Supergirl x M!Reader (Book 2)

By MaxJerett

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Following the events of Book 1, the story continues and instead follows Jörvintir as he learns to deal with t... More

Hey, Nice Meeting You Here.
The Prievew Ya'll Asked For!!!
Deeper Explination
One Step At A Time
So Neanderthals DO Still Exist!
Sibling Rivalry
The Shaking Of Hands
Return Of The....
8/10, Would Not Reccomend Repeating...
A Man With A...Not-So-Fleshed-Out-Plan...
Intervention: Just A Little Help

1 Vixen, 2 Vixen, Holo Vixen, Blue Vixen?!

221 6 0
By MaxJerett

Jörvintir's POV

The walk to the prison wasn't really that long once I was able to relearn my super speed. I marveled at the prison in all its glory.

Jörvintir: Hmmm. So this is the mighty Fort Rozz...

Y/n: 'Wish Maverick could've been here to see it.What can you tell me about it?'

Jörvintir: don't EVER want to end up here. I'm glad we brought him home before coming here. The worst of the worst are sent here. Nasty, vile, little creatures they are.

The ring shaped cage was missing 1/4 of itself as it sat lodged in the dunes of sand. Pieces of it hanging and creaking, most flaming.

Jörvintir: We're going to have to work together in here. The fire...isn't exactly a friend of mine.

Y/n: 'For the sake of Kara? Anything.'

Jörvintir: Then it's settled.

I continued to make my way to the prison, slowly getting acclimated with the shift of the sand under the weight of my feet.

Y/n: 'Think anyone's home?'

I shook my head.

Jörvintir: If not very few, then none at all. Being in a place like this...

I shook my head in dismay.

Jörvintir: Some of the inmates would've stayed because they felt safe....most have been waiting for a shot at freedom.

Y/n: 'I see.'

It was fairly silent after that, and as I reached the opening, I paused.

Jörvintir: Things are going to get...dicey. Be prepared for anything and let nothing throw your game off.

Y/n: 'You got it.'

I felt a bit better at his verbal admission and set foot inside.


Y/n: 'W-What the hell was that?!'

My spine went ramrod straight at the feeling.

Jörvintir: The atmosphere is quite...oppressive. So much so that even you can feel it.

Y/n: 'Thanks?'

Jörvintir: Just stay calm, and things won't go awry.

I forced my body to relax as I trekked farther into the dilapidated prison. The farther I got, the more Y/n was subconsciously telling me to turn tail. Which just riled me up and made me itch for a fight. Most of the cells were empty, the doors torn off in varying creative fashions. Stepping over collapsed beams that had fallen from above,

Jörvintir: Likely from the heavier inmates. ...Brutes.

Y/n: 'Hm?'

I pointed down.

Jörvintir: The beams,

I then pointed up.

Jörvintir: Fell from up there. I'm thinking it was most likely the heavier goons that were responsible for this.

Y/n: 'Wait...'

What now?

Y/n: '...goons?'

Oh for-!

Jörvintir: "Be more human," they said. "It'll be great," they said.

A sudden ringing in my ears makes me duck my head to cover them, narrowly dodging a beam thrown my way.

Y/n: 'Woah-HEY!!'

I turned toward where it came from, only to see...a middle aged man in a skin tight onesie...

My face dropped into a deadpan expression.

???: You have keen reflexes...tell me, what are you doing here?

Jörvintir: I'm looking for a Kryptonian.

The man just chuckled eerily from where he stood. I arched an eyebrow, looking at him differently.

Jörvintir: A blonde one. She goes by the name of Kara Zor-El. Maybe you've heard of her.

The man's face twisted into a snarl.

???: Don't act petulant with me, you little vermin!

He he puts all of his force into kicking another beam my way that I simply duck under.

Jörvintir: I wonder...

I put my index to my chin in a contemplative manner with my head tilted in genuine curiosity.

Jörvintir: How long you can stand sub zero temperatures...

Super-baby: Is that a threat? You must not wish to be reunited with Kara if you plan to fight me.

