Shining Glaciers


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Emerse yourself into a whole new world like no other, where peace prospers and evil lurks at every corner you... Еще

Chapter 0: Extinction
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Glacier!
Chapter 2: Fight or Flight
Chapter 3: Live & Learn
Chapter 4: Everything's Going Down Lodehouse
Chapter 5: Infiltration
Chapter 6: Infiltration Part 2
Chapter 7: Odysseus's Words
Chapter 8: A Shooting Star
Chapter 9: River in Dry Land
Chapter 10: Dead of Night
Chapter 11: Mission Impossible
Chapter 12: Chivalry of a Fallen Knight
Chapter 13: Through the Fire & Flames
Chapter 14: Storytime
Chapter 15: The Centra of Attention
Chapter 16: Mission..Somewhat Possible

Chapter 17: The End of All Things

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*Here we are, a scene where time has basically stood still. In the middle of the Extinction Throne room. On one side, you have Lodestar Luminous who is beyond livid at this point with her knife in hand. On the other side, you have the dark lord… Lord Mirage, his Scepter unleashes a scythe-like sharp end with an eye hole in the middle as his emotionless expression doesn't change in the slightest.*

*Lodestar dashes towards Mirage, attempting to slash him down. Mirage, with little to no effort, is able to dodge each slash until he sees an opening to grab her wrist and throw her to the ground, sending her knife skidding across the floor.*

Lord Mirage: So THIS is the Last Luminous… It truly shows.

Lodestar: *Groans* Save it, you moldy fucking wank sock!

Lord Mirage: Temper, temper… So much like your father.

*At that comment, Lodestar lunges towards her knife and back to her feet. This earns a small chuckle from the Dark Lord, as he starts to walk towards her.*

Lord Mirage: You’d think a being such as myself would simply see your parents as a mere blip on the radar. Just a pair of numbers on a long count of poor souls who were at the wrong place at the wrong time.

*Lodestar glares daggers through him as he finally stands but a few inches from her. He looks down at her, one arm holding his scepter and his other behind his back.*

Lord Mirage: But I could never forget them… Out of all of the armies & planets to fall at my hand no other ones stood against me as fearlessly as your people before you. No one before your parents ever truly stood something of a chance against me…

*He leans down to her face so they are eye-to-eye.*

Lord Mirage: But even still… they could not beat me… even if it was “For the Kingdom.”

*Lodestar smashes her head against Mirage with a vicious headbutt, making him stagger back in pain. She dashes towards him, jumping towards him with a knee to the jaw. Mirage grabs onto her before she drops down and tosses her away from him.*

Lord Mirage: Your defiance is admirable…

*Mirage’s scepter begins to glow an almost blackened red as it grows to twice its original size.*

Lord Mirage: But THIS is where your journey & your bloodline ends.

*Lodestar simply looks at him before looking down at her dagger.*

Lodestar: I wouldn’t be so sure about that.

*Lodestar pulls the star necklace from her pocket and puts it on. A sudden rush of power surged through her veins as the necklaces’ magic enveloped her. Her hair flew wild, like a gust of wind had blown past her. Her eyes shone a bright purple alongside the jewel in the silver necklace. Her dagger began to glow the same purple as it, like Mirage’s scepter, began to grow into a long claymore with the Luminous crest dawning on it. The sight earned a smirk from the Dark Lord.*

Lord Mirage: The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, it seems…

*Lodestar’s response was simply to dash towards him in a bright purple plume. Steel met steel as her blade met with Mirage’s, causing the two of them to come face-to-face once more.*

Lord Mirage: Your transformation was unexpected, I will admit…

*Mirage leans in towards Lodestar, mere inches from her face.*

Lord Mirage: But it only will prolong the inevitable.

