The Lost Princesses- COMPLETE...

By zoehill0130

431 33 2

What happens when a girl has the whole world on her shoulders, discovers an unknown secret and has worst high... More

N.O 1 Sophia Elizabeth Davidson
N.O 2 'Can I help?'
N.O 3 'Long story '
N.O 4 'yesterday'
N.O 5 'They're cute'
N.O 6 'Happy Birthday'
N.o 7 'Happy Birthday' Part 2
N.o 8 The beginning of something
N.o 9 Its what flows through you
N.O 10 - The Mirror
N.O 11 -The Prophecy?
N.O 12 - Athena?
N.O 13 - Secrets.
N.O 14 - The Futures Past
N.O 15 - She
N.O 16 - Alone?
N.O 17 - Get Answers
N.O 18- peace
N.O 19- Training
N.O 20 - The library
N.O 21- Magic lesson 1
N.O 23- Peatro
N.O 24 - i'll find you
N.O 25 - She did it
N.O 26- Found
N.O 27- I've got you
N.O 28 - 'She's here'
N.O 29 'Together?. Always'
N.O 30 'Her story'
N.O 31 'You're supposed to be dead Bitch'
N.O 32 The End.
N.O 33 Epilogue

N.O 22- Memories

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By zoehill0130

“Look, I'm doing it!” shopia exclaimed as the ball moved into the box. 

Several days had passed since Sophia first tried to do telekinesis and a lot of training had passed. She even got to meet some of her family that lived in the castle walls and spent some of her hours pouring through the books in the library. In one of the books this woman managed to escape her kidnapper and hit him around the head with the vase and then unlocked the door with the paddles of a was crazy, never get on the wrong side of that woman you have no idea what she's capable of. But then again it was a good book.

“You've gotten good at this, soon we'll be able to try a heavier ball” he walked over to the box before locking it shut.

“Really?!” sophia looked shocked 

“ yeah, you have tried really hard and it's pulled off. Give it a couple more sessions and i may let you try a simple spell” 

“Oh YES” she shouted.
Alex’s laugh brought her back to reality as he nudged her shoulder 
Coughing slightly “uh i mean thank you” she lowered her head slightly trying to battle with the blush that rose to her cheeks.

“You've earned it” he said a genuine smile sat on his face “i'll see you later” grabbing the box he began to make his way towards the castle 

“See ya” with a little wave Sophia watched his silhouette disappear around the corner and out of sight.

Feeling the weight of today's training weighing her down, Sophia made her way through the forest towards the waterfall that showed itself through the thick of the trees. Making her way towards the edge of the cliff she sat down,her feet hanging off the edge. The smell of the water cuddling her.

During their training sessions they got to watch the sunrise for the new day ahead. The colours dancing together to a calming song. It was stunning. Now though, the sun had risen and the birds were alive as they flew over the waterfall and the sea below her. It was a beautiful performance that Sophia had the pleasure to see.

She had never felt as much peace and calm as when she found this place. Even if the kingdom was the definition of peace and calm, it didn't feel as right as this place. She felt like she had finally found her home. A place to stay and protect forever. 

She knew that she had family back home but how could she leave this behind. She loved everyone back home but…

Her family! god she had forgotten about them. How could she forget them? Hope they aren't too worried about her. It's not like she isn't safe but they don't know that! Oh what a terrible daughter she is. She shook her head. Disappointed in herself.

There was only one other time where she had done this

Hey i'll race you up the tree” little sophia giggled as she nudged the little boy with green eyes 

“Soph i'm not sure this a good idea” he looked up at the tal tree that loomed over his figure “that's pretty tall” 

She grabbed his hand pulling him to the base of the tree “come on it'll be fun” she placed one foot on the lowest branch, hauling herself up climbing the tree.

Relising he wasn't following her and she looked back down “come on then.” a small smile pulled at the corner of her face.

He hesitated as his eyes flicked towards her and the tree and then back to the ground again. “Fine” he lifted his foot up to the branch and began climbing.

A wide smile appeared on her face as she watched him climb uto to her level before exclaiming  that they were high enough. 

