Retribution: A 13 Reasons Why...

By espinosa1989

126 1 1

It all leads to this. 2 Years have past since Hannah Baker's death. Almost a year since the murder of Bryce... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 14

25 1 0
By espinosa1989

As Constantine & Hannah continue to try and find Clay's soul in purgatory, back in the real world everyone explained to Justin with what's been happening.

Justin Foley: So Hannah has her soul back, Ra's al Ghul killed Clay, Hannah brought him back the same way we were brought back, and now Hannah and this dude are trying to bring back his soul?

Red Robin: Yep.

Justin Foley: In purgatory?

Zach Dempsey: According to them.

Etrigan: Gone, gone O Etrigan! Rise again the form of man!

Etrigan transforms back into Jason Blood as the Bakers & the teens are startled by the transformation.

Jason Blood: Hello.

Tony Padilla: What the fuck just happened?

Zatanna: This is Jason Blood, he was a knight for King Arthur. He can transform into the demon Etrigan.

Tyler Down: King Arthur?

Ani Achola: Then that would make him...

Justin Foley: Really old.

Jason Blood: I can thank Merlin for that.

Everyone looks back at Constantine, Hannah, & Clay.

Justin Foley: How long have they been at it?

Olivia Baker: At least 20 minutes.

Jessica Davis: How long did it take us?

Alex Standall: At least 10 minutes.

Jessica Davis: What's taking them so long?

Red Hood: Batman said that when he & John tried it on me, they went through all my darkest moments in my previous life.

Ani Achola: Darkest moments?

Tony Padilla: Oh, shit!

Zatanna: What?

Tony Padilla: If they're going through Clay's darkest moments...

Tyler Down: Then they're going through the last 2 years of Clay's life.

Zach Dempsey: The tapes, the trial, Bryce's murder, the attack at Liberty...

Jessica Davis: Spring Fling, Senior Year, and Justin's death.

Alex Standall: Clay went through a lot these past 2 years. More than any of us.

Robin: Meaning that it might take a while.

Batman: Exactly.

As they wait for Clay's return, Constantine & Hannah had finished watching Clay confront Bryce while secretly recording his confession, passing the tapes over to Kevin Porter. They go through Clay's relationship with Skye Miller, Clay talking to a hallucination of Hannah, & the trial. They see Clay's testimony didn't go well & Clay posting the tapes online. They also see how Clay saved Justin's life when they went to find him in Oakland and rescue him from being homeless, the Jensens taking him in and adopting him. Then they get to the moment where Clay gives his eulogy at Hannah's memorial.

Clay Jensen: Hannah Baker came into my life at the end of one summer like a star that fell to Earth. Like nothing I had seen, like no one I had ever met. She was funny, and smart, and moody, and... and maddening, and beautiful. And... I loved her. I loved her so much. And I ask her every day why she did what she did. But I get no answers. She took those with her when she went. Leaving me, all of us, angry, empty, confused. And I know that hurt won't ever go away. But there will come a day when I don't feel it every minute. And the anger won't be so hot, and the other feelings will fade, and I'll be left with only love. A good friend once said to me, "I can love you and still let you go." So, Hannah, I love you, and I let you go. And I miss you. And I hope that wherever you go next, you feel peace, you feel safe in a way that you never did here. Wherever you go next, I hope you know that I love you.

Hannah was in tears after hearing the eulogy.

John Constantine: I have to admit, that was beautiful.

Hannah Baker: It really was.

Now they get teleported to the night of the Spring Fling. The moment where Clay tries to stop Tyler from shooting everyone at the dance.

Clay Jensen: Tyler! Tyler, what are you... what are you doing?

Tyler Down: Get out of here, Clay. Go home.

Hannah Baker: Wait, what is this?

John Constantine: Hey, that's the boy who killed that assassin that tried to stop me from helping your parents and your friends escape.

Clay Jensen: No. No, I... Don't... Don't do this, Tyler.

Tyler Down: You need to leave right now.

Hannah Baker: Wait... is he gonna...

John Constantine: It looks like it.

Clay Jensen: (Stammers) Tyler, please, listen to me. You don't wanna do this. I... I know you don't.

Tyler Down: You don't fucking know anything about me.

Clay Jensen: No. No, I do. I do know because I hurt, too. I was pissed off. I didn't realize how bad it was for you. And I'm sorry that I didn't. I should've...

Justin Foley: Clay!

Hannah & Constantine turn to see Justin & Jessica coming out from the gym as Tyler points his gun at them.

Hannah Baker: Oh, my god!

