luxe - h. j. p.

By fiepotter

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started: 3/29/21 completed: harry x OC slow burn <3 Veronica Juliana Luxe. That is who I am. Veronica Julia... More



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By fiepotter

The first thing I saw as I fell through the wall was, naturally, the massive train and its steaming engine. If I had the choice, I would've rung the whistle until all of London was deaf.

Remus and Mum had come to drop me off. My dear godfather was never one for early mornings, and this was not an exception. But I didn't mind, I had everything I needed.

"Now don't you forget," Mum fretted as she bowed down to reach me and pulled my jumper tighter around me, "Mondays through Fridays you must wear your school robes unless allowed otherwise."

She checked her watch.

"Oh, and no pranks unless you don't get caught."

She looked up at Remus as he gave her a breathy laugh and slight shake of his head, rolling his eyes a bit.

"And don't show your full potential just yet, save that for the exams," she winked.

If it wasn't obvious enough that she was anxious, she pulled on the sleeves of a navy and orange striped jumper she had on. It was particularly oversized on her, and definitely not something she would pick out. She must've accidentally worn one of Remus's on our rush out.

Remus, on the contrary, kept his calm composure and bent down to get on level with me. He could tell I was ecstatic, but beyond that as well. I was scared. As much as I wouldn't admit it, I'd grown accustomed to my life surrounding Rem, Mum, and Reggie. It made me...achy inside to know that our time was nearly out.

"Ver, you know your mother and I are so proud of you, and love you dearly. As is Regulus. We won't be bothered one bit by what house you belong in, or the exam results. Do your best, and have fun my darling." He smiled and winked reassuringly, making me smile and nod along. I rushed in for a hug, making him take a light breath out as he chuckled.

"Oh, how I'll miss you all!"

"And I, you. You'll be back for Christmas in no time. Now get on there, find a good place to sit. The Hogwarts Express is where I first met my dear friends, you know."

If I knew anything, it was that nothing could stay around for long. When its time to go, its time to go. I turned to my mother, who I know was wiping quick tears away while I wasn't looking, and hugged her as well.

"Be strong, be good Veronica," she kissed my cheek. "All my love is with you."

Goodbyes were custom for all of us, we all said goodbye far too many times, far too often. But this one was different. These goodbyes weren't forever.

I turned on the heels of my black school shoes, adjusted my jumper just as my mum had, and walked to the train doors.

Remus had already dropped off my trunk be packed away. As I passed the small compartment full of everyone's belongings, I noticed they were all in such an orderly fashion and packed so comfortably, it surely had been equipped with an extension charm.

I found an empty compartment to sit in. We'd been to the station quite early, the whistle hadn't rung to indicate the train's departure.

Out of the window, I saw children ranging from my age to much older than me saying their goodbyes and sharing last moments with their families before the new school year.

A boy about my age caught my attention - I'd seen him before. Platinum blonde hair, slicked back to perfection. His robes ironed to show no wrinkles, his shoes shined by house elves I'd imagine. His nearly identical father is was saying something to him while he listened attentively. He was a Malfoy, I knew that much. I could tell from the facial expressions his father had; they were like my mum's. Besides, I could identify the blonde hair anywhere.

My mum was never particularly fond of her family, especially the extended. But my father was good friends with this man, Mr. Malfoy. The boy hugged his mother and shook hands with his father before turning and not looking back. It made me think about my own father. Even if he were to be as cold as Mr. Malfoy seemed, I would have liked for him to see me off, at least once.

The boy met up with two of his friends who also appeared to have separated from their families. The Malfoy's were long gone, leaving the boy to carry his trunk to the packing compartment. I wondered if I could sit by him, I could surely start up a conversation about our relation.

But as soon as I made eye contact with the boy, I knew he wasn't to be bothered. I wasn't afraid or intimidated, more lazy. He seemed like the kind of person to waste time on, and never truly get anything back.

I sighed. I tried looking for my mum, and found her speaking to a rather fiery-haired woman who had a small cluster of children beside her, the youngest of which I saw to be the only girl. A man who looked like her husband followed behind them all, counting each head. Everyone of them had bright orange hair, brightening the sea of blonde, black, and brunette crowding the station. There was one, however, who seemed to stick out among them. He had crooked glasses and untamed black hair. He interested me, far more than the Malfoy boy. He couldn't be part of the family, but he seemed stuck to them like glue.

My mum seemed to be talking about me, gesturing towards the train. Remus was staring at the dark haired boy deep in thought or mesmerization, unable to take his eyes off him. The boy could tell and was visibly confused and uncomfortable, shifting behind two tall twins who were playfully tripping parents of stuffy families and acting as if it wasn't them who did it. I could tell they'd be good fun.

