The Forgotten Child

By Little1Writer

2.4M 68.4K 17.7K

"Actually I do. I'm working", I said with no emotion at all. They didn't deserve it. They don't get to know h... More

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71.8K 2.1K 237
By Little1Writer

Fuck me. It was nearly half 5 and the dress still hadn't arrived. I was pacing around my flat trying to calm my nerves as I was stressing the fuck out. I didn't want some random people to force me to change just because the dress was late. 

The anxiety I felt right now was insane. My hands and body were fully shaking at this point and my head was pounding. I felt just like my 8 year old self again. I didn't know what they would do to me if I was late.

It was 5 to 6 now and I was sat on the sofa, shaking slightly, trying hard not to be afraid but I couldn't help it, it was like second nature at this point. It was too much, I was sweating like crazy. Even if the dress came now I wouldn't be ready. It was one to six now. 60 seconds before they would knock on that door and ask me why the hell I wasn't ready.

It was the longest minute of my entire life.

It turned 6.

No knock. I breathed out in relief. I knew that if they knocked now, I had the choice of asking why the hell the dress wasn't here. I wasn't in the fault. It was them who fucked up. I relaxed after that. What the fuck were they gonna do if I didn't show up?

I was on my phone when a knock was on the door. It was 5 past six. I took a huge breathe of air and walked to the door and opened it.

Surely enough Stone and Ravy was stood in suits with a very pissed off look on their face. Stone grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into the flat, whilst Ravy followed. He let me go and practically threw me against the wall.

"Why the fuck aren't you ready?", He asked, glaring at me as I just stared at him for a second.

"Because the stupid dress didn't arrive that's why", I said to him with my hands on my hips. I was already done with bullshit. To think I had an entire night of doing this with them.

"It should of", He said with his hands on his hips and glaring at me. "Huh. So where is it, did you hide it?", He said and motioned to Ravy. He started to look through my stuff, throwing my draws around and moving blankets and cushions of my sofa and all over the floor. I tried to hold him back but Stone grabbed my arm. Fuck them for being so strong.

"For fuck sake it didn't come!", I yelled at them, trying to get them to stop. Stone was really starting to hurt my arm. I couldn't help but let a few tears come out.

"Stone, please let go", I said, almost begging, at this point I was starting to not feel my hand. He saw the tears and let go after a few seconds. Now a dark purple bruise had formed on my arm which was getting darker and darker. He adjusted his suit just ignoring what happened once again. He then clicked his fingers and three people walked in. All women. The changers I'm guessing. Screw them for being rich.

"No way in hell, get out, you have no right to even be here.", I said to them, becoming angrier. They rolled their eyes at me, as if I was the one being difficult. 

"No right? We are your older brothers", He said with a smirk. I sighed hard through my nose and put my hands together as I closed my eyes, taking a deep breathe.

"The. Dress. Didn't. Come. Why are you guys doing this?", I asked them completely bewildered. "Why do you guys all of a sudden give a shit about my life?", I asked them in shock, throwing my hands up in the air.

"We dont to be honest, but it will affect business", Stone finally fessed up. I just nodded with knowing look on my face, my arms crossed over my chest. The doorbell suddenly went and a man came in with a huge box in his hands, looking like he had just sprinted a marathon.

"I'm so sorry, my designer was sick, and she managed to power through, this is the dress you ordered", He said handing me the box with a smile. I nodded with a smile then turned to Stone with my eyebrows raised. He looked rather taken back that I hadn't lied. I looked at him in confusion at why he was so adamant I was lying.

He nodded at the delivery boy as he walked out. He then looked towards the women who was still stood their with hairdryers and makeup pads glaring at me. I crossed my arms across my chest and turned to Stone.

"I'm pretty sure I can dress myself and do my own hair and makeup", I said sarcastically. He shook his head at me like he did in the diner and motioned for the women to leave. They rolled their eyes at me in secret so my brothers couldn't see. I stuck my tongue out at them in return. I then grabbed the dress without a second glance at my brothers and went into my room to get changed.

