Archon of Infinity (Discontin...

By Mxdachi

138K 3.6K 1.5K

I don't own Genshin Impact nor any of the images I will be using in this story. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11

Chapter 10

3.2K 107 32
By Mxdachi

A/N: Our exams got delayed let's fucking goooo


Y/N woke up and saw Ayaka and a familiar white haired man on his side.

"Huh? Ayato?!" Y/N smiled

"Y/N!" Ayato smiled

"How've you been, Y/N?" Ayato asked

"I've been fine. How about you?" Y/N asked

"I'm doing all right, but the work of the clan has been keeping me quite busy." Ayato laughed

"Oh, I see. That's tough for a clan leader." Y/N laughed

Ayaka just smiled at the two friends who haven't seen each other for a while.

"Where have you been, Y/N?" Ayato asked

"Oh, I've been at Liyue these past few years." Y/N said

Y/N and Ayato talked to each other about what happened over the course of around ten years (?).

After a while...

"So, where's Lumine?" Y/N asked

"Who?" Ayato asked

"She went to a war." Ayaka said

"What?!" Y/N stood up

"Yes, but she told me that you should stay here until you're fine." Ayaka said

"I meant, what and where is this war?" Y/N asked

"It's a war between the Shogun's forces and the Sangonomiya Resistance. Oh, Thoma's a wanted criminal too that's why he's not here. Lumine is out there to join the war and fix the nation's problem." Ayaka said

"Oh, okay. I'm heading out." Y/N said

"What? But you can't, Y/N." Ayaka said

"No, Ayaka, it's alright. Y/N's strong." Ayato said

"As expected, my friend." Y/N said

"Yeah." Ayato said

"I'm going to go somewhere first." Y/N said

"A-At least take a weapon to protect yourself, Y/N." Ayaka said

"Hmm... I use a catalyst. I don't need other weapons." Y/N said

"Oh, alright." Ayaka said

"I'll be heading out already. Lumine might be in trouble along with her floating doll." Y/N said

"See ya later!" Y/N said and he disappeared

Y/N was floating in front of the Tenshukaku as all the people inside there stared at him in awe.

"I'm gonna blast this whole place away if the Raiden Shogun doesn't show up." Y/N said

"How is he flying? Is he the Anemo Archon?"

"No, he looks like the one the Shogun was looking for."

"Come inside."

Y/N looked in front of him and at the highest part, he saw the Raiden Shogun.

"It's safe, for now." The Raiden Shogun said

Y/N walked on air towards the Raiden Shogun and entered through the window.

"Why are you looking for me? I'm pretty sure there's something more than a criminal." Y/N asked

"You are an old friend of mine from the past. A cursed child that has fallen from the heavens" The Raiden Shogun said

"... Huh...?" Y/N just tilted his confused face

"As far as I know, you are a child my older sister found one night. You were cursed to be reincarnated everytime you die. I first witnessed your death during the Archon War as you were a close friend of my sister." The Raiden Shogun said

"You were born twice during the Archon War and after the cataclysm as an Archon, but it appears that you are not born as an Archon this time." The Raiden Shogun said

"I... I don't really know what you're talking about..." Y/N said

"I've known you almost your whole life in the past. I was the one who gave you the name Lucifer. Fought alongside me, dying for me. I know you, Y/N. Or rather, Lucifer." The Raiden Shogun said

"But back to the topic earlier, you always died at the age of 20 and be sent down from the heavens again. If only you didn't forget your memories everytime you are reborn, you would have suffered. The last and second time I saw you die, you saved me from being killed, however, you were killed in the process for taking a heavy blow for me." The Raiden Shogun said

"How old are you?" The Raiden Shogun asked

"S-Seventeen..." Y/N said

"Hm, I see." The Raiden Shogun said

"I don't know if I should believe you, but almost everything a god says could be true..." Y/N said

"Tell me... How many times have I died?" Y/N asked

"No one knows. I've only seen you die twice." The Raiden Shogun said

"Come close to me." The Raiden Shogun said

Y/N just looks at the Raiden Shogun with angry eyes.

"No, it's alright. I won't do anything to you." The Raiden Shogun said

Y/N creates a sword made out of ice and gets ready to slice the Shogun if she ever tries to attack him.

"It's alright." The Raiden Shogun said

"Stop treating my like a damn dog!" Y/N said

The Raiden Shogun eventually got close to Y/N and hugs him.

"Huh...?" Y/N dropped his sword

"You've kept me waiting." The Raiden Shogun said

"Stay with me and you'll be safe forever. I'll help you overcome your curse." The Raiden Shogun said, keeping Y/N's face close to her chest.