Jörvintir: Not much planning would have to be done, realistically. But how about this: you tell me where she is, and I won't freeze your skin off?

He took a second to regard me.

Super-baby: I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting, little one. I am called Non.

Y/n: 'This guy's gonna be a Non-sicle if he doesn't quit the games!'

Jörvintir: 'Relax.'

Non's eyebrow raises.

Non: Oh? Have a little friend, do we?

I shrug.

Jörvintir: Do you want to live? Or die? Simple.

Non: ...Fight me, and I shall give you the information you so desperately desire.

Jörvintir: ...I'll take my chances.

I walked past him with a blizzard at my back, freezing him to the spot.

Jörvintir: Though...I suppose I wouldn't have to look for her if you just told me. That would grant you freedom. And warmth.

I kept walking, not caring if he responds or not. If he could.

Y/n: 'That was cold.'

Jörvintir: ...Kara should be here somewhere, do you think we could scout her out?

There's a few seconds before he responds again.

Y/n: Done and done, don't ask how...please.


Jörvintir: How did you do that?

Y/n: 'I tell you not to ask and you do anyway?' *Sigh* 'If you just have to know...I used the Atlas.

I sputtered.

Jörvintir: The Atlas? What are you an idiot? You shouldn't be toying with that thing.

Y/n: 'I don't see why not. It responds to me quite well.'

Jörvintir: Are you serious? I tampered with that thing for hours before it even-

Y/n: 'Duck and take a right here.'

I shuffle under more fallen debris and take a right past a human sized lava lamp.

Jörvintir: -lit up for me. I assumed it was broken. And even then the light flickered right out. And shocked me.

Y/n: 'I ask it to show me things and it does.'

Jörvintir: Did it show you why the hell it shocked me? My hair was on end for the longest.

Y/n: 'I think there's a key to using it? Not sure what it could be though.'




Jörvintir: Hello? Y/n? This is the part where you say you'll look into it.

Y/n: 'No it's not. Why would I do that?'

Jörvintir: Because it will help?

Y/n: 'I couldn't possibly care less. If you fear it, what businesses do I have messing around with it?'

Jörvintir: Whatever. I'll just do it myself.

Y/n: 'You do that, champ.'

I fought back the burning curiosity to find out if we shared the same stimuli.

Jörvintir: Where to now?

Y/n: We have to go through the sanitation bay, they're keeping her there to keep her sedated.

I follow the signs for the sanitation bay.

Jörvintir: You said the Atlas showed you things? What did you see? Is Kara alright?

Y/n: 'Battered, but alive.'

Jörvintir: I'm gonna batter whoever the hell did this.

Y/n: 'Uhm?'

Jörvintir: What was that? What was that sound you just made?

Y/n: 'That was pure confusion! How is it that you don't see who's behind this?'

I walked through the checkpoint as sanitation gas's blasted me in my face.

Jörvintir: Well, I apologize if I don't just randomly point fingers at whoever makes me "feel unsafe". You humans are a bunch of assholes.

Y/n: 'Hey, for the record, I am NOT a human!'

Jörvintir: Then quit acting like them. It's unbecoming.

I ruffled my hair to dry it off.

Y/n: 'You know what else is "unbecoming" you fucking tsundere?! Ignorance! Negligence!'

Jörvintir: Oh yeah? Why don't you get your own body and say that to my face you little twerp. If I give you control, you'd turn tail and neglect your responsibility of saving the Kryptonian.

I opened a reinforced door and went down a set of stairs.

Y/n: 'Oh, I see. Now she's "The Kryptonian"! How convenient! Why won't you just admit you feel something for her too?!'

I barked out a dry laugh.

Jörvintir: Is that what this is about? You're upset because I have a mind of my own and chose to ignore the bond? Are you mad at me because you're weak?

Y/n: 'No, this is about you not making up your mind! Either you care about her or you don't!'

At the bottom of the stairs was an office they clearly did research in. Papers were scattered everywhere. Lab equipment derelict and rusted. This was definitely not a "sanitation" anything. The place was a disaster. Through a huge observation window was a cavern with chains anchored inside of it. Inside these chains, was Kara. I frowned as I gazed at her sadly. She looked like she'd been through it.

