Into The Unknown (Boku no her...

By otaku_katsuo

136K 5.9K 4.8K

Many things were hidden from him, there was so much he didn't know about his life and so much he didn't bothe... More

{1} Don't look back (Edited)
{2} The Slug Villain (Edited)
{3} Promise? (lil bit Edited)
{4} Pikachu
{5} Quirk... you have a quirk!?!
{6} Icy Hot
{7} Lunch Rush
{8} Familiar
#SPECIAL ||You're me!?||
{9} What the hell (edited)
{10} Obstacle race (Edited)
{11} Let's team up
{12} [l/n] vs Ashido (lil bit edited)
{13} Challenge
{14} One hell of a fight (lil bit edited)
{15} Thanks a lot Fate
{16} Friends
{17} Nightmare
{18} I've missed you
{19} Students + Dying = Studying
{20} Final exam
{21} Midoriya is best boi
{22} Forgive me?
{23} Beasts' Forest
{24} Curse my tiny bladder
{25} Blue Flames
{26} I don't lie
{27} Visitors
{28} And I Oop-
#Special ||Ōsama's Game||
{29} Hold me...
{30} Level up
{31} Swapped
{32} Everything's a mess
{33} Team Daddy Issues
{34} We need to talk
{35} Secrets Unfolded
{36} Ku
{37} Your Moment
{38} Work Studies
{39} Dream Come True?
{40} Two Secrets
{41} Sugulite
{42} How to Catch a Gang Pt. 1
{43} How to Catch a Gang Pt. 2
{44} Do Your Best
{45} Fine... I'll Do It Myself
{46} Preparations
{48} Dropping Hints
{49} Operation Befriend Monoma?
{50} Brawl
{51} You're Hot, Cupcake
{52} Hormonal Teenager
{53} A Fluke
{54} Idiot
Ja ne~

{47} Beauty Pageant

594 35 11
By otaku_katsuo

**3rd person's POV

[m/n] started off his morning feeling fine, he had a small pit in his stomach but that was barely noticeable. He would be fine, their performance would go great and he would do great during the beauty pageant.

By the time they were starting to get ready around 7:30 the pit grew a little bit in size, but he would be fine, the feeling would go away soon enough. So he carried on mentality rehearsing as the class continued to prepare everything for their performance.

Another hour passed and the pit now resembled a hole bubbling with anxiety at the bottom of his stomach. And it didn't help that he was in the fitting room with some of the other girls for the beauty pageant and no one from class was with him.

He only had on his orange pants and purple boots and the orange t-shirt the class ordered for their performance.

He sat in one corner painting his nails red and black, suddenly he heard an unfortunately familiar loud cackled echo around the room. He looked up to see Monoma pointing a finger at Kendo and laughing.

"What's with those clothes, Kendo!?"

"Oh, that looks good on you!" Tetsutetsu said

"Isn't it too sexy?" Another class b students questioned

"Oi, boys, don't just walk in like this..."

[m/n] went back to focus on his nails, not wanted to bother whatever they had going on and also wanting to focus on calming his own ever growing nerves.

What was it that Yaoyorozu always chanted? Clear and serene, clear and serene. He repeated as he blew on his fingers so the nail polish could dry faster.

"—/n], hey [l/n]!" [m/n] looked up to see Tetsutetsu standing in front of him

"Oh hey, sorry didn't see you there!" [m/n] stood up and smiled

"When Monoma said you were participating in the pageant I thought he was messing with us, but I guess not!" He laughed

"If I'm being honest—" [m/n] leaned forward and whispered into Tetsutetsu's ear "I'm just doing this to piss Monoma off."

A loud laugh escaped Tetsutetsu's lips drawing Monoma's attention to them

"Oi, don't fraternise with the enemy, Tetsutetsu!" Monoma barked as he stomped over to them

"I'm not the enemy, Monoma" [m/n] put a hand on his hips and rolled his eyes

" that what you're wearing for the pageant?" The blonde looked him up and down and started cackling "you look like a glow stick"

"Ha. Ha. Very funny" [m/n] deadpanned

"Quit being mean Monoma" Tetsutetsu nudged him quite hard against his side "he probably did his best"

"Tetsu!? This isn't my whole outfit"

"Oh that a relief" the silver haired boy sighed "I wasn't sure how much more I could've defend you"

[m/n] slapped his palm against his forehead and let out a loud groan.

