The Mighty Ducks Preferences

By E5cap3-fr0m-r3al1ty

104K 574 325

✨Who I write for✨ -Charlie Conway -Adam Banks -Dean Portman -Fulton Reed -Ken Wu -Dwayne Robertson -Lester... More

β™‘ What I think their sexuality/pronouns are β™‘
β™‘ What Rock bands/Artists i think they listen to β™‘
β™‘ Dating Charlie Conway β™‘
β™‘ Dating Adam Banks β™‘
β™‘ Dating Dean Portman β™‘
β™‘ Dating Fulton Reed β™‘
β™‘ Dating Ken Wu β™‘
β™‘ Dating Dwayne Robertson β™‘
β™‘ Dating Lester Averman β™‘
β™‘ Guy Germaine β™‘
β™‘ Dating Luis Mendoza β™‘
β™‘ Dating Jesse Hall β™‘
β™‘ Dating Julie Gaffney β™‘
β™‘ Dating Connie Moreau β™‘
β™‘ What i think turns them on/what their kinks are β™‘
β™‘ Their favourite picture of you guys together β™‘
β™‘ Who's more dominant β™‘
β™‘ Your name in their phone, and their name in yours β™‘
β™‘ The whole team doing the 'Wait Whoa' trend on tik tok β™‘
β™‘ Their favourite place to kiss you β™‘
β™‘ Their favourite picture of you guys together pt 2 β™‘
β™‘ Couples Halloween costumes β™‘
β™‘ Who said I love you first β™‘
β™‘ Their favourite mcr song β™‘
β™‘ Their favourite member of Mcr and why β™‘
β™‘ Who's Older β™‘
β™‘ Nicknames β™‘
β™‘ Their favourite colour β™‘
β™‘ Your prom dress β™‘
β™‘ The promise ring they gave you β™‘
β™‘ Their favourite bathing suit on you β™‘
β™‘ Their favourite Tv show β™‘
β™‘ How you cuddle β™‘
β™‘ The Hickey they gave you β™‘
β™‘ Ass, Boobs or Thighs? β™‘
β™‘ How you broke up β™‘
β™‘ How you got back together β™‘
β™‘ Their favourite picture of you guys together pt 3 β™‘
β™‘ The pet they got you β™‘
β™‘ Their favourite scary movie β™‘
β™‘ How old were you when you got married β™‘
β™‘ How many children you had β™‘
β™‘ How they would dress if they were teens in 2021 β™‘
β™‘ First time with Charlie β™‘
β™‘ First time with Adam β™‘
β™‘ First time with Dean β™‘
β™‘ First time with Fulton β™‘
β™‘ First time with Ken β™‘
β™‘ First time with Dwayne β™‘
β™‘ First time with Averman β™‘
β™‘ First time with Guy β™‘
β™‘ First time with Luis β™‘
β™‘ First time with Jesse β™‘
β™‘ First time with Julie β™‘
β™‘ First time with Connie β™‘
β™‘ Their favourite picture of you guys together pt 4 β™‘

β™‘ How you met β™‘

5.2K 15 9
By E5cap3-fr0m-r3al1ty

Neutral pronouns for this chapter (They/Them) also, none of these are linked to each other, and just a warning, most of these meetings may not go along with the rest of the chapters.

Charlie Conway
You were walking down the sidewalk, walking home from hanging out with your best friend, when all of a sudden you were knocked to the floor. You were about to get up and yell at the person who knocked you down, but saw that it was a really cute boy. He apologized and helped you up, before asking if you went to S/n school. You responded with a simple 'yes' to which he said he did too.
"I'm Charlie. Charlie Conway" he said as he stuck his hand out. You shook his hand before introducing yourself. "I'm Y/n, it's nice to meet you Charlie."
"Nice to meet you too. have to go, but I'll see you at school" he said before skating off, down the street.

Adam Banks
You were the older sibling of Larson, you only older by a year but liked to tease him about it.
You were just sitting on your bed when Larson came barging in, asking for money. You were so caught up arguing with your little brother, you almost didn't see the really attractive blonde haired boy leaning against your doorframe. Larson must have noticed you looking, because he introduced the two of you.
"Y/n, this is Adam, Adam this is my very rude sibling" He said, emphasizing the word 'Rude'
You rolled your eyes before pointing at your desk and saying,
"There's Twenty bucks in my wallet."
"Thanks, I love you" he called out as he grabbed the money and left your room. "Whatever" you mumbled under your breath, not being able to take Adam out of your head.

