Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie...

By FiftyShadesDakota_x

183K 5.6K 1K

Hi!! So, I started writing this story when I was going through a hard time, it really helped me distract myse... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Part 108
Part 109
Part 110
Part 111
Part 112
Part 113
Part 114
Part 116
Part 117
Part 118
Part 119
Part 120
Part 121
Part 122
Part 123
Part 124
Part 125
Part 126

Part 115

1.1K 32 5
By FiftyShadesDakota_x

Hi guys! It's been so long oh wow! I did have a update half done but then I realised I should probably do a Christmas update! & then I got covid so I've been isolating over Christmas and I didn't get to see my family so it's been hard for me :(
I've been really poorly, but fingers crossed I am now getting better!
I hope your all okay and I hope you all had a lovely Christmas of you celebrate it❤️
Enjoy xx

*Dakota's POV*

"Mommy!" "Daddy!" "Wake up!" We hear Charlotte squeal before feeling her climbing onto the bed, jumping up and down excitedly on me and Jamie. He groans as he rolls over, facing me and opening his eyes slowly. I giggle and rub my eyes; yawning as I sit up. "Wow we've got a very excited girl this morning" I giggle as Charlotte falls into my arms. "It's Christmas mommy" she grins, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"We need to see if Santa has been" I grin and she cheers, clapping her hands. Jamie sits up and stretches, gasping when he sees the time "char baby, it's only six in the morning" he groans and I laugh, watching as he rests his head on my lap. "Ignore daddy, he's just got a sore head from being awake late with uncle Jesse, grandpa Don and grandpa Jim" I smirk as Jamie chuckles. "He's getting too old for that" I watch and Charlotte laughs loudly. "Your right mommy" we high five and Jamie bounces up, using both his hands to tickle me and Charlotte.

We squeal and fall back onto the bed, giggling loudly and squirming to try and get away from his hands. "We'll have less of the old" he laughs, kissing Charlotte's head and then mine. "What is it with you two tag teaming me, where's my boy, I need back up" he huffs; laughing as he gets up and heads over to the travel cot in the corner of the room.

Me and Charlotte laugh, climbing out of the covers and getting up. Jamie lifts Noah and he stretches, grinning when he sees his daddy; his little face lighting up. Ahh my boys. Charlotte heads over to Jamie, and I watch as he leans down to her, letting her kiss Noah as he squeals with excitement. The four of us have matching red and white tartan style pyjamas.

"Oh my, we've got two excited babies this morning" I grin, stroking his cheek, causing him to give me the biggest grin. I head to the bathroom and then we all head downstairs to see if Santa has been. Charlotte runs off in front of us, heading straight for the hallway where my mom's 8 ft tree sits in her Aspen house. We hear her squeal with delight and Jamie and I laugh, following her excited gasps and squeals. "You'll wake the whole house baby" I giggle and she covers her mouth whilst giggling. "Sorry" She grins cutely and my heart melts. This Christmas is going to be so special, because Jamie's dad Jim, and Sam are here with all of my family in Aspen.

"You can open a few now but then we have to wait for everyone else to wake up to do the rest okay?" Jamie says and she gives him the biggest pout, looking just like her big sister Dulcie. I can't believe how grown up so looks, and she's nearly two and a half years old. I look over to Jamie who has Noah on his hip. He's seven months old already. My babies aren't babies anymore.

Jamie brings me back from my thoughts when he wraps his arm around me. "penny for your thoughts?" He kisses my head and I pout, looking up to him. "Just thinking about how our babies aren't actually babies anymore" I pout, feeling all emotional suddenly. "Baby.." He pulls me close to him, causing Noah to wrap his arm around my neck. "No matter how big they get, they will always be our babies." He chuckles and I nod, leaning up to kiss him softly.

"Maybe we can have baby number three now" I smirk at him and his face drops. I pout and go to say something but we are distracted by my mom coming down the stairs. "Happy Christmas everyone" She grins, hugging Charlotte tightly "Merry Christmas mama" Charlotte kisses her cheek and I grin, heading over to my mom and hugging her "Happy Christmas mom" I kiss her cheek and she kisses mine in return.

