A King's Tale - Ranboo-

By randomname360

292 20 11

Ranboo the prince-soon to be king-must go to every kingdom around the world before coming back to his own to... More

A Prince and a Small Room
A Nap and Three Fools
A Yell to Hear and a Path to Follow
A Long Walk and a King
A Friend and a Sheep
A Show and a Farewell
A Fox and a Question

A Vegan and a Ghost

23 3 1
By randomname360

This is ridiculous we've been walking for nearly two weeks and this bird idiot is complaining about his feet hurting. Ranboo rolled his eyes as he lead the two behind him. Bee boy has been quiet so he must be thinking of some kind of annoying plan. Ranboo looked ahead of him to see...possibly a town? It looked like a great distance but they'd get there before night. " My body is killing meeee." The bird said while tiredly dragging himself to keep up with his friend. " At least you're knee is better," his bee friend gave him a supportive smile.

They soon got to the town and saw camo dressed people with guns give them funny looks. "Guess they don't get many visitors," Tommy whispered to Tubbo. They found and rented a room to sleep for the night and Tommy threw himself on the bed. "I'm in heaven, now I just need some food." Ranboo looked unamused at Tommy, "If there was a God I wouldn't be here with two peasants." Ranboo took off his cloak and placed it on his own a chair. "I wonder what this place has to eat," Tommy said as he stretched himself out. Ranboo looked through his little pouch of gold, "I suppose we could grab a few snacks now." Tubbo already has the door open with his bird friend walking through the door. Ranboo watched Tubbo go through the door as he got up. These guys are always starving it feels like. Ranboo flicked his tail as he realized he was their pocket book. Ranboo got up and left through the door to go after the two starving children.

While chasing after the two Ranboo found lots of meat and gun shops. Ranboo raised his tail slightly. It feels so strange to walk in an area so reeking of kill. Ranboo walked over to the children and saw them sitting on a stool of a meat shop. The bird was making faces at the painted menu while the bee was pointing at what he'd get. Ranboo looked over the menu then called someone over.

The person was a woman with blond hair with an hourglass body and wore an apron that said she was also a butcher. "A 16 oz porkchop baked and whatever these two want." Ranboo looked to the bird and bee. "I'll take a 16 oz steak well done and do you have any sides." The woman pointed to the painted menu that in the corner said, "No sides." The bee noded, "That's all for us then." The woman noded then left. That's all? What about the bird doesn't he eat, I mean it's all he's been saying for 5 hours.

"You're not getting anything bird boy?" Tommy looked at him with a look of annoyance and warth. Tommy crossed his arms, "I...I don't eat meat." He doesn't eat meat? "Ridiculous, you have some today." Tommy's eyes filled with alarm and he stood up, "No I don't want to try it, it's like fucking eating another of my kind!" The bird had its wings spread out causing a glaring stare from Ranboo. This peasants thinks he can stand up to me! Ranboo stood up showing how much taller he was and his tail raised even higher.

Nether said anything for a few minutes as they simply stared into each other's eyes waiting for the other to stand down. For Tommy this wasn't just about eating meat this was about beating the monster in front of him and showing that he would and could stand up to him.

Ranboo started to give a distorted growl as his eyes gave a flash of purple. Ranboo wouldn't let this bird idiot win. He would die before he ever let this weak peasant try to gain overhead of him. This idiot was also looking him in the eyes. Ranboo felt power race through him preparing itself for a fight.

Tubbo watched with fear of a fight starting. While watching he also noticed other people starting to gather and watch mainly looking at Ranboo. Tubbo got up from his stool and got between them, "Hey maybe we can just leave the topic alone. We can find Tommy something else to eat and maybe one day he'll decide if he wants to try meat or not but we can't make him.

Tubbo had broke the staring contest brining them both back to the waking world. Ranboo kinda felt dizzy but played it off as an annoyance as he moved his hand to his head. Tommy rolled his eyes, "I'm going to the room." Tommy tucked his wings and turned back to walk to their room.

