Dawn [Santana Lopez] Current...

By HokageKetsia

183K 4.4K 1K

From France to Lima, Ohio, Aurora Laurent is the new kid in town. She planned to ride out her last two years... More

Prologue - 2x01
Britney/Brittany - 2x02
Grilled Cheesus - 2x03
Duets - 2x04
Rocky Horror - 2x05
Never been kissed - 2x06
Naya ๐Ÿ•Š
The Substitute - 2x07
Furt - 2x08
Special Education - 2x09
A Very Glee Christmas - 2x10
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle - 2x11
Silly Love Songs - 2x12
Thank you so much!!!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ
Blame it on the Alcohol - 2x14
Sexy - 2x15
Original Song - 2x16
A Night of Neglect - 2x17
Born This Way - 2x18
Rumours - 2x19
Prom Queen - 2x20
Funeral - 2x21
First Date: Dance, Movie, 2vs1
New York - 2x22
Season 3 Bitches๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ•บ๐Ÿพ
The Purple Piano Project - 3x01
I Am Unicorn - 3x02
Asian F - 3x03
Pot O' Gold - 3x04
The First Time - 3x05
Mash Off - 3x06
I Kissed A Girl - 3x07
Hold On to Sixteen - 3x08
Extraordinary Merry Christmas๏ฟผ - 3x09
Yes/No - 3x10
Michael - 3x11
The Spanish Teacher - 3x12
Heart - 3x13
On My Way - 3x14
Big Brother - 3x15
Saturday Night Glee-ver - 3x16
Dance with Somebody - 3x17
Choke - 3x18
Second date: Roller Rink Date
Nationals - 3x21
Goodbye Pt. 1 - 3x22
Goodbye Pt. 2 - 3x22
Not a chapter but also not goodbye. Promise.

Prom-A-Saurus - 3x19

1.5K 53 4
By HokageKetsia

Aurora POV

I was reading Tokyo Ghoul when Sue was giving the morning announcements.

On the intercom, Sue said. "Good morning, McKinley High! First of all, to those of you thoughtful enough to leave maternity gifts outside my office, both I and my unborn child thank you for your lackluster Cracker Barrel meat-and-cheese medleys, and I'm sure that my trash can will find them delicious. Now it's time to announce this year's Senior Prom Court nominees."

"Your choices for Prom King are Rick "The Stick" Nelson."

That buffalo flipped the table like an ape when he heard his name. "Yeah! You know this!"

"Aurora Laurent."

I froze in my seat as Brittany shook me and I looked around to see kids clapping and Jaden giving me a thumbs up. This feels like a set up.

"And also, Finn Hudson." Sue finished. Everyone clapped for Finn but why am I nominated?


Santana POV

I voted for Aurora to be Prom King. It should've been us from the beginning.

"And now on to the category we all really care about: Prom Queen."

Becky said into the mic. "Becky for Prom Queen 2012!"

"Missy Gunderson." Some kids cheered for the girl behind me. You don't matter.

"Santana Lopez." I smiled to myself when I heard my name. I'm so winning this time.

"And Quinn Fabray." Sue finished then we loud clanging.

Sue shouted. "Becky, Becky, Becky! That's an antique!"

Don't care whatever that was but now I can figure out what colors Aurora and I are going to wear.


Aurora and I meet up after our classes and held hands as we walked to the choir room.

"I'm still shocked that I was nominated for Prom King. Like, why me?" Aurora asked.

Why not you? We're great picks for Prom King and Queen.

I stopped in front of her and smiled. "Stop thinking about that and focus on the fact that this will be the first time we're going together."

Aurora placed her hands on my waist and I wrapped mine over her shoulders.

"You're right. This is about us." Aurora leaned down and kissed me and I kissed her back. Fireworks. Every time.

I sighed happily as I pulled away and started walking towards the side door. "We will win though. Even if I have to create an accident for Missy."

Aurora frowned. "No, you are not hurting people."

Before going inside the room, I gave her a blank look and asked. "What makes you think I'm going to be the one to do it?"

Her face paled and I giggled as I walked into the choir room. I'm not going to hurt the girl, it's fun seeing her reaction.

I skipped into the room and when I saw Artie, I smacked my butt and smiled as I walked to an empty seat next to Mercedes. I wagged my finger against her lips and she smacked my hand away and hit my back.

As Aurora took a seat next to Sam, she said to me. "That's what you get." I flipped her off and she blew me a kiss.

As I rolled my eyes, Mr. Schue walked in with Brittany, he said. "Okay! A big congrats to all our prom nominees!" I smiled as Mercedes gave me a hi-five. "But, hey, listen up. We are all winners because Principal Figgins asked New Directions to sing again this year! Come on!"