Clay Jensen: Hey, g-go back inside.

Justin Foley: Jesus, Clay!

Clay Jensen: Go inside!

Tyler Down: Get out of my fucking way.

Clay Jensen: Tyler, please. Don't do it.

Tyler Down: I have to.

Clay Jensen: No, you don't have to. You can turn around. You can go home.

The sound of police siren start wailing.

Tyler Down: Everybody knows already.

Clay Jensen: The only people that know are people who know you, and they wanna help you.

Tyler Down: Bullshit.

Clay Jensen: No, look. (Stammers) Tyler, they know you're hurting, we all are. And I don't know what to do about it, either. Okay? I tried hurting other people. I tried hurting you, and it didn't fucking help, man. It doesn't do any good. Listen to me. It doesn't! Tyler, listen. You don't get out of this alive.

Tyler then points his gun at Clay's face as Hannah watches in horror.

Hannah Baker: Clay, NO!

Clay Jensen: And I don't want you to die. I-I don't want you to die. If you think this is the way, if you really think this'll change a goddamn thing and not just be another fucking tragedy that adults cry about for a week and then forget, if you really think this is gonna be different, then do what you gotta do.

John Constantine: That kid has balls.

Clay Jensen: Come on, Tyler. Please?

They now see Tyler lowering his gun as Clay managed to convinced Tyler.

Tyler Down: There's nothing else I can do.

Clay Jensen: There is. We'll figure it out. Okay? I swear.

The sound of tires screeching is heard as they see Tony arriving on the scene.

Hannah Baker: What's Tony doing?

Tyler Down: What the fuck?

Clay Jensen: That's Tony. It's okay. It's Tony. We're gonna go.

Tony opens the door to the passenger seat.

Tony Padilla: Get in the car!

Clay Jensen: Let me help you.

Clay carefully takes the gun off of Tyler as he gets in the car. Tony then drives away with Tyler as Justin & Jessica now come out.

Jessica Davis: Clay!

Justin Foley: Clay! Fuck.

Jessica Davis: Are you okay?

Clay Jensen: No.

Justin Foley: This is fucked up, right?

Clay Jensen: Yeah.

Clay then suddenly hears the sound of someone crying.

Clay Jensen: Do you guys hear that?

Clay turns to see that Justin & Jessica have disappeared. Clay looks around and notices Constantine & Hannah, who was crying for Clay.

Clay Jensen: Hannah?

Hannah Baker: Clay?

John Constantine: Oh goodie, it's his soul.

Clay Jensen: What are you doing here?

Hannah Baker: Don't you remember?

Clay Jensen: I died.

Hannah Baker: Yes, but I brought you back with the Lazarus Pit and we're here to take you home.

Clay Jensen: This can't be real.

John Constantine: It's real, Clay. And Hannah is alive and well. With her soul intact.

Hannah Baker: We're here to bring you back. Jessica is bringing Justin back.

Clay Jensen: Justin is alive?

Hannah Baker: Yeah. It's over now, Helmet. The League of Assassins are done, we can go back to being normal.

Clay Jensen: How?

Hannah starts approaching Clay as she extends her hand toward him.

Hannah Baker: We're figure it out... Together.

Clay looks at Hannah's hand as he slowly reaches for it and holds on to her hand as a bright white light flashes before them as they now find themselves back at the subway station.

Olivia Baker: Hannah, you're back.

Jessica Davis: Did it work?

Everyone now looks at Clay as he begins to slowly open his eyes. He sits up and sees everyone is happy that he's alive. But more importantly, Justin is alive.

Clay Jensen: Justin? You're alive.

Justin Foley: And so are you.

Clay gets up and immediately hug Justin, glad that his adopted brother is alive and well.

Clay Jensen: I'm so glad you're alive.

Justin Foley: I'm not the only one.

Justin eyeballs Clay to look behind him as he turns and sees Hannah standing with a smile on her face. Hannah goes in and gives Clay a kiss.

Hannah Baker: I brought you back.

Clay Jensen: Yeah, you did.

John Constantine: I guess my job is done here.

Jason Blood: Got to admit, you did well, Constantine.

John Constantine: Coming from you, thanks.

Robin: What do we do with him?

Robin points towards Bryce Walker's body.

Batman: The pits are gone, no more resurrection. He was already laid to rest back in Evergreen.

John Constantine: I could cremate him.

Zach Dempsey: You mean burn him?

Everyone now looks at Bryce's body, not knowing what to do.

Olivia Baker: No, he needs to go back to his grave. I wouldn't want Nora Walker to visit an empty grave.

