Masquerading (Completed)

By Evilregal_EvilC

491 20 11



491 20 11
By Evilregal_EvilC

I'm not the most treasured Queen ever. My subjects both hate and fear me with a fiery passion ever since their beloved princess was pronounced a fugitive by her own step-mother. This just happens to be me, The Evil Queen. I hate that people call me that I'm not that evil. Sure I have tortured and killed a third of my kingdom because they help Snow escape from my army of black knights. I am insulted by this but I don't show it. I just put on a smirk and go on with my day, but sometimes the young pure me on the inside, sort of my alternative ego, will come out and take my brain into a guilty sorrow state. This is where I stay in my chambers and sob asking myself petty question after question in hopes of making myself stop then I remember I am evil because I was born this way. My mother was evil and heartless, literally heartless, and now me, her only child.

"Your majesty the Hatter is here to see you." I looked up from my spell book that I had stolen from my mother years before when I was still a hopeful before I realized my magical potential. I stood up from my vanity and walked down my hall of mirrors. I saw he was following me. I could see his face transporting from one mirror to another.

"What is the Mad Hatter doing here?" He hollered following me down the hallway. I flipped the end of my dress behind me spinning to face him. He stopped abruptly and I smiled.

"If I want my subjects to like me I have to be social and if I have to be social then I have to do things I am not comfortable with." He looked at me and thought while staring at me.

"You are hosting a ball aren't you?" I nodded sighing unhappily.

"Masquerade ball actually." He nodded and continued to follow me while I made my way to the courtyard. "I hope no one will recognize me." He sighed and I knew what he was going to say as soon as I finished my sentence.

"But your majesty why wouldn't you? You are absolutely beautiful." As much as I love hearing that I know that he is trying to get me to love him. He is a good companion but I can't love him; the only man I ever loved is dead. I stopped again and shook my head.

"Stop flirting with me Genie, I know you trapped yourself in there to be with me forever but I didn't want that." I walked quickly down to the courtyard to see the Mad Hatter eating an apple by my tree. "Jefferson so good to see you again it's been so long." He stood up not amused by me he fixed his hat and picked up his bag of supplies.

"What do you want your majesty?" He asked coldly looking distastefully at me. I waved my hand and we walked back into the castle towards my fitting room which used to be Queen Eva's study before Genie killed King Leopold. I had material and mannequins scattering the room. This was Jefferson's place to work on my dresses, hats, and other things that I ask him to make for me.

"Jefferson, I am hosting a masquerade ball tonight and I need a dress and a mask. You are the best tailor I know in this realm." He looked at me in shock.

"You are hosting a ball?! Did Rumple slip you something yesterday in your tea?" I shook my head aware of his use of humor which made a smirk appear on my face before I replied to him.

"Yes, I am hosting a ball I am inviting my royal advisors from around the realm and my subjects are allowed only if they bring a gift for me." He snickered at me as he sat down crisscross in the middle of the floor all the different kinds of material sprawled out in front of him.

"So if I make this dress may Grace and I come to your ball?" I nodded as I sat down on the fainting sofa with a smile on my face.

"Of course Jefferson, I will allow that." He smiled and stood up looking at the door.

"I'll go get Grace and I'll come back." I shook my head standing up blocking the door.

"No need Jefferson, I'll send Graham to go get her. You get to work and I'll stay with you for company." He chuckled at me as he pulled a pair of scissors from his bag.

"I do better work alone just bring Grace in here when she arrives." I nodded and he bowed as I stepped out of the room closing the door behind me. "Wait!" I opened the door slowly and leaned my head in.

"Yes, Jefferson what is it?" He ran his hand over the fabrics indicating he was lost.

"What do you want the dress to be; dark or light?" I smirked at him and he tilted his head awaiting my answer.

"Grace always picks good colors out ask her when she gets here." I pulled my head back and closed the door walking away heels clicking on the stonework floor hoping to intimidate him as I walked away.

