Next Target: Clint Barton

By HiddenStoriez

13.7K 397 499

What happens when Yelena Belova returns to a world void of her older sister: Natasha Romanoff? When she decid... More

1 - She's gone
2 - "It's okay."
3 - "Her name was-"
4 - She was my friend
5 - I miss her
6 - No choice
7 - Sisters
8 - New threats
9 - Magneto
11 - We'll meet again
12 - Friends
13 - What have I done?
14 - Really here
15 - "Was it love?"
16 - Not a monster
17 - Too late
18 - Assemble
19 - Final battle I
20 - Final battle II
21 - Final battle III

10 - Losing the fight

473 14 13
By HiddenStoriez


Yelena worked out all her frustration on the punching bag she and Natasha kept in the spare room of what used to be their shared home. She punched it hard, again and again, huffing and grunting with every punch as she thought back to the events that had transpired mere hours ago.

She gave her knuckles a chance to rest up as she took a sip of water when she heard a strange beeping coming from her room. She walked out the gym and into her room to find the source of the noise, looking all around until she came upon her tactical vest laying on her perfectly made bed.

She unzipped one of the pockets and pulled out what looked like a small radio device; she had never seen the device before in her life and was sure it wasn't Natasha's. What the hell? Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she inspected the device, it went off again and this time displayed a message on the screen.

Threat at the compound. Losing badly. SOS.

Another message popped up, a set of coordinates this time. She stared at the device, pondering about when and how it got into her pocket; she thought hard for a minute before realizing that Steve must have slipped it into her pocket when he ran out after her after she had stormed out of the compound.

She chuckled dryly at the idea that someone without any spy training at all could slip something into her pocket without her realizing. "Impressive." She smirked slightly.

But why should I help them? They hurt you. She looked up, hoping that just maybe her sister could send her an answer.

"Screw this." She whispered harshly and threw the device onto her bed then began walking out the room before a familiar voice rang through her head.

"All that time that I spent posing, I was trying to actually do something good to make up for all the pain and suffering that we caused. Trying to be more than just a trained killer." Her sister's voice echoed through her thoughts, haunting her, reminding her of the conversation they had when they were on the hunt for Dreykov. When she explained to Yelena what she was trying to do as an Avenger.

"Dammit Natasha." She whispered and sighed as she walked back to the bed and picked up the radio.

---Present time---

"Took you long enough to get here, Baby Widow." Clint grunted from the floor as he and the rest of the team struggled to their feet.

"I'm surprised she even showed up." Tony joked to Clint before looking at Yelena. "See, Katniss here thought that if you knew we needed help then you'd show up, but I had my doubts after the whole fiasco at the tower..." He smirked at her before continuing his sentence. "...Guess you're Nat's sister after all."

Yelena gave them a small smile -so small that one could miss it if they didn't look for it-  and rolled her eyes at them as they all stood up and moved to her side.

They stood side by side, united, as they stared at their enemy, waiting for his move.

"Have to admit you took me by surprise... but you only get one free shot." Magneto raised his hands up and used his powers to rip the steel beams from the walls and used them to fight as the Avengers began running towards him for a second round.

They all fought together, Tony firing beams from his suit, Steve, Bucky and Yelena making swift attacks, Sam attacking from above, Clint firing his arrows from a distance and Peter doing his best to web Magneto up after using nanotech to build more web shooters.

Though attacking all at once made it so Magneto couldn't immediately wipe them out, he still had the advantage over them. He flung steel bars at them and used other pieces of metal as shields to protect himself from the incoming attacks.

After only a few minutes, the Avengers were all exhausted from the straining fight; they had all gotten minor injuries from the sharp ends of the metal flying around them. All of them were covered in small cuts and bruises; not getting any closer to getting in the room where the Time Stream was.

Magneto channeled his power and ripped the room apart, controlling even the magnetic minerals in the ground. Chunks of metal flew everywhere, creating a tornado of metal and sediments. The Avengers were all blasted in several different directions, hitting the ground hard as they fell back down.

Clint laid on the floor in pain, looking to his right he saw that Yelena had gotten impaled by a sharp steel beam under the left of her collarbone, near her lower shoulder. The deep red of the blood began staining her navy blue vest as he ran to her and began working on stopping the bleeding. She let out a pained yell as he pulled the rod out and placed his hands over the warm blood. He kept his hands firmly on her wound while she tried to sit up and keep fighting despite the pain.

"Are you crazy? You're injured!" He scolded her while forcing her to sit down again after she made another attempt to get up.

"We're not done yet!" She shouted at him in annoyance.

"Dammit, you really are her sister."

The rest of the Avengers remained on the floor as they tried to regain control over their injured bodies, groaning and grabbing their injuries as they tried to find the strength to get back up again.

"Come on now, don't make the building topple before we even get a chance to leave." The Avengers looked to the now opened door to see the face behind the cheery voice to be a woman with purple aura powers, with the rest of the villains by her side, eager to join the fight. She was right though, at this point Magneto had pulled almost all the support from the building's walls, only leaving just enough to where the walls and ceiling wouldn't cave in.

