𝕾. 𝕸𝖆𝖓𝖏𝖎𝖗𝖔 {𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖞...

By IVBfanfics

201K 11.3K 4.3K

(Only certain parts of this follow the original storyline!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 41

2.2K 138 30
By IVBfanfics

If you enjoy this chapter then please leave a vote and comment, any and all support means a lot<33

Y/N's POV-

"Mitsuya! I didn't mean to rip it but now I really need it to be sewn back together" I said as I lifted my torn school skirt up to him.

He sighed "I'm not sure if I can fix it before school starts, we'll definitely be late" he said and I frowned "I know but.....please?"

He facepalmed "Ok fine, let me have it" he said and I grinned before handing him the skirt as he walked into his room to get his sewing kit. Perks of having a brother-figure that knows how to sew and design clothes.

I would be graduating high school next year, I find that insane. Especially after everything that's happened over the course of almost two full years.

I turn 17 tomorrow so I was quite excited.

Mitsuya came back out and threw the skirt at me "Go and get changed!" He said and I quickly walked into my room and closed the door "THANKS"


Me and Mitsuya went to the same high school since I live with him. So I was no longer at the same school as Hinata and Takemichi but it's fine since we still talk all the time.

I quickly got changed in my room and tossed my hair up before walking back into the living room, grabbing my bag and walking out the front door.

Mitsuya was waiting for me on his motorcycle so I got on behind him and smiled "Ready for another day of this dreadfully boring school?" I asked and he nodded "If I want to become a fashion designer then hell yeah" he said and I laughed "I'm sure you'll make it happen, you're great at what you do" I said and he turned to smile at me "Thanks Y/N, I'm really glad that we met" he said as he started the bike up before driving it down the street "I'm really glad we met too"

I sighed and watched the scenery as we rode passed it in a quick blur.

Mitsuya parked besides the school and we got off before walking side by side inside of the school.

"Next year is our final year" he said with a grin and I nodded slowly "Final year......" I said quietly and he patted me on the head "Don't be nervous, everything is going to work out.......just how it's meant to be" he said and I looked down "Right......I just don't want anything bad to happen anymore" I said quietly and he smiled "Don't think like that! And if someone does try and do something then I'll be right there to back you up" he said and I smiled at him "You're the best!"

I looked down again "Thanks for being like a brother to me" I said and I slowly looked back up at him to see him looking down at me with soft eyes "We'll always be family and I'll always love you"

My eyes widened at his words. He loved me?

His family had actually become mine and I didn't mind that one bit.

"I love you too Mitsuya" I said and he grinned "Ok let's get the day started!" He said and I nodded as we went our separate ways.

I walked into my classroom and sat down in the back.

I pulled out my notebook and began sketching little doodles inside of it before the bell had rang. After transferring schools......I rarely talked to anyone unless I was spoken to first.

I didn't look at people and they didn't look at me.

Sometimes I felt invisible but I knew that I wasn't.

I didn't really care about making other friends.....I just needed my friends from Toman, that's all that I've could ever hope for in friends. They've been with me through everything and I never thought that my life would turn into this after moving back from America.

But I really wouldn't want it any other way.

I smiled down at my small drawings, I was attempting to draw Salem. I thought it was fairly decent.

"Is that a squirrel?" Someone suddenly asked as they pointed down to my notebook and my eyes widened slightly as I looked over to see a girl staring down at my notebook with curious eyes "Uh its a cat"

She clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle her laugh "Are you serious? I would've never guessed" she mused as she took her hand away from her mouth and smiled "I'm Kayo" She said with a small smile and I smiled back "I'm Y/N"

"This lecture is pretty boring, I was thinking about ditching our next class and spending the day at the arcade......sound like something that you're interested in?" She asked and I smirked "Are you asking me to skip with you?" I asked amusingly and she shrugged "Maybe I am, although it wouldn't be very scholarly of me" she said and I chuckled lightly "Well maybe I'll walk with you when we get out of this class and you'll end up getting us both lost"

Her eyes widened slightly before a huge grin spread across her face "Maybe I will!"