Jörvintir: Why should I have to care about her? Why can't I just save her and be done with it? It's you who wants to start a family with her, not me.

Y/n: 'I don't want to start a family with her!'

Jörvintir: Then what do you want from her?

Y/n: 'I...'

Jörvintir: *Sigh* Let's just free her first.

I looked down at the main control panel and saw a red button. I nearly jolted at multiple streams of gas blasted Kara directly at high velocity. That's how they were keeping her restrained.

Jörvintir: You know the red button stereotype?

Y/n: 'Don't ever push it?'

I nod.

Jörvintir: Why does it exist?

Y/n: 'Well...because bad things happen if you push it.'

Jörvintir: Right.

I gazed around the cavern.

Jörvintir: So it would be best to heed warnings, correct?

Y/n: 'Jörvintir, where are you going with this?'

I sigh.

Jörvintir: Do you remember what I told you to do if you wanted this to flow seamlessly?

Y/n: I- Uh- Yeah, I do.

I took a deep inhale as I heard the sound of crumbling rocks.

Jörvintir: Let's just say you pushed the red button and now we might die.

Y/n: 'What's that supposed to-?!'


A blue humanoid figure bursts through the glass and is already in position to drop kick me. I jump and prepare to do the same, our feet colliding and kicking off one another. I do a back flip and choke on a gasp as my back hits the wall behind me.

Jörvintir: K-KARA!!

I use the last of the air in my lungs to try and wake her, and collapse to my knees, a heaving mess. My entire body has shut down from the impact.

The glass crunches in protest as footsteps draw closer to me. They're light, meaning...

A clawed hand reaches for my chin and lifts it, and then I'm suddenly staring into the face of a blue skinned woman with red hair, half braided back and the other half a simple ponytail. What caught my attention was the insignia in the middle of her forehead. Three red dots were glowing with luminescence that she herself provided, much like myself. She's got the lecherous grin of a rabid wolf.

Jörvintir: W-What the hell did you do to Kara?

Y/n: 'Huh...kinda looks like a triangle-THIS BITCH IS IN THE ILLUMINATI!!!'

Jörvintir: 'Are you seriously worried about some ancient cult from hundreds of years ago?!'

Y/n: 'W-Wait, Jörvintir-'

Jörvintir: 'No way!! I've been holding this in for way too long! You have been a thorn in my side since we started talking about Kara! You need to quit being so immature and grow the hell up already! Stop treating this like some high school crush!! We are going to die because you can't think for yourself!

Y/n: 'Go to Hel Jörvintir!! Do you think I asked for this! This isn't something I can just resist!

Jörvintir: 'Why not? Sounds like an excuse to me. You seem be real full of those.'

Y/n: 'BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW HOW!!! All of this otherworldly bullshit has just been thrown at me, and I've been trying to keep up with all of you but it just seems like there's one setback after another!'

We were cut short by the sound of laughing.

Jörvintir: And just what the hell do you find so amusing right now?

Illuminati member: Oh, I think he'll do just nicely...

A chill ran up my spine as I realized she wasn't talking about me.

Y/n: 'I was trying to tell you that she knew I was here.'

Jörvintir: Then maybe you can find a way to get him the hell out.

Illuminati member: Oh? Well, then I suppose your wish is my command.

She advances on me, invading my personal space. I recoil, but my body reacts and my muscles clench and constrict violently, making me grunt in pain.

Illuminati member: I suppose I could at the very least tell you my name. My name is Indigo, and it is most certainly a pleasure to meet you, dear. Now...shall we?

She moves in again and all I can do is fall further back, causing my back to hit the ground.

Jörvintir: Hn!

Her lips press to mine and they immediately start to sear. I try to struggle away, but she's got a forceful grip that won't let up.

Jörvintir: Hmnn!

I squeeze my eyes shut in pan as the pain numbs my lips and spreads to my head.