I looked around my chamber before I pulled out a small jewelry box. I ran my fingers over the silver detailed pattern that made its way around the box. I admired the great detail put into every small individual flake of silver that was molded into it. I gingerly opened it looking at the gold chain which contained the engagement ring my fiancée had given me before he died. I can never love another person as much as I loved him. I closed my eyes and ran my fingers over the ring and I bit my lip fighting back tears. I heard a knock at the door and I quickly tucked the box and the necklace under a loose floorboard. I quickly placed the board back over the hiding place and I stood up. I made my way to the door and I just reached for the knob when there was another hard knock on the door. I gritted my teeth as I gripped the door knob turning it as I pulled the door open.

"Graham!" He bowed and Grace smiled while bowing as well. "Grace. Hello darling I'll walk her to her father." Graham nodded without saying a word and turned on his heels leaving me alone with Grace.

"Your majesty thank you for letting Papa and I come to your ball tonight." I smiled and she took my arm as we walked down the hall towards my fitting room.

"You are welcome. Your father needs your help with picking out material for my dress since you always pick out such beautiful contrasting colors I thought you might want to help him." She smiled at me and I opened the door letting her walk in first.

"Papa!" She exclaimed as she ran towards him. He sat down a ream of fabric and hugged her swinging her through the air. I couldn't help but smile thinking about when I was young and my father used to do that with me. I always was more of his daughter rather than my mother. My mother was cold and heartless never caring about what I wanted just about what she wanted but couldn't have. That's what got the love of my life killed, my mother's selfish want for me to be rich and royal. I never wanted that though I can't imagine my life without it now.

"Your majesty?" I was snapped back to reality by Grace's warm smile and her bright hopefully eyes. "It's a surprise. You can't see it." I nodded and looked at Jefferson, who had stopped what he was doing to look at me.

"I will be back in three hours. I hope you are done by then." He nodded and Grace kneeled next to him. She smiled up at him and he chuckled.

"Don't worry your majesty Grace will keep me on my toes." She waved as I stepped out and closed the door.


The ball starts in three hours and I need my dress and mask. I can't be recognized by my subjects tonight. I want to know why they hate me so much. I walked out of my chamber and started towards the fitting room for the third time today which is odd because I rarely ever go over to that side of the castle because Snow's room is there. Though I am the one who chased her out of the castle and into the Dark Forrest I can't bring myself to walk into her old childhood room where the fairest of them all once spent her days as a child.

I knocked on the door and opened it slowly as I stepped in. The mannequin, that was molded so it was the same size and shape as me, was now covered fully hiding the dress from me. Grace smiled at me and skipped over.

"Papa the Queen is here. Did you finish the mask yet?" Jefferson was too busy working on something to acknowledge that I was here and waiting. Grace sighed still smiling and spoke a little louder. "Papa!" He jumped and turned around to face us. "The Queen is here. Is the mask ready?" He nodded and picked something up, a small wooden box. He handed me the small box and Grace placed her hand over the lid. "Don't open it yet." I nodded and Grace skipped excitedly to the cloaked mannequin. She gripped it and smiled at me proudly.

"She picked out the material like you predicted and she is very excited to show you." I nodded and she gave it a small tug making sure she had my undivided attention.

"Are you ready your majesty to see your dress and mask?" I nodded and her smile continued to grow. "Close your eyes please your majesty. Papa open the box when I pull the cloth off." I closed my eyes. "One, two, three!" I heard the cloth ripple as she yanked it off and I heard it slowly drift to the floor. "Open your eyes your majesty." I opened my eyes and I was amazed by the beautiful elegant silk maroon ball gown. "Look at the mask." Jefferson handed me the mask. It was maroon with black diamonds on almost every inch only on one corner was three beautiful gray feathers sticking off to the side.

"They are beautiful! I love it!" Grace smiled and hugged me. When she pulled away I faced my hand palm up while I waved the other one in over it. A swirl of purple smoke appeared and then once it disappeared I had a small bag of gold and two invites to the ball. "If you would like. You may stay here and get ready or you may leave. Whatever you two choose you will need these two invitations so they know that I invited you two." Jefferson nodded and he took the small bag of gold and the invitations. He tossed the bag up lightly hearing the gold coins hit one another. He nodded satisfied with the amount while Grace danced around the invitations squealing.
"Oh thank you, your majesty! I am so excited! I can't wait to meet all the young princes!" I laughed as she stopped dancing and she looked at me. She tilted her head and she smiled again. This smile was different from the last one this was a sincere caring smile while the other was just from happiness. "You laughed your majesty. I don't think I have ever heard you laugh." I shrugged and started towards the door.

