Kitsune (Naruto Fanfiction)

By Altair031

175K 2.6K 471

{reconsider to be rewritten}Uzumaki Naruto is a cheerful, naive boy and a prankster. little that people know... More

1. prologue rewrite
2. the school life
3. the traitor
4. Team selection
5. teammate
I'm back
8. beginning to wave
10.wave part 2
11. wave part 3
12. wave part 4
13. secret that shouldn't be unvailed
14. Break!!!
15. Break part 2
16. Monochromatic eyes
17. Announcement of exam
18. One-tailed and the exam begins
19. Written test
20. Forest of death
21. The snake bite
22. The wrath.
24. Festival
25. The Frog Sannin arrive!
26. the tournament
27. Satsuki vs Gaara
28. The Unexpected Invasion
29. Orochimaru vs Hokage
30. The red hair.
31. Neji vs Naruto
32. Tsunade returns
33. Unexpected
34. Chase
35. The battle of the valley
36. not one but two
37.Memories Of Past
38. epilogue

9. wave part 1

5.8K 93 2
By Altair031

Naruto and Satsuki in her male disguise standing beside the large gate while waiting for their teammate at the village door entrance. They waited until a certain pink-haired girl arrived with her backpack.

"Hello Sasuke. Wow, Naruto you're early " Sakura gasped at Naruto.

"I am not too obvious, I also get in time in a meeting before" he reminds her.

"True, but you never get into meeting earlier than me except today" Sakura said.

"Oh, you're right. I didn't realised." Actually, he always arrive early in the meeting before he moved to the Uchiha compound. He always went early because to meet Kakashi at the training ground to chat with him.

The Uchiha and Haruna smirked at the blonde ignoramus.

"Good thing you all early" Team 7 glanced at their newly arrived teacher with their client. Both of the girls were shocked at their teacher unfamiliar characteristics. Naruto secretly smirked knowing that he would come in time for this mission.

"You early," Sakura said in disbelief. Earning a shock to Satsuki in disguise as well.

"Am I that bad?" Kakashi asked. The trio genin nodded bluntly. Kakashi sweat dropped after receiving their answer.

"I thought the shinobi are always got in time," Tazuna asked them.

"Truthfully, they should, all the shinobi are like that except for him" Sasuke answered his question bluntly.

This gets him more sweatdropped as his dignity have been degraded by his immature behaviour.

"okay, kids. enough of the chattering. We will go to Land Of Wave right now."

"Hai" The trio replied in unison.

In their journey to The Land of Wave, they must went into the forest walking straight to the path that has been created. The forest was quite thick. The view into the forest can be seen to 6 metres cause the heavy leaves closed most of the view. It was quiet at first, until a certain blonde broke it.

"I'm so boring" Naruto whine loudly with his hands on his back. His voice is loud enough to attract any people nearby.

"Naruto, you shouldn't whine that loudly. What happened, when some bandit are coming to kill us?" Sakura scolds him.

"Hn, dobe" Sasuke said mocking him a bit.

Naruto glance at Sakura bluntly without her notice. 'What happened, you say? We killed them, you and your thick head should realise this. We are ninja after all. That is the true purpose of the C-rank mission after all. Just to get the first kill.'

He then, grin foolishly to avoid suspicion.

Sakura sighed," Naruto, can you be serious in your career"

"I'm serious, okay" Naruto folded his arms on his chest looking at her in annoyance. ' only serious in my mission'

"Then, do it like one"

"Okay, Sakura-chan" he tiredly answered. What she didn't realise is not she and Sasuke babysit Naruto but opposite to that statement.

Naruto rapidly walk in front of his team and the client to detect the near chakra signature then he stops he realised that there was a chakra signature near him. About 50 metres he recognise the chakra signature somewhere but he was certain that it was a high-rank ninja.

He looks at Kakashi as Kakashi walks beside giving him a signature look. Naruto told him about some people nearby. After, Kakashi got the information that he needed and a plan to lure them to their trap. Naruto played with his act asked him.

"Umm, sensei. Can I pee?" Naruto asked his permission. Kakashi nodded

Naruto went to the hiding place and created a shadow clone to take his place. The shadow clone of himself return to the group while the original opened a small scroll that is large enough to be put in the pocket. He put the scroll to the ground and flow some chakra into the scroll.

Some clothes pop out from the scroll. It was his long sleeve dark blue shirt with black long pants. He also wearing a black protection vest with black sports shoes.

After he wears those, he rolled a scroll a bit revealed a fox mask drawing. The fox mask comes out from the scroll. Naruto picks the mask, looking at the mask fox features. "It's been a while old friend" with a smile, he put on the mask and the legendary Kitsune returns.

Naruto who now following team 7 in stealth as support to them when they needed. His shadow clone with his annoying grin successfully convince his teammate it was him. Satsuki on the other hand keep quiet along their journey while Sakura cautiously rolled his eyes to her left and her right feeling there is someone near them.

After some minutes, The person is turned out to be two rogue ninja from Mizu where they were ordered to kill Tazuna. Tazuna began to speak the truth after Kakashi demands the answers. Turned out this C-rank mission turn to be A-rank.

Kakashi was concerned about his student except for the blonde of course. He is at the Anbu level now. To be honest he wouldn't dare to let the student take an A-rank mission without being properly trained. Since there is Anbu at his side, he had no problem proceed.

All of them agree to continue. This made Tazuna feel relief. At least for a while.

Then, a white rabbit comes out from the bushes and go to Sakura. "Wow, what a cute bunny" she awe with bunny cuteness. Naruto's shadow clone glanced at the bunny. His eyes widened as he realised something wrong with the bunny. There is no way his fur would be white in the middle season of summer.

He scares the bunny, made the bunny hop from Sakura's hand. "Naruto, why are you doing that?"

