What In The Nine Realms...


440 55 6

What Happens When Y/N 's Field Trip Goes Wrong And She Gets Teleported To Her Favourite Universe * THE MARVEL... More

HOW MANY!?! [✓]
I'm Back!!!
The Secrets Revealed [✓]
My Ships[✓]
Damn you and your hearing aids[✓]
Authors note
Time moves here differently [✓]
Mr. Sunshine & Mr. Frosty[✓]
The Big Three[✓]
Field Mission[✓]

Why would you do that?![✓]

12 2 0

I covered everyone and told Jarvis to turn off the large screen and went to sleep besides Nat. The next morning was unexpected and possibly very dangerous when I was woken up by Tony............

~~~\Y/N's POV\~~~

I was woken up by Tony..........

' Y/N wake up please fast!!' 'mmmm... what is it Tony??' I asked half awake
'Get up my sister is coming and she doesn't like people sleeping in late and untidy places so please get up' ' You have a sister?' 'Yeah, her name's Margaret Stark or more popularly known as "Miss Karma" well she's not as popular as me but she is known. 'Now get up quick' 'Okay okay'.

•|Third person POV|•

Everyone knew how scary Tony's sister was when she saw untidy places and people who sleep more than the natural sleeping time. Every Avenger was helping Tony clean up the place from yesterday's little movie night, Y/N also helped by making everyone a strong cup of coffee and helping Clint in tidying the place. After a while the place was clean and clear, no signs of laziness found anywhere except maybe Clint and Y/N's yawns.

After cleaning up Y/N went to take a nice bath and came back wearing something cute and sexy......

(This is what u r wearing)

(this is oversized btw)
(You can change the hoodie to black if you want)

(this is what you are wearing under the hoodie)

~~~\ Y/N's POV\~~~

I took a nice bath and went down to meet Tony's so called sister. I was in my own bubble thinking on how Tony's sister would be like till I bumped into something big. I thought it would be Thor or Steve so I was ready to apologise but as I looked I saw a women in her early 20s standing in front of me , she was rather muscley than buff 'hehe sorry , I wasn't looking where I was going ' I said 'Oh no I'm sorry, I was standing in your way, by the way WHO ARE YOU?' ' Sheesh don't yell, I'm Y/n from another universe and before you ask any questions, let's go to the others I'll explain to you on the way there'. I told her how I got here and how I was a fan of the Avengers but I didn't know her ' I think that might be because I wasn't even going to survive if Tony didn't show up like when I was half dead so I think I'm just a person that shouldn't have been saved but I did' 'Oh that's sad to hear' 'Yeah and nice outfit I like the combo' she said rather seductively 'O-oh thanks' I said a little flustered I mean what I was wearing was a little sexy so.....'Oh God, I'm so dumb' she said ' I didn't introduce myself. I'm Margaret Stark but you can call me Meg if you want ' she said with a gentle smile which u returned. We arrived at the living room and talked for what seemed like hours till Margaret said she'll cook I insisted on helping .

| Time-skip to everyone with a full stomach and a happy Meg |

•| Third person POV|•

Meg cooked alot of food and now everyone was full. Y/n insisted on helping to clean the dishes. Everyone left one by one and they all looked like they were pregnant which Y/n found funny I mean the food was delicious and they didn't have breakfast that morning too. Y/n and Meg talked a little and soon were done with the dishes and put them all back in place.

Meg then started walking towards Y/N's room which was formerly her's but now Y/n had moved in.
'I go away for two months and my room is being sold to a tenant' ' Actually that's my stuff, Tony told me that this room wasn't that used so I could move into this room well we can share if you want?' ' Yea sure...... I'll talk to Tony about it' she said and left with a smile.


That's it for today hope you guys enjoyed and don't forget to like, share and follow me if you want.

Character Margaret Stark aka Miss Karma is my own made up character that sometimes appears in stories and oneshots. So yea that's all and.....

I'll see you beautiful beautiful people in the next chapter of ' What In The Nine Realms!?!!' Byeeeee!!!!!

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