As we cheered, Puck said sarcastically. "Fantastic."

"All right. Brittany has an announcement." Mr. Schue moved out the way as we clapped for Brit.

Brittany said. "Hello, my fellow Americans. The theme for this year's prom will be... Dinosaurs."

Kendall commented proudly. "Sheer genius."

"Thanks. I was inspired by the new girl Joe, who reminds me of a cavewoman. The refreshments will be berries, meat and rainwater. As you are no doubt aware, the U.S. elections are riddled with corruption. Therefore, to keep the prom elections completely aboveboard, I have appointed Santana and Quinn to count the ballots."

Kurt said. "What? That makes no sense."

Turning to Kurt, I said. "Shut it, Richard Simmons. Yes, Quinn's my homegirl, but I don't trust her, and you know she doesn't trust me."

Quinn backed me up. "We'll keep each other honest."

Mercedes said. "You know, It's actually not a bad idea."

Then Brittany said, "And last but not least, all hair gel has been banned from the prom."

Blaine chuckled. "Right."

"I'm actually not joking. Hair gel was not invented until almost 30 million years after the Upper Paleolithic Stone Age. And frankly, I don't like the way you look. Therefore, anyone who shows up to prom wearing hair gel will be turned away at the door. I hereby decree this to be the best prom Ever."

Mr. Schue said. "Okay. Let's start thinking of dinosaur song."

Kendall and I stood up and clapped for Brittany's idea. I think it's a great idea.


Aurora POV

Yesterday, Santana and I made our Prom posters since we're campaigning together with help from Kendall, Jaden, and Nina.

Nina took a little convincing because she thinks Santana hates her but I told Santana that Jaden is her boyfriend so It's all good.

And Santana and I are going to match. I know dad has a red suit somewhere.

Everyone is in the choir room except Mr. Schue. I'm sitting with Santana on the piano bench with my arms around her torso and my head resting on her shoulder. So what? I'm touchy.

Rachel announced. "So Kurt and Blaine and I are throwing an anti-prom party."

But why?

Mercedes asked. "What's an anti-prom party?"

"It's a party for those of us who maybe feel a little, you know, disenfranchised by the actual prom. And I got us a hotel room at Lima's best hotel, Red Rooster Express Suite, and everyone's invited." Rachel answered.

Behind me, Kendall said. "That's sad, Rachel. Even for you."

"Will there be cotton candy?" I asked, raising my head and Kendall smacked my head.

It was only a question. I rubbed the back of my head, glaring at her and Kurt said. "No, Aurora, There won't be cotton candy."

I sighed. "C'est décevant. I'm not going."

Santana said. "You were never going in the first place."

Hey, I was just asking... for a friend.

Quinn asked Finn. "You're supporting this?"

Finn stepped forward and stood next to Kurt. "I'm supporting her, and I'll be there as soon as I'm done fulfilling my obligations."

Kurt nodded. "The mood will be celebratory, the food will be catered, the libations will be plentiful, and the dress code will be creative black tie."

Rachel turned back to face the others. "And keeping up with the anti-prom theme, everyone is welcome, and unlike the actual prom, which ends at 11:00 p.m., ours goes until the wee hours of the night. It's where the fun's at, you guys."

Santana spoke up and asked. "Okay, how is everyone welcome when this is clearly just a party for you and the two gay Winklevile twins?"

"Actually, Santana, we've invited most of McKinley's underclassmen."

"I'm in." Puck said.

"But what about your tradition of trying to spike Coach Sylvester's punch bowl? I almost lost my teeth for it last time." Artie said as Puck got up and moved past him.

Puck said. "It's impossible. Plus it's a bummer, always failing at everything." Then he walked out of the room. I feel bad for him.

Santana asked. "Can we just talk about what this really is? Rachel Berry isn't getting her way, so she's punishing the rest of us."

Rachel smiled. "Santana, that's not the case at all."

"Stop acting like you're fine and start dealing with your crap. Look, you choked at your big audition. I get it. I'm sorry, but it happens. And I understand that you're pissed off at the universe," I had to let her go when she stood up to confront Rachel.

"But imploding on one of the last nights that we have to spend together because, basically, you're just not in the mood to dance is maybe the pettiest thing you have ever done. So have fun at your "I'm a victim" party, acting like you're not some selfish, self-centered, lame-ass wannabe diva from hell, because me, I'm going to go to my senior prom with my girlfriend and my friends."

Santana finished her rant and left the room making me follow after her.


Prom Night

Kendall yelled. "Aurora, let's go! I can't be late!"