We both laughed before she pointed down at my Salem drawing "Also the ears should probably be bigger and the tail shouldn't look so bushy" she said and I rolled my eyes "Thanks for the criticism" I mused and she put her hands up "Oops!" She said and I chuckled lightly before erasing the ears and tail as I began to draw them back on once again after taking her advice.

She smiled "Still kind of looks like a squirrel but we're getting somewhere!" She said and I scoffed "Like you could do any better" I said and she pulled out her book "Oh I beg to differ" she said as she flipped to a clean page before picking up her pencil and beginning to draw "If it looks better than yours then you owe me something to eat after school" she said and I rolled my eyes "Deal but don't get to ex-"


She held up her notebook to show a really good sketch of a cat.......I'm not even sure how she did that in such a short amount of time "How the he-"

"I grew up drawing cats during class so it's only right that I can draw them so quickly now, anyways what are we planning on eating?" She asked and I rolled my eyes "How about we worry about that after the arcade" I mused and she grinned "Right right, I like the way you think Y/N" she said and I tilted my head to the side "And I like the way that you think, Kayo"

She kind of reminded me of Baji, Emma and Mitsuya all put together. I was just having a conversation to myself about not making friends but.....Kayo seemed cool So I don't mind having one new friend.

She grabbed my notebook and erased the drawing causing my jaw to drop "So you see, this has to be fixed and then there.......and tada!" She said as she flipped the notebook back into my direction and my eyes widened slightly at the nice looking cat that was on her page causing me to sigh "Ok you win"

She grinned "Yeah I know" she mused as she handed me back my notebook and we looked up to the front.

"She's not even teaching anything interesting" Kayo whispered and I hummed "She never actually does" I said and she chuckled lightly "I suppose you're right about that as well"

I leaned back in my chair and looked down at my phone "Hopefully this class ends soon, it's only been 15 minutes but it feels like we've been in here for an hour" I complained and she laughed "Very true, but this is the last class of the day for us" she mused and I nodded "Can't wait to get out of here"

Hopefully Mikey doesn't stop by again, it would be awkward if I'm literally not at school when he comes by to see me. But I'm sure that he won't.

He's probably hanging out with Draken.

I looked out of the window and smiled a bit.

I guess I was capable of making new friends after all.


The bell had finally rang for that class to end so me and Kayo got our things and walked out of the classroom along with everyone else.

She turned into a different direction and I followed "It seems like I'm getting lost already" she said with a fake pout and I laughed "Yeah and I'm terrible with directions so I don't think I can help you" I mused and she cackled "Seems like we'll have to try and guide each other to our next class"

We walked right out of the school and down the road "This doesn't look like our next classroom?" I said in a questioning tone and she hummed "No.....but it DOES look like the hallway leading to it"

Yeah, she was definitely my new best friend.

"So tell me a bit about yourself Y/N! I want to know it all" she said and I hummed before looking up at the sky and contemplating my answer.

I could tell her a lie since I don't want to scare her off but real friendships triumph over that shit so I guess I should just be honest.

"Basically I met this gang member when I was 5 but then I moved away three years later and went to America but then seven years later I moved back to Japan and saw him again, he was in love with me and all of this stupid shit started happening" I took a deep breath before continuing "I got stabbed twice, kidnapped twice, put into a month long coma, my sister died from a 14 year old shooting her, I'm now in love with the gang leader and we are dating" I said and her jaw only seemed to get lower as she listened to me.

She frowned and then grinned "Dude! Your life could totally be a movie" she said and I laughed "I know......"

"Can I see it?" She asked and I raised a brow "See what?" I asked and she grinned "The scars from the blades.....-wait! That's probably super insensitive, I just thought they would look badass" she said and I chuckled before taking my blazer off so that I was only left in a tank top.

I lifted my shirt up and turned around to that she could see the wound in my back from Hanma causing her to gasp before turning back around and she gasped even more when she saw the one that I got from Kiyomasa when I first got here.