Grabbing his hand she sat herself next to him. You could see the whole street from where they sat. it was like they were the castle and the houses below were the village to their own little kingdom

“I could stay here forever” little sophia spoke as she followed the people walking by.

“I don't think you could. You would have to leave everyone behind” the green eyed boy looked at her. 

“It's so beautiful up here” her eyes stayed fixed on the view below her 

“Yeah it is” he looked at her, the sun bouncing off her face almost perfectly. They stayed up there together until their parents found them leaning up against the main trunk of the tree huddled up together fast asleep.

Sophia still to this day doesn't  remember who that young green eyed boy was but she remembers him being her whole world.

The peaceful atmosphere was broken when a subtle rustling if teh trees could be heard from behind her 

“Hello?” she was met with the wind 
She stood from her position her curious mind daring her to get closer
“Is anyone there?” the trees rustle once more. She could hear the birds calling out to her as if to tell her to stop but she didn't listen. She moved forward, getting closer to the bush.

One step at a time, she got closer and closer.

Moving her hand forwards to the tree she brushed some of the branches out of the way.  Her heart drummed in her ears.

Sat in the clearing, an injured deer was bound in rope. Relief rushed through her body.

“Ooh baby,, i'll help you” Reaching forward she untied the deer letting it go. “Be free” she watched as it ran away.

Sighing she looked at the sky, the clouds forming a shelter from the sun. deciding it was time to go and get lunch she began her journey towards the castle.

The trees began swaying and the sky became dark as she moved into the forest.

Quickening her pace she hurried back. She could feel her heart in the chest beating.

This wasn't good

“Where do you think you're going?” a man in black appeared out of the bush “someone like you should know that your not allowed here

“Im s-sorry I didn't know” she shook her head moving backwards.

Shaking his head “ ooh that won't do” he took a step forward. She took a step backwards

“Oh you're not going anywhere,” a voice whispered in her ear. His hands winding themselves around her torso. 

“HEEL-'' she tried to scream but a gloved hand stopped her. The panic rose in her chest as she began to struggle. Trying to grasp his arm she clawed at him trying to get air back into her lungs. She was going to die and she couldn't do anything about it. 

She tried kicking and scratching one more time before the world around her became black

“Hey sophia? You need to come back now” Alex walked around the forest trying to locate where she was.

“It's getting late” the sun began setting above him as he made himself through the thick branches on his way to the little cliff that he knew she liked to spend time at.


He paused lifting his foot, he looked down to see what he had stood on.

Under his foot laid a bracelet. One that looked too familiar

“SOPHIA?” he panicked. Something had happened. Something very bad. Changing destinations he sprinted back towards the castle. She had gone. He could feel the loss of her presence.

“Are You sure she's missing?” the king asked, his voice edged

“Yes sir, she left this behind” alex opened his hand, her bracket laid on his palm 

“This is hers?” he asked reaching for the bracelet 

“Yes sir” Alex nodded, bringing his hands back to his sides.

“You 100% sure” he stared into alex's eyes looking for any indication that what he was saying could be wrong 

“Yes sir, I gave that to her on her 18th birthday. Im sure thats hers…. sir” he lowered his head slightly 

Sighing he returned the bracelet to Alex “ I was afraid this was going to happen '' he rubbed his hand against his forehead before walking over to the soldiers that stood to attention as he approached '' it has begun. make sure you do everything to prevent it” the king spoke sternly.

a quiet mutter of ‘yes sir’ could be heard before the sound of their footsteps were heard leading down into the corridor behind them.

.”As for you” he turned to face Alex who stood still at the entrance of the throne room, afraid to move.

“You are going to search the grounds to make sure that she's gone and not wandering around the grounds.Then return to your room. I will not let you go searching for her again. Even if you are the best shot at finding her.” he waved his hand in dimmissle 

Alex stepped out of the room to begin his task. But he didn't miss the last thing that the king said “I swear these soulmate things are going to get them both killed. It killed her and i'm not going to let another one of my family die on me”

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