My Dork || Sam Thomas

נכתב על ידי lvprcngs

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When her mom's friend needs a sitter for her son . She agrees and gets a glance of the boy who will change he... עוד

𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳 ♪
𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘶𝘦 ✈︎
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1.6K 25 11
נכתב על ידי lvprcngs

As I was skating back from school my phone started to vibrate in my pocket making me stop and sit on a nearby bench, I took my phone out of my pocket and saw that my mom was calling

"Hey mom"

"Hey hon where are you right know?" she asked

"I'm just a few blocks away from your work place, why"

"Meet me at Sinclair's ice cream parlor so I can drop you off at Elizabeth's house"

"Got it be there in 5, bye bye"

"Bye bye" mom said after chuckling


After forcing my mom to let me get a scoop of ice cream, we started heading to the Thomas's house, which didn't seem far from home sense we were taking the same path a the one to our street

"Do you know any of the Thomas's" my mom asked after minutes of silence

"No but I think one of her sons is in my history class, you know the brunette one?"


"I think so, but I never actually talked to him or actually really seen him before so to answer your question I don't really know any of them" i said before skating a bit in front of her mom and occasionally asking what way to go

About 4 minutes later we arrived at there house, mom went a head and knocked the door while  I was behind her humming to myself, thinking to myself about what could happen, in a few seconds the creak of a door was heard making me snap back to reality

A beautiful blonde lady with big blue eyes walked out wearing a work suit and supported a warm smile

"Allie hey, how are you" Elizabeth said before going in for a hug as my mom quickly did the same

"Good I'm good how are you" she said is she hugged back as I stood behind them holding my skateboard while awkwardly leaning on my heals

They talked for about two minutes before mom finally decided to acknowledge my awkward existent

"Oh this is Alex, my daughter" she said excitedly as I shyly waved at Liz

"Hello" i said as i got a better grip on my skateboard, a nervous habit of mine is squeezing something in my hand when anxious or nervous and right now my skates aren't really
loving that

"Oh hi sweetie how are you" she said as she pulled me in a unexpected hug which caused me to get surprised but I eventually hugged back asked how she was

"Okay so David Michael is a simple kid, give him a puzzle and he will be set for the day so you don't need to worry, I got emergency contacts on the fridge and no allergies and here's some money for dinner he like pizza and anything with French fries" she said in a rush making me reassure her

" i think I got all that and don't worry he's in good hands"i said to Liz as she started to calm down and let out a small chuckle

"So let me take you to the dining room to meet him and I will be leaving in 10 minutes and might be back at nine-ish, is that fine?" She said a bit worried at the end

"Of course got it, now let's go meet the David Michael" i said in an almost excited tone making Liz chuckle

As we walked into the house, the first thing I see is a dog sleeping on the couch, he was big but looked sweet

"This way to the kitchen but I think he's doing his math homework right now" she muttered ,almost lost

As we walked closer I could see a little curly haired boy leaning on the table looking a bit confused, I could clearly tell he was struggling with the worksheet is front of him and tapping the pencil lightly on the table, repeatedly

"David Michael meet your baby sitter Alex" she said excitedly as he looked up a bit shyly and muttered a quite "hi" that i barely managed to catch and went back to his work

"Oh! I have to go now, you two have fun and one of his brothers might be home at seven-ish but might be late" she said in a rush as she grabbed her keys and said her goodbye and kissed David Michael's forehead as she walked out of the house closing the door behind her

"So what are you working on there? You need help" i asked sensing that the struggle of the worksheet was frustrating him

"Oh I have to finish this worksheet on long division but I don't understand it and I'm confused" he said with a bit of embarrassment in his voice

"Oh long division that was a tough one for me but I can help you out, is that okay?" i asked calmly to the boy making him smile and nod his head

After approximately half an hour of teaching David Michael how to do long division, he finally got it and started doing next week's homework out of excitement which caused the girl to chuckle at how happy he is

"So what do you want for dinner, I could make something or we could order pizza?" I asked after I saw that it's time for dinner

"Depends, can you cook?" he asked, curious about my cooking which made me chuckle

"Oh ya' I can cook" i said with a grin as i made my way to the wide yellow kitchen

"So what do you like to eat burgers? Lasagnas? Come on I can make anything" i said with a grin, almost as if I was challenging him

"How about pasta?" He suggested

"Good choice Mr Thomas, so what do you want pesto or Alfredo" i said in a fake Italian accent which caused the both of us to laugh before he decided the Alfredo

"One chicken Alfredo coming up!" I said excitedly as I made my way further into the kitchen before David Michael grin grew wider

