Can You See Me?[]BkDk[]

By Heartless_Yama

266K 7.7K 5.7K

⚠️KEEP IN MIND!! THIS WAS MY FIRST STORY!! IT'S BAD, AND CRINGE!!⚠️ ⚠ I am working on remaking this book, I w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40- Epilogue

Chapter 33

4.6K 156 34
By Heartless_Yama

Bakugo's POV

It was now Sunday and Uraraka was able to get out a bit early. Sooooo~ naturally, I decided to be a bitch and freak her out by dragging her into Kurogiri's portal.

News flash. The plan backfired.

She stayed calm through the whole explanation. And ended up in Himiko's room the rest of the time....only god knows what's going on in there. We had headed back and I was lying in my dorm mentally preparing for tomorrow. A painful Monday. I sighed as I finished my staring contest with the ceiling. I had also gotten new sleep medication from Papa so that was nice. I was hesitant to take it but then remembered, it's Papa.

I swallowed the pill and laid back down. I waited for it to take affect. I slowly faded into unconsciousness.

Everything is black. Another dreamless night. No. It feels wrong, something feels wrong. My vision brightened slowly and I squinted at the light.

My vision cleared and I immediately froze. I was on a rooftop. A rooftop I knew all to well. I looked over to the edge and my eyes widened. "Deku!" I yelled to try to get his attention. He was either ignoring me or my pleas were falling deaf to his ears.

"Deku! Deku please! Back up! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, please!" I begged as he stepped closer to the edge. I walked closer. "Why Katsuki?" He asked emotionless. I flinched. "You told me too. You beat me. Showed me how worthless I really am." He spat as he looked at me.

His eyes aren't the same soft emerald green I remember. They were empty. Blank. I felt tears stream down my face. "Please." I whispered as my legs began to shake. He smiled darkly as he began falling backwards. "NO!" I screamed as I ran forward. But I was no longer on the roof.

No. No. No, no, no, no ,no! I shook violently. I remembered this all to well. The memory that haunts me. Kills me. Please stop!

I look over from my perspective change. Deku, in slow motion began falling. His body flowing past each window. His curls that blew around his face. The way my body froze. I wanted to scream. Cry. Save him. I couldn't. I couldn't move. My feet were frozen in place.

I watched horrified as his body got closer to the ground. I didn't want to do this. Please stop! STOP! PLEASE! STOP IT! STOP IT! NO!

The sound of the sickening crack of his body against the sidewalk rang through the air. I fell to the ground as the blood began to flow from his broken body onto the concrete. I crawled over quickly. I carefully lifted his head with shaking hands. "I-Izuku? Deku please!" I sobbed. "It's your fault." His lifeless body began speaking. "All your fault. Such a failure. What is wrong with you!?" I scrambled away as I began sobbing uncontrollably.

"Stop it! Stop it, FUCK!" I screamed as I clutched the sides of my head to block out the noise. It only seemed to boom in my head over...and over....and over. Please wake me up. Please make it stop. I'm sorry.

My skull felt like it may split.

Izuku's POV

I shot up. Something's wrong. Horribly wrong. "Hey, what's wrong?" Kami asked groggily from beside me. "Kacchan." I said panicked. "Wait, Izu n-" he was to late. I teleported outside Kacchan's dorm. I couldn't hear anything but they are soundproof. I know this may turn out badly but there's something wrong with Kacchan. I teleported inside. Screaming.

Bloodcurdling screaming is what shattered my ears as soon as I was on the other side of the door. I clutched my ears wincing. Kacchan was thrashing around in his bed. He shot up. But it only got worse. He continued screaming. His face horrified and covered in tears. He looked truly traumatized. I ran over. "Kacchan? Kacchan I need you to focus on me. Kacchan." I said quietly trying to get his attention.

I'm not sure if it was safe to touch him. "Kacchan I need you to match my breathing, can you do that?" I asked calmly. I began taking deep breaths to try to get his attention. It wasn't working. I crawled into his bed and wrapped my arms around his shaking and vulnerable form. I hadn't hugged him in years. He gripped the back of my shirt tightly. He continued to tremble and his breathing is out of control.

He suddenly went limp. His body couldn't take all of it. It was to much and his body gave out. I let out a sigh. He's gonna be okay.

I sat watching his breathing. His face was tear stained but relaxed. An odd look. I have to go. I need to go. But I can't. I can't leave him knowing it could it could happen again.

What was he dreaming about to scare him so much? Kami probably ended up going back to bed assuming that I would come back. I'll stay, I'll most likely wake up before him. So tired.

And if I didn't? I'll face the consequences when I wake up. My eyes flopped shut as I laid down next to Kacchan. My world went dark knowing that something was going to go wrong in the morning but choosing to ignore it.

Bakugo's POV

I woke up to a slightly warm presence in my sheets. It was comforting even though I felt like shit. Am I sick? I shuffled around until my arm hit something. I froze. I moved my arm around...that's skin. The covers flew off as I threw myself across the room fully alert. I held my hands up in a defensive stance as I looked over at my bed. There was someone else in my bed. I took in deep breaths as my stomach began to churn. I tensed as the smaller figure began to shift around and groaned. A male? "K-Kacchan?"