"I haven't had anything to laugh about in a long time. Jefferson, could you bring me my dress? I am going to go prepare for the ball. I have to check the decorations and such." He nodded bowing slightly.

"Of course my queen it shall be waiting for you on your bed." I stepped out closing the door and walking down to the throne room where the ball was being held. One of my royal advisors was arguing with a guard when the advisor looked at me and rushed over the guard shortly behind her.

"Your highness!" I looked around angered. Nothing was set up for the ball which was almost two hours from now.

"Why isn't anything up?! I sent you the list of things to put up last night!" She curtsied quickly and looked at me in fear.

"I never got a note. They can't find the guard that you sent last night!" Then I heard running and heavy footsteps. We all looked towards the doors. One was now shoved open and a patrolman from the gates was running towards us. He was out of the breath when he dropped to his knees in front of me.

"What is the matter?!" I said through gritted teeth. I was getting very enraged by everyone right now.

"T-t-the horse my queen," He gulped in air. "His horse is back but he has disappeared." I pulled him up by his collar now furious.

"What do you mean he has disappeared?!" He looked horrified at me which made me even more furious.

"His horse ran up without a rider. Saddle and all like someone just knocked him off or something." I raised my hand up and slowly he followed it his feet no longer touching the floor.

"He was to ride to Marge's house two miles away! How can he screw that up?!" I started pacing back and forth while he started kicking his legs hoping to free himself but magic can't be broken by at random leg kicks. I stopped pacing suddenly to something dangling from his pocket. I snatched it and unfolded the paper. I let out a low growl and he kicked even harder. "A snowbell!" I threw the flower at him and he stopped kicking.

"What?" He sounded surprised. He looked surprised. He knew what that meant. Snow had done this. I looked back down at the paper and she of course left a note.


Sorry Roy couldn't deliver your note. He is a bit tied up at the moment. I hope you liked the snowbell. There is many more of those to come.

Your loving stepdaughter,


I gritted my teeth and shook my head.

"I want guards searching the forest for Snow and Roy! Don't stop until you find them!" I started back up the stairs my heels making a loud clicking noise with each step I took.

"Your majesty where are you going?" I turned around on my heels and gave her a look.

"I'm getting ready for my ball! You need to decorate! If it's not decorated by the time I get back I will kill you." She turned around away and ran around and I continued up the stairs. I was so furious once I got into my chambers I thrusted my hands towards my vanity and the mirror shattered spraying shards of glass across the floor stopping just at before the tips of my heels. I waved my hand and it swirled into a pile and I walked around it going straight towards my bed. My dress and mask laid on my top of my covers. I snapped my fingers and started twirling in the purple fog that appeared and once it had disappeared I stepped in front of my full length mirror and slowly spun around. I never saw the back of my dress so I stopped spinning marveling at the back of the dress which from my lower back down to the end of the dress down the middle was a section of black diamonds and very few silver ones making it look like the night sky. I was tore away from marveling at my dress by my father standing at the door. "Father, I didn't see you there." He smiled and stood in front of me and smiled at me. He took my hands in his and looked at me.

"My little princess, you have grown so much since you became Queen. Your mother would be proud." I hugged him tightly and laid my head on his shoulder trying not to cry. "Even though she had a peculiar way of showing it. She was always wanting the best and easiest life for you." I nodded sighing. Father loved my mother very much while she was just so self centered she never acknowledged how much Father and I loved her. Even though we said it constantly she never responded and now I know why. It's better not to feel the pain of losing someone rather than to ever feel it at all.

"Even though sometimes she was too self centered?" I asked childishly. I knew the answer to that question. I always used to ask him that when I was very young and Mother would send me to my room for disobeying her on little things like for not leaving the room when she was doing magic. I always begged her not to use it, but now I understand why she used it.

"Of course sweetheart. Even though your mother was a stubborn woman, she still loved you and was very proud of you. You became exactly what she wanted you to be, a strong independent woman." I looked at him and smiled at him fighting back tears.

