Y/ntopia (Miitopia x Male Tra...

By TrapMaster20

32K 359 326

What happens when you Isekai a Y/n and then bring more Y/n's who were already Isekaied into said Isekai? The... More

1 - The World of Many Faces
2 - A God's Blessing on Miitopia!
3 - Let the Adventure Continue!!!
4 - And Then There Were Four
5 - How's it Going Bros, This is the King!!
7 - Greenhorne's Happy Ending
8 - New Place? New Companion!
9 - Working With a Demi-Goddess
10 - Stopping a Genie
11 - Here we go Again!

6 - We've Got Some "Royal" Problems Over Here!!

1.1K 16 20
By TrapMaster20

No one's POV

We see the four members back in Greenhorne, looking for DanTDM.

Y/n: So, you have any luck?

Neptune: Nope.

Ringo: Sorry, no.

Luna: How is one person so hard to find!

As the four start to look in another direction, Yuri walks up to them.

Yuri: Oh, adventurers!

Y/n turns around and sees the young woman in shock.

Y/n: Don't tell me... Did something happen to Odds1out?

Yuri: Yes, something terrible! He's gone missing, and I can't find him anywhere!!!

Ringo: Did you ask for help before coming to us?

Yuri: I actually did. This may be a bit rude, but... I don't thing that they're up to it.

Luna: I think we may have found our lead.

Neptune: Then let's move! Prepare for a Konosuba reference time-skip, in perfect regards to this book!

Neptune: Y/ntopia!!!

We now see the team in a different area, when they hear Odds1out's voice.

Odds1out's Voice: No! Stay away!! S- Somebody help me!!!

Y/n: That's the kid's voice!

Neptune: Let's get moving before anything bad happens.

However, right before they move in, they see a human go flying into the sky and landing on the ground.

Y/ns: OHHhhhhhhh... That's gotta hurt...

The four the quickly decapitate the goblins, making things incredibly easy for the team.

Y/n: That was easy.

Ringo: Real easy.

Neptune: Super easy.

Luna: Incredibly easy.

Odds1out: Waaaaa! Mommy!

Odds1out then leaves, leaving the four with the noble son, DanTDM.

DanTDM: Thank you so much for the help! My name is DanTDM.

Luna: Finally! It took us a while to find you, you know!!

DanTDM: Why is that?

Neptune: Princess Zelda. She wanted us to find you, since she's worried about you.

DanTDM: The princess...is worried about me...?

Ringo: Yes.

DanTDM: Oh! Focus! What in the world were those monsters?

Y/n: *Goblin Slayer voice* Goblins.

Ringo then hits Y/n over the head.

Ringo: Sorry about that. I think we should catch you up to speed. Tell you why the princess sent us.

Neptune: *nods head*

Luna: To put it bluntly... someone's been stealing faces, and the princess wanted to make sure that they didn't get to you.

DanTDM: I turned my back and all this happened... And the way you four quickly dealt with those monsters... It was incredible! I was as useful as a chocolate teapot.

Y/n: That's a... weird analogy...

Neptune: Don't sweat it! At least you're not a masochist, like a noble woman I know of.

DanTDM: I-I think I'll be leaving now!

DanTDM then starts heading off in a very weird fashion.

Y/n: That... was weird...

Ringo: No kidding...

Luna: Well, we did our job done for the princess, so let's tell her the results!


Location: Greenhorne Castle

We now see the team back with Princess Zelda.

Zelda: So...?

Y/n: He's alright. Had a little skirmish, but he's alright. No face taken in the process.

Zelda: That is a relief! Please accept this reward.

Zelda then hands Y/n and the team 1000 Gold.

Y/ns: Thank you, princess!

Suddenly, and unknown how it happened, PEWDEPIE appears.

PEWDEPIE: Now, now, dear... You must forget about that DanTDM chap. You are betrothed to Prince Trump after all! Is that clear?

As PEWDEPIE leaves, silence then fills the room, as the Y/ns all have shocked looks on their faces.

Y/n: Oh no...

Ringo: This isn't fine...

Luna: We're dead.

Neptune: I have a question... for Segami.... WHHHHYYYYYY?!?!?!?!

As the four leave the throne room, PEWDEPIE stops them.

PEWDEPIE: Adventurers, I would like your help.

Y/n: ...What do you want...?

PEWDEPIE: The princess's fiancé should be on his way. Since I have you here, would you mind escorting him here to the castle?

Luna: ...Sure...

Ringo: *mumbles* ...Don't have much of a choice here...

PEWDEPIE: Much obliged!! The princess's fiancé is from yonder kingdom. He should be waiting at the Arid Frontier.

Neptune: ...Thanks... We'll head there now...


Location: Arid Frontier

Y/n's POV

As we towards where the prince of the other kingdom is, Neptune speaks up.

Neptune: ...Guys... The prince... are you thinking who I think it is...?

Y/n: Depends... Did he let a global pandemic go crazy in America?

Luna: What...?