The dress itself was beautiful and fitted me perfectly. I moved my hands through the silk of the dress, which was so soft and smooth it made my skin feel relaxed. I put my hair up carelessly with a braid going across the back of my head and letting the rest of it flow down my back to just below my waist, with some simple makeup, after all I was having dinner with the devils. I finished after about twenty minutes. Given the fact I normally just wake up, brush my hair, then just leave, this was a new record in my opinion.

I walked out to see all my brothers sat there waiting, either on their phones or staring at the walls, sat on the ends of the couch, on the counters, or Stone just leant against the wall playing with his lighter.

"I'd rather you not set my house on fire", I said to him in a bored tone. The attention was suddenly on me as they all gaped at with their mouths wide open.

"Jesus you look beautiful", Millian said with his mouth half open. It was they like they had all seen a ghost or something. I just nodded at them without smiling. They sighed at me. Stone stopped playing with his lighter and was just staring at me

"When did you grow up to look so mature? You were just a baby", He said staring at me. I rolled my eyes at him, got my bag and put some of my cheap red heels on, they kind of matched and to be honest I just wanted this night to be over. Before I walked past Stone I whispered something in his ear.

"I grew up years ago Stone, you were just never there to give a shit", I said with no emotion, like it didn't bother me in the slightest, which to be honest, it didn't anymore. I turned to all of them.

"After this night, never come near me again. I want to live my life without any of you in it. Think of it as a goodbye dinner", I said sweetly to them. They all looked hurt when I said that, but oh well, I guess it was coming to them after all these years. I rolled my eyes at them and walked outside. 

With my heels clipping the concrete everytime I walked, with a loud echo filling the small parking lot. They followed me as I walked, like a protective barrier, which to others would seem sweet and loving, but really they were just making sure I didn't bail at the last second.

They showed me to the car and opened the door for me, Ravy with a quick bow as he did, expecting me to giggle or something. I just rolled my eyes at him and sat in the middle. The twins trapped me in the middle, as Stone drove and Lucian sat in the passenger seat.

Millian was sat right in the back behind me. It was a 7 seater after all. I sat in complete silence before Millian asked me a question.

"So how long have you been working there?", He asked. I just stared out of the window and sighed.

"6 months", I said coldly. Stone looked pretty shocked and so did the twins.

"6 months? When did you leave", Stone asked. I rolled my eyes at him and stared through the window.

"Like I said on the phone, I left 6 months ago", I said again, trying to show them I was bored. They of course didn't get the hint.

"We will discuss it during dinner", He said with a firm look on his face. I just nodded at him and focused back onto the road.

"Do you live with anyone else?", Lucian asked. Huh, he never ever talked to me.

"Yep", I said coldly. They looked at me as if to say continue in which I just sat stone faced, wondering when the hell we were going to get to the restaraunt. 

"Who then Matilda?", Millian added sarcastically.

"A friend", I said hesitantly. It wasn't a lie. Technically we all lived next door to eachother and it was the same building. We practically lived at Granny's anyway.

"For fuck sake Matilda, we are just asking questions", Stone said quickly, becoming bright red. I smirked inwardly's knowing that this was my chance to piss him off completely.

"I didn't say you couldn't", I said smugly. He noticed this and glared at me through the mirror. I looked at him and gave him the most innocent look possible. He noticed this and squinted his eyes at me.

"Then stop giving one word answers to everything", He said obviously not in the mood with me. I just nodded pissing him off even more. He sighed deeply for a second before looking back at me.

"I live with two other people, what about you?", I asked throwing the question back at them which seemed to throw them off for a second before they realised what I was doing.

"Who?", Millian asked. I could feel him staring at the back of my head. I smirked internally thinking about the reaction I would get, even if I could get one shows that they care, it wouldn't mean anything.

"Granny", I said. They looked confused but egged me on to finish.

"And Jacob", I replied with a tiny tiny smirk. 

What surprised me the most was the absolute chaos that echoed in the car.

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