Aquamber ^^Currently being ed...

By Epicplaidninja

190 2 5

Two fourteen-year-olds. Two necklaces. Amber and Aqua. The two fourteen year-old girls are Kori and Anne. ... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

6 0 0
By Epicplaidninja

A messed-up circle was drawn in a dark corner with a small pile of yellow straws and bloody bones around it in case the enemies came in unexpectedly, I sat in front of the pile, crouched on the balls of my feet, ready for the door to open, to flood the depressing room with blinding rays of unwanted sunshine. My eyes steadily glowed aqua, illuminating the brown, silt-covered floor in front of me like calming blue light that water reflected on walls. Every time I blinked, the entire room became scary and dark again.

Kori had her back against the dirt and blood caked walls, her eyes not lighting anything up since she fell asleep due to her phobia of the dark and small rooms. She might've been unconscious, actually.... Jack stood in between us, his face softly illuminated so I could only see the gray outline of his entire body, I couldn't see his face, I could only see his nose. "Hear anything?" I questioned, I saw his head turn left, then right. Nothing. His hearing tended to be better than ours.

Jack nearly jumped off the ground. I turned closer to him and he nodded at me fuiously, they were coming. I covered the map and hit Kori's foot, she knew the sign and pretended to be asleep. So did I. The dark swallowed up everything and the squeak of a door opening made my heart begin pounding rapidly. I slightly opened my eyes and saw a blond guy pick up Kori and walk out the door, letting the door close itself, opening an opportunity for us to run at the door. Jack grabbed the door as I picked up a medium-sized rock and jammed it between it and the caked wall.

Two guards were surrounding the door and there were no cameras, we had checked. The thing not part of our plan was losing a member. I barely even noticed Kori left, she never complained or talked. I moved my head and took out the card I had in a secret compartment of my outfit. My eyes saw a skinny, black haired boy around sixteen stand close to the door, one hand had a staff with a crystal that shimmered every color of the rainbow whenever he moved, and in the other hand a smart-phone with stupid quotes and gifs as he scrolled down on the screen. With the simple, but sharp flick of my wrist, the card hit his legs, speeding back at me with signs of proof the card had sliced him. Signs of blood. I silently gagged as I wiped the dark blood off the weapon.

A female with short black hair and blue tips ran towards the now groaning in pain boy, his jeans starting to soak in the blood. I put a foot in between the door as Jack used all his strength to keep the door from squishing me. I then used all my weight to pushed the door open for him once I had squeezed out of the door. The hallway we sprinted down with quiet feet was all white like a hospital. Sounds were heard to my left, it seemed to surrounded us like hidden speakers.

A simple point to my left, we turned the corner, the noises got louder. A mismatched, bright red door was in front of us. People were definitely in there.


Since you didn't know what happened... I'll go even more into the past.

I knew who scooped me up into his arms. Felix. Once the door behind us began to close, Felix whispered to me. "So you brought friends?"

I only glared intently at the fast-moving, eerie white walls. "I barely know them!" His crisp blue eyes seemed to freeze my gaze at him. Felix dropped my legs, his hand still on my back. His eyes began to make me uncomfortable, my gaze unable to leave his eyes.

"Join our group, Kori." Was all he quietly spoke, his mouth barely moving. I shook my head, backing away real slowly. He tried to become friends, kidnap me, just to ask me if I wanted to join his bandit/evil group?! He ran at me with non-human speed. My back was against the wall, his hand was around my neck again, but this time my feet couldn't touch the ground. Blood rushed to my head as I struggled, trying to loosen his death grip on my throat. I gagged and gulped for precious air as he smirked at my struggling. The red door sounded like it was being kicked at.

"Anne, Ja- ack!" My voice scared myself. His grip tightened as I said Jack's name. Dark spots started climbing the egg shell white walls. My heartbeat was rapid. My eyelids began weighing a lot. I just wanted to sleep now. My head tried going back, but couldn't. The red door broke into tiny pieces, same with the wall around it. Jack looked around the room with a random bazooka in his hands. Anne saw us with wide aquamarine eyes. Her eyes were sad and apologetic. She walked to Felix.

"I want to join." Was all it took for him to drop me carelessly like a rag doll. The second I gasped for air, my vision darkened.


Kori was on the floor, gasping for oxygen as her face became the normal color it usually was. Her pupils were so small you could barely see them. I looked back at the guy. One eyebrow was raised and his eyes were bored. "I want to join." I repeated. He smirked. My heart began speeding up. Jack nodded at me, doing something with his hands. A new plan. I grabbed his shoulders once Kori stood up, and slammed his against the white wall as hard as I could. One swift movement, he threw me to the side. I yelped in pain before Jack ran at him, Jack holding him against the wall while Kori helped me stand up.

"NOW!" Kori shouted, and gracefully jumped over the table in the middle of the room into the door. I limped past the table, joining her. Jack let go of the guy and all together, we sprinted though the maze until we couldn't breathe. Eventually, we found a door with the depressing outside world waiting for us, the sharp, cold wind excited to freeze us. As the rough breezes whistled through trees and against houses, the voice talked again

You see that orange building? Run to it as fast as you can. Now.

The voice was so forceful that I ran to the orange building with Jack and Kori confusedly stared at me.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Kori shouted out.

"The voice's orders!" I replied before looking ahead of myself again.

Kori's face turned serious, she must've gotten the voice too, but she ran to the right. Jack followed me.

Once you are at a nearby tree, sit there and wait patiently.


He is in the maple tree.

The sunset sat on the dusty ground, a maple leaf in front of the sun. The calming orange leafs were now colored more with yellows and reds. A slender shape was in the tree, their back towards me. Swiftly, I put a steady foot on a thick, sturdy branch and easily climbed up. "Hey, are you Shane?"

He jumped and acted like that never happened. Calmly, he kept staring at the sunset. "Yeah." As easily as coming onto the tree, I sat next to the person, the leaves barely moved.

"Come with me. I have two other people, a voice in my head says we need you. I know it sounds-"

"Okay. I'll come with you."

"Wow... Really? Been through a lot?"

"Yes. I don't remember a freaking thing about my past. Only my name."

I patted his shoulder before I threw myself at the ground. I made a gesture for him to follow and we talked our whole way while listening to the directions my voice told us. We were going to meet Jack and Anne at the closest tree near the orange building. Our portal to get out of this hell-hole.

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