Y/n: Wait. When did you die in your time?

Luna: 2019.

Y/n: You're lucky.

Luna: How?

Ringo: The world was hit with a pandemic. Luckily, in my world's Japan, before being sent to another world, they manage to stop it. America still had the problem though.

Neptune: Trump?

Ringo: Trump.

Over in the distance, I see a person in some real fancy clothes.

???: Grrr... Keep me waiting... *grumble*

Y/n: Ummm...

???: Huh?

The person then turns around, and now we have a good look at their face. Aka, Donald Freakin' Trump!

Trump: You imbeciles! Take me to the princess, this instant! And don't you dare dawdle!

Y/n: *sighs* Got it...

Luna: I think this version of Trump might be a worse version of the original version, with a little of Bitch's personality, and a bit of Trash's as well.

As we start escorting Trump, he starts talking.

Trump: Why was I waiting out here alone, you ask?

Neptune: Uh, not-

Trump: I was attacked by a monster. I made a-

Me, Neptune, Ringo, and Luna all stop and start singing Nobody Cares in Beethoven's Fate in perfect harmony.

Y/n, Neptune, Ringo, and Luna: *Video Below*

Trump: ...

We then continue to walk as Trump stay silent. Suddenly, a blast of wind stops us from moving.

Ringo: What's going on?!

I then look up and notice a griffin landing near us.

Y/n: Holy...!

Neptune: Where did that come from?!

Luna: Who cares?! Kill it!!!

Luna then turns he staff into the buster sword, and starts to run towards it. However, the griffin uses it's wings, and launches Luna back.

Luna: Damn, that thing's clever!

Trump: Looks like it's time for me to step in.

Trump then does nothing, allowing the griffin to get close, but Ringo attacks it with a fire spell.

Ringo: Are you serious?! Do something!!

Trump: You dare challenge me, you scoundrel?!

Ringo: *growls in rage*

I then go up and use my lance and stab it right in the leg, making the griffin scream in pain.

Y/n: NOW!!!

Ringo: FIRE!!!

As Ringo shoots a fire spell, Neptune and Luna come right up and cut off the Griffin's wings, as I stab it in the head, killing it.

Y/n: Wohoo! We did it!

Ringo: Yeah! That was actually a little hard!

Luna: Luckily, that should be the last time we-

Almost instantly, Neptune covers Luna's mouth.

Neptune: Don't say it! I don't want you to trigger any flags!

Y/n: Still... We made it out of that alive!

As Me and the others celebrate our hard victory, I hear something from Trump.

Trump: The battle was hard fought, but my expert swordsmanship and planning pulled us through.

Y/n, Neptune, Ringo, and Luna: *Image Below* ...What...?!

Trump: *ignoring the Y/ns* Oh, I spy the castle! Princess Zelda! Your beloved Prince Trump will soon be by your radiant side!

As Trump runs off to the castle, I turn and see Luna changed her weapon to a katana, and I quickly notice the look that she intends to draw blood.

Luna: *Image Below* One cut... One cut... and all of our pain and suffering will finally be over...

Y/n: NO! You are not killing him!

Luna: But he stole our victory!! That man's caused to much pain and suffering!! It's time to kill him!!!!

Ringo then, to my utter shock, slaps Luna.

Luna: What was that for?!

Ringo: Look, I know you want to kill him. Being totally honest, I want to as well. But there's one important reason why we can't.

Luna: Why?!

Ringo: Think Luna, think! We would be considered the last ones to see the prince! If we kill him now, we'll all be put in jail, and the Dark Lord will have his way.

Neptune: Ringo's right. Plus, we're only six chapters into this book! We can't get the bad ending already!!!! I also don't want to experience trials here! I've already done one with a very corrupt noble!

Y/n: Their right. We'll get him to the castle... Then maybe you could knock him with a sleep spell, and we can beat the ever-loving shit out of him.

Luna: ...I like that idea.


No one's POV

We see DanTDM and Zelda together.

DanTDM: Ehehehe, I managed to sneak in here...

Zelda: *giggles*

As the two laugh, the fail to hear Trump.

Trump: Princess Zelda! It is I, your beloved, Prince Trump!!!

Trump then notices DanTDM, and is shocked.

Trump: *Image Below* Huh?!

Zelda and DanTDM: *Image Below* Huh?!

Trump: You... You DOG!!!

Trump then furiously grabs DanTDM and throws him to the ground.

Trump: What are you doing with Princess Zelda?!

DanTDM: And just who are you supposed to be, anyways?!

Trump: Nobody special. Only the princess's FIANCÉ!!!

DanTDM: No! Princess Zelda can't marry someone like you!!!

Trump: Say it again. I dare you.

DanTDM: Zelda. Won't Marry. A Jerk. LIKE YOU!!!

Suddenly, the two start to fight, shocking the princess.

Zelda: Please stop... Stop it, you two!!!

Suddenly the king enters and sees what's going on.

PEWDEPIE: What is going on in here?!