Steve stood on his feet and faced the group. "Security feed says there were supposed to be seven of you. So where's the other two?"

Jean's eyes glowed orange as she smirked at him menacingly. "They're cleaning up."

Once the villains had gotten what they needed from the Time Stream they left the room with Harry and Wanda rigging it to blow up so that there would be no trace of what they did (Wanda was more of babysitting Harry to make sure he didn't do anything stupid before they were able to escape). The Avengers would have no lead on them.

The rest of the Avengers, minus Clint and Yelena, got up to join Steve's side and face off against the rest of the villains. Steve stood with his team at his side as they prepared for what might be the biggest disadvantage they had in a fight ever; missing their most powerful Avenger and having sent off their two strongest to the other side of the world.

Before they even had a chance to make a move on the foes, they were all blasted back with a wave of orange light emanating from Jean's body. She made no gestures to suggest that she was starting the fight, she just emitted a powerful blast of energy which would've sent the Avengers flying if Steve had not protected them with his shield and if Tony had not used his nanotech to form a shield big enough to cover the remaining Avengers that didn't fit behind Steve's shield.

Wanda and Harry ran out of the door into the hall after they finished rigging the machine. Harry ran up to Jean to inform her of their success. They entered the room to see Jean, Mordo and Agatha blasting the heroes with their powers while Hela swung her sword towards anyone near her, occasionally using her powers as well.

"Fifteen minutes." He smiled widely at her.

"Alright. Enough time for some fun"

Steve put his shield down when a flash of dyed ginger hair caught his attention, he looked over his shield and at a familiar face, one he hadn't seen in months.

"Wanda?" He asks, shocked. Though he knew it was her he couldn't believe that she was standing right there  and that she was standing with the enemies. Wanda looked at him apologetically and moved her eyes to the floor. She brought her hands up and used her powers to subdue the Avengers, pinning them to the floor with her scarlet magic without seriously injuring any of them.

"What the hell, Witchy?!" Tony shouted as his chest is pushed brutally into the ground, making it harder to speak clearly.

"What are you doing?" She looked at Sam with a tear rolling down her eye, though her powers did not relent.

Bucky gasped her air as she wrapped her magic tightly around his neck. "Wa-Wanda..."

Mordo channeled his powers without Wanda's knowledge, letting out a ray of dark magic aimed right towards Tony, which would have killed him if it didn't get stopped by an outside force.

Tony closed his eyes and turned his face away from the black streak of energy, clenching his jaw and preparing for the impact... but it never came. He looked up and saw an orange circle of energy fading away with the dark magic, a red cloak waving behind it and two feet in front of his face.


"I had a feeling you would be here, Stark." Strange deadpanned as he conjured up another spell towards Wanda. He was able to knock her off balance and cause her to let go of her hold on them.

Strange offered a hand to Tony as he helped him to his feet. "How'd you know we'd be in this hell whole getting our asses kicked?"

"I didn't, I felt the presence of the Dark Arts here. Now I see where it's coming from." Strange informed his comrade as he gestured towards Mordo who just gave a cold smile in return.

The Avengers all started fighting the group of villains with everything they had left in them while Strange faced someone he once considered to be his friend.

"I didn't think you'd survive this long as the Sorcerer Supreme if I'm being honest. It's good to see you again, Strange." Mordo took a step towards him, though not in a threatening way. It was the way a person would go to greet their old friend.

"Mordo... What the hell are you doing? You left the Sanctum because you didn't support the Sorceress Supreme's use of the Dark Arts and now you're drawing on it too.

"It's true that I didn't support the Sorceress' use of the Dark Arts but only because I didn't understand how it's powers could be used for good, but now I see it... It can save us all."

Strange sighed. "You seriously didn't think that you could hide your activities from me, did you? I know what you've been doing, summoning mystical creatures and killing them to absorb their powers, you're trying to get more powerful. I just can't figure out why..."

Mordo scoffed loudly as he stared at his past friend, impressed that he managed to figure out that much. "Because now I can truly see what's wrong with the world... too many sorcerers."

"Don't do this, Mordo." Strange gave him an apologetic look before continuing. "You know as well as anyone that with everything bad there is an equal amount of good. We can just assume everyone will be bad."

Mordo chuckled and scoffed sarcastically. "You know, I went back to living a normal life when I left the Sanctum. I gave up magic and traveled the world. I saw the devastating effects of magic and powers, people dying because others abused their gifts." He gave a spiteful look. "It's not fair... I'll make it fair."

"You know I can't let you do that." Strange summoned two orange magic mandalas around his fist, ready to attack.

"I know —the only way for me to get what I want is for you to die." He gave Strange a solemn look and got ready to summon his magic as well.

While the rest of the team continue fighting, Clint tried to stop Yelena's bleeding by tearing off a piece of his suit to use as a bandage for her wound which hasn't stopped bleeding since the rod was pulled out.

She groaned when a sharp pain went down her shoulder as Clint pressed even harder on the wound. "Dammit." She hissed.