Batman: We'll take care it.

Everyone now exits the station as they make their way out. Tony goes up to Red Hood to return his gun.

Tony Padilla: I believe this belongs to you.

Red Hood: My gun?

Tony Padilla: Tyler said that it slipped out from you. He grabbed it and shot Heidi before she would kill Jess.

Red Hood takes his guns back.

Red Hood: Thanks.

Olivia Baker: What happens next? How are we going to explain Hannah's & Justin's sudden resurrection?

Batman: I can help with that. Just leave it to me.

Zach Dempsey: By the way, how are we gonna get back?

Ani Achola: Shit, we have no money to buy a plane ticket.

Hannah Baker: I know someone who can lend us his jet.

Hannah looks at Batman and smiles at him as he smiles back.

Jessica Davis: You know someone with a jet?

Hannah Baker: Well, I have been here in Gotham for almost the whole year. I may have made a friend or two.

Justin Foley: Like who?

Hannah Baker: Bruce Wayne.

Alex Standall: You know Bryce Wayne? What have you been doing here?

Hannah Baker: That's a long story.

Clay Jensen: Hopefully you didn't make tapes about them.

Hannah Baker: Too soon, Helmet. Too soon.

Everyone laughs at Clay's little joke. Over the following days Batman was able to help out both Hannah & Justin with their resurrections. He was able to get them legally brought back from the dead. Hannah gave a telephone call to Lois Lane and gave an exclusive interview about her life's story since the whole world is going to know about her resurrection. John Constantine left Gotham with Zatanna as they flew back to London. Jason Todd & Tim Drake flew Bryce Walker's body back to Evergreen County and laid him back to rest. Bruce was kind enough to give the teens a fly back to their respective colleges on his private jet, much to their pleasure. Hannah said her byes to Clay before he flew back to Brown. Hannah grabbed all her thing from Barbara Gordon's apartment as she was saying her goodbye to her as her parents & Justin wait for her in a limo that was provided by Bruce.

Hannah Baker: The only thing left to do is return the Batgirl suit to you.

Hannah returns the Batgirl suit back to Barbara.

Barbara Gordon: You were a heck of a Batgirl. I'll make sure the next Batgirl knows how great the last one was.

Hannah Baker: I want to thank you, for bringing me in and letting me stay here and helping me out.

Barbara Gordon: Well, that's what heroes do. What will you do next?

Hannah Baker: Well, I have to take some night school classes in order to get my high school diploma. I'll continue going to therapy. I'm moving in with my mother in New York, can't believe she lives there. From there... achieve my dream, become a writer.

Barbara Gordon: I'm sure you'll have lots of stories to tell.

Hannah & Barbara smile at each other as they give other one last hug.

Hannah Baker: I'm going to miss you, Barb.

Barbara Gordon: I'll miss you too, Hannah Baker.

They let go of each other as they wave goodbye to each other as Hannah leaves Barbara's apartment. Hannah head downstairs as she exits the building and sees Bruce Wayne having a conversation with the Bakers & Justin Foley. Bruce notices Hannah as he ends their conversation and says goodbye to them. Bruce now approaches Hannah to say their goodbye.

Bruce Wayne: I guess this is goodbye.

Hannah Baker: I guess it is. Thank you, Bruce. For everything. Taking me in, helping me, giving me my soul back. Giving me a 2nd chance at life.

Bruce Wayne: You deserve this 2nd chance.

Hannah Baker: Are you sure Talia won't be coming for us anymore?

Bruce Wayne: Yes. I've surrendered my leadership and all responsibilities to her sister, Nyssa.

Hannah Baker: Talia told me about her sister. About how she was against her father's agenda. Do you trust her?

Bruce Wayne: Not really, but she gave me her word that the League of Assassins will no longer bother you. Try not to squander this 2nd chance.

Hannah Baker: I won't, I promise.

Hannah & Bruce embrace each other with a goodbye hug.

Bruce Wayne: By the way, I do have connections to NYU.

Hannah Baker: You didn't?

Bruce Wayne: So when you finish night school and get your diploma, they'll be waiting.

Hannah Wayne: Thank you.

Bruce Wayne: Don't mention it.

Hannah & Bruce smile at each other one last time as Hannah gets in the limo as it drives away. Hannah takes one last look at Gotham City on their way to the airport. They take the jet towards New York City to drop of Hannah & Olivia as Hannah says bye to her father & Justin Foley. As the jet takes Andy Baker & Justin Foley to Evergreen County, Hannah & Olivia take a cab to Olivia's apartment in New York City as Hannah takes in the sight of the City That Never Sleeps. The cab arrive to a apartment complex and drops them off. They go up to the 3rd floor where Olivia's apartment is located. Olivia opens the door to her apartment as they enter.

