Lovely Bones

By tatesqi

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hope wrapped around her ankles and drug her through the mud ?????? ????? book one ... More

lovely bones
act one
the archer
kissed chin
shadows of us
ghost of charles bennett
hand me downs
crimson cardigan
peace, love, & loss

boxes and a mop

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By tatesqi

chapter nine : boxes and a mop

season   five
episode two

9. 𝒃𝒐𝒙𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂 𝒎𝒐𝒑

As the days passed, her excitement for the next began to face ever so slowly. She was left questioning whether or not she would want to be locked up or walking around aimlessly. She chose the latter, obviously, yet she still found herself faltering throughout the days. With aching feet and a rumbling stomach drenched in starvation, she was melting. She couldn't remember the last time she ate a decent meal, besides Daryl's usual dinners made of squirrels and non-poisonous berries. Without them she'd be surely eating herself from the inside out to tame the hunger.

Okay, maybe she shouldn't think like that after the cannibals she had been acquainted with. But still, she was diminishing.

Of course, Prim kept her complaints to herself. These people have done enough for her and her sister, she didn't need to add to their stress. Plus, she was used to the feeling as they all were.

The desperation had gotten stronger throughout each day, leaving everyone on the very edge of living. They followed the tracks for miles and miles, individual groups combined in one as if they have always been a whole. This time Teddy wasn't completely glued to her side. The blonde had surprisingly found her spot at Michonne's side, leaving Prim alone as she trudged along aimlessly, allowing them to lead the way.

For a second, the group found themselves pausing with tense shoulders. Their weapons were raised towards the trees after hearing distant rustling off the side of the tracks. Daryl rounded a tree and stopped midway as he came face to face with Rick's AK. He scoffed and raised his hands mockingly, holding up a bundle of squirrels.

"We surrender." He joked, causing everyone to sigh in immense exhaustion and boredom before continuing on.

Prim didn't notice she had narrowed in besides Daryl until she saw something out of the corner of her eye. She shot her head towards the man besides her, shoulders dropping when she noticed she wasn't in danger. . . or she had hoped. He kind of had that scary old man look that would normally send teenage girls scrambling the other way. She found comfort in it though as it reminded her of Charlie and his older biker gang friends. She straightened slightly at the remembrance and looked towards her shoes, intently watching as they kicked up pebbles with each step she managed.

She cleared her throat and Daryl unintentionally rolled his eyes, yet not out of complete annoyance. In all honesty, he could use with a little less silence.

"My dad was a big time hunter back in the day," she started, attempting to start a conversation the best she could given the circumstances. "He tried to teach me a couple summers ago but I guess I ,,scared all the birds away with my blabbering,," she trailed off into a frown upon realizing she was doing the exact opposite of what her father had taught. ". . . I guess he had a point."

Daryl took a moment to respond, questioning exactly how he should. He briefly glanced down at her, trying to get an idea of what to say. In his defense, what do you say to a fifteen year old girl who went through absolute hell the past few days. Sure, he had seen his fair share, they all have, and as much as he hated it, they always somehow moved on as if it never happened. But it happened and it will always be something that would haunt her.

He was lost, confused even on why she had been speaking to him in the first place. He had only noticed her take conversation with him, she hadn't even looked at anybody else since Terminus. He was sure a man that looked like him would be the last person she would want to talk to but here she was, at his side and not theirs.

Daryl cleared his throat and shifted his crossbow strap onto his other shoulder, holding onto it out of subconscious habit.

"Yeah?" He kept his eyes forward, biting his bottom lip as he went for it. "Back in the days huh?" Prim felt relieved that someone actually took notice in her, even though she didn't really give them a chance to decline. She brought her eyes from her feet and onto the trail in front of her. She nodded before she responded.

"Mhm. He uh. . . I learned a bit, even with all of my blabbering."

Daryl huffed. "Your old man, what happened to him?" He knew it was far fetched question, as she didn't look like the one to throw out her entire life story to anyone, but he tried his best to keep the conversation going.

Like said before, he liked the pause from the silence they'd been wrapped in.

Prim blinked. No body had asked her that before, not even in the old world. No one ever asked her what had happened to her dad or what caused her family to sink deep into a shit show. They simply always assumed and rumored on about it.