"That's crazy awesome!" She said before quickly shaking her head "Well I'm sure it wasn't awesome at all when it happened but it makes for some really badass scars" she said and I laughed before putting my blazer back out "It's fine, it's old news now" I said and she grinned "Woah, you seem so confident"

Not at all.

"Actually it was pretty scary when it was happening since I really did think that I was going to die but I guess that it's something that I can laugh about now" I said and she nodded "That's the spirit! Ah we should head in now" she said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the arcade.

There were very few teenagers in there, probably other kids that wanted to skip out on school. "Let's get started!" Kayo said as she took my wrist in her hand before pulling me over to a shooting game and we both stared at the game before staring at each other "We forgot to get tokens"

We were kind of stupid but I guess it works.

We both ran over to the Token vender and paid for some before walking back over and taking a seat.

We inserted one each and the game started up.

Kayo smirked at me "I don't mean to brag but I'm an amazing gamer" she mused and I raised a brow "Well I don't mean to brag but I never lose so let's see who's luck is going to actually run out"

She raised a brow "Well you lost in that cat drawing cont-"

"Shut your mouth and start the game!" I cut her off causing her to laugh as we began shooting at different creatures that were coming towards us to attack.

I haven't had normal fun like this in ages.

It feels like I'm always doing something stupid or crazy whenever I'm with the other Toman members.

Especially Baji......never hang out with Baji alone.

Mikey doesn't even let me hang out with him anymore after what happened last time......


"Chifuyu was busy and Mikey is busy so we should take this as a great opportunity to hang out" Baji said as he slung his arm over my shoulder and I raised a brow "Well what are we going to do?" I asked and he smirked "Follow me"

I had a suspicious feeling but I brushed it off as I went along with whatever he was plotting.

Me and him walked over to a rusted car sitting outside of someone's house "This thing has definitely seen better days" I mused and he chuckled "Yeah, like today"

What's that supposed to mean?

He pulled out lighter fluid and a lighter.

He's not about to......no he's not an idiot.

He began pouring it all over the car and my eyes snapped open "BA-" he quickly threw a stick at my head causing me to fall back and hit the floor.

That's definitely going to leave a mark.

"Ouch....." I muttered as I looked over to see that the car was now drenched and he flicked the lighter on before dropping it down onto the fluid. My eyes widened and he quickly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder as the car burst into flames and he began running as fast as he could.

"BAJI!" I exclaimed as people began running out of the house and yelling profanities. The car looked like it was about to blow up.

"Baji......MOVE! GO FASTER" I screamed and he began running even faster as one of the lights on the cars popped right off and flew over to us.

Thankfully, it missed us.

He ran into the woods with me still on his shoulder and I was trying desperately to move around in order to avoid getting scratched up.

"Put me down!" I said as I began punching him in the back and he laughed "No way! My adrenaline is kicking in, I could probably carry 10 of you with ease" he said and I rolled my eyes at his back.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled and he threw me off of his shoulder causing my eyes to widen as I fell into a small section of water causing my clothes to become drenched in disgusting and shallow water.

"Baji....." I whispered and he grinned "Wasn't that fun?" He asked and I stared up at him with narrowed eyes "Mhm you've got a big red mark on your forehead, probably from that stick" he mused and I glared at him before slowly standing up.



~End of flashback~

Mikey did indeed, kick his ass.

But anyways.....he wasn't the safest person to hang out with but he's definitely a good friend. All of them were and they all cared about each other like a real family.

I smiled at the thought before seeing a 'you lose' sign on my part of the screen and Kayo laughed "It didn't even seem like you were trying! Are you going easy on me or something?" She asked and I rolled my eyes "I just got distracted by something but I'm totally going to kick your ass in the next game" I said and she hummed "We'll see"

We got out of the chairs and walked over to a new game, it was a virtual reality one. "Well this isn't exactly what I was expecting for our next game but it sounds cool" she said as we sat down and put the headset on. "It looks like a fighting game" Kayo said and I hummed as we both took our controllers in our hands and placed a coin in each of our slots.

"We should totally get food after this"

"Is food all you ever think about?"


A/N- If you enjoy this chapter then please leave a vote and comment, all the support means a lot to me<33

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