"Mel, happy Christmas" Jamie hugs my mom after me and I smile at him slightly, causing him to frown a bit. "Everyone else is just waking up so I'm going to make a start on breakfast and then we can open the presents. Char you wanna give me a hand?" She asks Charlotte, who bounces on the spot whilst nodding her head fast with excitement. "I'll just feed Noah and then be through to help you mom" I say, she gives me a nod and a smile and I take Noah from Jamie, and we both head to the lounge.

I latch Noah on to have some milk and Jamie sits on the opposite sofa, bumping fists with my brother as he walks through to us. "Morning" I Smile at him and he leans over to kiss my cheek. "Merry Christmas sis.." He smiles and sits beside Jamie. They sit and chat about their late night last night. I listen for a bit until Noah has finished feeding, he brings up some wind and then I pass him over to Jamie before heading to the kitchen to my mom.


We all had breakfast, everyone got changed, we FaceTimed Dulcie to wish her a happy Christmas too, and then we opened the gifts around the tree. Most of them were for Charlotte, Noah had a few but he doesn't really understand much this year because he is still too little. Everyone else each had a Christmas stocking that  had presents in from everyone. I loved watching Charlotte open her presents, she appreciated every gift given to her and she thanked everyone.

Once we've opened our presents Sam and my grandma head to the kitchen with my mom to help her with dinner, my sisters and their partners go their own way to their rooms. My dad and Jim are forced into helping Jamie set up Charlotte's new giant wooden dolls house we got her for Christmas.

I play with Noah on the floor in the lounge whilst they set the dolls house up. Charlotte calls out instructions to her grandads and her dad, causing me to chuckle. I lay Noah on his tummy and I sit back a little bit away from him. "are you gonna crawl over to mommy baby?" I clap my hands and he grins, squealing and getting up onto all fours.

"Come on then baby" I grin watching as he moves one hand at a time in turn with his knees, slowly but surely making his way over to me. "Oh my god who's a big boy" I squeal, lifting him over my head and he squeals, giggling with delight as I lay him on the floor and tickle him. "Oh my clever boy" I lift him to my face and kiss his cheek repeatedly, causing him to giggle again.

Jamie comes over to us and fusses Noah too, before leaning down to kiss me. "You okay?" He ask and I nod a bit, giving him a slight smile. He frowns and goes to say something but Charlotte calls him. "Daddy come on" she sighs loudly and I giggle, biting my lip a bit as i pick Noah up. "We can talk later.." I kiss him softly and watch him head back to Charlotte.

"Hey darling you okay?" My mom asks when I walk into the kitchen with Noah on my hip. "Yeah mama you?" I smile, sitting at the breakfast table and sitting Noah on the counter. "We're okay" she grins a me. We all chat for a while and Noah babbles to try and join in.  After a while he begins to whine. "Here I'll take him" Sam grins, lifting Noah into her arms. "I think he might need a bottle and a nap" I pout.

"There's milk in the fridge I expressed this morning" I smile and sam thanks me, getting it out and warm it through slightly. "I'll go settle him in your room and sort the baby monitor out" she gives me a smile before heading out the room and upstairs.


Christmas Day has been crazy and eventful, as it always is at my moms when everyone is here. It's been amazing to have Sam and Jim here to see my families traditions this year. They get along so well with my family and I love that. Charlotte is on her second nap of the day, the excitement of her new presents and being around all the family have gotten too much for her.

Noah is also on his second nap for today, they've both been so well behaved today. We've not long had our big Christmas feast that was beautiful, everyone is now watching Christmas movies in the lounge while the fire is on and warming the room.

"Hey.. what was wrong earlier?" Jamie distracts me from my thoughts, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind as I stand in the kitchen making hot chocolate's for us. I frown a bit "oh.. when you went all funny about baby number three" I turn in his arms and he frowns. "I didn't mean anything bad by it baby... I..." He stutters, gazing at me. "With Noah it was hard for you" He frowns and I smile sadly, kissing him.