"Do you miss her?" He put on a smile but his eyes were glossy much like how windows looked during a rainstorm.

"Of course I do princess. I loved your mother truly." I nodded and looked down at the floor letting several tears fall down my face and to the floor. He lifted my head and by my chin and kissed my forehead. "I love you immensely more, Regina." I hugged him tightly and let a sob escape my mouth.

"I love you too, Daddy." There was a knock at the door. Father let me go and answered the door. He stepped to the side as Grace walked in. She was wearing a cute plum and cream ball gown with little golden beads sewn onto the material. Her hair done up in curls pinned in place with a golden clip.

"Regina look!" She spun around in circles and her dress glittered as she spun. Father smiled at me. Grace then landed on my bed and smiled. "You have a pretty name. Regina. It sounds like royalty." Then she giggled while fixing her dress. "Well you are royalty." I smiled and she looked at me. "Can you put my mask on? I can't tie it and Papa is getting ready." I nodded and took her half cream and half plum colored mask and helped her tie her mask on. "I'll do your's!" She said pulling me onto my bed and sitting me down.
"Here you go, Grace." I handed her the mask and she tied it while I held it to my face. She let go of the strings and I let go of the mask. She smiled at me and I stood up and she watched me as I spun around in a circle.

"You look beautiful your highness!" I smiled and she looked around my room. I became aware she has never been in here before.

"Grace, I bet your father is waiting for you." She nodded and curtsied before she walked out leaving me alone once again with my father. He smiled and closed the door chuckling.

"What are you laughing at Father?" He kissed my cheek and pulled me over to the mirror. Genie came up and looked at us.

"What may I assist you with?" Father smiled at Genie.

"Show us Grace, the Hatter's daughter, please?" His face disappeared and then with a ripple Grace was seen talking to Jefferson while she assisted him with his tie.

"So how did she look?" He asked as she started tying. She smiled at him.

"Beautiful, Papa. She looked beautiful." He smiled at her lovingly and she continued tying the tie for him.

"Do you think she knows that she is?" Grace stopped tying and looked at him tilting her head while she thought.

"I think she knows but she fears she won't find someone to call her that because everyone supposedly fears and hates her because she is 'The Evil Queen'." She sighed and went back to the tie. "She can be happy and she'll find someone to love her. She deserves that. Every person good or bad deserves a happy ending. Even if she can't see that." He smiled at her.

"You see good even in the most damaged and tortured don't you?" She nodded and smiled at him.

"Papa, I look up to her. She may do some bad things, but she is still a good kind person that she once was." He smiled at her and she finished tying his tie and straightened it out. Then she handed him his thick old velvety coat.

"So you think she can change for the better?" She smiled at him and he kissed her cheek.
"Of course! She already did." He looked confused and she smiled at him while staring into the mirror. "She paid you and she smiled. She never ever used to smile at us while we worked on her clothes. She always used to grumble under her breath and practice curses in her room till we were finished. Now she is actually trying to be nice. She offered to stay with you while you awaited for me didn't she?" He nodded and smiled at her. "She helped me with my mask and she complimented me." She smiled as she laid her hand on the mirror. "She is becoming a better person." I laid my hand against the glass and I felt several tears streaming down my face.

"She looks up to me?" He nodded before kissing my head and wiping away my tears.

"Of course princess you heard her. Snow used to. Remember?" I nodded and looked back at the mirror it was back to normal and I looked at my mask.

"I better get down to the throne room to check on the decorations." He opened the door for me as I walked out. I adjusted my mask before I stepped into the throne room and saw all the decorations set up; white and black roses braided at the stems were put in vases with water, silver and gold thread was sewn together and wrapped around the railing on the stairs, and gold dishes on each table set off to the side so the middle of the room was a dance floor. I watched as a group of peasants brought in their instruments. I promised to pay them handsomely if they performed to my liking. They all agreed to it without hesitation.

"Your highness!" I saw my advisor hurrying over towards me. She curtsied quickly then waved her hand around the room. "Is it to your liking?" I looked around once again and smiled.

"Yes Penelope it's beautiful." She smiled and I gave her a small pouch filled with gold.

"Thank you, your majesty!" She bowed and I curtsied in response.