"Well. . ." she started off calmly. "Before he could show me some of his big tricks, he kinda went off the deep end when my mom got sick – which might be a good thing ya know?" He looked at her at that with a raised eyebrow. "He was a strong man but he couldn't handle all of this," she finished, deciding that that was the most she would say about the man who was nothing but a lost memory in her mind. "But my brother, on the other hand," she chuckled, "he was –"

"– Help!" A series of yells set off in the distance, cutting everyones conversations short. The group froze in step and Prim's heart dropped. She took no time in letting the bow that was slung over her shoulder fall into her grasp before she pulled out an arrow and readied it for danger. Someone ran past her, bumping into her arm and causing her to step forward to catch herself. She glanced up to see Carl racing towards the unknown calls. The next second a flash of blonde in her view instantly made her follow after Teddy ran after the boy.

"Teddy!" She called after them. She dodged trees left and right, ignoring the yells that came from behind her and rushed towards the screams of the unknown in front. Prim stumbled into a small clearing, barely catching a glimpse of a man squirming pathetically on top of a large boulder. Walkers surrounded the rock, trying to pull the man down. She caught Carl pulling his pistol and shooting a walker while Michonne helped with another. Teddy grabbed a stick and swing it at a dead one but it only hit his shoulder and turned his attention onto her.

The moment it reached for her there was an arrow buldging into its eye. Teddy shot around to see Prim standing behind her, bow raised and arrows thrown into the attacking walkers.

By the time the rest had joined, the small area was cleared.

"You're clear. Keep watch," Rick ordered. "Come on down," he waved the priest down from the rock. The man struggled off of it shakily, barely hitting the ground with steady feet as he used the rock for support. The moment he stood he crouched over and retched, emptying his stomach. Prim was the unlucky culprit as his mess hit right at her boots. She gasped and took a step back, shaking her foot off in disgust.

Carl stood besides her and the two shared a unpleasant look.

The man coughed. "Sorry," he sniffled as he stood up straight. "Yes, thank you. . . I'm Gabriel," he introduced. Gabriel tried to reach his hand out towards Rick but the Sheriff simply ignored it and just got to the point.

"You got any weapons on you?" Rick's southern voice asked quickly.

"Do I look like I have any weapons?" Gabriel chuckled lightheartedly. He looked between Michonne and Carl who only rose a eyebrow up at him, unamused. Gabriel frowned.

"We don't give two shorts and girlies what it looks like," Abraham deadpanned over the awkward silence.

Gabriel nodded. "I have no weapons of any kind," he confirmed. "The Road of God is the only protection I need."

Prim scoffed.

"Sure didn't look like it," Daryl muttered.

Gabriel simply let out another soft chuckle before taking any action in defending himself. "I called for help, help came," he gestured towards the group.

"Toucé," Prim mumbled with a grimace, wincing at the quick over the shoulder glances she received.

"Do you uh – do you have any food?" The priest asked with uncertainty in his tone. "Whatever I had left just hit the ground," his eyes traveled to the floor. Carl stepped forward, offering him something from his hand.

"I got some nuts." Gabriel took them quickly with a mumbled thanks before his eyes traveled behind them to Tyreese who held Judith safely in his arms.

"That's a beautiful child," he spoke, causing everyone to straighten slightly. Prim subconsciously pushed Teddy behind her and the blonde looked up when she felt someone grab onto her shoulder. Jude pulled her closer into a his grasp at Gabriel's comment.

Silence overlapped them once again.

"Do you have a camp?" The stranger cleared his throat.

"No, do you?" Rick retorted quickly, a threatening look glowering in his expression.

"I have a church." His words made Rick scoff in impatience.

"Hold your hands above your head," he stepped forward with an annoyed sigh. Gabriel did as told while the Sheriff patted him down. "How many walkers have you killed?"

The question made Prim's eyebrows furrowed. She was asked the same questions.

"Not many actually."

"How many people have you killed?"

Gabriel looked at him incredulously. "None."


"Because the lord absorbs violence."

"What have you done?" Rick pushed with a threatening step forward. "We've all done something."

"I'm a sinner," Gabriel started and Prim felt the urge to face palm, keeping her impatience at bay for the sake of her spot in the group. "I sin almost everyday but those sins I confess them to God. . . not to strangers."

"You said you had a church?" Michonne was next to speak up, tired as well. Gabriel nodded and after a minute of convincing he agreed to give them a roof over their heads for the night.

"Hey," Rick spoke up as they neared the church. "Earlier today, were you watching us?"

"I keep to myself, nowadays people are just as dangerous as the dead don't you think?" The priest responded.

Prim shook her head sadly as Daryl denied from behind her. "No."