Crap, I'm trying to look for my glasses since I can't wear contacts. Actually, I think I'm more afraid but I like my glasses. I checked in my jacket and I found them. How did I forget it was there?

As I ran down the stairs, I slipped on my jacket and got my keys. I looked over and saw Kendall in the kitchen.

"Finally," Kendall hopped off the kitchen counter and walked over to grab her jacket. "You're so slow."

"Hey, it takes time to look this good. Don't be jealous."

"Whatever. Let's pick up Santana and go. Brittany will kill me if I miss her dancing." Kendall opened the front door and I chuckled.

I unlocked the doors and we got inside. "I can't see Brittany being mad at you. Upset, yeah."

Kendall shook her head. "Well, I don't want to experience any of it tonight so let's go."

When we got to Santana's, the door opened and revealed Santana in her dress. It felt like time stopped and it was only me and her.

Maribel smiled. "Aurora, sweetheart, you're staring." I heard the two women giggle and that brought me back.

I smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, you look amazing. The whole world stopped for a second."

Santana blushed. "Shut up. You look handsome as always. The red suits you."

She motioned me to do a turn and I did and smiled. "Right? I got it from my dad and my mom tailored it to my size."

Hector came from the side and smiled. "You look great, Aurora. You look like your old man. Just better."

I chuckled. "I won't tell him you said that. He'd get emotional." Then I heard a honk and looked back.

Kendall stuck her head out the window and yelled. "Hurry up! We are missing Brittany's song!"

I shook my head at her and Santana turned to her parents. "I'll be back later tonight." She hugged her parents and I hugged them next.

I grabbed her hand and she picked up her dress and we jogged to my car. As we put our seatbelts in, Kendall said. "I'm telling Brittany it was your fault I was late."

Santana looked back at her. "Shut up, Anne Frank. We'll get there."


We got there in time and the gym looked freaking awesome. The dinosaur statues were freaky. "Wow, Britt really outdid herself." I walked in with Santana's arm in mine.

Santana smiled. "I'm telling you, my best friend is a genius."

We meet up with Artie and the others to watch Brittany's solo.

I walked to the refreshments table to grab a drink and saw Finn getting a cup of whatever Sue made so I decided to try it.

I smiled. "Hey, Finn." I gave him a hug and he hugged back. "Hey, Aurora. You look awesome, dude."

"Thanks, man. You do too." I nodded at the punch. "What's in the drink?"

Finn shrugged as he looked at the punch and Sue said. "Hudson Hog, Lizard Laurent, take a deep, meaningful drink of Sue Sylvester's Special Prombrosia."

Sue poured Finn a cup and then mine. "I don't know if it's the sentimental fetus in me talking, but I think it's my best batch ever. Nothing but Fruit Juicy Red, Manhattan Seltzer, and seven tablespoons of Visine, just so we get out of here on time."

Finn was going to drink it but when she said "Visine" he didn't. What's Visine? Is it poison? I sniffed the drink. It doesn't smell like poison.

I didn't drink mine when he put his cup down. Finn looked around then asked Sue. "Uh, have you seen Quinn? I-I want to make sure that I can, uh, get her and her wheelchair up on stage when she wins."

She nodded toward the exit. "Well, she had a couple of cups of punch earlier, so I'd probably start with the little girls' room."

I asked Finn. "Do you want me to check on her?"

He shook his head. "Nah, I got it. I'll see you later." He smiled as he walked away.

Okay, I'll go back to Santana then. I glanced at the drink one more time. If it kills me, Sue will get fired so I'll take that chance. I grabbed the cup and went back to my friends.

Mike and I were dancing with Kendall while our girlfriends were singing on stage. Santana looked at me while she sang and it made me want to kiss her on stage.

When the song came to an end, I helped Santana down and then kissed her.

After she kissed me back, I smiled. "That was amazing, love."

Santana kissed my cheek. "Thank you, baby."

"Cmon, the boys are going next." I took her hand and we ran to the front of the stage.

I didn't want to sing this time since I did it last year.

Santana and I were at the front of. the stage dancing with Kendall and the others. Sam thrusted his hips in my face and I'm gonna punch him in the balls for that.

After they finished, Santana told me. "Baby, I have to go count the votes with Quinn. I'll be back."

"Ok. I hope we win." We shared a quick kiss before she left.


Santana POV

I tossed the final ballot into a pile and shook my head. "My count for king is the same as yours. I don't get it. How could Aurora have only gotten five votes? She's like a sexy dance god."

Fools. All of them.

Behind me, Quinn said. "Well, maybe it has something to do with the fact that she's a girl with a dick."

"Well, screw this." I placed my pen down and stood up. "I don't want to be queen if Ro isn't king."

