Learning to love

By On_Your_Left

25.9K 731 162

Bumblebee's first day at training didn't go as expect. But when he is introduced to Arcee everything is just... More

First day
Next day
Standing up for himself
Leave her alone
Morning talks
Constrocticon training
Scout training
The meal
You have to be a team
I will kill you
Beaten by a femme
Nightly talks
We are ... What !!!
Dont you dare touch him !
Your a real gentleman Bee (hunting Arachnid part 1)
She will pay for his life ( hunting Arachanid part 2 )
MEGATRON.....I needed that!
Hi guys x
Hard love part 1
Hard love part 2
Need your opions !!!
Do you trust me
When I see you again

Merry-cybermus everyone

663 21 2
By On_Your_Left

It had been a stellar cycle ( 6 earth months ) since the loss of Tailgate, and Arcee had barely spoken to anyone since. She was sat on the balcony again over looking Cybertron. It was the only place she felt at peace.
"Why? Why did he have to die? Why do we need to fight this stupid war ? We lost so many," she quietly mumbled to herself.
Cliff walked towards her over hearing her one person conversation.
"But we have gained so many," He said as he came and sat next to her. She was silent for a few atroseconeds ( Earth seconds) when she burst into tears, she hugged his arm like her life depended on it.
"Cee...what's wrong?" He knew exactly why she was so upset but he had never seen her like this before.
"I barely ever spoke to him and when he died I guess...I guess their was so much I wanted to say to him so many things I want to apologise for!" She cried.
"What did you need to apologise for Cee it wasn't your fault!"
"Not that I mean the time I dented him by accident, I thought he would kill me but he didn't. That time I borrowed his data pad but I lost it, I thought he would hurt me but he didn't or the time I spilt energon all over him, I thought he would punch me but he didn't!" She said wiping her optics "I was going to apologise after we got back from the mission but he didn't!"
Cliff didn't say anything nothing would come out ( which made a change ), he sat thinking of things to say. ' dam I wish Bee was here ' he thought to himself.
"Cee I'm so sorry I- " he said before being cut off.
"It's fine," she mumbled.
"You know what you can look forward to!" He said smiling.
"What?" She asked with a puzzled expression.
"Cybermus is in a few solar cycles."
That was everyone's favourite holiday.
"Cant wait," she weakly smiled back.
"COME ON! COME ON EVERYONE WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" Bee yelled excitedly across the room.
"Ok, ok Bee we're up!" Arcee giggled.
"Merry Cybermus everyone!" He smiled.
"Merry Cybermus Bee," Prime laughed.
"Yes..yes Merry Cybermus everyone ," Hound said laughing at the hyper mech. Even Hound like Cybermus, it was a time were the whole team got together and exchanged presents and played games.
Bumblebee and Arcee got their armour on as Optimus walked out into the main room where everyone was waiting. As soon as he had left the room Bee whispered "wait for it...".
"And Ratchets awake," Bee laughed.
"What? why ?what's happened?" Arcee said looking at Bee who was in fits of laughter.
"Come I'll show you," he said taking her servo and dragged her to the main room.
"Bee what's going on-" she stopped giggling as soon as they walked in the main room which was beautifully decorated with bright lights and shiny tinsel and there was snow everywhere almost up to their waist "what happened," she asked looking at Smoke who was stood next to a snow machine.
"This is AWSOME!" Arcee said gazing around the room.
Wheeljack laughed as he stood on a platform above Prime with a huge ball of snow in his hands. Everyone put their hands to their mouth as he dropped the ball onto Optimus's helm. Everyone including Ratchet was wetting themselves laughing.
"Is it supposed to be sticky?" Prime said trying to get what looked like goo of his helm.
"It gets like that after a while," Smoke said laughing.
Arcee walked over to Sunny but she slipped and fell. He fell into fits of laughter, she grabed his leg causing him to slip and fall into the deep snow. Arcee got slightly worried when he didn't come back up but she soon saw movement in the snow.
Side sneaked up behind Ratchet and pulled back his back plate and dumped a load of snow down it.
"SIDESWIPE!" He yelled making a huge ball of snow, he chucked it at sideswipe but he ducked and it hit Bee straight in the faceplate.
"OW ITS ON!" He said picking up a load of snow and throwing it back at him.
"WAR!!" Arcee yelled at the top of her voice.
She was right it was like a battle field in that room. Mechs were slipping, being chased and being hit in the face with huge chunks of snow. After about thirty minutes of their violent snow war, everyone stopped and just laughed as they all tried to catch their breath. The snow now was really sticky and really hard to get off. Ratchet turned his helm upside down and tried to shake it off but it turned into more of a Mohican shape.
"This stuff Is so-" Bee said trying to get a peice off his door wings by running round in circles, he succeeded in looking like a dog trying to catch its tail "sticky! A little help!" He said giving up.
"Sure," Arcee said rolling her optics at him. She grabbed the piece and as it came off she fell backwards into the snow causing more of it to stick to her frame.
"Scrap" She sighed. Bee laughed and offered his servo to help her up. She turned bright red.
'No not now!' She mentally screamed. "Thanks," she said but turning away knowing that she looked like a fire engine.
After minutes of picking sticky, gooy snow of themselves they gave out the presents. They all received lush gifts from each other.
Sunny put some Cybermus songs on through his radio and everyone got up and danced.
Cliff was standing next to Bee when he noticed that Arcee looked lonely, he could tell she really wanted to join in but was to nervous.
"Hey Bee why don't you go and ask Cee to dance!" Cliff said elbowing him.
" What she's my sister!" He yelled in a whisper.
" That doesn't matter I see the way you look at each other," He smirked as Bee blushed "just go ask her, you know she will say yes."

"Fine," he said nervously walking towards her "hi Cee I was wondering if .. You .. Wanted-"
"To dance with you," she smiled " I heard yours and Cliffs little chat." Bee went bright right 'ow frag! Ow great' he thought to himself. She grabbed his servo and pulled him to the dance floor.
"So you are playing match maker are you?" Optimus smiled as he and Crosshair walked over to Cliff.
"Those two are just meant to be," he smiled back.
"If Bee was a femme he would definitely be like Cee," Crosshair added.
Although slightly disturbed by that comment they both laughed and so did everyone else in the room. It turns out they had all heard their conversation. Bee and Cee went bright red for like the 5th time that day.
' just do it! Whats the worst that could happen' Bee said mentally siking himself up. He took out a beautiful piece of mistletoe and placed it above his and Arcee head.
Like Arcee needed to be told twice, she wrapped her arms around Bees neck pulling him down her height. When she let go she smiled at Bee who's jaw dropped. Arcee gave a small giggle.
"Wow!" Bee said rubbing the back of his helm trying to think of something to say. Before he could finish Arcee pulled him close to her and kissed him on the check this time "in...incredible," he smiled.
"It's a Cybermus miracle" Cliff laughed.
Bee looked down at Arcee and smiled. Bee picked her up and span her around before putting her down and kissing her, ( Ratchet gave a really loud sigh) Arcee was shocked by Bee, he hugged her so tightly that she could barely breath but to be honest she really didn't mind, it wasn't like she could breath when she was around him anyway.
'Best Cybermus ever !' She thought to herself.
So what did you think ?
I was going to save that as a Christmas special but I just couldn't wait. I will have to think of an even better christmas special for when it is actually christmas x
Comment what's your fav season or holiday ?
I will update soon x

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