"People are worse," she added on as she pushed Teddy in front of her slightly, noticing the blonde was lagging behind.

"Well. . . I wasn't watching you,"Gabriel confirmed. He led them through the woods and they followed, desperate for a good nights rest, or at least, the best rest they could get. "I haven't been by the stream near my church for than a few times since it all started. That was the furthest I've gone today," he paused. "Or maybe I'm lying. Maybe I'm lying about everything and there's no church ahead at all. Maybe I'm leading you to a trap so I can steal all your squirrels." He attempted to chuckle to confirm that he was joking, but when he glanced over his shoulder, he didn't necessarily get the reaction he was hoping for.

"Or maybe," Prim started in a mumble. "We could just kill you and find that so called church of yours and steal your little Christian squirrels." She pushed past him, shoulder bumping into his. 

She didn't miss the way his words had sunk into her gut. He may have just been joking but the gloomy cloud over her head convinced her that she was in fact being led into another trap. She swore if she stepped into another cannibal party she would surely go into cardiac arrest.

Gabriel cleared his throat. Tough crowd. 

"Members of my flock had often told me that my sense of humor is much to be desired," he defended himself, taking a double take between Rick and the sisters that had now been in front of them. 

"Yeah," Daryl quipped. "Sure is." He nodded sarcastically before they walked into a clearing. In front of them there was in fact a small church, at least he didn't lie about that. 

The group hesitantly followed Gabriel to the door, weapons raised and on high alert. 

"Hold up," Rick stopped him from allowing access into the church. Gabriel turned. "Mind if we take a look around first?" He asked.

"Yeah, we just wanna hold onto our squirrels," Jude's voice added from down the steps. 

Gabriel looked around them before he reluctantly nodded and handed him the keys. At Rick's actions to unlock the door, Prim stepped away from the rest of the group. Her hand landed swiftly on Teddy's shoulder and she backed them up in caution. If anything were to go wrong and if they were walking into a trap she could get her sister to saftey quicker and hopefully stay out of the commotion. 

Rick entered the church, followed by the Dixon brothers and Glenn. A few moments later they heard the leaders whistle, signaling them that the coast was clear. Prim watched the group flood into the church but she was more hesitant to do so. She didn't have an ounce of trust to give to the bizarre priest they had acquainted. 

Nevertheless she let Teddy pull her up the steps. 

Prim slowed her pace once she entered the building. Her eyes were instantly trained onto the pillar in the front of the room and her lips downturned into a frown. She quickly averted her focus towards the colorful stain glass that made the windows around the room. Memories flooded in and she was taken aback by the sudden flashbacks.

She recalled the first and the last time she stepped into a church. Her family wasn't necessarily the religious type but her mom made sure to attend service every chance she got. She said it had helped her view the world but Prim only knew that it was a way to try and fit in with the rest of town who spent their weekends at the church down the street. The Bennett family wasn't exactly welcomed into the house of worship, especially after their mom got sick and Papa Bennett went down crazy town. 

Prim felt sick. 

She shouldn't be in here. A part of her believed that even if she had been religious, no amount of begging could get the man above to forgive her of her sins. In her mind, she didn't deserve his remorse either way. 

She tried to keep her attention on anything other than her shame and ignored everyone's conversations. She moved around the church aimlessly, scanning the room for anything worth stopping for. 

When a hand fell into hers swiftly, she didn't have to look down to see that it was her sister. The feeling of her hand in hers had molded into her memory a long time ago. Teddy stared up at her sister with her usual bright eyes. Prim didn't look down to meet them. She couldn't look into the eyes that held nothing but admiration for her because again, she didn't deserve that kind of love.

Teddy could see the pain twisting in her sisters features. It was silent and hardly noticeable but Teddy could pin point it perfectly. In attempt to calm the internal battle Prim was having, the blonde spoke up.

"Remember the first time Papa took us to service after Mama got sick?" She spoke gently from besides her. The sisters stopped to stare at a mural. Prim couldn't stop the small smile that burned her lips as her shoulders shook with a small laugh.

"Mhm, it was the worst," she reminisced. "He made a big awful scene because they wouldn't let him in with his cigar."

"Then he complained because the red wine wasn't actually wine." Teddy continued the story.

The two sisters fell into silence. Prim's smile faded and she felt the crack of her heart fall straight down the middle.

