Never Leave My Side (A Teen P...

By Sairahiniel97

145K 3.5K 469

"About that, Storm..... I - uh... I need to tell you something...." I started fishing the test out of my pock... More

Making Promises
Sick of Morning Sickness
Nothing Goes As Planned
9 Weeks
Planning Ahead
Worst Day Ever
Author's Note
The Worrier
Little Miracles
Wake Up
Leaving the Hospital
Be Safe and Good Luck
My Birthday...
23 Weeks
The Call
Flashback - Part 2
Cold Feet
Just Another Hospital Visit...
Never Leave My Side
First Meeting
At Last
An Author's Thank You

Telling Him

7.9K 217 7
By Sairahiniel97

A/N: Yeah, so I had written a rough draft of this chapter, but I lost it and I can't find it anywhere... hahaha. Don't worry though! I have it all in my head! I hope you like this chapter! Please vote, comment, and add!


I had taken another test to give to Storm, also to make sure that I wasn't a crazy psychopath who had taken a rogue pregnancy test. Although, I told myself, managing to take two rogue pregnancy tests already was pretty skillful.

I was in the bathroom, not wanting to look at it, knowing what it would be. I paced the length of the bathroom, which was pretty big considering it was the smallest one in our entire house. I had to force myself to not stare at the test the five minutes it took to process. 

Five minutes felt like forever. When forever was over though, I looked over at the test....


Damn it.

Well, might as well get this over with. I stuffed the test in my jeans pocket, checked my decency  in the mirror and unlocked the bathroom. Doing nothing except for crying over this was not an option. I had to be proactive about this, with Storm or not.

Although, I admitted to myself, him being with me would be nice. Darn Paige though. I didn't even think he liked her.

I walked out of my room (I had a bathroom in my room), and went into the kitchen, checking the time and then leaving a note behind that told the rest of my family I'd be out with a friend, a friend who just so happened to be the father of my child.

Pulling out my phone I texted Storm, asking if he was home. I waited to see if he would text back. I wasn't going to tell him through texting though. That is just awkward. I was just about to give up hope and decide not to tell him when he replied saying that he was. I told him good and he had better meet me in our secret meeting place or so help me.

My phone did its annoying jingle to alert me of a message. I will, I've got something to tell you, too.

For some stupid reason, the dummy inside of me was freaking out, what if he got Paige pregnant, too? Stop it, he couldn't have... I was his only...

I don't think I would have been able to live if that was true. Just then I got a text from Kit. Did you hear about Storm and Paige?

I locked my phone, not even wanting to read the rest of the message.My heart sunk and I became angry. What the hell? I told you so!

I ran outside and went to the storm cellar of his house. He had some explaining to do. If he was going to go knock up multiple females, he could man up and talk about it. I pulled a string and an old and very dim light turned on. I sat down in a chair, it's companion was across from me.

I was still fuming as I looked around, it was just as I had remembered it. Then again, it wasn't too long ago since I was in here last. That was before he and Page were together. Anyway, it was rather nice, his dad had helped us set it up when we were nine. There were these two chairs, upholstered with ugly fabric, and carpet that didn't match. It wasn't much, but we were comfortable down here.

The other doors opened from the inside of his house. There was the gorgeous father of my unborn child. He smiled at me, I frowned.

"Hey." He said, closing the trap door and sitting in the chair across from me.

"Hi, Storm." I said dryly.

"Is something wrong?" Storm looked at me, surprised in my harsh tone.

"Explain  yourself Jason Storm! What the hell were you and Paige thinking?" I asked uncontrolled anger spilling out.

"Uh... it was the right time to do it?" He was looking very shocked at me.

"Don't play innocent! I know what happened!" Tears started falling from my eyes. I was not planning on that to happen...

"Gabry, what do you mean? I thought you would be happy!"

"Happy?! How could I be happy about that!" I covered my hands with my face. Surely, had I not been pregnant myself, I wouldn't be crying about this situation.

"Gabry, you're not happy about me and Paige breaking up?" He asked gently putting a hand on my knee.

"Of course no- wait. What?" I looked up at Storm.

"Yeah... Paige told me she didn't really like me and could tell I felt the same way. I have feelings for someone else."

My heart lifted and soared. That was a big relief, but who did he really have feelings for then?

"Oh. Well, then I'm extremely happy about that."  I reminded myself to read the rest of Kit's message later.

"What did you think happened?"

I really did not want to  answer that.... It was awkward enough, but heck why not? Get as much awkwardness spread around as we possibly could. I took a breath, cleared my throat with a cough and spoke like a child.

"I - I thought Paige was.... you know.... pregnant."

There was absolute silence for a few seconds while Storm registered what I had said. Then it was broken with him bursting out laughing.

"Oh Gabe!" He took a short breath before attempting to talk in between his fits of laughter again. "You really thought we had - ? And that she was - ?..... You deserve dummy points for that!"

I chuckled a bit myself. I had forgotten about dummy points. Those were stupid moments between us two and then we would count them up at the end of the month when we were younger...

He calmed down and looked me straight in the eyes. No jesting lingered, only seriousness was in his own eyes. "I've only had sex with you, Gabe."

I got the chills when he said that. It made me feel special, but it also reminded me of why I wanted to talk to him in the first place. I had to tell him now. It was  now or never. And never wasn't going to cut it.

"About that, Storm..... I - uh... I need to tell you something...." I started fishing the test out of my pocket. He was still looking at my face and couldn't see what my hand was doing.

"What's wrong?" He looked at me worried even more so.

I held out my hand that was holding the pregnancy test. " I'm pregnant, and it's yours. Of course you probably could have guessed that because you're the only person I've ever slept with, too. If you don't want anything to do with them, that's fine, but I'm keeping it and I won't ask anything from you, I just wanted to tell you. So whe-"

For the second time, I was cut off from talking. I talk when I'm in denial. I just can't shut up, I was in denial this time because I didn't want Jason to reject me.

He was covering my mouth with his hand. "Gabry, you didn't even let me talk before you started rambling on."

"Sorry," I muttered through his hand.

"Are you really pregnant?" He was holding the test in his other hand, I couldn't tell what emotion was flooding into his eyes as I nodded. "Gabriel Evermore, I know that it may sound like I am just telling you this now, but I love you, hell I've loved you , and I want to be  apart of your life and the baby's life."

I felt like I could melt when he leaned in and kissed me.

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