Olivia Baker: Welcome home, Hannah.

Hannah soaks in the fact that she now lives in New York City. Back in Evergreen County, Andy Baker goes with Justin Foley to drop him off at the Jensens. They couldn't believe that he was alive again, Andy fill them in on how this was possible. Everyone is finally at peace after the horror they had to go through for the past 2 years. It was finally over.

10 Months Later

Summer was coming to a close with a week to go before classes return. Hannah was able to complete night school and got her diploma. She was accepted to NYU, with an assist from Bruce Wayne. Justin was able to go to the college that he was accepted to. Both Hannah & Justin will begin their freshman year next week. Before they can start their Sophomore year, Clay, Justin, Jessica, Alex, Zach, Tyler, Ani, Tony, & Zach came to New York to spend the summer with Hannah. They brought along Caleb, Charlie St. George, & Estella de la Cruz along so they can meet Hannah. It was awkward for Hannah to meet Estella, since she did kill her brother. Alex, Zach, Tyler, Ani, Tony, Zach, Caleb, Charlie, & Estella all left the day before so they can prepare for a new year of college while Clay, Justin, & Jessica stayed for a little while longer. It's night time, Hannah, Clay, Justin, & Jessica are walking together through Central Park.

Jessica Davis: Can't believe Hamilton was sold out.

Clay Jensen: It's always sold out.

Justin Foley: But at least we got to see Wicked.

Hannah Baker: Which was worth it. Gosh, can't believe me & Justin start college next week.

Justin Foley: Yeah, while these 2 have a year heads up on us and are kicking ass.

Jessica Davis: Yeah, can't wait to go back.

Hannah notices something is bothering Clay.

Hannah Baker: What's up, Clay?

Clay Jensen: Ever since last year, I can't help but shake the feeling that someone's been watching us.

Jessica Davis: But Batman made sure that the League of Assassins would leave us alone. I mean, no one came for me, Tyler, or Alex back at Cal.

Justin Foley: No assassins in Evergreen.

Hannah Baker: Same here.

Clay Jensen: I don't know, just a feeling.

Mugger #1: Don't move!

4 Muggers appear in front of them as they're holding them up with knives on their hands.

Mugger #2: Nobody do something stupid.

Mugger #3: Just gives us your money, your jewelry, & your phones.

Mugger #4: And no one gets hurt.

Hannah, Clay, Justin, & Jessica begin to laugh at the muggers.

Mugger #3: What's so funny?

Jessica Davis: You guys are fuckeddddd.

Clay Jensen: This is going to be funny.

Mugger #1: You think this is funny?

Hannah & Justin look at each other and smirk.

Hannah Baker: No...

Justin Foley: But this is.

Hannah & Justin put their League of Assassins training to good use as they begin giving the muggers the ass beating of a lifetime. They first disarmed them of their knives and then begin beating the crap out of them as they leaving them laying on the grass.

Clay Jensen: Wow!

Jessica Davis: Now that's what I call a ass whooping.

Hannah Baker: Hate to put all that training to waste.

As they laugh it off, they begin to walk away from the muggers and continue on with their night. From far away on top of a building, Batman was watching over them through binoculars with a smile on his face.

Batman: Well, done.

Oracle: Oracle to Batman.

Batman: Batman here.

Oracle: Where are you?

Batman: New York.

Oracle: Let me guess, you're checking up on Hannah Baker.

Batman: Yes.

Oracle: How is she?

Batman: Better. What's happening?

Oracle: Guess who escaped from Arkham?

Batman: Joker.

Oracle: And Harley.

Batman: I'm on my way.

Batman calls upon his Batwing by remote as it flies to his location. Batman climbs aboard his Batwing and begins making his way back to Gotham City, but not before flying over Central Park.

Jessica Davis: Guys, look!

They see the Batwing flying above them as Batman looks out from his cockpit and gives them a thumbs up and they wave at them.

Clay Jensen: After almost a year, he's still looking out for you.

Hannah Baker: Yeah, he is.

Hannah smiles as the Batwing flies away to return to Gotham City. Hannah will always be grateful to Batman for giving her this 2nd chance at life and she will always be grateful to Clay and their friends for being there for her after her death & after her resurrection. More importantly, she's grateful that she's with Clay.

Hannah Baker: Thank you, Batman.

The End

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