Dean Portman
You were in the stands, watching Team U.S.A. Kick Trinidad's ass.
You were sitting in the front row, watching as Portman and Reed screamed their hearts out. You started to laugh, as Reed started screeching, somehow gaining the attention of Portman, as he was really close to the glass. You made eye contact as he skated past the glass. Than after the game, you were about to start walking home from the Arena, when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned around to see Portman standing there.
The two of you started talking for a bit, he even asked for your phone number before he had to get back inside.

Fulton Reed
You were walking down the sidewalk, heading to your favourite diner for lunch. When all of a sudden everything went black, when your eyes opened, you were laying on the ground with a pounding headache.
You groaned out in pain as you reached up and touched your head. "Oh my god, I am so fucking sorry" said the deep voice of a boy that had just run over and knelt down beside you.
You looked to your left, to see a hockey puck lying on the floor beside you. "Are you alright?" He asked as he put his hand on the back of your neck and guided you up, so you were sitting. "Yeah, I guess" You responded, still with a pounding headache. "I'm Fulton, you're Y/n right? I've seen you around school" he asked curiously, as he reached over and grabbed the puck. "Yeah, that's me" you replied, a smile slowly making its way to your face, when you realized how cute he was.
"Can I take you to F/d (fav diner)
To make it up to you?" He asked as he grabbed your hands and pulled you up, onto your feet.
"Yeah, that would be nice. I was actually just heading there" you said as the both of you continued walking down the street, until you got to the diner.

Ken Wu
You were standing on the ice with your best friends Connie, Guy and Averman. Watching as Mr. Tibbles introduced your new teammates. Your face grew hot and your mouth fell slightly agape as he introduced Ken Wu. He was an excellent skater, you'd have to ask him to show you those moves sometime.
Practice started, and as you were skating around the ice, you decided to be bold and skate over to Ken.
"Hey, Ken right? I'm Y/n" you introduced, absolutely melting when he smiled at you.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you Y/n" he said politely, extending his hand out. You shook his hand and than blurted out. "That spin you did earlier was really cool, you have to teach me how to figure skate sometime" you said as you pulled your hand away from his, and continued skating, him coming up and skating beside you.
"Sure, I'll teach you the easy stuff the next time you're free" he offered happily. You guys continued talking whenever you could, for the rest of practice.

Dwayne Robertson
You and your best friend,
B/f/n were walking down the sidewalk in front of a bunch of fancy shops, talking about going to see Team U.S.A. In their next game. You stopped when you spotted a bunch of boys playing with a store buzzer. "Oh my god, Y/n look at their tracksuits" B/f/n practically yelled in your ear. "Shit, speak of the devil" you chuckled to yourself before being dragged towards them by the person you sadly call your best friend. "Excuse me, you're team U.S.A. Right? I saw your tracksuits and wanted to say hi" B/f/n gushed as they extended their hand out for them to shake, which they did. They looked scared. "I'm B/f/n." They said excitedly, jeez they're treating the boys like they're actual celebrities. "Well, it's nice to meet you B/f/n I'm Goldberg the go-" one of the boys started, but got interrupted by B/f/n. "The Goalie, yeah we know. Everyone knows who you are" they gushed happily, sounding like a crazy fucking fangirl. "Yeah, and this is Jesse, that's Averman, and this is Dwayne." Goldberg said as he pointed to each boy while saying their name. You looked over to the last boy, to see him already looking at you. "Hello?" You greeted, honestly sounding more like a question. Dwayne. Who had finally snapped out of it and stopped staring at you, extended his hand out while saying."Hello there, I'm Dwayne, what's your name, cutie pie?" He asked with a goofy smile on his face. You fought back a smile as you put your hand in his and shook it.
"Y/n" you responded, as you pulled your hand back to your side. "That's a lovely name" he said as he continued to stare at you. "Thank you, but we have to go now" You said as you grabbed B/f/n's hand and pulled them away. "It was nice to meet you" Goldberg called out as we left.

Lester Averman
You met Averman when you Joined district five, before Coach Bombay came along. You guys have just always kind of been best friends.

Guy Germaine
You're the little sister of Connie, that's how you met Guy. You don't even remember when or where you met each other, he's kind of Just always been there, since he was best friends with Connie for so many years. You just got used to him randomly showing up at your house all the time.

