Mental Break || Itachi Uchiha

By KraziiKawaiiXD

122K 5.2K 3.5K

What would you do if the entire world was set against you? Let alone for something that you had no part in. I... More

Zero ⇀ Maybe You Are Insane
Ichi ⇀ Reliving Hell
Ni ⇀ Welcome To The Jungle
San ⇀ Makings of a Confidant
Yon 一 Face to Face with The Devil
Go 一 Taking Chances, Trusting Psychos, Fo Reals
Roku 一 Creeeeeeepy New Stalker
Nana 一 Sh*t Gets Real
Hachi 一 Kabuto Yakushi, Bastardness 101
Jū 一 Hello, Brother
Jū ichi 一 Secret Meeting
Jū ni 一 Reinforcements
Jū san 一 Let's Hit Rewind
Jū yon ⇀ Reincarnation
Jū go 一 I Know a Bunch of Criminals
Owari ↬ Looking Forward to Our Crazy Future

Kyū 一 Breakout

5.1K 243 224
By KraziiKawaiiXD

        Otogakure Sanitarium patients started their day like the usual; at least, everyone assumed they did. There was a tense feeling in the air and everything seemed more eerie than the norm. Itachi Uchiha had stayed awake all throughout the night, mind abuzz with thoughts about what he was going to do with his life when he finally escaped from his own personal Hell. Thoughts like, 'were they actually going to get out?' 'What was going to happen with the criminals that were escaping with them?' It didn't seem like a rainbow and lollipop idea to let them out to frolic in the fields... The most plaguing thought that he had, one that kept forcing its way back to him, was would [Name] stay with him, or were they both going their separate ways? 

        When did he even start getting feelings for the girl? Maybe when he first laid eyes on her. He knew then that she was something else. She was unlike anyone else he'd ever met before. And he honestly couldn't imagine her not being around him. It wasn't love, but something was there. Something.

        He jerked his head to the side when his door slammed open and said girl walked in. She had that mischievous signature smirk on her lips and her eyes were lighting up in excitement. He couldn't stop himself from smirking back at her if he wanted to. [Name] walked toward his bed and flopped herself abruptly beside him. Itachi waited a few seconds before her [e/c] trailed over to him and she spoke.

        "The night is finally here, huh?"

        "So it is."

        "I am so freaking excited! I feel like a damn rebel. Everything is set and planned." She waited a split second before speaking up again, in a whisper this time, "What are you going to do? When we get out?"

        He loved how optimistic she was, she made him believe that this was actually going to work. What was he going to do? He really didn't know himself. All he knew was that he wanted to do whatever she wanted to do, together. But, maybe that was asking too much. So, instead he responded with a question. "What about you?"

        For a split second she glanced away from him and a look of concern etched its way upon her face before she forced a smile and turned her body around to face him again. "I... don't know. I've always thought that I'd go back to Kai. But, since I've met you I've been thinking differently." When she realized what she said her cheeks flamed red from embarrassment and she adverted her eyes before she chuckled uneasily. "N-not in that way of course!"

        Itachi smirked and sat up from his lying down position, an impossible smirk taking up permanent residence on his lips, he decided to play with her. "In what way, exactly?"

        "W-what...? Um..."

        Before he could get an answer from her, an unexpected visitor showed himself. "The smart thing to do would be to quit flirting. Or maybe we can make something out of this, babe." Itachi and [Name] hurriedly glanced over to see a constrained Hidan, a devious grin curling his lips.

        "What the hell are you doing here?!" [Name] yelled. She made sure to scoot a little closer to Itachi for some comfort.

        Hidan laughed, "It's my damn birthday, I guess. At least, that's what I told them when I asked for a few hours of leave from my fucking room. Must of been new help." He took a few steps closer, his purple eyes trailed up and down [Name]'s form and he licked his bottom lip. He was just about to say something perverted, if Itachi hadn't of thrown his legs over the side of the bed and sat leg-to-leg with [Name]. 

        "What do you want, Hidan?"

        Hidan laughed again, and his left eyebrow arched, "I want a lot of things, Uchiha. But, this time I want some answers and maybe..." His eyes trailed to [Name] again.  Her eyes narrowed and she glared at him. "Actually, never mind the answers. I'm assuming you'll both be breaking me out of my room tonight. I just wanted to tell you something in return."

        "Which is?" [Name] straightened her posture, she was getting a bad feeling about this, but she didn't let it show.

        "I wanted to warn you. If you leave me out to dry tonight, if you think you can get away with it, you're wrong." His tone held malice and any sign of playfulness left his expression. A chill went down [Name]'s spine and she stood up. Her arms crossed intimidatingly over her chest and her voice was snarky.

        "Do you not trust us?"

        "Hell no. Are you kidding me?"

        Itachi stood up and took his place beside [Name], "If you don't trust us, this plan won't work."

        Hidan stayed still, silently observing them both. "Never mind the small shit. I just came here to give you a friendly warning." He said before turning around and leaving. [Name] sighed as she relaxed and sat back down on Itachi's bed. When he noticed how anxious she looked, his hand reached out to comfortingly touch her shoulder.

        "[Name], don't worry about anything. This will happen. We've already got a plan, right?" He smiled at her and she smiled back.

        "Yeah, we've got a plan."

* * *

        [Name] and Itachi had completed all the last minute details and were now waiting in Itachi's room. She couldn't help but to pace, anxiously, back and forth across the floor. She was biting on her bottom lip so hard that it was surprising that she hadn't broken through skin yet. Itachi observed her. She had her hair in a high ponytail, she was clothed from head to feet in black, just like he was, but she was acting like a completely different person.