"Why, I like scares the animal" the shadow clone answered. He got scolded by Sakura for the second time. Satsuki just sighed hearing those annoying speeches.

Naruto in his hiding place ignored them as he detect a high presence of chakra in front of him. He with his kunai in his hand get ready to support the team when needed.

Kakashi heard the sound of the blade swinging through the sky. He immediately warned his student and his client. "Get down".

All of them get down, as the large blade flows through them. Then, the blade stopped. Satsuki looks in front of her, there has a white-masked man not wearing anything at the top holding a large blade with one hand.

" Zabuza Momochi, Demon of the Hidden Mist," Kakashi states his name to everyone.

"Hatake Kakashi, The copy ninja it's nice to meet you. Also, it is an honour for you to know my name" Zabuza bowed with a respect towards Kakashi.

"What are you doing here?" Kakashi asked him. He in his defensive stance looking towards Zabuza.

"I'm on the tasked to kill that man over there for my client" Zabuza pointed at Zabuza.

"That will not happen. He is my client I will protect him"

"Then, I will have a hard way" Zabuza with one hand activates his jutsu. A thick mist suddenly surround the forest made them hard to see.

"Kids, in your formation" Kakashi instruct his student. The student began forming a circle around Tazuna with their Kunai in their hands. Satsuki is in her calm demeanour trying to detect the enemy. Naruto's shadow clone acts a bit afraid since in a record his foolish persona never intercept any ninja and went out from the village. Sakura stands beside Naruto and Satsuki shivering in fear because this is her first time intercepting a ninja.

It becomes silent. Tazuna begins to sweat. He knows some ninja will come for him but he didn't expect one of the seven demon mist to appear. He felt a bit sorry for the kids since the kids have no match for him.

Some shuriken has been thrown to Tazuna. Satsuki saw the incoming shuriken, she swings her kunai to deflect several shurikens that target her client.

Naruto that still hiding waiting for the best moment to join the battle. He tries to detect his chakra signature but the thick mist blocks him from detecting it.

He doesn't frown but is rather amused and interested in this guy intelligence for masking his chakra by using a genjutsu.

Back with Kakashi, he made several hand seal at a vast speed. A large fireball came out from his mouth shoot into the forest. Zabuza hid on the tree didn't realise a fireball came to him until he glanced at his back. He jumped from the as he was almost hit by it.

Landed on the ground, he immediately gets attacked by Kakashi with his kunai. He didn't have time to unsheath his blade while Kakashi continuously made his attack on him. He looked at Kakashi's eyes he sees a scar with a red eye that he hid under his protected headband.

"I see so you using Sharingan to detect me from the tree earlier," Zabuza said as his success pulled his blade from his back.

Satsuki heard him. She was surprised to know a Sharingan user from none other than her clan existed. " A Sharingan" she muttered, looking at the battle between two powerful shinobi. One with the power of the Sharingan and one with the demon blade.

The battle between them begins to be intense. Kakashi and Zabuza now fight on the river. It was raining, the river water level begins to rise. Both of them begin to tire. Kakashi know he must end the battle now but he was too late.

Zabuza made some hand seal. He disappears by going into the water. Kakashi begins to worry. Fighting a mist ninja in the rain is giving disadvantage as mist ninja was known by advanced water affinity.

Kakashi wants to go to his student back. His feet were unmoved. He realised that his feet were stuck to the water. He tries to move again, a water barrier was formed and trapped him.

Kakashi slammed the water barrier from inside. "All of you, get Tazuna out of here " Kakashi yelled.

Sakura was shaken in fear, knowing that her sensei couldn't defeat him. She began to feel despair.

Satsuki grip Sakura and Tazuna hands to get her teammate and her client away from Zabuza. Naruto's shadow clone immediately, run away from the danger.

"No, don't dare to run away from me" Zabuza dashes to his target from the middle of the river. His rapid speed causes a wave to form at the river.

Satsuki releases her grip on Tazuna and Sakura hand letting both of them run away. Satsuki shoots him with several fireballs.

Zabuza smirks as he continues to charge towards his target, dodging incoming fireballs. He went to his left let a fireball fly through him. His face turn to frown as he saw a kunai flew to him without his notice. Using fireballs as a blind spot is clever.

He moved his head, a kunai flew beside him almost hitting his head. Zabuza pulled his large blade. He dashed and slammed it to Sasuke. The dust begins to erupt into the air make him unable to see the dead body in front of him.

He sighed knowing that he killed another person besides his target just for his arrogant client.

His blade suddenly vibrates. The wind becomes strong. He felt the wind like we're sucked by something in front of him. The dust cleared from his view it revealed to see a yellow-haired boy with a fox mask forming a wind ball in his palm while holding a boy.

Satsuki in her disguised was surprised to see her saviour once more. Kitsune so that is his name.

Zabuza gasped to see the infamous assassin in from of him. There is no doubt is the KITSUNE.

While Zabuza was stiffened, Naruto release the wind ball at Zabuza causing the massive strong wind to hit him. Zabuza was thrown by the wind. Because of a lack of focus, the barrier that trapped Kakashi disappeared.

Zabuza went to his feet after being thrown by the wind, he immediately feels a kunai on his throat. He sees the infamous Kitsune with Kakashi putting his kunai on his throat.

"Who sent you" Kakashi questioned.

Zabuza refuses to answer instead calls someone name. "Haku!" The ice senbon were thrown to two leaves shinobi.

A mask shinobi came to grab Zabuza and disappear.

"He disappears " Naruto said through the mask.

"Come on, let's get back with the other" Kakashi said. Naruto nodded and changed his cloth back to his original orange jumpsuit to make sure that his teammate doesn't get any suspicion about him.

(Word: 2118)

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