Curse Remover Barbara Supremacy

Y/N suddenly feels a surge of memories hit him.


A boy was seen fighting someone powerful.

"Haha! You've got talent and strength, kid! But like I just said, you're just a young Archon with no battle experience!"

The boy looks around him and saw multiple people with weapons.

"N-No way... The gods... teamed up?"

The gods lunged at him and swinged their weapons at him. The boy started crying as the gods cut him down, taking away his limbs.

A flash of purple shines and all the gods were killed in an instant. However, when the person got to the boy, he was already killed.


A woman with purple hair hugs the lifeless and limbless body while crying.

"Makoto, this isn't a place to mourn. We will bring him back and bury him to the place we used to spend time together."

"Right." Makoto said

They kept the boy buried underneath a tree.

"He was just a friend of us, but I could consider him our brother." Makoto said

flashback ends

Y/N fell, but the Raiden Shogun caught him.

"W-What was that?" Y/N asked

The Raiden Shogun hugs Y/N closer to her as she brushes his hair.


A boy was floating in the sky with lots of pillars around him and a woman was seen too.

The boy tried to speak, but he couldn't.

"Slowly, but surely, you are getting your true powers back, my dear."

"You will be born again to die again like how you are cursed, however you might not remember this conversation again."


A white haired boy was seen running towards a girl who seems to be from an oni clan and the Raiden Shogun who were fighting.


The Raiden Shogun looks at the boy with a shocked face and suddenly got distracted, the oni hits the Raiden Shogun's naginata away and charged at her.


The boy appeared in front of the Raiden Shogun and just before he was about to cross his fingers, the oni sliced the boy's hand off.

"AHH!" The boy screamed, seeing his hand cut off

"Luci!" The Raiden Shogun shouted with a worried face

The Raiden Shogun pulled the boy away with her and grabbed the naginata too. The Raiden Shogun kept the boy close to her chest as he starts to cry a little from the pain of getting his hand cut off.

The Raiden Shogun unexpectedly tears off a part of her cloth and ties it on the boy's arm to stop the bleeding.

"It's gonna be alright. Just let me take care-" The Raiden Shogun was cut off


She looks in front of them and the oni jumped towards them. The Raiden Shogun was fast enough to grab the naginata, but the boy had already jumped in front of her and the oni slashed his back.

"Luci, no!"

The Raiden Shogun immediately sliced the oni's arm and one of it's horns before it fled away.

The Raiden Shogun ran to the boy's side and when she checked on him, he was on the verge of dying.

"Luci..." The Raiden Shogun said

She looked at the wound on his back and the slash went deep that it cut through some of his ribs at the front.

"Ei, are you alright?!" The Kitsune Saiguu arrived

"I am..." The Raiden Shogun, or Ei said

The Kitsune Saiguu sees Ei, sitting while a body lays beside her with the head on her lap. The Kitsune Saiguu walks closer to Ei and saw the white haired boy, lying with his eyes closed.

"Impossible..." The Kitsune Saiguu said

"We've lost a huge fraction of Inazuma's power. To think he could only be defeated by having his hand cut off." Ei said

That's not how Gojo is on JJK. I'm only using his looks and powers so Gojo rules and logic on JJK doesn't work here.

flashback ends

"Who... were those?" Y/N asked

"Stay with me and I'll do my best to keep you safe. I have failed before, but I'll protect you with my whole life. I'll give you the eternity you need." Ei said

"... I... I don't want to side with a tyrant..." Y/N said

"Until the Vision Hunt Decree sees no end, I will never be do whatever you say without guilt." Y/N said

"I met people who'd teach me good values in life, Zhongli-sensei... I can't let those values be thrown away in trash." Y/N said

"Even the Fatui's Eleventh Harbinger showed me that every bad person has a good side. There's a reason behind what you're doing, but taking people's ambitions are not valid." Y/N said

"I see. I do not intend to kill nor hurt you. You are free to go out of the Tenshukaku safely. However, I may not be able to save you or help you if you were to be in trouble." Ei said

"But... you seem to know things about me that I don't know. Maybe some day... some other day... I might go bring food to eat with you so I can ask you about my past life..." Y/N said, trying to be nice to the Raiden Shogun

"It's alright. You can come visit me anytime." Ei smiled

Y/N jumped outside the Tenshukaku's window and head to Nazuchi Beach where he heard the frontlines were.

When Y/N arrived, he saw the two sides were already clashing at each other.

"So... this is war? Not really big." Y/N said

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