*Mirage uses his superior size to shove Lodestar back, attempting to take a swing at her with his scythe. Lodestar quickly ducks the attack and takes a swing of her own at Mirage. Mirage, however, catches her wrist and tosses her through the door she had come through, causing the door to fly off the wall. Lodestar began to hoist herself up as Mirage began walking towards her.*

Lord Mirage: The power you possess is immaculate…

*Mirage grabbed her by the back of her neck & once again sent her flying, this time into the wall. A massive dent in the ship was left from the impact as she slid to a seat position.*

Lord Mirage: But what is power in the hands of someone who does not know how to use it?

*Lodestar heaved herself to her feet and ran at Mirage, taking another swing at the Lord. Mirage sidestepped each slash and hack from the smaller swordswoman. As she raised the sword above her head, Mirage quickly struck her in the chest with the butt of his staff. The blow sent Lodestar flying through yet another pair of doors, this time into a control room. Various Extinction soldiers looked at her in surprise, unsure of how to even react… until Mirage stepped through the doorway, shaking each of the soldiers to their core.*

Lord Mirage: Ensure the ship stays on course… I will deal with this intruder myself.

*The soldiers were quick to return to their work, not daring to question or defy their Dark Lord. Mirage returned his attention to Lodestar, who had used this distraction to hoist herself back up. Mirage stepped towards her, gripping her around the neck.*

Lord Mirage: You were foolish to come alone, Luminous. Now you pay for your arroga-

*Before Mirage could finish, Lodestar quickly ripped a wire from the control panel and shoved it into his eye. A wave of electricity combined with the sharp wire caused Mirage to release his vise on her neck & let out a snarl of pain. Lodestar was quick to catch her breath and snatched a gun from a nearby Extinction soldier. The soldier, seeing the amount of glowing lights coming from this smaller woman, decided he would rather continue guiding the ship rather than intervene in this fight. As he returns to his work, Lodestar begins to open fire on Mirage. Mirage quickly took cover behind a tower of tech as Lodestar’s bullets bounced around the enclosed room, taking out various of the Extinction soldiers and even piercing the ship itself. Once her clip had run dry, Lodestar tossed the gun aside and ran to where Mirage had taken shelter and sliced the tower clean in half with her sword. The tower collapsed only to reveal that Mirage… had vanished. Before she could even process what had happened, several bullets flew by her head. She turned to see some surviving Extinction soldiers opening fire on her and Mirage fled to the next room in hopes of regrouping. Lodestar, clearly tired of this shit, charged towards the soldiers and skewered all but one onto her claymore. She kicked their bodies from her blade and looked to the last soldier, who had already begun running in the completely opposite direction.*

Lodestar: That’s what I fuckin’ thought.

*Lodestar kicked down the door Mirage had gone through, revealing a whole other control room but this time the soldiers were already at attention and began to unload bullets at her. Quick as a cat, Lodestar dropped down and slashed at the legs of the guards and caused them to fall into the others behind them. The resulting domino effect caused Lodestar to chuckle.*

Lodestar: Good help hard to find?

Lord Mirage: You would be surprised.

*Lodestar dashed at Mirage, causing their weapons to collide. Mirage attempted to kick Lodestar away, only for her to use the now vacant space under him to slide behind him. Before he could turn to face her, Lodestar delivers a sharp knee to the back of his head and knocks him prone. She then jumps onto his back, driving her feet harshly into his spine. Lodestar rolled in front of him and went to deliver a soccer ball kick to his face, but Mirage was quick to grab her by the leg which caused her to fall onto her front. Mirage hoisted her up by her leg and looked at her.*

Lord Mirage: What is it that you hope to accomplish coming here alone? Do you seek to avenge your fallen people or do you wish to JOIN them?

*Rather than give an answer, Lodestar’s response was to send a gob of spit into Mirage’s face. He simply groaned in annoyance and wiped his face.*

Lord Mirage: Why do I even bother?

*Mirage then sends Lodestar hurtling through the roof of the Extinction ship, smashing through various levels of it until she finally smashed through the top layer and landed on the top. Mirage was quick to rise from the newly made hole in the ship.*

Lord Mirage: I’ve been holding back in hopes you would finally come to your senses, princess… but it seems that is above you.