"I know.." I nod. "I hated seeing you so anxious and scared." He strokes my hair out of my face softly, turning his gaze away from mine.. "And then his birth.. I nearly lost you, I nearly lost both of you" He turns his gaze to mine once more and I see the pain in his eyes. "Jamie.." I pout, tears in my eyes as I pull him closer to me. We hold each other for the longest time; my hand softly stroking up and down his back repeatedly. My mom is speaking as she walks through to the kitchen but she stops in her tracks when she sees us.

"Sorry.." She whispers giving us a slight smile. "Could you get give us a minute mama?" I ask her, giving her a reassuring smile as she gives me a look, nodding before walking out. "I know that everything we went through with noah was intense and it wasn't the experience either of us liked.. But it doesn't mean it'll be the same next time" I run my hands up and down his arms repeatedly as I talk. He listens carefully.

"So many women experience worse than what I did, and they still had more.. I know it was scary, It scared me too.. But we can't let it stop the chances of making our family even bigger.." I smile shyly and his smile matches mine. "Your right... and truth be told, I kinda like the thought of more children" He shrugs a bit, smiling shyly. "Me too" I grin and lean up to his lips, kissing him softly.

"I did only say it as a joke though, we don't have to rush in to trying for one straight away" I look to him and he nods, kissing me softly. I rest my hands on the lapels of his checked shirt  "plus, I like playing too" I whisper against his lips, pulling him closer and giggling when he gasps. "Me too" he smirks as his hands squeeze my ass gently. I kiss him softly again and then get our mugs of hot chocolate.

As we walk into the lounge my mum gives me a look as if to ask if everything is okay, I nod and smile at her; giggling when Charlotte runs through to the lounge. "Hey sleepy head you okay?" I ruffle her hair as she sits herself on my knee; just as Grace walks through with Noah on her hip.

"There's my favourite boy" I grin, and Jamie, my dad and my brothers all grunt "we see how it is" Jamie pouts and everyone laughs. "Oh come on, how can this cute face not be your favourite?" I laugh, squeezing Noah's cheek's gently causing him to giggle sleepily at me.

"That's very true" my dad laughs and I grin, looking back to Jamie as he pouts. "Oh you know I love your face" I nudge him, leaning across to kiss his pout softly. He grins and tucks me into his side; Charlotte curling up on my knee and Noah sat on Jamie's lap as we all turn to watch the film.

Once the film is done we all decide on heading to bed. Everyone shares hugs and Goodnight and then they go their separate ways. I tuck Charlotte into her bed in her bedroom, kissing her head softly and turning her night light on before leaving her room; leaving the door slightly open. When I head back to our room Jamie is softly singing to Noah.

I grin shyly and strip, sliding one of Jamie's white shirts over my head and climbing into bed, watching him make sure Noah is comfy before striping to his boxers and getting into bed next to me. "I've had the best day. It's been so nice having your dad and Sam here"

I smile, resting my head on his shoulder, and he gently strokes my hair. "Me too... I think they've loved it too, it's different to what Christmas is like at home" he kisses my head. "I remember Christmas last year, it was so relaxing, I loved it" I chuckle. "Christmas here is always hectic but this year was so special because Charlotte is older and she understood it more" I grin and Jamie nods, grinning back.

"She and Noah have loved all the attention today.. I just wish Dulcie could've been here too" he pouts. "I know baby me too. It felt strange without her" I stroke his chest with my hand softly. "It did, but we'll get to see her in two days" he chuckles "and then we get to have a second Christmas Day" I grin excitedly and he laughs.

"Yes baby" he kisses me softly. "You know, I'm sorry about earlier with the baby thing" he says after a few minutes of silence between us. "You don't need to be.. it had crossed my mind too but, I've always wanted a big family; with you especially, we can't let it scare us" i take his hand and kiss it softly.

"We'll be okay, I know we will" he nods a bit and I grin; nodding too. "And, we do make beautiful babies" I giggle and he laughs, knotting my hands together. "Because they have a beautiful mommy" he tilts my head up, kissing me gently as I blush. "I love you so so much" I whisper against his lips and he smiles. "I love you baby".

Comments are appreciated as always ❤️

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