Jörvintir: Gah!!

She releases me and the first thing I do is take in the largest breath I can. I exhale forcing my legs to tuck in spite of the pain.

Indigo: Where do you go, little orphan? Cute magic trick you pulled.

I jumped onto the main desk and peered into the cavern through the hole Indigo created. It was a long fall for sure.

Jörvintir: Not a magic trick. Magic.

I jump down and circle her, biting back a wince.

Jörvintir: Your eyes can't process what they're seeing, so they show you nothing at all.

She grunts in effort, then looks down at her feet.

Indigo: How did you-?'

Jörvintir: Just a little frost breath, nothing too crazy. Did it just as I was vanishing. Neat trick, huh?

Indigo: Coward.

Jörvintir: Who? Lil' ol' me? Why not you who used Y/n's anger against him and then proceeded to strike  from the shadows?

Indigo: So Y/n is his name. He wouldn't tell me.

Then I realized...

Indigo: *Chuckle* You finally realized. Not the sharpest icicle are you? You must be special. Was that your first kiss?

Jörvintir: I vowed not to harm a human. But you...correct me if I'm wrong, but you're the hive mind that aided in the D.E.O's destruction. Did you think I wouldn't remember you, you psycho? You think I won't kick your ass into the next realm?

Indigo: Astute. What gave it away? Was it me taking your precious little counterpart? Or sense my level of intelligence?

I amped up my ice, forcing it to spread to her mid-thigh. I chuckle as she begins to shriek in pain.

Jörvintir: You can't stand ice. How's that for astute?

Indigo: My, my. Sadist much? Seems like you have a bit to unpack. Should I tell him you won't be saving him?

Jörvintir: How about you go to Hel, vixen.

Indigo: Careful what you wish for...

I encase her entire body in a thick impenetrable cocoon of ice. She starts struggling, shaking the cocoon.

Jörvintir: No you don't!

I rebound off the wall behind me and drop kick her cocoon as hard as I possibly can, hearing it crack. She goes hurling straight out of the hole the came through.

Jörvintir: That's for sneaking me. Harlot.

I take a few deep breaths, one after another, my body finally allowing my blood to flow throughout my body.

Jörvintir: Kara!


Kara: I'

Jörvintir: I know. Are you alright?

Kara: Everything hurts...burns.

I go straight for the window.

Jörvintir: Do you think you could swing to me?

She shakes her head.

Kara: Too much...

I nod placatingly.

Jörvintir: Okay, okay. Just sit tight. I'll come get you, alright?

Kara: Hm...

I leap from placeholder to place hold. Once I was closer to Kara, I could see that her suit was barely holding it together. She was smoking. Literally. And her forearms look they had gotten the brunt of attack. But from what?

Jörvintir: Holy Hel, Kara, what the hell happened?

I start to freeze the chains so that they'll be easier to break.

She twitches, then,

Kara: Astra, Indigo, and Non...


Jörvintir: What about them?

Kara: Destroyed the D.E.O, took...everyone...!

Jörvintir: Well, how about we get you out of here, and we'll show them the wrath of Kara Zor-El?

She flexes her muscles and the chains crumble.

She's floating on her own.

Kara: I know where everyone's being held. I'll need you and Y/n to-

Jörvintir: Just me.

She finally turns to me, confusion is all there is. Blatant.

Jörvintir: He's...out. Now what's the plan, we don't have much time.

She shakes her head and refocuses.

Kara: She's somewhere in the city, guarding Indigo's main vessel. A machine. Looks like a beacon. We pull everyone out and then destroy it.

Jörvintir: Will destroying it kill Indigo? Affect her in any way?

Kara: No, why? Do we need to finish her off?

I hesitate. A frown on my face.

Jörvintir: No. I took care of her before getting to you.

Kara claps me on the shoulder, a large grin on her face.

Kara: Thanks! She was a tough cookie, huh?

I glare at her and remove her hand off my shoulder.

Jörvintir: Indeed.

She nods her head towards the office exit through the windows and bolts off. I dash behind her as fast as I can.

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