The king notices the fight, and quickly leaves as he entered. As he tries to figure out what to do, Y/n and the others come in.

PEWDEPIE: Adventurers! You've come at the perfect time!

Y/n: What's wrong...?

PEWDEPIE: DanTDM and Trump are in a fight.

Luna: Oh, this I gotta see!

Luna then rushes into the princess's room to watch the fight.

Ringo: Ignore her. You know anything that could stop them?

PEWDEPIE: Maybe if we had some calming fruit...

Neptune: Looks like our next objective has been found! Where is this calming fruit?

PEWDEPIE: It should be somewhere deep in the forest.

Y/n: Alright, I'll go get Luna. You guys start heading out.


We see the others back in the woods, trying to look for the calming fruit. Luna is shown having a very satisfied smile on her face.

Luna: Now THAT was battle! DanTDM really let loose on Trump!!

Neptune: If we're going to be on the surface of that, Trump's well... a huge jerk isn't he?

Ringo: That is a fact. But if Trump's betrothed to Zelda, there's not much we can do.

Luna then changes her staff into a sword, with a smile on her face.

Neptune: That doesn't involve killing!

Luna: Awwww.... I wanna kill him! Let me kill him!!

Neptune: No. But I do feel bad for Zelda. There's got to be something we can do!

Y/n: You can figure that out later, Neptune! Right now, we need to focus on finding this calming fruit!

Luna: You know, I think I might take some calming fruit for when I get back to my world.

Y/n: Why's that?

Luna: I'd be able to get rid of all the fear that Trash has about me and my brother!

Ringo: You have an older brother?

Luna: Yeah! His name's Naofumi Iwatani!

Neptune: But what fear would a king have?

Luna: Apparently, it involves something with his hate for demi-humans.

Y/n: Really sounds like a total idiot.

Luna: Yeah, I can explain more later, if you want.

Ringo: I think that would be nice! For right now, let's look for that calming fruit.

They then continue the search, and then find a weird bush.

Y/n: Think this might be it?

Neptune: Let's find out!

Neptune then goes in, and after a few seconds comes out with a blue fruit.

Neptune: This is it! We found it!

Luna: All right! Let's head back to the castle now!!


We now see the four entering the castle, when they notice that it's dark inside.

Neptune: Nepu...?

Ringo: What... Happened here...?

Y/n: I don't know... Stay on guard!

Everyone then gets ready to fight when they notice and Imp getting ready to attack. Luna quickly turns her staff into another weapon.

Luna: I got this.

Luna then shoots the Imp right in the head right before it could attack, effectively killing it.

Y/n: Let's be careful heading inside...

The others then nod their head, and Ringo slowly opens the door, only to show an Imp attacking the king.

Ringo: I got this. FIRE BULLET.

Ringo's flames then turn into the size of a bullet, and goes right into the imp's head, effectively killing it. The team then rushes in.

Neptune: We're here! What's going on?!

PEWDEPIE: The Dark Lord! He's here! He's inside the princess's chamber!

Y/n: You guys keep an eye for any monsters. I'll go and check on the princess.

Neptune, Ringo, and Luna: Got it!

Y/n then enters the princess's chambers and sees DanTDM lying on the ground, knocked unconscious.

Y/n: Oh no...

Y/n then nervously walks up to the princess.

Y/n: P-Princess... Z-Zelda...?

Zelda then turns around, and shows that her face is missing.

Y/n: Damn... We were to late...

As Y/n wonders what happened, he hears Trump panting.

Trump: What... What were those things?! Oooohhh... M-m-m-m-m...

Trump then runs out, and the others notice him crying.

Trump: Mommy! I'm scared! Save meeeeee!

Trump then runs past the king and the others.

Neptune, Ringo, and Luna: ...Coward.

As this happened, Y/n notices DanTDM waking up.

Y/n: Hey, can you tell me what happened?

DanTDM: The Dark Lord Waluigi... he stole away my beloved's beautiful face...

Y/n: Do you know where he was going?

DanTDM: Before I was knocked out... I saw him heading towards Nightmare Tower. I'm so scared...

Y/n then places his hand on DanTDM's shoulder, in order to comfort him.

Y/n: Don't worry yourself. Me and my comrades will-

DanTDM then slaps Y/n hand, much to Y/n's shock.

DanTDM: No! I will purse the foul fiend myself! Wait here, Zelda!

DanTDM then runs off, and screams with his all his might as he leaves.


As DanTDM runs off, the three smile, knowing that DanTDM's a good person, especially Neptune. Y/n then comes in and sees the others.

Neptune: What happened in there?

Y/n: Zelda's face... The Dark Lord already took it.

Ringo: Damn...

Y/n: Luckily DanTDM gave us the location of where he's going. The Dark Lord's at the Nightmare Tower.

Luna: Then the Nightmare Tower is where we're going!

Neptune: Let's do this!

The four Y/n's then rush to Nightmare Tower, ready to take on whatever might approach them.

To Be Continued...

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