Spooky scary nijigasaki.

By raveniscool01

128 1 0

It's Halloween at nijigasaki high, what better activity than to gather the girls and tell some spooky stories... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 4!!!!
Spooky Scary Finale.

Chapter 3.

23 0 0
By raveniscool01

"Wow rina, that was great", ai clapped. "Yes absolutely wonderful", shizu added. Rina then held up her smiling board and spoke. "Rina chan board say's, I'm so happy everyone liked it!". "Well let's not stop there", Yuu cheered. "I wanna keep the spooks coming...who's next?". Before anyone would volunteer though, a certain first year raised her hand. "Ummm kasumi has a question", the girl frowned.

"Yeah?", Yuu replied. "These stories feature a disturbing lack of kasumi, why is that". "Well I guess you just haven't fitted into everyone's ideas", Yuu answered. "That's ridiculous!!", The girl barked. "Kasumi should be a must in anyone's tale". "You were in mine", Karin reminded. "That was just a cameo at best!!". "Kasumi if you want to be in a story, why don't you just tell your own", Yuu recommended. Hearing this, made blush begin to fill the girls face.

"Ummm well...kasumi doesn't exactly have any stories to tell". "That's fine, take your time coming up with one and we'll come back to you". "Oh okay", the girl pouted. "But kasumi's going to come up with something so good it'll scare the pants off of all of you". Yuu then smiled at the girl before saying. "We're all looking forward to it". "Now does anyone else have anything". "Hmmmm kanata does", the sleepy girl waved. "Ooooh wasn't expecting that". "It was based off of a really weird nightmare I had a while back".

"Spooky...tell us more", an excited Yuu asked. "It went a little like this", Kanata reminisced. As this tale opens up; we see a very excited shizuku skipping down the halls of nijigasaki. She then enters the clubroom with some big news to share. "Hey shizuku, how's it going", setsuna greeted. "Everything's wonderful", the girl exclaimed. "That's...good", nana said getting caught off guard by her friends bubbly mood. "Why so excited shizuko, have you learned a new dance or something", kasumi questioned. "Not exactly", the girl giggled. We then watch as she places her backpack on a table and opens it up.

The first year then pulled out what seemed to be a spell book and a witches hat. "As you can see, I got the lead role in the schools Halloween play". "That's awesome!!", Ayumu cheered. "Thanks, I play a very powerful sorceress who is reincarnated into the modern world. When she see's how today's people live, she has to try and blend in without revealing her secret". "That sounds like an isekai", setsuna smiled. We then watch as pomu grabs shizu's hands and gives her the purest smile you've ever seen. "Shizuku I'm so proud of you...you totally deserve this". "Thanks everyone!!!".

To celebrate, the three girls went to go get some snacks. While away, we hear a loud yawn from the corner of the room. Nijigasaki's sleepy princess then awoke from her daily nap. "Hmmmm, where did everyone go", the girl stretched. As Kanata looked around, she happened to notice shizuku's props laying on a table. "Is someone getting ready for Halloween", the girl said trying on the cute witches hat. She then grabbed the spell book and sat on the couch. As Kanata opened it up, the pages were old and had a crinkle to them. The writing on each page looked ancient; but it was still readable.

As the girl flipped through it with a bored look, she began to read some of the spells. "Turn someone into a rat, I'm good. Make someone smelly forever...nah". Getting tired of browsing, Kanata was about to close the book. Before she did though; a certain spell caught her eye. "The spell of no sleep? Whomever reads this spell shall never sleep again", kanata read. As jokingly as this sounded, it definitely piqued the girls curiosity. So seeing no harm in it; the third year began to read the spell aloud. "Sleep sleep go away, come again not another day. For the rest of my days I cast you away, for the rest of my days I'll stay awake".