My mind went blank. I stared as they sat up and the blanket fell back. Sitting there rubbing his face was Deku. Deku. Deku? What? I let my arms drop as my stomach scrambled along with my thoughts. "Kacchan?" He looked at me. Green emeralds. The same ones that I haven't seen in so long. I began tearing up. His eyes widened as he froze. "Shit. I fell asleep!" He muttered. "I- ughmmm" he looked around the room.

It seeed to click then. Oh. "Great. Nightmares and now hallucinations. I'm going fucking insane." I said blandly as I sank to the floor. Deku didn't cuss. He's not here. He's dead. "What? No Kacchan I.....I-" he was cut off by my door opening next to me. I looked up to see Kami, panicked. "Hey have you" he trailed off as if he weren't supposed to say whatever he was going to say. He looked down at me then to my bed as his eydened. "Can you see him?" I asked. My mind was blank while crowded at the same time. "I thought I was hallucinating...what's going on?" I asked, my voice cracked as I began to cry. "I'll let y'all figure this out." He closed the door.

I began to shake. I don't understand. I was suddenly not alone on the floor. I looked at him. His eyes were the same. Hair. His voice was the same. "I....don't understand?" I was questioning myself. I let out a ragged breath. I knew I was being selfish. I reached a hand out but stopped. He stopped midway, leaning into my touch. He stared at me, waiting. I wanna touch him again to make sure it was real....but if I touched him, would he disappear? Is this another nightmare? My hand hovered over his cheek, shaking. He grabbed my hand gently, keeping eye contact as he turned his head and nuzzled his nose into my palm. Pressing gentle kisses.

I threw myself at him. I was wrapped around him as he hugged me back. I could feel him. His skin. His warmth. He was a bit under the regular temperature. "H-how?" I whispered. "It's a long story." He said. I could hear the tremor in his voice as he sniffled. "I-I missed you." He whispered. I could feel his cool breath on my throat. "Me? You missed me? Why?" I mumbled. My mind spinning. It was real. This was real. He was real. "Because I love you." He said crying. I sobbed into his shoulder. "No! No....god damnit...n-no." He only hugged me tighter. "Is this real?" I mumbled as my dry throat, churning stomach and mixed thoughts were catching up to me.

I could already feel a gag coming up my throat as my stomach tightened. "I know I'll have to explain everything, but I am real. Promise." He said softly. "T-trashcan." I whispered gagging. I didn't want to go to the bathroom...he may disappear. "Huh? Oh." He quickly reached behind me and grabbed the small black trashcan from next to my desk. The bile was already in my throat as I grabbed it. I leaned over it and threw up, the nasty taste in my mouth only bringing more up. "I'm gonna get you some water!" Deku said frantically. I gasped for air. "No-!" I choked out before grabbing onto his sleeve.

He stayed and rubbed my back as I finished up. I wiped my mouth on my sleeve and made a 'bleh' sound in disgust. I stared at him as he brought a hand to my forehead. "Kacchan, you've got a fever." He said quietly. Kacchan. Kacchan. I didn't think I would ever hear that again. If this is a dream or hallucination...please don't wake me up. "I'll call them all here once your calm and taken care of." He said grabbing my upper arm and helping me up. "Them?" I asked snuggling into his neck. "Did you get shorter?" I asked dazed. He huffed as he wrapped his arms around my neck. "No, you got taller." He whined.

.     .      .      .      .       .

It passed like a blur. I knew it was at least an hour, but it felt like 5 minutes. I wanted to let go in fear that I would hurt him or that he would reject me, but I was scared that he would disappear If I let go. He had me take medicine, and now I was laying in bed playing with his fingers as he called 'them'. He told me it was my friends. That he was a surprise. I still don't understand how they did it or if he's real. His skin was a bit paler. But then again....if he was dead....and hasn't been able to go outside....

It all began to hit me. How long has he been alive? His body went missing 2 and a half weeks ago so...I furrowed my brows as he hung up and looked back to me. "They're on there way." He said running his hand through my hair. My eyes caught something under his long sleeve. Without thinking I shoved it up to his elbow. We both stayed silent as he stared at me and I stared at his arm. "Ughm..." Deku said. "Where'd you get these?" I said barely under a whisper as I lightly traced my fingers over the dark, smooth, scar on his forearm, making him shiver. "I-....I scraped my arm on one of the window ledges on my way down." He muttered. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said not looking away from his arm. I heard multiple people walk in, speaking. I looked up. Shota. Monoma. Kiri. Kami. Shin. Sero. "Where's Momo?" I asked as they all looked at me guiltily. "She didn't know." Kiri muttered. I nodded. "I don't blame you." I said. "What?" Kami asked. "For not telling me. I wouldn't have tossed it onto you either." I heard multiple sighs of relief. "Though I do want an explanation. I want to make sure there was a way to make this possible because I still feel like I'm hallucinating." I said lifting Deku's sleeve more to see another silky dark patch on his upper arm near his elbow.

And they began.

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