"Thank you for decorating my throne room. I hope you can stay and enjoy the ball." She smiled and nodded.

"I will. Thank you." I bowed my head and people started to pour in. Mostly my advisors and then I saw my subjects walk in.

"Here we go." I whispered before I started greeting people as Regina.

After a while people started dancing and having fun while I talked to my advisors from across the realm when this strange man came up and bowed. I looked at him. He had spiky brown hair which was recently washed and blue sparkly eyes. His clothes were average nothing special. He was good looking from what I could see. His mask was Forrest green and a light brown it was plain yet beautiful.

"Would you like to dance m'lady?" He extended his hand and I took it as he walked me out to the middle of the dance floor. Everyone stopped dancing and stepped off to the side. He bowed and smiled at me. "Your turn." I curtsied and smirked at him. He chuckled and took my right hand in his left. He pulled me closer to him and rested his other hand on my lower back. I laid my free hand on his shoulder and the music started. It was soft, beautiful but most of all romantic.

"Why did you ask me to dance?" I whispered to him as we glided around. He shrugged and smiled.

"You haven't danced all night so I thought you might want to dance with someone." I smiled at him and he dipped me down and I left my hair brush against the floor. When he pulled me up he leaned close to my ear and whispered. "My queen." I blushed and looked at him.

"Is it that obvious?" He winked and I saw Grace watching us dance and I smiled at her.

"A little but everyone is impressed by your effort to be good." I smiled at him and he swept his arm under my legs and lifted me up, spun once and placed me on the ground making everyone applaud. As the song stopped we walked off the floor and I looked at him.

"So they notice?" He nodded and I smiled feeling myself blush. He smiled at me and looked into my eyes.

"They love the effort your majesty." I shook my head and he broke eye contact. I looked down at my hands which were cold and clammy. Why am I nervous to talk to this guy.

"Call me Regina." He looked back at me and smiled at me.

"Ok Regina. You can call me your outlaw." I crinkled my nose and tilted my head.

"Why would I call you that?" He winked and took my hand pulling me away from the ball. I watched Genie's face follow me but the Outlaw was paying attention.

"What are you doing with an outlaw?!" I heard him whisper.

"Having fun." I said as he pulled me outside. I smiled up at the sky looking at all the stars. I felt him let go of my hand and I looked down. He had sat down on a bench. I sat down next to him. He was staring at the stars and I watched him smile.

"I love looking at the stars." He whispered before he looked back at me.

"When it's nice I go out to the balcony and I practice my magic. Sometimes I shoot purple orbs of magic into the air and watch the gold dust drift down to the ground." He looked at me a look of pure excitement appeared.

"You are the one that can conjure that?!" I nodded and I could feel myself blushing again. "My boy and I watch them before I put him to bed." I smiled and waved my hand.

"You do?! I just did that to entertain myself." He chuckled and scooted closer to me.

"We love them it always makes my boy happy to see something so magical and mesmerizing. It helps him forget that his mother isn't around anymore to make him happy when I leave camp." I looked at him and I could feel I could tell him anything. My walls that I used to protect myself were down and I felt happy and satisfied with what I felt when I talked to him or heard him talking.

"You live in the woods?" He looked at me and I waved my hand and a small flask appeared in my hand. He cocked his head to the side and looked at it as rolled around in the palm of my hand.

"What is that?" I smiled and waved my hand in front of it and it glowed like little tiny golden stars.

"This," I said shaking the flask. "it's a gift from me to your son and you." He took it and looked at me and with softened eyes.

"You don't even know me or my boy." He whispered looking into my eyes. "You don't even know my name." He continued while still looking into my eyes.

"It doesn't matter. I trust you and your son I can probably trust. You seem like a noble man and I believe you would never lie to a queen because you lie to me well," I smirked at him and he started to chuckle. "I will hunt you down and throw you into the cells underground where I put all the people that disobey me." He raised his hands into the air pretending to surrender to me getting down on her knees.
"Please forgive me, Regina. My queen. Please not the dungeon! Anything but the dungeon!" I giggled and yanked him back onto the bench. We both laughed and I picked the flask up off the ground.