After reading this, something really strange began to happen. The words on the page started to give off an eerie glow. It seemed to transfix the girl, as she wasn't able to move her eyes away. Then suddenly, the spell slowly started to disappear; as if being erased. Not knowing what to make of any of this, Kanata sat in a trance like state just watching it happen. Eventually though, she heard a familiar voice begin to call out her name. "Kanata!", Shizuku shook. "Kanata...hey are you alright". As the third year looked up, she saw her young kohai standing over her. "Oh hey there shizuku, Kanata was just checking out this book someone left here". "That's mine, it's for the Halloween play I'm starring in". "Your starring in a play...that's great news!", Kanata cheered.

"It is, but are you okay", the actress asked. "Whenever I came in...you looked like you were in a trance. I was worried". "Tch, I'm fine", Kanata smiled nonchalantly. "I was just reading some of these spells. Where did you get this from". "Oh I bought it offline once I scored the role, it's just a prop", shizuku giggled. "Neat, well I guess I'll get back to my nap then", Kanata smiled. However once the usually sleepy girl laid back down; she found there was a problem. She wasn't sleepy at all; in fact she was suddenly wide awake. "What the!?".

We then watch as Kanata tried to force her eyes back closed. Unfortunately, this did nothing. Meanwhile shizuku sat next to her, curiously watching the girl struggle. "Uhhh kanata-senpai, are you alright", the first year asked. "Yeah it's just...I can't go back to sleep. I was tired just a second ago but now I'm not". "Well I was about to go do some laps for training, would like to come with", shizu offered. "Sure I guess so, maybe I'll be able to go back to sleep afterwards". The two girls then slipped into their gym clothes and went out to the track.

They then presumed to jog round and round; eventually making about six laps. Needless to say after this was done, both girls found themselves pretty worn out. In fact, a sweaty Kanata was currently struggling to catch her breath. "Huff,puff, now I'm definitely ready for that nap". "Yes, I'd say we've done more than enough training for today", shizu puffed. About this time, school was dismissing for the day. So both girls changed and prepared to say goodbye. "So, what are you doing when you get home senpai". "Heh, going straight to sleep!", Kanata laughed.

"Awww, I wish I could. I've got a ton of homework to get done", the first year sighed. "Be sure to stay on top of it, so one day you'll be able to be as smart as Kanata-chan". Shizuku then thought about how her own grades were better; but decided to keep it to herself as not to hurt any feelings. "I'll keep that in mind". Soon after this, both girls made their way home. Kanata was so excited to crawl into her bed; that she could hardly wait.

Whenever she got there, her sister haruka was sitting at the kitchen table painting her nails. "Oh hi sis, how was your day", the girl asked. "(Yawn) it was fine...but I'm dying to get to bed". "Heh, that's nothing new", haruka giggled. Kanata then took a quick shower, and picked out her most comfortable pajamas. The girl then jumped into her bed like she hadn't seen it for a year. Now cradling her favorite pillow; our sleepy princess was ready for a good night's rest. "Hmmmm, oyasumi!".

We then skip forward about three hours; unfortunately Kanata was still wide awake. The girl tossed and turned, but she just couldn't get to sleep. "What's going on!!", she whined. "I've never had this problem before". Being that they slept in bunk beds; haruka was woken up by her sisters cries. "Kanata...what are you still doing up", the girl whispered. "I...I... can't sleep". "You can't, why not". "I don't know?". "Well is there anything I can do", the worried sibling asked. "I...I'm not sure what would help". Haruka then thought for a moment. "What if I got you a glass of warm milk. You know, like mom used to make". "That sounds good".

The younger idol then hopped out of bed and went into the kitchen. Meanwhile Kanata stared at the ceiling in confusion. After everything she had done today, the girl should've been pooped. However she felt like she was nowhere near sleepy. It was definitely strange; but if there was one person she could trust to help her, it was haruka. About this time, her sister returned with a warmed up mug in her hand. "Here you go sis, drink up", she smiled. "Thanks so much haruka...this should definitely help". Kanata then sat on the edge of the bed; happily sipping her beverage. The third year drank every drop; then let out a small belch.

