My mistress

By ondickk

133K 1.1K 286

Who knew The arrogant CEO is actually the biggest submissive Cler anson the one who is cold and arrogant the... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
A/N please read
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
part 10

Part 6

9.1K 96 9
By ondickk

(since, im such a nice person I am finally going to update yaaay)

I really love seeing him like this.

"Baby, You want a shower?"

"Y-Yes mommy"

 I get up and go to prepare a shower for my baby, Ugh he's so cute. I prepare the shower.

"Baby, come in. your shower is readyy"

He tries to get up and I hear him grunt. Oh god, is he okay? I rush towards him. and see him. "baby is everything alright"

"Mommy my legs, they hurt"

 Oh so thats why he was grunting earlier, I chuckle. he really is a precious boy. besides no matter how hard and rough I fuck him, he still is mine.

"how cute, let me help you"

 I carry him softly to the bathroom and place him in the tub. 

"do you want me to wash your hair?"

his P.O.V

I start smiling like a phsyco, oh god i really love her, she wants to wash my hair and obviously, how can I say no, my mommy is soo pretty

"Yes please wash my hair"

she grabs some shampoo and starts to apply it to my scalp, shes massaging my hair, oh god it feels so good. she suddenly pours some cold water.

I flinch a bit and she smirks.

"What happened baby is the water too cold?"

"yes mommyyy its too cold"

she chuckles, "too bad"

then she goes back to pouring and massaging my hair.

"Mommy it feels so oh, good"

She smiles and continues, who would have ever known ME cler anson, would let a girl dominate in bed. even I myself never expected this, but oh well shes too pretty to resist. I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling.

"My baby, your all mine. If anyone touches you, I'll slit their throat"

"Yes mommy, a-all yours"

I just love her, she looks so hot like this, all dominant and controlling. thinking about her can make me cum, oh god. sometimes I wonder if she could make me cum by dirty talk? what am I thinking course she can.

I snap back in reality by the cold water hitting my dick, looks like she did it on purpose. I moan

"Mommy, too c-cold"

" I know love, thats why I poured it, just wanted to see how you react"

"mommyyy your teasing me"

"maybe I am"

She laughs. even her laugh is pretty but deep, no fair. My laugh sounds like a godzilla laughing. I smile towards her.


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