"I miss him," Teddy finished. Prim's sad eyes dropped down to her sister. The blonde's own gaze was on the floor now to hide the tears that were on the verge of falling. As much as she wished to, Prim couldn't get herself to respond. 

From nearby Rick was discussing a plan for scavenging with the others. This perked Prim's interest as it gave her the perfect excuse to leave the saddening silence between the sisters. "Teddy, go play with Judith," she told her sister and the blonde did as told. 

"Alright, we rest for a bit and we head out before dark," Rick ordered the few from the group that volunteered to scavenge. Everyone agreed and fanned off for a much needed rest with a chorus of sighs at the idea. 

Prim's mind ran. The overwhelming feeling of being in the church had finally dawned on her and her skin itched to leave. She didn't know how long she could be in here with all of the memories clouding her vision. She didn't have the strength to think, especially bout the past. The brunette glanced over at where Teddy sat criss crossed with Carl, Judith squealing from between them. 

She didn't want to leave her sister again but she figured she was in good hands as these people were with her back at Terminus and kept her safe. 

Prim's eyes searched for a specific man and Daryl stood in the corner. Just go for it. She needed to get out of here. 

In habit, her fingers fiddled with the bandana around her wrist as she made her way over to him. Hesitance was immediately recognizable in her stance when he looked up at him. 

She went to speak but his voice had cut her off before she could mutter a word. "No." She stopped in her tracks and fell to the bottom of her shoes. Her shoulders slumped and she frowned. 

"Oh, c'mon," she scoffed quietly. "You don't even know what I was gonna' say." Daryl stood straight and pushed around her but she was quick to get in front of him again. With newfound determination she was able to get him to stop walking away from her. 

"Ya ain't goin'" he shot her down again. Prim rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. Her chin raised.

"Really Daryl, you're gon' make me guilt trip you?" She started. "Fine. I'm going absolutely insane in here. We walk and we sit and walk and sit and then we end up in this church and its giving me the heebie-jeebies." Daryl's unamused expression didn't change. "Look, I've been alone out there for years. You are the first people I've had contact with and you turned out to be semi good people and I want to help."

He didn't respond.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Rick saved me. You saved me and I owe y'all -"

"- You owe us nothing," his eyes narrowed down at her. He regretted his snap instantly when he saw the desperation in her eyes glimmer. She needed to get out of this church.

Daryl shook his head with an annoyed sigh. "Fine," he spoke gruffly before pointing a finger to her nose. She immediately stepped back when he did this. "But I ain't savin' your ass again," he finalized.

"You won't have to," a light voice interrupted. Maggie met their sides. "She's coming' with us." She smiled warmly at Prim who raised her eyebrow in confusion. Maggie simply nodded towards Daryl, letting him off the hook and he returned back to his dark corner. 

The older woman sensed Prim's confusion and she chuckled. Her fingers came up and pinched the fabric to Glenn's flannel with a smirk. "Well if a fifteen year old is gonna steal my husband, I wanna get to know her," she referred to Prim wearing his clothes. Prim's lips pressed into an awkward grin but nonetheless she nodded in agreement. Going with Maggie would probably be less stressful than trying to converse with Daryl again. "Alrighty then, meet us outside in a few minutes, yeah?"

"Yeah," Prim agreed and Maggie sent her one last smile before she turned and walked away off to where the other adults stood. The brunette smiled softly, happy to know someone wants her company. She liked Maggie.

As much as it ached her to leave Teddy behind, Prim's skin was itching for just a hunch of freedom. She wished for the ability to worry about herself and only herself. All this time, she hadn't gone a day without her sister at her side, apart from the days they were separated by force. Every thought that lingered on Prim's mind revolved around the blonde, causing an extra weight on her shoulders with the fact that she had to take care of not only one, but two people. Don't get her wrong, Prim knew she couldn't live without Teddy nor did she ever wish to be apart from her again but if she were being completely honest with herself, she needed this. Just a moment to breath without her heart constricting against her chest whenever there was a snap of a tree branch or when Teddy gasped. 

She needed this, even if that made her a bad person. 

Teddy was strong. She was able to take care of herself for the most part despite how young and naive she had been. She wasn't a liability nor was she a chore. in fact, she was everything to Prim and the brunette held the title of big sister highly. She knew that the day Teddy was born, her job was to forever protect her with whatever it cost and that's exactly what she did and what she would continue to do. Teddy was placed into a higher level of childhood a lot sooner than others as Prim was forced into adulthood while being only thirteen. They were both forced to grow up sooner than what had been fair to them.