"Mmmmm thanks haruka, now I'm sure I'll get to sleep", the girl smiled. "Good, let me know if you need anything else. I'm going back to bed". Now feeling all warm inside; kanata laid down expecting to be slumbering soon. Unfortunately though, the milk did nothing; and at almost 4 am Kanata was still awake. "What...the...heck is going on!!", The girl cried. Now feeling desperate, she tossed and turned nonstop. Then, when what seemed like only a short time had passed; Kanata heard an alarm go off. "Huh...6 am. It's time for school?!", the girl gasped.

Below her, haruka was just opening her eyes for today. "Mmmmmm good morning sis...did you get to sleep", the girl stretched. Kanata then replied with a somber and sad "no". "What, none at all!?". "Not a wink...I couldn't". "Wow...well you definitely shouldn't go to school today. You need some rest", she said noticing the dark circles forming under kanata's eyes. At first Kanata wanted to agree with her; but she quickly remembered something. "I can't...were supposed to have a live today". "Kanata, your health is more important than a concert", haruka scolded. "I know that...but I just can't let my fans down".

Haruka was really worried about her sister. But she knew the girl loved being a school idol more than anything. So she ultimately let her do what she wanted. We then watch as Kanata slowly rolls out of bed. The fatigued girl then carried herself into the bathroom to get dressed. As she looked at herself in the mirror, her usual rested beauty face was nowhere to be found. In fact, she looked like she had just finished working a twelve hour shift. This didn't matter though, the girl knew she had somewhere to be. So after finishing the morning routine; she quickly headed out the door.

Once she arrived at school, her fellow idols were already putting on their outfits for the show. "Kanata!! We were worried...your late", shizuku spoke. "Oh s-sorry...rough night". "No kidding", ai noticed. "You look like you haven't slept a wink". "Yeah...but don't worry, I'm still ready to put on a good show. I'll make sure to take all my fans into my dream world", the girl smiled. Soon after watching a few of her friends perform; it was kanata's turn to take the stage.

The tired girl tried to muster enough energy to give them her usual self. Unfortunately though, what greeted the fans was not the Kanata we were used to. "H-hey guys...I'm so happy you all came out today. This songs called marchen star". As Kanata performed her usual banger, her words were flat; and her dance was terrible. She even found herself stumbling at some points. This was all completely noticable to the audience; whom genuinely seemed worried about her. Once her set was over, she gave one last bow and goodbye to everyone. "Thanks again guys, rina chan board say's... Oh wait a minute, sorry that's not my gimmick. I-ill see everybody later", the girl said walking off of the stage in confusion.

In the back, Kanata collapsed onto a couch. Seeing the condition she was in; shizuku came to check on her. "Kanata are you okay, you seemed off today?". "No, I couldn't sleep at all last night". "What! Even after all the running?". "Yeah...I just couldn't. I don't know what's going on". Pretty worried about her friend, shizuku decided to give her some tips that she uses. "You know, when I can't sleep; I usually play some ambient music". "Ambient music?", Kanata shrugged. "Yes, it's like beautiful sounds and melodies that are meant to calm your mind. Whenever I find myself up to late; I pop in some headphones and let it take me away", the girl smiled. "Hmmm I guess I could try it... it's not like I've got anymore ideas", the third year pouted.

So once the show was over, kanata rushed home hoping to get her much needed rest. Once there, the girl put in her best headphones and downloaded some songs. Kanata tried out sounds of the rainforest to start her off. We then watch as she laid back cradling her favorite pillow; trying to get as comfortable as she could. For a while this didn't seem to be a bad idea, however at 3:30 am the girl was still awake. The bags under her eyes were starting to get even worse; and the soothing rain forest sounds were becoming plain annoying. Out of anger the girl ripped her headphones out and let out an extremely loud groan.

"I just want to get some... freaking SLEEP!!!". Unfortunately though, her outburst did nothing to help. Then once again, as the alarm for school went off...kanata was still awake. "Good morning sis, did yo-". Before she could finish her question though, the dark bags under kanata's eyes answered for her. "Geez sis, you still didn't get any sleep?", Haruka gasped. "No...". "Well that does it, we need to take you to the doctors office". "But I don't like doctors", Kanata whined. "I don't care...I'm going to get mom". Once her mother saw what was going on; they rushed the sleepy girl to the er right away.