The worry on Clint's face had only become more obvious as he tried desperately to stop the bleeding, but with no success. At this point Yelena's skin was paler than ever before and she was having a hard time staying awake as she slowly lost consciousness.

"Clint! Take the jet and get her wound treated, we can cover things here." Steve shouted while flinging his shield towards Hela.

"I can keep fighting," She stubbornly fought back, trying to push Clint's hand off her injury and standing up; she nearly toppled over and Clint had to steady her as he forced her to sit back down.

"That's not a request! Nat will literally come back to life just to kick my ass if I let you die here. Now go!" He shouted to the pair as he dodged a flare of golden flames from Jean.

Clint nodded and scooped Yelena up, running out of the facility and towards the jet. Yelena tried her best to fight back against him, but was too weak to even make him slow down and was soon too loopy from the blood loss to care.

"You know this is wrong, Mordo!" Strange yelled to his old friend as he blocked another string of magical attacks coming towards him.

"NO! What's wrong... is innocents because people like you are irresponsible with their magic. Meanwhile the rest of you get to play the heroes and still get everything you could ever want in life!"

Tony angered, after hearing the conversation in the background of the fighting, fired at Mordo, catching him off guard. "You have no idea what being heroes has cost us, Dumbledore!" His speech was cut short when Harry threw a small grenade at him and launched him across the room.

Mordo summoned all his magic around him, charging it up before he unleashed it on the Sorcerer. "You don't even know of the powers all around us, there's so much the Sorceress Supreme never even bothered to teach us. Different universes, different power sources, even beings who can wield the infinity stones."

"I know enough to know that we don't mess with these things because they never end well. We can't mess with the Dark Arts." He tried beating his opponent with another spell, but Mordo was able to not only redirect the attack but send one back that knocked Strange off his feet and onto the ground.

Strange lifted his head off the ground to see the Avengers all sprawled out on the ground around him, exhausted and beaten from the fight. They all let out soft groans and heavy breaths as they tried to find the strength to get up and keep fighting, but to no avail; they were losing and there was no way they could keep this up for much longer.

Harry looked at a small screen on the wrist of his Green Goblin suit and heads to Jean. "Time to go." She smiles at him then nods to Mordo who starts conjuring up a portal to bring them back to the Oscorp compound. They all step through the portal one by one while the Avengers struggle to get up. Wanda was the last of the group to go through the portal; a voice called out to her as she began to step through.

"Wanda..." Sam weakly calls out as she turns only her head to look at him; he was still laying on the floor, only moving his head up to look at her.

Truth be told, seeing her on the enemy's side was perhaps hardest on not only Steve, but also Sam. During the two years on the run together Steve, Sam, Natasha and Wanda had all grown quite close to each other; Sam and Wanda often acting like bickering siblings. They annoyed the hell out of each other, but always had one another's backs and never failed to make each other laugh. He never thought they'd be fighting on the opposite sides.

"I'm sorry, Sam." She said with genuine sadness and walked through the portal, the orange ring closing immediately behind her.

They all hear an explosion coming from the room connected to the hall and Strange immediately conjures a mystical shield to cover Bucky and himself, Tony uses his suit's shield to cover him and Peter, while Steve covers himself with his shield and Sam uses his wings to form a protective cocoon around himself. The building started falling apart around them, the ceiling fell on them and the walls collapsed, but they all made it out alive.

They walk out of the ruined building and go toward the landing bay where they usually keep the quinjet.

Tony looked at Strange. "I'm gonna call us a ride, you coming?"

"No, I'm gonna go back to the Sanctum and see if I can find anything that'll help us deal with them."

Tony nodded as Strange conjured himself a portal and disappeared into thin air.

"I should've volunteered to go to Ukraine." Bucky joked, placing his hand over his left side, trying to lift Steve's disappointment.

Steve chuckled. "Well then you would've missed all the stupid here." He smiled at his best friend and patted his back.

Even if this plan had gone to hell, they were all okay. That was more than what any of them could've asked for; they'd lost enough already.


"Dammit! This isn't working!" Clint shouted in frustration as he tried desperately to keep Yelena from bleeding out.

She chuckled softly as her vision started to get blurry. "Well it has been a long-ass life." She joked as she fought to stay awake. "At least now I'll get some sleep."

"Hey! No! If you die Natasha will literally haunt me for the rest of my life." he joked, trying to keep her awake somehow.

"Natasha..." Natasha, her sister; she'd very much like to see her again. Was this what was happening? Was she finally getting to see her sister again after so many months. Come to think of it, she welcomed the thought, it made everything else seem okay.

"Yelena! Come on, we're almost there. We're gonna get you some help, okay?" His voice strained as his desperation to keep her awake only grew.

Her eyelids were getting so heavy, surely Natasha wouldn't mind if she just took a quick nap.



She closed her eyes.


I literally wrote half of this during my math class XD.

Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this, I made this one a bit longer to try to make up for the slow updates recently. Thank you for sticking with this story even though it updates very slowly. I greatly appreciate it.

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