"Good riddance." Ranboo sat down at his stool while Tubbo waved off the crowd that formed. Ranboo waited for both a begging apology from the bird and his food. He only received one of these things.

After eating the two walked back to their room. It was completely dark out now and barely any people were out, not counting the hunters who were already making their way to the woods. " How did you like King Phlilza's castle?" Tubbo asked trying to make conversation. Ranboo had dropped his tail after finishing his meal and it was still dropped now. "It is fine and I would say it's unique but I doubt that. I can say that I prefer my own rather than his." Tubbo looked at Ranboo showing he was listening. "What about the king, I thought he was friendly." Ranboo started to give his steps more of a stomp as he walked. "I thought he was a fool who found interest in a unimportant bird child." Tubbo seemed to give it some thought seeming to agree. "Why was he so interested in Tommy anyways?"

"I have no doubt in my mind that he was only fond of that fool because when he came back to life he left half his mind." Ranboo was still angry with the bird but he felt he was big enough not to be angry and just wait for him to come and apologize. They made it to the room and found Tommy sleeping

Ranboo flicked his tail as Tubbo went to the bed he shared with Tommy. He is sleeping. This guy wasn't pacing from stress and planning ways of asking for forgiveness he was sleeping.

Ranboo was walking back to the room since he had spent the night looking for some fruit that Tommy could eat. Ranboo was determined to be the bigger man and that meant being "kind." It took all night but he finally found a few carrots. Hopefully this will take care of the issue and make the bird apologize.

Ranboo opened the door immediately felt angered. He raised his tail and closed the door lightly as he slowly made his way to Tommy's bed. A black blue outline and a faint body was all Ranboo could see as the figure floated near Tommy staring at him. Watching him.

Who was this foal spector who was watching the sleeping bird. And why did it give Ranboo such a hostil feeling. Ranboo gave a warning hiss making himself known to the spector. The ghost turned to look at him the spectors face somehow blurred.

The two keep their gaze on each other until the sun was showing through the window. The figure disappeared and Ranboo quickly opened the curtains. Ranboo turned to look over the room but only found a glaring bird and a sleeping bee boy. Ranboo narrowed his eyes and swat his tail at the air. "Why the fuck are you doing that for?", Tommy spoke. Ranboo tossed the carrots at him then checked around the room himself. He couldn't see the thing  but he could sense it. It wasn't the same as the danger in the forest but he still didn't like it.

Tubbo woke not soon after and started getting ready to leave. Ranboo had tried to ignore the feeling of the ghost but his instincts told him it was still there. Ranboo let his eyes wonder and saw from the bathroom mirror the ghost standing behind Tubbo. Ranboo moved Tubbo telling the ghost to show himself.

"What are you doing Ranboo?" Tubbo said puzzled. Tommy had his eyes glued to Ranboo glaring at him with his hand going for something under his pillow.

The ghost made itself transparent and Tubbo's eyes widden with joy. Ranboo had his tail lifted as high as it would go and made himself bigger shielding the bee boy behind him. Ranboo was ready to fight this thing but before he could pounce at it and lose himself in rage he heard something.


Ranboo felt Tubbo move past him to the spirit.  He tried to clear his mind of anger but still stead tall glaring at the spirit.  "You know this thing?"

Tubbo nodded and began to tell about the ghost and how he met him at Philza's castle. "This is the fucking guy you were telling me about?" Tommy budded in. Tubbo nodded as he continued to speak on about the ghost. "Wilbur" as Tubbo called him stayed quiet, watching and observing them.

Ranboo despised the ghost and couldn't help but remember a story of a king who blew up his own kingdom to save it. He died in the process. I'm willing to bet this ghost might know that same story but in a different view. Ranboo desperately wanted to say this was the danger he'd felt in the forest but he knew it wasn't.

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