"You dropped this." He took it from my hand and placed it in his pocket. "It is the magic that make the orbs but it is the gold dust from it. Just shake it and it'll be like the light of the candle only it won't go out until the first light of morning." He smiled at me and he stood up.

"Thank you, Regina." I stood up and I smiled at him and he looked at the woods North of us." He sighed and dug his boot into the dirt. "Can I confess something?" I nodded and stood in front of him. He looked at me and smiled shyly. "This may come on strong but I am going to say it anyways." He sucked in a deep breath and I got really worried he was going to admit that he was sent he to kill me then he would jab me in the abdomen with a knife. "I am the kind of person that keeps to myself and doesn't talk to women much. I still had a feeling my wife was still alive and that she would come back. But talking to you made me realize that I can move and convince myself that she is dead and that I am never going to see her again. I had walls built up taller than your castle and now they have turned into dust. I feel like I can tell you anything." I stood there shocked that he even admitted such a thing to me. A person that no one ever really acknowledges as a person to care about anyone but herself. He saw past that and I just don't know what to say to him. I felt him grab my hands and I looked up at him. "Did I frighten you, Regina?" I shook my head and smiled at him.

"No, I was just thinking. You did the same thing with me." His hands were still holding mine and I smiled. "My fiancee died years ago he was killed by my mother because of me. Because he loved me. Me! I am nothing to die for but like you said my walls came down when you asked me to dance. No man is brave enough nor stupid enough to ask me to dance. But you defied the odds and I am very fortunate that I said accepted you request." He smiled at me and pulled me a little closer to him.

"You are every bit worth dying for Regina." I blushed and felt his lips on my cheek and I felt myself start to blush. I looked at the throne room the ball was still going on and that made me smile. I still had time with him; to talk to him and to be with him.

"Why don't you tell me your name Outlaw?" He smiled and winked at me. I let go of one of his hands and looked at him. "Is it because I am queen and I might throw you into my dungeon or because you are scared that I will get attached to you?" He bit his lip and shook his head.

"I'm afraid you will think of me as just a thief." I shook my head and he had that disappointed look on his face

"Then why tell me you are an outlaw?!" I asked my voice gradually getting louder.

"Because I haven't stolen from you just your advisors." I stepped closer to him.

"I won't tell them. I promise." He shook his head.

"I will just not yet. I want to know myself that I can completely tell you anything." I nodded and I smiled at him.

"Alright then Outlaw come with me. I am taking you to a very special place." He nodded and I kept holding one of his hands and we walked into the castle and down a long hallway and into an old dusty room. It's furniture is covered with sheets. I pulled one off of a desk and I flicked one of my fingers towards the opposite wall and it slid over there slowly and I looked at the trap door in the wall. I pulled it open and I looked at the outlaw.

"What is this place?" I looked at him and started to put my legs through the door.

"My mother's chambers." He watched as I pulled myself all the way in and I stood up starting down the stairs. "Scared?!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs. He slid in with ease and started down the stairs after me.

"Never. I danced with you didn't I?" I laughed. "I fear nothing." I smirked up at him.

"Oh trust me Outlaw you will feel fear tonight." Then I let out an evil laugh before I lead him down a torch light corridor. At the end was a hand carved wooden door with grimmy gold on the door frame but there was no door handle. He looked at the door and I reached toward the door and I pressed my hand into it. Slowly it opened and I stepped in to a pitch black environment. I looked back at him and I waved my hand and several candles light up to reveal a portable chest my mother had brought with us from our old home before I married Snow's father.

"What is that noise?" He whispered as I smiled at the sound of beating hearts. I opened the chest and smiled at the dozens of boxes filled with glowing magical hearts my mother had ripped out of peoples bodies so they would do her whatever she desired them to do just by whispering what she wanted them to say or do to the heart and they would. The outlaw walked up behind me and grabbed a box. "What are in these?" I looked at the rest of the boxes and let out a sigh.

"The hearts my mother ripped out of people." I heard him let out a gasp and the box dropped to the floor. I picked it up in a hurry and sat it back in the chest closing it. He looked at me taking a step back.

"Are you able to do what your mother did?" I looked down at the floor and nodded slowly. "Why haven't you done that to me then Regina?" I looked up at him and I shook my head.