Because of this, Prim felt uneven without her sister. It was as if she was trying to walk straight on a slanted hill. She was so uncomfortable with the idea of her being left alone, even if Rosita promised her that she would keep an eye on Teddy for her. The concern had never stopped and the urge to turn around and go back to the church was stronger than ever. However, the thoughts of Teddy began to slowly disappear into the back of her mind as Maggie, Glenn, and Tara were doing the best they could to distract her and make her feel welcome. The four were having meaningless conversations as they made their way through a small town. Gabriel had given them a list of stops to hit and scavenge in attempt to find anything useful. 

After three shops and no success, they found a small gun store at the corner.

They rounded the block before they ran into two walkers who immediately had their attention on the small group. Other than that, the streets were surprisingly quiet. 

"You two head in and we'll keep watch," Maggie suggest, nodding towards the store as she went to kill the dead ones that shuffled towards them slowly.

"C'mon," Glenn nudged Prim's shoulder and the two did as told. They walked towards the door and Prim readied her bow before they braced on either side of the doorway. Glenn knocked on the window, luring anything that was inside to come out. Calling it clear with no evident movement from within the store Glenn moved in first. Upon walking in to the empty store, Prim lowered her bow and threw it over her shoulder before she bent to pull out the butterfly knife in her boot. 

Glenn watched her ready the weapon as she searched a few of the shelves.

"How long have you been out on your own?" He question, attempting to fill the silent void. Prim was surprised by his sudden question and she cleared her throat with a small cough. She and Glenn never had a chance to converse after Terminus, causing her to awkwardly shift the strap of her bow. They moved down the aisles, searching the pretty much empty shelves for anything useful. 

"Im not on my own." She answered.

"Okay. . . how long have you been out with your sister?" He changed the question.

She shrugged. "Pretty much the whole time." Glenn thought about her words and his lips downturned. "We had my brother with us a while back," she continued. 

"Had?" He wasn't sure why he felt the need to dig it out of her but he asked the question that everyone knew the answer to. In this world had meant the worst.

"Yeah, I lost him about a year ago."

Glenn paused. He was on the other side of the shoulder high aisle. Prim stopped with him and they both locked eyes from where they stood. 

"If you're gonna apologize for my loss, keep it to yourself," she shook her head. "He's not dead. . . just gone." The way she spoke sounded as if she wasn't sure of what she had been saying because the truth was, she wasn't sure about anything anymore. She didn't know if Charlie was dead or alive and quite frankly she couldn't get herself to care anymore. 

"I wasn't going to apologize," Glenn declined. 

"Then explain the look on your face."

"What look?" He scoffed sarcastically.

"Like a sad puppy left out in the rain," she shrugged. His expression twisted. "Now you just look offended. . . oops," she winced when his jaw dropped slightly. With pressed lips, she continued to walk down the aisle. 

"I was just gonna say that I'm surprised."

"What are you surprised of?"

"How a little girl like you survived out there with nothing but a bow and a tiny little knife." In any other instance, Prim would've sunk into defense mode but when she snapped her head up to see if he was actually serious, she only came face to face with a playful smirk. Her eyes rolled as she covered up her grin to try and make herself look offended.

"Excuse me, but this little girl is a lot stronger than you think," she defended. "And by the way, my bow weighs as much as you do, if not more, and I bet you couldn't even nock an arrow if you tried," her southern accent was strong as she joked with him. Glenn scoffed a laugh of disbelief. "As my daddy used to say ,,don't talk shit on an archer when your first pick is a gun, it just means you're a cheat,," she shot back.

Prim grinned in victory as he realized he lost that battle. 

With that, she closed in on the pharmacy and perked at the sight of a messy pile of packaged inhalers. She grabbed them quickly and shoved them into a plastic store bag before tying the handle of the bag around her belt loop to keep her hands free. 

After searching the remains of the store only to fall short with anything useful, she decided to go find Glenn. Just as she went to holler his name, she heard a loud crash by the front of the store. Prim's heart dropped to her feet and instantly readied her knife while she took off towards the noise. Her mind skipped to the worst thoughts possible, however, when she rounded the corner ready to fight she slid to a stop when she saw a pile of boxes littering the floor. 

Her eyes traveled from the boxes to Glenn who was also on the floor. With a cough, Glenn scurried to a stand with wide eyes. He slipped and slid until he stood steady only to spin around and come face to face with Prim. In shock, a yelp escaped his throat and he flinched backwards into a shelf, nearly eating shit again. He luckily caught himself and found his balance, hand to his chest as he bent over to breath. 