I yelled towards my mum and Remus to save the poor boy from Remus' gaze. I waved at them, smiling wide. They smiled, waving back. My mum gestured towards me and said to the redheaded woman, "my Veronica." The woman nodded, understanding, smiled and waved. The eyes of the whole family save the two twins were on me, more attention than I'd bargained for but it gave me a way to look at each of them.

There was a boy much older than me, carrying a cauldron and many books. Why he didn't pack them in his trunk, I didn't know. He nodded in acknowledgement at me when he realized I was staring. Next to him was his father, who was now walking to get in conversation with Remus.

I looked at the twins, who were now busying themselves by picking pebbles off the ground and throwing them at the children who were sticking their heads out of the train windows.

There was another red haired boy, and when we made eye contact I smiled and he blushed. He seemed nice enough, I concluded. The red haired girl was looking up at me, to which I winked (something I'd picked up from Remus) and she winked back.

I do hope shes new this year as well, I thought to myself.

Then the different boy. When I turned to look at him, he was already looking at me. It was my turn to blush. He had a lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead, barely seen through his messy hair. His glasses had been broken at the middle, stuck together with tape. His clothes were enormous on him, but if we became friends I'm sure there were some clothes of mine I could loan. I smiled at the boy and sat back down.

I'd like to sit next to them, I decided.

The train whistle blew, the engine starting to run loudly. The woman gave everyone of her children a sloppy kiss, and in turn they began to board the train. My mother looked at me and waved one last time. I blew a kiss to her and Remus. Remus caught his and kept it in his pocket, winking at me. They waved one last time and disapparated back home.

The young girl smiled at her siblings, yet stayed behind with her parents, which made me assume she wasn't yet of age. No matter, I still had the others to make my acquaintance.

The train whistle blew again when the red haired woman began screaming, "Scabbers! Scabbers! Ron, you've forgotten Scabbers!" She chased the slow moving train with a rat in her hand. The youngest boy, Ron, was in the compartment window behind mine, and reached down to get who I collected was Scabbers.

Because being with people you've just met beats being alone, I slid the compartment doors open and made my way to the one I'd seen Ron stick his head out of.

Upon knocking, I opened the doors and saw the two boys from before. They stared at me, not saying a word. Ron was open mouthed, as if he was saying something and I'd frozen him. The boy with the glasses looked at me, curious interest dotting his features.

"I'm Veronica," I said. I was losing my skill for words, and so I turned on mental autopilot.

Breathe, Veronica. It's just two people. You know them. Well, sort of. Not really. Whatever. Okay, okay, you got this.

"Do you mind if I sit here? I haven't found anyone I know quite yet. You both seem nice," I said as I sat down beside Ron, the other boy across from us.

"Was that your mum? She was talking to mine, the blonde woman? Her name is Evanna. She was a Gryffindor when she went here. What house are you hoping to be sorted into?"

The boys stared at me as if they hadn't processed anything I'd been saying. The dark haired boy looked over at Ron, who gulped and said,


I giggled, partly for his answer and also because I was trying so hard.

"You're Ron, right?" The boy nodded.

"I'm Veronica. The lady your mum was speaking to was my mum, Evanna." I turned towards the other boy. He opened his mouth to speak.

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter."