"[m/n]?" Said boy jolted at the familiar voice "you're participating in the beauty pageant!?"

"...yeah. It's a long-ish story" [m/n] shrugged "I'm guessing you are too"

"Yeah..." [s/s] nodded.

It had been a long while since they had their talk and made up? And just as long since they had a conversation that didn't start and end with an awkward 'hey.'

"Anyways I gotta go, I have to get ready for our performance" [m/n] cleared his throat and waved at Tetsutetsu and [s/s] "good luck."

"You too..."

"Oh alright, good luck dude!"

It was 9:30 when [m/n] left the fitting room, so he had 30 minutes left before their performance would start. He knew by now everyone should be in their places, the band team behind the curtain, the dance team by the stage exit ready to enter, and the effects team along the balcony, which is where he was.

"Hey guys" he waved at the small group

"You ready?" Sero asked and [m/n] nodded excitedly though the shakiness of his voice and twiddling of his thumbs was an obvious give away to another layer of emotions.

He helped them out with some last minute set up, while watching the auditorium gradually fill up with students. The second the clock hit 10:00 the curtains began to slowly part open to reveal the band and in front of them the dance team all taking their starting positions.

The crowd began cheering and yelling out in excitement and anticipation for their performance.

The lights went dim and in the tense silence Bakugou's loud voice echoed through the room

"Let's go, damn it!"

"Let's make the opening showy!"

"All of U.A...." Bakugou's low husky voice rung through the auditorium "We'll kill em with our sound!"

With one loud large explosion and smoke filling the stage, the music started and the dance team immediately started their choreography with full energy.

"Thanks for coming today!" Jiro exclaimed before she started singing an English song into the mic

At the end of the first chorus Midoriya and Aoyama met mid air, Midoriya flung Aoyama upward and when he reached the highest point, used his lasers to create a disco like effect around the space for a brief moment.

Ojiro caught him and after them him and Midoriya ran off stage to join the effects team who were now preparing for their portion of the performance to start.

Koda was now helping Aoyama get the rope firm around his waist for Midoriya to begin flying him around the room.

When Jiro hit a high note, that was their queue to do the effects consisting of another explosion from Bakugou and confetti from Yaoyorozu, ice paths around the ceiling for Midoriya to fly Aoyama around the room and tiny ice pieces done by Kirishima scarping Todoroki's ice against his hardened skin and running around the balcony, smoke, and dozens of Ku whipping and flying around the audience while changing colour.

Koda used his quirk to bring some birds into the auditorium to fly around the crowds head. At one point Asui used her tongue to fling Uraraka over the crowd, allowing her to touch some of them with her quirk so that they could fly.

As the performance went on the crowd only seemed to get more and more hyped, the cheered got louder and the energy got higher.

And if their loud applause at the end was anything to go by, they thoroughly enjoyed it and their performance was a huge success.




"Sorry, about this guys! But we'll leave it to you!"

Their performance was over and overwhelmingly successful and as planned [m/n] was running off earlier with Ashido and Hagakure to finish getting ready for the beauty pageant.

"No worries!"

"Do you best!"

"You got this!"

The three rushed off to the fitting rooms again, where [m/n] changed into his full outfit before Ashido and Hagakure worked on his hair and makeup for him.

"Are you nervous?" Ashido asked

"That doesn't even cover one third of what I'm feeling" [m/n] sighed

"Don't worry! You'll do great!"

"Yeah we'll be cheering you on"

"Let's do our best, [l/n]-san" the trio looked up to see Kendo from class b standing in front of them with a warm smile on her face. [m/n] beamed and nodded enthusiastically


Within 20 minutes they were done with all their preparations and all the beauty pageant participants made their way over to the stage where a crowd of excited students were gathered.

Mayhaps this was a mistake...

All the nerves [m/n] had been feeling over course of the past few weeks since he decided to do this came crashing down on him all at once and now he thought he really was going to throw up.

"Alright everyone! Let's give it up for our contestants!" A man announced

It's too late now...