"Holy shit, you scared me," he whined.

"Looks like I wasn't the only one," Prim deadpanned, pointing to a pile of boxes and a mop beneath his feet.

Glenn stood and his glare sent her into a fit of laughter before she could top herself. Her hand flew to her mouth in attempt to spare him the small amount of dignity he had left but it was no use. Glenn rolled his eyes and flipped her off as he kicked the boxes away from the entrance.

"You're hilarious," he shot sarcastically.

"Glenn!" Maggie's concerned voice echoed outside of the door and they simultaneously looked through the window to see Maggie and Tara on guard outside with their weapons raised.

"Tell anyone and I will tell Jude that you have a crush on him," Glenn threatened. Prim looked at him with a raised brow. What? Her lips parted. She spoke to the kid once.

"Are you serious?" She questioned incredulously, lips parted. Glenn shrugged and pushed through the door. "That doesn't even make sense!" She hollered after him.

"Was it a walker?" Tara asked, gun raised towards the building the two stumbled out of.

"Uh. . . yeah, it's a walker," Glenn fixed the barrel of his gun with a click before putting it into his pocket.

"Really?" Maggie asked, titling her head and looking between the two. Prim looked very suspicious.

"Yeah. . . it was a stack of boxes," Glenn spoke slowly, a glare directed towards the brunette who couldn't really keep it in any longer.

". . . And a mop," she added.

"I tripped," Glenn admitted. Tara and Maggie shared a glance before the four chuckled.

"But, I did find what we came for," Glenn pulled three silencers out of his pocket, handing them towards Tara. Prim's eyes widened. "Three silencers stashed in a mini fridge," he added before he readjusted his bag and began to make his way down the street. "Rule number one in this world, there's nothing left that isn't hidden." 

The walk back to the church only took about an hour, and by the time they made it to the trail, Rick had a few of the others hauling their supplies from the food bank up to the building as well. With four extra hands they were able to get the food up in no time. Prim set the last of the boxes on the staircase, leaning against it as she took a deep breath. She straightened and wiped her forehead of the sweat with her sleeve before she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Glenn said you did alright today," Rick spoke as Prim turned towards him. "Something tells me I got' start taking you out for runs instead of shaggy over there," he nodded towards where Jude was helping Daryl load the boxes inside the church. The boy glanced up with a pointed look and a glare.

Prim smiled. "Thanks, I had fun," she thought about the events in the gun store and how she actually caught herself smiling for once. 

"Tell ya what," Rick started, catching her attention.  "After today, you showed me you can pull your own weight around here. I think you and that little girl of yours would be a great addition to our group, if that's alright with you," Rick tilted his head, hands on hips as he smiled down at her slightly, his eyes uncertain as if he didn't know what she would say. Prim's stomach fluttered and twisted. That was a lot to ask for. She swallowed. Is that what she wanted? To be apart of them? She thought about the responsibility that meant for her. If she accepted, that meant she wouldn't be only taking care of Teddy but of everyone else as well but it also meant that she would be taken care of as well. 

She wouldn't have to hold the weight herself anymore. She could be apart of something bigger than what she had built for herself. Prim was overwhelmed with the offer. She didn't know what to say nor what to think, in fact, it was all too much for her to handle. 

Her eyes fell to the green bandana on her wrist. 

Rick shuffled.

"You don't have to decide yet," he offered. "You don't gotta decide at all." She looked up with a hint of relief. "But you and Teddy have a place here until you find what's best for you."

The Sheriff understood her hesitance greatly. He understood the responsibility she had already and the fear she must've been feeling at the moment. He felt that way every day of his life, knowing that his people followed him. Their lives were in his hands and that was a lot to carry. 

Prim smiled at him.

At the moment no decision was made, but she knew deep down what her heart really wanted.

author's note ,

my neck hurts so bad from looking down at my laptop but here's another chapter!!

this one was a little boring as not much happened in this part of the episode. I debated having Prim go with the men to the flooded basement since that would've been more eventful but to be honest I couldn't find the motivation to write that scene. I also wanted to introduce her to other characters other than just daryl and Jude and I had so much fun writing that scene with Glenn and her. (they're gonna be best friends btw)

next chapter is the start of it all and im honestly so excited for what I have planned. it'll be by far some of my favorite parts in this act.

I hope you liked it and ill keep updating for you ;)

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