Malec Oneshots

By HarnieSivagumar

8.9K 290 148

Just some malec oneshot, no angst because I can't handle the pain myself and no smut because I don't know how... More

A Day Off...
A Day Off 2...
First kiss
Wedding 2
My World
Morning Routine
I would've done the same
Got my Angel
End My fight
My love
My Augus-My Magnus
Our Love
Forever and Always

Soulmates 2

568 20 16
By HarnieSivagumar

It had been 3 years, 3 years since Alec and Magnus had started dating and all was going peaceful, until Jace's soulmate showed up.

Clary Fairchild has been a constant pain in the ass for Alec, "Magnus?", Jace asked after she said about her memory being stolen by him.

"Yah do you know him?", she asked, "You could say that, he is the most powerful warlock I have known", he explained and Alec walked in.

"Who?", he asked, "Magnus Bane stole her memories", Jace said subtly, the three Lightwoods decided not to tell their parents about the older sibling's relationship.

The Lightwood parents also never bothered to ask who his soulmate was so he kept it quiet, "More like did it on her mother's request", Alec said.

"You knew?", Jace asked and Alec shrugged, ofc he knew they always share things with each other.

Since it was shadowhunter business they kept the personal relationship aside and went to the rave that night.

"Clarissa Fairchild", Magnus said and nodded at Jace who nodded back, "Magnus Bane, so you are the one who stole my memories", she said and Jace gritted his teeth.

If Alec hears the tone she is using on Magnus she would be buried 6 feet down, he thought, while Magnus replied to her.

"Look out", they heard Izzy's voice suddenly and an arrow whizzed pass them, Alec quickly came towards them and checked Magnus and went to check the attacker.

"Magnus you need to leave", he said and Magnus nodded and left to his loft through the portal, the shadowhunters came outside the party.

"Why did you let him go?", Clary shouted, "He was attacked and he would have been killed if he had stayed there", Alec said.

"But now I won't get my memories", she said and Alec looked at Jace who had a suggestive look, Alec groaned.

"Fine come on", he said and led towards Magnus's loft from another way and there was an attack going on when they arrived there making Alec panic.

"No no no no no", he said and rushed inside along with the others and fought the circle members, many warlocks were already dead.

Alec still didn't see Magnus which made him panic more and run into the room to find Magnus fighting a circle member, he quickly shot him.

"Magnus are you ok? are you hurt?", Alec asked checking Magnus frantically and Magnus chuckled.

"I am fine Alexander", he said and they both shared a kiss, "We have to go downstairs", Alec said exhaling his held breath and Magnus nodded.

Both went downstairs and the survivors were portaled to a safe place and they moved their apartment too.

Alec was exhausted, Magnus noticed it and felt through his soulmate connection and plopped down on the couch, Alec smiled and laid on the couch with his head on Magnus's lap.

Clary was starting to understand what was happening as Magnus ran his fingers in Alec's hair just like he loved.

"Tired?", Magnus asked knowing and feeling the shadowhunters work from all day, "Exhausted", the other replied.

"It's good to see you and my parabatai like this but we have some serious work to do", Jace said and Magnus nodded.

Izzy was fangirling at the two, "I need some coffee", Alec said getting up and gave Magnus a kiss, who went with Clary for the drawing.

The demon summoning was going fine and the memory of loved one was showed in which for Alec it showed Magnus and Magnus Alec.

Suddenly the demon attacked Alec throwing him away from the pentagram, "ALEXANDER", Magnus shouted.

He tried containing the demon, but couldn't and at the end Clary ended up killing it as tried to pick Alec who was laying still.

Magnus ran and skidded towards Alec who was lying on the floor, "Alexander, baby come on wake up", he said pulling his lover to his lap.

He used his magic while the other three gathered together and Izzy knelt next to the couple with tears threatening to spill.

"Come on Alec", she whispered, Alec gasped and woke up in Magnus's arms who was having tears running down his eyes.

"What happened?", the shadowhunter asked and Magnus kissed his forehead, "I love you, please don't do anything like this hereafter", he whispered.

"I love you too Magnus, it's ok I am here it's just a small...", he stopped receiving both Magnus's and Izzy's glare.

"Ok sorry", he said and got up, Magnus moved immediately into Alec's arms and he held the warlock.

"Come on we'll go to the living room", Alec said and all went to the living room, Alec sat with Magnus on his lap.

"So what happens now?", Clary asked and Magnus looked up laying his head on Alec's chest, "I am sorry biscuit, but I'm afraid that the memory is lost forever", he said.

Clary nodded still trying to process what was happening, Jace and Izzy took her back to the institute leaving Alec with Magnus.

Alec led Magnus to their room and changed their clothes to more sleeping ones and laid with Magnus in his arms.

"Magnus?", he called and the other one stirred but didn't look into his face, "Honey look at me", Alec said and made Magnus look at him.

"I am alright, see I am in your arms", Alec said wiping the tears off his warlock's eyes, "Alexander when I saw you not moving, I felt a part of me die", Magnus said and they shared a kiss.

"I don't think I can go through such a pain, please don't ever leave me, I know I am immortal and you are not, but even though stay with me till the end", Magnus said and snuggled close to Alec.

"I promise Magnus I will never leave you and even after my death I will always be with you", Alec said kissing the warlock on his lips and forehead, both drifting to sleep.

~ 6 months later~ (I don't exactly know the timeline, if you know it please comment)

Alexander Gideon Lightwood-Bane and Magnus Lightwood-Bane got married today, after all the dark things.

No more Valentine, no more Sebastian or Jonathan, no more Asmodeus, no more Edom, just them and their loved ones.

They were in the after party when the speeches were happening and it was Clary's turn, "First I met Alec and thought he was just another ass in my life", she said and all laughed. "But when I truly got to know him, he became a big brother I always wanted, he introduced me to Magnus and he is the best, an amazing friend. I saw them and realized that no one can love someone like they love each other, I know they are the first or second to be such a pair but I know no one will ever come close to their love and understanding. It's also surprising that they are so understanding in the immortal and mortal problem too, even though it hurts them so much. So to relieve them of that problem,  I as one of the malec fan and a person who admires their relationship would like to give them a wedding gift on behalf of the clave and us(Izzy, Jace, Clary and Simon) only to them", she said and walked towards the couple.

The couple was confused, "Alexander Lightwood-Bane with the permission of clave I would like to present you the immortality rune if you like", she said and Alec gasped.

The couple teared up and Alec nodded moving his shirt a bit, Clary drew the immortality rune on his left collarbone which glowed for a second and stopped.

All the members cheered and Alec hugged his family whispering thank you again and again, he wiped Magnus's tears and kissed him.

"You will be with me forever", Magnus said still shocked and Alec nodded, "Well I did promise you that I will never leave", he said.

He kissed Magnus's forehead while all cheered and continued the party, Alexander Gideon Lightwood-Bane and Magnus Lightwood-Bane were definitely made for each other.

Magnus Bane finally found the one who will choose him above the world...


I am thinking of doing a separate soulmate malec fanfiction, I won't do it immediately but still planning on it, what do you guys think?

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