanted to talk to her.


1.4k words

Hi everyone! The update was one day late again hehe, by next week I'll be on hiatus for 2 weeks T^T there are so many things to pass and I haven't started on it. Don't worry when I come back I'll post 3 or more chapters! Oh also do you still want me to include reference pictures just like this one? or not unless it's really them? 

Also, I think Chunyeong(?)'s name is not consistent in this book. Is it Chunyeong or Chunyoung? Your answers are appreciated!! 

See you in two weeks! Thank yooou for reading! <333

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