*Lodestar rose to her feet to take a swing with her sword, only for Mirage to grab her wrist as she attempted to swing down.*

Lord Mirage: You have an overdeveloped sense of vengeance… That’s going to get you into trouble one of these days.

*He lifts Lodestar up by her wrist and looks her dead in the eyes.*

Lord Mirage: And that day is today.

*Before he could do anything though, Lodestar delivered a swift kick to his jaw. The sudden impact made him lose his grip on her and stumble back.*

Lodestar: And those shitty monologs are gonna be what get YOU in trouble one of these days.

*Lodestar then charged at Mirage and landed a successful slash on him that sent him flying backwards. Lodestar ran up to him and leapt into the air with her blade facing downward.*


*She let out a warcry as she sent the blade into Mirage, sending the both of them smashing through the ship into a new room. The room was nearly pitch black, the only light being what came from the freshly made hole. Mirage’s body dissipated into a black cloud of smoke and slipped from her blade into the darkness of the room. Lodestar pried her blade from the ground and began to look around. Mirage’s voice echoed out from the darkness.*

Lord Mirage: I must admit… Perhaps I did underestimate you. You very much are your parents’ child… full of surprises.

*Lodestar stood her ground, looking around in the darkness for a sign… any sign of movement. Even a source of the voice would do. But she couldn’t find one… His voice continued to echo around her.*

Lord Mirage: Even without proper preparations, you prove to be quite the challenge. I must say… part of me has come to respect you and your parents.

*Finally, the source of the voice was revealed… right behind her.*

Lord Mirage: But another part of me is utterly annoyed. It’s time for this to end.

*Lodestar turned to swing, but what she was met with was not Mirage… It was Eddie… His trophified face staring right at her. Lodestar stopped mid-swing upon realizing this and stared at the golden statue of her best friend.*

Lodestar: E… Eddie?

*She slowly reached out her hand to touch only to be grabbed from behind & tossed into the darkness, causing her to drop her sword on the ground.*

Lodestar: EDDIE!!!

*Lodestar was slammed backfirst into a door, sending her skitting on the floor and back into Mirage’s throne room. The man himself stepped through the now destroyed doorway and glowered down at her.*

Lord Mirage: Full of surprises… yet so easy to surprise.

*Mirage walked up to Lodestar and knelt down beside her.*

Lord Mirage: You cannot save them. You cannot save this world. No matter what you do or how hard you fight… history will repeat itself for you, princess.

*He rises up to his feet, as Extinction soldiers begin to enter the room.*

Lord Mirage: This planet is not special… No planet is. It is just another globe in an endless cosmos that will kneel… or it will fall.

*The soldiers hoist Lodestar’s limp body up.*

Lord Mirage: Take her to the holding cells and begin repairs on the damage done to the ship. I will deal with our little guest myself soon enough.

*The soldiers nod and take Lodestar away as Mirage turns back towards the dark room. He re-enters the room and walks up to Eddie’s trophy.*

Lord Mirage: It’s good to see you are still in one piece… I’d hate to have one of my prized possessions damaged…

*Mirage snaps his fingers, causing the room’s lights to flicker on to reveal rows upon rows of trophies. The number of trophies are nearly in the hundreds as even the trophies of Venom, Carnage, Bane & even McKenzie Rivers are among these prizes.*

Lord Mirage: But then again… I could say the same for any of my collection.

*Mirage hoists up Eddie’s statue and places it back next to Venom’s statue.*

Lord Mirage: A place for everything… and everything in its place.

*Mirage gave a cruel smile as he walked out the room, making sure to take a moment to gaze at a sword mounted above the entrance way… a sword similar to the claymore Lodestar’s knife had become.*

Lord Mirage: Like father… like daughter.

*He stepped out of the room, using his power to put the doors back into the place. The trophy room was now submerged in utter darkness once more… all except for a small purple glow… emanating from the knife Lodestar had dropped…*


Chapter 17: END.

Credit to RickC211 for the fight scene!

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