"I only do it to people who deserve it." He stepped closer to me and I looked back up at him. "I like you. You don't annoy me." He looked me in the eyes and he smiled again.

"Well I like you, too Regina." I blushed and quickly turned around locked the chest. I sat on top of it and he pulled up and old chair.

"Do you want to go dance again?" He stood up and took my hand leading me up the stairs I locked the trap door on our way out and moved the desk back. He wasn't stopping so on our way out of the room I locked the door and grabbed the knob yanking it shut on our way down the hall. When we walked into the throne room everyone was listening to one of my advisors talk.

"Your queen is-" I cleared my throat and tapped him on his shoulder.

"Sorry for leaving the ball. I was showing a friend around. Now go dance everyone!" They all briefly clapped and went onto the floor. The Outlaw grabbed my hand and pulled me into the middle of the floor.

We danced for what seemed like ages but after several different melodies I sat down and yawned.

"Are you tired, Regina?" I shrugged and I groaned as I stood back up. My legs ached and I felt like dropping to the floor. My eyelids were begging for sleep sliding close every few seconds.

"No, I'm fine." He shook his head and scooped me up. I glared at him and he smiled.

"You are going to bed Regina and you won't stop me because we both know you like me too much to use magic on me." I laid my head on his shoulder and he went up to one of my advisors and I waved to him.

"I'm going to bed escort the guest out please." He nodded and we started walking towards my chambers. He opened the door and sat me on the bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow my eyes weren't going to open again. He sighed and I heard the chair in the corner of the room being moved towards the bed. Then there was a dip towards the end of the bed. It was his feet I assume.

"Are you still awake my queen?" As much as I wanted to talk to him I was too tired. He sighed and I felt his hand touch my side. "Ok. I guess I am alone then." He sighed again and groaned. He was stretching my guess because the bed dipped farther. "Well Regina I've always wanted to be able to talk to you but I thought if you knew I was Robin Hood I thought you would kill me. My boy doesn't need to lose his father too." He grabbed my hand. "But when I got to know you I found out you are a kind, sweet, beautiful woman under that hurt tortured disguise. I had a great time. I loved being able to get to know such a beautiful woman. I think I fell in love with you the first time I laid my eyes on you." He grabbed my hand and rubbed it with his thumb. "Can stay with you till first light but that's all. My boy will be worried."

He stayed with me all night and didn't leave my side all night. I could hear his deep breaths when he was asleep until I fell asleep. I couldn't help but feel that he actually did love me and that I feel that I am in love with him. I've only have known him for a few hours but I have feelings for him.

When I woke up I heard the door shutting. It was barely daylight and I knew he was leaving me to be alone in this big prison. I groggily got to my feet and I ran half asleep towards him.

"Outlaw!" I yelled but he must've told me this because everyone calls him that. I watched him near the woods and I couldn't let him leave. I felt my hands heat up and I shook them out running faster toward him. "Robin Hood!" He froze and I he turned around and I slowed down. He looked at me in confusion and I smiled. "You told me your name last night. My eyes wouldn't open last night. I'm sorry Robin." He pulled me into him and hugged me. I gasped and wrapped my arms around him. I laid my head on his shoulder and he rubbed my back.

"Did you hear everything?" I smiled at him and he pressed his lips to my forehead. I laughed and I looked at him.

"Take me to your camp Robin." He sighed.

"I can't do that Regina. If any of your guards or advisors knew I'd surely be killed. I'm sorry Regina but Roland can't lose me too." I blinked back tears.

"But Robin-" He pulled me into him again and I took a deep breath.

"We can meet out here." I looked at him and smiled.

"Really?" He cupped my face in his hands and smiled at me.

"I promise. Nothing will stop me from coming to see you." I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you." I whispered to him and he smiled at me.

"I love you too, Regina. But, I have to go. My boy probably will be up when I get back to camp." He leaned in and I closed my eyes. Before I knew the kiss was over he was already passing through the brush.

"Bye my outlaw." As he disappeared into the woods I knew he'd come back to me. I knew he would not disappoint me because when he said he loved me I knew it was really true. Now I can stop masquerading behind an evil, tortured, manipulated mask and just be Regina not the Evil Queen.

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