Once there, they did all the standard check up stuff. Unfortunately though, they found nothing wrong. Kanata was as healthy as a horse; the only thing they noticed was her lack of sleep. So to combat this, the doctor prescribed her some sleeping pills. Back at home, Kanata wasted no time in taking one and saying a prayer that it would work. "All right sis, just lie down and get some sleep. No concerts, no practice...today your getting some rest", haruka smiled. "Thanks so much...I could really use it". Then after giving her older sister a kiss on the forehead; she covered the girl up and turned off the lights.

This was probably the most hopeful Kanata had been since this all started. So the girl laid back and tried to let the medicine do it's thing. Sadly after about two hours, Kanata was still lying awake. At this point the third year started to wonder to herself. "How did this happen? Did I eat something, is it some sort of disease?". After a while of being lost in thought; the girl thought of something. She thought of the spell book back in the clubroom; and the words she read out of it. Not really one to believe in the paranormal, the girl wanted to shrug that idea off. With her problem getting worse however, maybe it wasn't completely out the question.

So out of an act of desperation, she called shizuku. "Hello", the actress picked up. "Hey shizuku it's kanata. I was just wondering, where did you get that spell book from", the girl asked with a weak voice. "Oh, off some website...why do you ask". "Well this may sound crazy, but I haven't slept a wink since I read one of it's spells". "Hmmmm, that does sound a little far fetched", shizuku noted. "Are you sure it isn't something else?". "At this point I don't know. But  honestly I'm out of ideas here". Feeling bad for her friend; shizuku decided to take a peek through the book. The brunette then walked over to her dresser and opened up the acting prop.

"So what did you read?", Shizu asked. "It was called the spell of no sleep. It had this little poem I read". Shizuku then flipped through the book reading multiple spells. Besides a single blank page she discovered, nothing else fit what Kanata was talking about. "I'm sorry kanata-senpai, I couldn't find it". "Ugh it's okay...I guess", the third year sighed. Hearing the pain in her friends voice; made shizuku refuse to give up on her.

"Kanata, if you can just make it through tonight; I'll come over in the morning. Then the two of us can get to the bottom of this", the girl assured. "That sounds fine shizuku, I'll do that". "Alright, see you then", the first year nodded. Once the two hung up; kanata laid motionless staring up at the ceiling. It had been about 4 days since she had any sleep; and now she was really feeling the effects. The heavy bags under her eyes, the constant headaches...the girl was in pain. Then when she thought about the fact that shizuku couldn't find the spell; she started to think the worst. "Is this going to last forever, will I ever sleep again".

These thoughts were maddening, so much so that she needed them to stop. She needed the slumber that she had been longing for. So we then watch as the girl made a decision, one that would change everything. Kanata got up out of the bed, she then grabbed a piece of paper and began writing. The girl thanked her family, friends and fans. She then assured everyone that she loved and would never forget them. Then after signing off on the letter; she left her apartment still in her pajamas. This was the last time kanata kanoe would ever be seen again.

The next morning shizuku would come by. Instead of helping Kanata though; she and haruka would find the note. Upon reading it, the two instantly called everyone and formed a search party. Before they could go out and look for Kanata however, they would discover something horrifying. Upon turning on the public news, they would see a reporter standing in a cemetery. He was talking about how a girl broke in overnight and did something strange. Apparently she went over to someone's freshly dug grave; and laid down in it. The woman then covered herself with the dirt; and was seemingly buried alive.

This was honestly a tragic story; but once the girls identity was revealed...the news would be even worse. The girl was seventeen year old Kanata kanoe, student at nijigasaki high. Upon seeing this, haruka and everyone else lost it. Kanata meanwhile got what she was looking for...an eternal slumber.

To be continued!!

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