"Well, good, because my count for queen was the same as yours." I looked over her shoulder and saw she was right. "I won by one vote."

Whatever, I'm just happy I got to enjoy Prom with Aurora. I walked up to the chalkboard and wrote in Quinn's final number.

"I won. It's everything I've ever wanted and I don't feel any different."

"Cool," I walked to the desk behind Quinn and leaned on it. "I mean, I guess you deserve to win, right? What with being a crip and all." I joked and Quinn turned her chair to look at me.

"You know, we really have had the dream high school careers. Mega-popular, doing whatever we wanted. Whoever we wanted. You know, I'm really not surprised that you and I were the top two candidates."

I smiled at her and grabbed my drink. "Yeah. Well, you know, it would be boring if we weren't so awesome."

"Don't you want to leave this place having made a difference?" Quinn asked. I looked at her knowing what she meant.


Aurora POV

Santana and I looked at Blaine and I almost didn't recognize him. The hair... is frizzy and curly at the same time.

Kurt gasped. "Oh, my dear God."

I walked over to them and stared at his hair. "Mon dieu, It's like a hairball."

Brittany came from behind me and said. "Don't make fun of the new kid with the bad 'fro. It's hair-bullying."

Kurt said. "That's not a new kid. That's Blaine without hair gel."

"Is it really that bad?" Blaine asked nervously.

Brittany looked down. "Yeah, you're Mr. Broccoli Head."

Then Kendall passed by and said. "More like if Where's Waldo lost his beanie."

I elbowed her and Kurt chuckled slightly. "It's not that bad."

Brittany said. "Yeah, it is. It's really bad. And you made your point. I abuse my power as president but to help save the prom, and to keep people from turning to stone when they look at you, I'll give you special permission to wear hair gel, immediately."

Then we heard Microphone feedback and turned, Principal Figgins said, "Quiet, please, children."

Santana grabbed my arm and pulled me to the front of the stage.

I whispered in her ear. "Did we win?"

Santana smiled sadly. "No, bubs. We didn't but it's fine. You're here with me and that's all I care about."

I'm happy she feels that way but I wanted to win. I'm guessing Finn won because who would vote for the hockey stick

"First I have an announcement to make: There are reptiles living in McKinley toilets no more. The family of snakes has been safely removed to the zoo, and they can live out their lives in the toilets there."

I clapped along with the crowd. It's concerning that they were here in the first place.

"And now, this year's Prom Court: Nominees for the Prom King are: Finn Hudson, Rick "The Stick" Nelson and Aurora Laurent." The three of us walked onto the stage one by one as he called our names.

"The nominees for Prom Queen: Missy Gunderson Santana Lopez, and Miss Quinn Fabray." Joe wheeled Quinn onstage and the crowd clapped.

"I would like to invite last year's queen, sassy male student Kurt Hummel, to crown this year's winners."

Kurt walked onto the stage snd I gave him a thumbs up because he really didn't want to do this.

"And this year's Prom King is... Hmm, Mr. Finn Hudson." Everyone cheered and I clapped for Finn. I guess he can have it.

Kurt crowned Finn and Figgins gave him the staff. It's so shiny.

"And the winner for Prom Queen is... Students, for the second year in a row, we have prom anarchy. Receiving the majority of write-in votes, I would like to welcome on the stage... Miss Rachel Berry."

Woah, plot twist. The whole room got quiet as the lights shined on Rachel. I looked over a Quinn and Santana and they smiled at each other. The crowd erupted into a sea of applause as Rachel made her way to the stage.

I kinda hate how cute this is for Finn and Rachel.

Principal Figgins said into the Microphone. "McKinley Titans, bow down to your new leaders! And now, first dance of this year's Senior King and Queen!"

Me and Rick got off the stage and I meet up with Kendall and the others. Santana and Quinn sang for Rachel and Finn's first dance.

Quinn's standing! I repeat, Quinn is standing!

The whole room clapped and cheered for Quinn. I'm proud of her. I guess that's what Finn was mad about.

When Santana looked at me, I pointed to myself and made a heart around my face, and then pointed back to her. She gave me a wink and smirked.

I took pictures with my friends, photobombed some of Kendall and Brittany's, and took a lot with Santana after her duet. I got a copy of a lot of pictures I was or just my friends. This was the Best Prom Ever. Now all I have to think about is Nationals, Santana, and graduation.


Happy Thanksgiving! I'm so thankful for 35k and the people that have stuck with our girl. It still amazes me how many of y'all have read this and I'm glad that you guys love Aurora as much as I do.

Love you guys. ❤️❤️❤️ Let's finish season three with a smash.

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