One by one the pro called out each of the girls to walk out unto the stage and stand side by side.

"And from class 1A we have [l/n] [m/n]!"

[m/n] gulped and walked out unto the stage, he shoved down all his nervous and focus on leaving an impression. He walked confidently down the stage, smiling and waving at the audience who were cheering louder than he expected.

Or maybe that was mostly Kaminari and Kirishima screaming.

"From class 1B we have Kendo Itsuka!"

"Kendo!!" Monoma shouted over everybody as the girl made her way down the stage "crush them all!!"

[m/n] noticed the tick mark appear on Kendo's temple and had to bit down on his lip to keep from laughing.

After all 7 girls and [m/n] were lined up beside each other, the first event of the pageant began, which was the self introductions plus a question from the announcer.

"So why'd you decided to join the pageant?" Was the man's question for the [m/n]

"Hi everyone! I'm [l/n] [m/n] from class 1A" [m/n] grinned "hmm... I joined the pageant because I thought it'd be fun! And to show that your gender doesn't matter and you can do what you want. I hope you'll all enjoy my time on stage" he tilted his head to the side and grinned

Most of that was a lie, mainly the whole 'he thought it'd be fun' part. But he can't really say he did it out of spite can he?

After the short Q&A section, they moved on to the main event of the beauty pageant, the performance.

The first two girls were from the second year, and after them was [s/s]. She had a pretty red dress on and her performance was showing her off quirk and shooting the targets with her laser eyes.

"You've been practicing?" [m/n] asked as [s/s] walked past him after her performance was over

"Yeah..." She nodded, the two remained in awkward silence for a moment before [s/s] cleared her throat "anyways, good luck"


Kendo just finished her performance, the reaction from the crowd was the loudest so far. After her was the extremely extravagant and vibrate performance from Kenranzaku Bibimi, last years winner.

"Next, we have first year [l/n] [m/n]!"

[m/n] placed a hand over his chest and exhaled. He walked unto the stage as the audience applauded. His eyes landed on those from his class and he felt slightly more at ease.

When the music started [m/n] pulled his fan out and held it over his head. As though a switch was flipped in his brain, his aura completely changed. He twirled around, allowing small lines of flames to spill around him.

He danced around the stage in time with the music, shot out fire in time with the beat, and his facial expressions were on point. He was completely different from the nervous flustered mess that was panicking back stage a few seconds ago.

When he opened up the fan and brought it to hide part of his face, leaving on his eyes visible, he ended up locking eyes with Monoma—who was gawking at him with his mouth hanging up—and winked at him.

[m/n] mentality chuckled to himself as he carried on with his routine, moving elegantly and gracefully with each step. The flames creating a beautiful imagery around him and further illuminating his [e/c] eyes.

His eyes landed on Bakugou's as well and he couldn't stop the smirk that appeared on his lips when he saw the blonde's expression. Just the reaction he was hoping for.

[m/n] ended his performance with his back facing the audience with his head turned towards them and the fan covering the bottom half of his face.

(This is the inspiration I had for [m/n]'s performance, the aura, facial expressions, and moves. Mainly from 0:52 - 1:22, Jimin's part)

A silence over took the crowd before they all erupted in cheers and whoops. [m/n] smiled brightly, his heart hammering against his chest, he gave a short bow before running back stage for Nejire—the last contestant—to perform next.

"You've been practicing" [m/n] stopped when he saw [s/s] "I didn't know your flames could do all that"

"Yeah, neither did I" he chuckled a little

"Good job, don't get used to it, next year I'll definitely out do you"

"Hmph, I look forward to it" [m/n] smirked


After the pageant was over, the student were left to vote for their favourite contestant and the results would be announced at 5pm.

[m/n] left the stage and joined up with his classmates

"[l/n] that was so cool!"

"Dude you did awesome!"

"Good job!"

"You did amazing [n/n]-chan!"

"That was beyond epic!"

"Thanks guys" [m/n] awkwardly rubbed his nape, he glanced over to the side to see Monoma glaring? at him. He must have been upset with how red his face was. [m/n] had half a mind to go and confront him but he held back against it.