They were seated closely at the table, just the two of them. Perhaps a year before the war there would have been more of them, but not anymore. Nobody was left.
"James and Lily would have loved to be here, don't you fret." They were speaking in hushed whispers, stopping Veronica from hearing completely.
"But Rem, do you realize celebrating their anniversary without them here is quite strange? We need to let go," Evanna whispers.
"Eva, darling-" Remus stops himself. He shakes his head slightly, trying to toss out of his mind what Evanna assumed to be an intrusive thought. He starts again.
"Eva, this is a memorial, we do it every year. We are keeping them alive, through us. We are all they have left here. We've even lost Harry, to muggles, of all people. And Sirius-" He stops again, looking down. Not going that far. No, never.
"Remus, I know." She moves closer to him, taking his hand in hers. He looks at her, hopeless devotion in his eyes.
"How much longer do you think we have of this? Of pretending, of keeping our youth through those who've left? Merlin knows its only the two of us, unless you include poor Veronica who doesn't understand. She's been doing this with us for the tradition, the sake of having a sweet celebration, but does she know why? Why we tell her stories of our adventures, when later we can't bear to even speak their names? It isn't fair to us. Does it not put you through more pain to relive it one night of the year, and refuse to acknowledge it for the rest?"
"I go through enough pain every month, one night of reminiscence is a weight off my shoulders," Remus whispers, softly and quietly. Not meant to remind her of his pain, but to explain. He needs this. Evanna looks down, dropping his hand. He finds hers again, not about to let her close away.
"Evanna, I understand. Every day I wish they were back, where they deserve to be; with us. But we cant change it. Let's live for them, yes? Pass on what they would have, their stories. Their legacy." He squeezes her hand. She looks up at him, desperation streaking across her features, tears threatening to fall.
"Do you think they would be proud of us? All of them?"
"Yes. Yes, they would. They are. Every last one." He winked at her, receiving a smile back before she looks down again. She picks at his sleeves, the navy and orange sweater she always made fun of. She laughs to herself, how she found such comfort in such a strange article of clothing. Well, the comfort she found was all in the one wearing it.
"Remus," she looks up at him, "I'm no Madame Pomfrey, but I am doing enough? You're not too horribly uncomfortable every month, are you? If so, please tell me. I'd do anything."
His heart flutters, like years ago.
"You're doing more than enough. More than I could ask for. Thank you."
He wipes a fallen tear from her face, watches as she studies his features. Maybe years ago he would turn away out of embarrassment and shame, not let her see. But now, all he wants is for her to look at him.
"Mum, Remus, guess what time it is?" Veronica runs down the corridor into the dining hall. Evanna and Remus separate suddenly, Remus recovering quickly while Evanna dries her eyes and avoids eye contact with the one she was previously gravitating towards.
"Stories! This year, I want to know about Padfoot. Do you mind? He seems like a mystery, however much you tell me about him," Veronica slides a chair in between the two as a house elf brings in three mugs of tea.
"Oh Merlin, Black surely was quite the mystery. Even back then," Remus chuckles.
"Well, you know the story of him ending up in the hospital wing with glitter glue pouring out of his ears...lets see...Oh! How about the time Pads and Prongs got caught using polyjuice potion to be Marlene and Dorcas - do you remember that Rem? - they thought it was all good fun until two Marlenes were caught snogging in the broom closets!" Evanna laughed, remembering all the times Sirius and Marls would rendezvous in the worst places.
"Ah, yes! Marlene was called a narcissist for the rest of the year," Remus recalled.
"Are you joking? That's great! I do wish I'd be going to school with all of you," Veronica said, sipping her tea and listening intently.
"Do you have any love stories? I've been reading The Adventures of Martin Miggs, The Mad Muggle, and I've grown quite tired of the lack of romance," Veronica sighed.
"Definitely your daughter, eh Eva?" Remus poked fun, while Evanna rolled her eyes and covered her blushing cheeks by drinking her tea.
"The best love story of all time is, of course, Lily and James Potter. They were young and so in love. Well, James much sooner than Lily was. James had asked her on a date 8,479 times before she'd finally said yes, in our seventh year. At every failed attempt, he would create a notch in his bedpost." At this, Veronica giggled. She couldn't imagine someone to be so persistent, especially when it came to love. How naïve.
"Did the Potters ever have any pets?" Ten year old Veronica had become increasingly interested in owls lately, and Evanna knew she was hoping the Potters had an owl they would be able to visit.
"They had a son, Harry. And a cat, Minnie."
"Where are they, mum? Are they in heaven too?"
"No, Harry is in a happy home with his relatives. He saved the world, you know. When he was just a baby. And poor Minnie ran away."
"Lets go look for her! She must be somewhere near here!"
"Maybe later, right now its bed time!" Evanna leaned towards Veronica and tickled her, making Veronica squeal out and knock over Remus' tea.
"Woah, woah girls," Remus laughed, cleaning up the spill with his wand.
"Come on, Ver, off to bed." Remus picked Veronica up and spun her in his arms.
"You're getting to big for that soon Veronica," Evanna laughed.

"Potter," Veronica whispered. It all made sense; why Remus was looking at Harry.

She smiled at him, "you're parents were good friends with mine," she said. At this, his eyes widened.

"Really? What were they like?" Harry was desperate to hear about anything; everything he knew turned out to be a lie or something he'd made up to try to imagine them.

"You can ask my friend Remus if you'd like, he tells their stories best. He was here with my mum," Veronica explained.

Harry nodded, looking back out the window.

"You know Harry?" Ron asked, clearly in awe that Harry Potter was sitting in front of him.

"I do now," Veronica stated. She figured Harry would get enough publicity from his name alone, he needed people who wouldn't faint in his presence. Harry smiled at them both as the trolley woman opened to compartment door.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?"

"I'm all set," Ron said with a face, holding up what seemed to be a sandwich that had been sat on and put through a Quidditch match as the bludger.

"We'll take the lot," Veronica and Harry said in unison, making Veronica blush.

Ron's eyes widened in awe as they both pulled out shiny gold Galleons, paying for perhaps half of the sweets on the whole train.

"Merlin's beard!" Ron exclaimed as he dived into a pumpkin pasty, making Veronica laugh.

Hogwarts may be all she'd hoped, after all.

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