" wait her for just a sec!" He said as he ran up to his room

A couple of seconds later he came down while hiding something behind his back

"I got chief hats!" He screamed excitedly

"Oh now this is right !" I said as i put his hat firmly on his head

He gave her the chief hat and grabbed a stool so he can see the counter

"So first we will need to put the fettuccine pasta into the salty boiling water and let it cook"

David Michael gently put the pasta in the boiling water so he doesn't splash himself

"Good job now we have to mix it every once in a while so it doesn't stick to the bottom but other then that we can get started on the sauce" i said to him as he shook his head conforming that he understands

We took the ingredients out of the fridge including some of yesterday's leftover chicken which they can put in the sauce

As I was teaching David Michael how to put the ingredients in i heard a knock on the door

"It's seven o'clock, it must be your brother but just in case stay her okay" i said as he nodded

I walked up to the door and unlocked it, only to come in front of me a tall brown headed boy, with muted green eyes that I swear I saw bling like a crystal. He held a bag in his hand and a skateboard in the other, making it one of the first things I noticed

"Um do I have the wrong house?" He said confused but with a hint of sarcasm in his voice

"If your looking for the Thomas's house hold, then your in the right house, I'm Alex green David Michael's babysitter and you must be Sam?" I said with an overly cheesy smile on my face making my cheeks slightly sore

"That would be me" he said with a warm smile which caused her to smile back unconsciously

"Oh sorry come in, David Michael is in the kitchen, he's helping me make dinner " i said to him before making my way back to the kitchen with Sam right behind me

As i made my way to the kitchen, David Michael came in view, he was licking the wooden spoon that was used to make the sauce

"Hey Sam! look at what we made" he said excitedly, pointing to the almost ready pasta that was placed in a big bowl next to the stove

"Woah that looks great, you two made this?" He asked as David Michael shook his head excitedly which caused both Sam and I to chuckle

" okay now go get your self cleaned up and I'll put the food on the table okay buddy?" I said to David Michael as he shook his head and ran to change from his sauce drowned shirt, before I noticed Sam curiously staring at me from across the dining room

"So how long have you been babysitting David Michael?" He said interested, as he came up next to me and helped me prepare the table

"Actually today was my first, why?"

"Really? Cause he never gets used to new people this fast, you must be special " he said with a grin making me turn away from him, flustered before David Michael walked into the kitchen in a new shirt ready to enjoy his dinner

As us three sat down, David Michael excitedly placed to spoon fulls of pasta on his plate, holding a fork, ready to devour his dinner

"Wow we are great chiefs" said David Michael as he shoved the pasta in his mouth

"Yes, yes we are and be careful don't eat to fast" i said chuckling

"Woah he wasn't kidding this is a great pasta" muffled Sam as well as he started to shove the food in his mouth causing the sauce to go everywhere and making David Michael and I fall into a fit of laughter


At about 9 o'clock David Michael was asleep cuddling Louie and Sam went to his room to change and get out of his day clothes and get ready for the night

Exactly 5 minutes later liz arrived home with who I'm assuming is her other son. A blonde boy that seemed to be a couple of inches taller that Sam

"Hi, did everything go alright" she whispered as she approached David Michael and Louie on the couch with an awe look on her face, giving her little son a kiss on the forehead

"Everything went great I helped him with his math work and we made dinner together, oh and Sam came home at about 7 o'clock and David Michael went to sleep an hour after dinner" i said which caused liz to hug me and let out a sigh of relief

"Oh your a life saver thank you so much and here's 30 dollars for the 4 hour babysitting " she said as she gave me the money

"Oh no no it's no problem you don't have to pay me-" i stuttered surprised, not expecting a payment

But as liz kept insisting, I finally agreed and took the money before thanking her


they both heard that coming from the kitchen as they both went to see what was going on
But only to see Charlie eating a bowl of the chicken Alfredo

"What's wrong" said liz as she laughed at her sons sloppy eating

"Mom this pasta is delicious! This is my new favorite food" he yelled excitedly as he ate another big spoonful

"Okay let me have I bite of this-" she said as she shoved a spoonful in her mouth

Her eyes lit up and went in for another bite which caused me to laugh and fell a bit of proudness in my cooking skills

"Wow Alex you have got to teach me how to make this cause wow" she said as she went for another bite

"Well I'm glad you like but I have to go and I will text you the recipe tomorrow morning, see you later" i said proudly earning back two "goodbyes" and "goodnight"

And as i opened the front door I  heard a voice

"Goodnight Alex" said sam as he smiled at the girl with a genuine face

"Goodnight Sam" i said with a smile making its way to my lips and a crimson shade apear on my cheek before i turned around started to skate my way home with a permanent smile on my face

Okay so if there are any errors in the book please notify me and hope you enjoyed the chapter

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