Luis Mendoza
You were minding your business, pulling your books out of your locker, when suddenly someone came slamming into the locker to the right of yours. You gasped in shock, you weren't really expecting someone to get shoved against a locker. You turned around and saw the varsity team walking by, glaring at the boy and laughing. He glared back at them before turning to you. "You okay?" You asked as you shut your locker, and held your books against your chest. "Yeah, I'm great" he said as he looked you up and down. "I'm Luis, what's your name?" He asked flirtatiously as he leaned against the locker. You chuckled a bit, before responding. "Y/n"
"Such a Beautiful name, for such a beautiful person" he said as he held his hand out. You put your hand out, expecting a hand shake. But instead he grabbed your hand and spun you around in a circle, like how people do when they dance. "See you around?" He asked, with a really cute smile plastered on his face.
You smiled as you nodded your head. "Bye Luis" you said as you waved and turned around, walking to your next class.

Jesse Hall
You were helping your mother out in her shop. Getting clothes off the hooks and ready for the models to try on, for a few people that came in. One of the dresses, a black one that was up next, was ripped in the back. You put the dress down on the counter in the corner and walked out of the back room. "Mother, are you out he-" You started as You got out front, quickly being interrupted and scolded by your mother, as per usual.
"Y/n, what have I told you about leaving the back room?" She was close to yelling. "I'm sorry mother, but there's an issue with one of the dresses you wanted to show" You admitted, looking down at the ground. "What the issue?" She asked disappointedly. "It's ripped" You responded, whilst still looking down at the ground.
"Section?" She asked as she started walking towards the back room. "Four" You called out after her, before she disappeared in the room. You looked up to see the people that were here, were young boys? "I'm so sorry about that" you apologized, taking one step closer to the boys.
"It's alright, she always like that?" One of the boys asked, he was a short looking dark skinned boy. He was actually very cute.
"Yeah, pretty much. I'm Y/n" I introduced myself as I walked over to them. "Nice name" A red haired boy with glasses said from beside the first boy. "Thanks" I replied, not knowing if he was serious or being sarcastic.
"I'm Averman. This is Goldberg, Dwayne, and that's Jesse" he said as he pointed to everyone. My eyes stopped on the last boy. Jesse. So that's his name, it's nice. "Team U.S.A. Huh? That's pretty cool" I said, referring to the tracksuit Dwayne was wearing. "Well it was nice to meet you boys, I've gotta get back to work" I said as I smiled at Jesse one last time before turning around and walking back to the back room.

Julie Gaffney
You decided to go take a walk to a park near your house. You usually went there to study, or to just get away from your house when you needed a breather. You walked over to the swing set, holding your favourite book in your hands. You saw that there was a girl sitting on the swing next to yours, but chose to mind your own business and just read your book. You were two pages into the book, when you heard a soft voice speak up from beside you. You turned your head to see the Girl in the swing beside you, looking right into your E/c eyes.
"You like F/b huh? I've read it, it's a good book" she said happily whilst sending you a friendly smile. "Yeah, it is good. I'm almost finished" You said as you put your book mark in the page you were in and closed the book.
"I'm Julie, by the way" she said as she looked down and twirled around a flower that she had in her hand. "That's a beautiful name, I'm Y/n" you said as a chuckle escaped your lips. The two of you continued talking, for hours until you had to get home. She gave you her phone number, and when you got home. You continued the conversation from the park.

♡ Connie Moreau ♡
Your best friend Averman, practically forced you to go with him to hang out with his friends.
You didn't want to go at first, because you didn't like meeting new people, which he damn well knew. But he still forced you to go with him. "You're going to love them, I promise" he insisted as he grabbed your hand and dragged you down the street to the frozen pond. When you got there, you didn't talk to anyone, just sat in the snow watching. Well, that was until a girl skated over to where you were.
"Hey, Averman told me about you. Y/n right?" She asked as she sat next to you. "Hey, um. Yeah that's me" you responded nervously as you looked down at your feet. "I'm Connie, it's nice to meet you. You're so
Pretty/handsome" she gushed happily with a friendly smile on her face. "Thanks, you are as well" you responded, before a short brown haired boy came over and told Connie to come back to the game.
"Connie, we need you on the ice" he said angrily before skating off.
"Coming Karp" she groaned out.
"Talk to you later?" She asked as she got up, you nodded your head, smiling at her. Watching as she skated off and continued playing the game.

A/n: Sorry, I know these were really long, but I kinda wanted you to fully understand what was going on 😅
Word count: 2254

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