        His calming voice said her name and she stopped her pacing to look at him.


        "It'll work. I have faith in you. Believe in yourself a little more."

        She laughed, "You'd think with all the talk I handle all the time that I'd be a little better with working under pressure. What if it doesn't work? I'll have a lot of crazy people after me."

        "I wouldn't let them hurt you."

        Her heart practically skipped a beat and she calmly breathed in, held it, then released. When Itachi spoke back up, all her doubt flew out the barred windows.

        "When we get out, I have to tell you something, [Name]." 

        Before she could question him about this something, her newly acquired (stolen) watch beeped to signify that it was time to get started. She turned the alarm off and looked to Itachi, "Looks like it's time to break out of here, Uchiha."

* * *

        Her and Itachi had hurriedly, quietly snuck Sasori, Deidara and Hidan out of their rooms. They hadn't thought about what to do with the straitjackets until they were asked to take them off. Deidara was slightly less dangerous than Hidan, and they definitely needed his bombs for the plan to work, so taking off his straitjacket was a no brainer. They were now in Hidan's room, losing time, while he told them to take his off.

        "I said take this damn thing off me! Dammit bitch!!"

        [Name] clenched her teeth and decided it was now or never and started unbuckling his straitjacket. Unfortunately, as soon as she took it off him, she wasn't quick enough to get away and his hand reached out to smack and grab a handful of her ass.

        "Hell, fucking yes! I haven't touched an ass in so long."

        [Name] jumped and punched him in the face. She busted Hidan's lip but this only caused him to laugh and lick the blood off his lips.

        "I like 'em kinky. When we get outta here, what do you say we-"

        Itachi interrupted Hidan's snarky comments, "Stop touching her. Let's go."

        It didn't take long after that before the whole sanitarium erupted into chaos. They had gone to their designated spot in the sanitarium, the front entrance, and Deidara had made art out of the locked door. When a dozen or so guards started to try and catch the escapees, he made art out of them, too. His laughter could be heard all over the building. Patients had their faces stuck to the windows on their doors. Sasori was complaining. Hidan was laughing manically.

        [Name] was getting one hell of a headache, but she was trying to push it away. They had only a few minutes, three to be exact, to make it to the gate that enclosed the sanitarium and meet up with Kabuto.

        So far, everything was going according to plan. Sure, they had injured a lot of guards on the way, maybe even killed some, but they were going to make it. [Name] was sure of it.

        When they had finally gathered around the locked gate at the front, [Name]'s eyes hurriedly started searching out Kabuto. She cursed under her breath and checked the time on her watch. There was only a minute left and she couldn't find the bastard. When he suddenly made his way out from a bunch of foliage, with his signature smirk on his face, [Name] voiced her complaints.

        "Dammit, you show up at the last minute, Yakushi?!" Kabuto laughed and walked even closer to her, but still stayed at a distance. When [Name] noticed that he didn't have the guards around him that he promised, she started to panic.

        "What the hell is this, un?! Why is he here?!" Deidara yelled, reaching for one more of his man-made bombs.

        Hidan's fists clenched at his sides and his eyes looked wild, "He won't be here for long!" Sasori just glared in Kabuto's direction. Itachi watched silently, he and [Name] were the only ones in on the plan.

        "Whoa, whoa, calm down Hidan. I'm only here because [Name] asked me to be here." Kabuto's smirk was ever present.

        Hidan immediately started walking toward [Name], "I'm going to kill you, bitch! I knew that I shouldn't have trusted you!"

        "Wait! He's here to help us," she held up her arm to stop Hidan in his tracks, he looked at her like she had lost her mind. [Name] looked over to Kabuto again, "Where are the guards you promised?"

        Kabuto simply snapped his fingers and the guards started coming out of the surrounding foliage like ninja.  Some snuck up and grabbed Sasori and Deidara. A cursing Hidan kept knocking guards down as they came at him.

        "Well, go ahead, we had a deal. Right?" Kabuto questioned.

        She was dazed, things were happening so fast. Itachi reached out and and grabbed her hand and they started running for the gate, which was slowly opening. At this time the sanitarium's alarm was blaring out and more faculty was running out of the front entrance. When someone grabbed a hold of [Name]'s waist and pulled her from Itachi's grip, Itachi's eyes widened and looked back to only find that one of Kabuto's muscly guards had confined her in his arms.

        Itachi didn't waste a moment as he lunged forward and punched the guard in the face, when the guard only laughed, [Name] took it upon herself to stomp on his foot and Itachi decided to hit him in the nose, simultaneously. The guard momentarily let go of her, only to reach out for her again. Itachi knew that Kabuto wasn't sticking to the plan that he and [Name] had talked about. Sure, he was going to take the credit for catching the escaping patients, but apparently no one was getting out.

        Itachi done the only thing he could think of doing. He lunged out and tackled the guard to the ground, before he could grab [Name] again, he was still rolling on the ground with him when he yelled out to [Name], "Run! Get out of here!"

        [Name]'s heart stopped beating, she forgot how to breathe as she watched Itachi and the guard. "Itachi, I can't leave you!" She made to move forward and help him, but Itachi ordered her not to.

        "No, please get out of here [Name]!" When the guard finally constrained Itachi and laughed, she noticed that more guards were coming her way.

        Itachi's name came passed her lips in a pained whisper and a few tears escaped from her eyes. She unwillingly turned around and ran. Ran out the now closing gate, and into the foliage. She had only one thing on her mind.


* * *

A/N: Please, excuse any grammar mistakes or the like... I'm not a pro -3-

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