The class began talking about what they wanted to spend the rest of the festival doing and before [m/n] could mention going to the first food stand they see, he felt someone grab his wrist and yank him away from the group.

"Oi— Katsuki?" The blonde said nothing and continued to pull [m/n] back into the school building "Katsuki where are we going?" He carried on up to the second floor "Katsu—" he was shoved into a supply closet, pushed against the wall with Bakugou caging him between both hands and slammed his lips against [m/n]'s.

A muffled yelped left [m/n]'s throat before he melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around the blonde and pulling him closer against his body.

Bakugou's hands made their way around [m/n]'s hips and rubbed their lower half together in a slow drawn out motion.

"S-Shit..." [m/n] breathed out when they pulled apart only for a second before their lips met each others again. It wasn't long before they began rutting against each other "W-Wait" [m/n] pulled away and stopped Bakugou's movements "my pants... they'll get dirty"

"Fuck—" Bakugou grunted before hastily taking off [m/n]'s corset and pulling down his pants

"Hey that's—" his words cut off by a loud groan forced out of his throat when Bakugou's hand rubbed against his crotch. "Someone's horny..."

"Can you fucking blame me?" Bakugou said against his ears

"Good to know I can make you this desperate" [m/n] hummed as he hooked his fingers on Bakugou's pants and pulled him closer "let's do it together"

With the danger of someone possibly walking by and hearing them or the class noticing their sudden absence, the two wasted no time in pressing their bodies together, without their pants or briefs restraining them and jerked off together.

They had to keep their lips on each other to keep from getting too loud and risk getting caught.

Before long they reached their climax one after the other, their cum mixing together in their hands. They breathed heavily against each other as they came down from their high.

"That felt so good" [m/n] had a content sigh as he stared up at his boyfriend with half lidded eyes.

"Yeah..." Bakugou sighed "let's get cleaned up, I feel gross"

"We should do this again" [m/n] giggled as he wiped his hands off with the tissue that was very conveniently placed on one of the shelves

"No." Bakugou said firmly as he pulled up his pants "this was dumb, we could've gotten caught."

"You're the one that couldn't keep it in your pants" [m/n] pouted "but I guess you must've loved my performance. I could always give you a private show"

"Now who can't keep it in their pants" Bakugou scoffed before opening the door and walking down the hall towards the bathroom. [m/n] rolled his eyes and followed after him.

"Oh, my corset" [m/n] noticed he forget to put his corset back on "I'll be right back" he turned back to the supply closet to get his corset and put it back on. When he walked out he was not expecting to see Monoma of all people.

"O-Oh look who it is" he scoffed "ready to lose?"

"Someone's cocky huh?" [m/n] quirked an eyebrow, a sly smirk on his lips and his hands still behind him trying to hook the last few hooks of the corset

"You're one to talk" he snapped glaring at [m/n] " you need help with that?"


"It's pathetic seeing you struggle like that"

"...Wow, what a gentlemen"

"J-just let me help" he walked behind [m/n] and helped him hook the last few hooks of his corset

"Done?" [m/n] asked when he felt Monoma linger just a little longer than necessary


"Thanks, well uh... see you around I guess" [m/n] shrugged and waved at the blonde.

That was a little weird, but hey, maybe this means he'll stop his weird obsession over trying to one up class A. [m/n] didn't pay much mind to the interaction and just focused on spending the rest of the festival together with everyone and having the most fun he could.

From an obstacle course race that Bakugou was overly enthusiastic to win, trying food from as many food stands, haunted house, face painting, and so much more.

Then at 5pm they got the results for the pageant.

And much to Monoma's disappointment not only was it Nejire that got first place, but Kendo got third place after [m/n].

On the other hand [m/n]'s class was ecstatic about him getting 2nd place, and now somehow he was already roped into participating again next year and aiming for 1st place.

I'm actually screaming right now, one more chapter and season 4 is over. I thought a lot about it, and I still have some 'loose ends and plot points' I didn't get the chance to finish up, so I decided to end this book with S5 (ò0ó)!!

This book has really come a long way and it's actually insane that it'll be coming to an end in just a couple more chapter! Thank you all for reading, voting and commenting! See you next chapter!

Ja ne!

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