His Breath

By SkySeaSahara

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He can't live without me... • Taekook • Top Jungkook • bottom Taehyung More



985 46 21
By SkySeaSahara

"Mr. Jeon, congratulations for your success. And also for the success in your new project." A manly voice sounded as soon as the meeting ended. With a dimple smile that crept across his face elegantly, Mr. Kim held his hand towards Jungkook.

"Thank you Mr. Kim. And happy collaboration!" Jungkook beamed while shaking other's hand. Seeing Mr.Jeon's sincere and determined expression, Namjoon nodded to himself satisfied, again. He chose the right partner. After all, this man managed to take his company to the peak of success in such a young age! And crowned as the best young CEO of the year! Ofcourse he chose the right partner.

So returning the same sincere smile, he repeated the words.

" yeah, Happy collaboration!"

"So Mr. Kim, if it possible, would you like to have dinner with us?" Jungkook asked.

"Oh! I would love to, but I'm sorry, I need to go home early today." Mr. Kim answered apologetically and Jungkook just waved his hand. He too, didn't expect any positive answer from the other. More like, he didn't wanted any positive answer from the other. But, he didn't go to show it, instead,

"Ohh... is something special today?" Jungkook asked with a teasing tone and confirming his doubts, Mr. Kim gave a shy dimple smile.

"(Cough) yeah... today is our wedding anniversary."

"Oh! Congratulations!! Then you should_" suddenly, Jungkook pushed his words midway as his smile slowly dropped replacing a worry fill confused look.

"_Mr. Kim... you okay?" Jungkook asked carefully.

"Mm? Oh_ yeah, I'm okay. Why?" Namjoon asked back acting like nothing happened.

"Really? But you looked_ pale? Is something wrong?" Now, Jungkook is worried. Mr. Kim really looked pale. And there's some sweat drops on his forehead too. But Namjoon only shook his head without answering his question. Instead, he said something out of the blue.

"You know that infamous film emperor, Kim Seokjin?"

Jungkook was hella confused but still answered.

"Yeah, ofcourse. Isn't he your... husband?" Who doesn't know about him? Seokjin is not only famous for being the best actor but also for being the husband of infamous CEO Kim Namjoon. But why suddenly Mr. Kim asking about him?

"Yeah, you are right. He is my husband" Nmajoon confirmed proudly. And on the other hand, Jungkook stood there with a 'the fuck?' Look on his face all forgetting to be professional.

"Mmm... good! But still_ it doesn't explain why you're sweating like this though?" Jungkook lift an eyebrow as he spoke confusedly. But this time too, he didn't got any clear answer from Namjoon who helplessly heaved a sigh.

"Long story. No time."


With the same confused face, Jungkook stared at the tall man who stepping out of the room after bidding a goodbye.

"He is... weird." Jungkook mumbled to himself.

"You are stupid." And suddenly hearing those words, Jungkook stared at his workaholic secretary hyung's short figure which disappearing through the door with a baffled gaze.

Seriously, he really can't understand though...

Shaking his head, not wanting to think about it anymore, Jungkook too grabbed his things and run after his hyung who didn't mind to wait for him.

As You see, it's has been two years since they managed to bearly survive from that bloody storm. Since then, there's nothing much changed but still, it can't say nothing had changed either.

Like, Jungkook is now a famous successful CEO. Last year, he managed to win the best young CEO of the year award. It's like a hard push to him after what happened and he too became a hard workaholic like Jimin.

And there's Taehyung, he too now in his way to the peak of success in his career which was modeling. Though, poor Jungkook had to bear his boiling jealousy heart because of how much people drooling over his husband, it would be a lie if he says he doesn't proud of his husband.

So you can say, everything's going normal and smooth... at least, on the surface...

Taehyung, still couldn't forget the pain in his heart. What he can do? It was his first child! He had so many exceptions. He had so many dreams. It was supposed to be perfect!

But in a blink of an eye... it all crumbled...

And on the other hand, Jungkook very well knew what's going on Taehyung's mind. Maybe Taehyung won't show it_ pretending like he is happy and all_ but, Taehyung is Jungkook's other half. Ofcourse he knew.

And if you think Jungkook is not affected by any of what happened... then you are wrong. Because... if Taehyung is healing little by little, there is Jungkook_ he is still bleeding. He is still terrified in his heart. The reason he didn't collapsed yet and still holding, ofcourse it because of his husband. He didn't joke when he said, he live because of Taehyung.

And because of all these unspoken reasons, no one dared to talk about having another child ever again.

In Jungkook's side, he is simply scared. He doesn't want any of danger in Taehyung's life ever again. After all, it's not like Taehyung surely have to get pregnant to have a baby anyway. There's more options around them!

But, who's gonna tell it to Taehyung?


Jungkook heaved a sigh and blinked his sleepy eyes. Though his eyelids getting heavy, for some reason, his mind is still awake. He can feel his Taehyung curling in to his arm as he only see his silhouette because of the dark.

And as usual, his arms is more than ready to welcome his husband's perfect body.

Little by little, Jungkook pulled Taehyung on to his chest as he felt his heart getting light slightly. For a moment, it was only their soft breath could hear in the bedroom. Almost giving him a thought that he was breathing too loudly.


"Hmm?" Jungkook's eyes widened slightly. He didn't really expect for other to reply. But still, he continued to whisper.

"Are you angry with me?"

"...." for a moment, it went completely silent around them. Not even breathing sounds could hear.

Jungkook don't know why he asked this question. Maybe because this is the trouble that hid deep down in his heart in these past few years. But however, it had now escaped from his mind loudly even before he could understand what he was saying.

And on the other hand, Taehyung had a blank mind as his sleepiness washed away instantly. And in a weak voice, he replied not knowing the real reason for this sudden question.

"Hmm...mm' angry. You're using condoms too much these days..." Jungkook didn't need to see it, but he knows his husband is pouting now. A small smile drawn on his face lightly.

"I'm sorry..." he mumbled giving a soft peck on his husband's silky hair. And again, the room fell in to another deep silence and this time, it was Taehyung who broke the silence as his hesitating voice reached Jungkook's ears.

"Baby... you know it's fine now... I'm fine, I'm not weak_" Taehyung tried to say. He can understand why Jungkook is becoming over protective over him. After the accident, he got weakened, yes! But now he completely fine!

"I know!_... I know..." Jungkook cut off Tae's words with a disparate mixed voice. Of course he knows. His Tae is strong. He is a male after all. His womb his 10 time stronger than a woman's womb. He should be fine but_

"But I'm scared..." Jungkook finally, let his mind speak. (I hope you know what they are talking about)

"I'm scared..." he whimpered weakly again. And for Taehyung, there's no need to explain anything to him. He knows what his husband is talking about. More certainty, what's his husband scared about. So That's why, he was speechless for a moment. And while biting his lips, he let out sigh softly.


"Tae... I know, I'm sorry_ I'm being childish but_ but... do we really have to have a child in that way? I mean_"


"_I mean, there's many ways to have one and_"


"_no,no don't misunderstand me_ I too_ I want to have a baby too but_

"Baby!" Abruptly, Jungkook had to stop his ramblings after startled by his husband's voice. But before he could continue another word again, Taehyung prompted his body on his elbow and look at his nervous husband in the dark. He can't clearly see Jungkook's face as he hardly notices the out line of his face but he didn't mind.

"Hey baby... it's okay..." Taehyung called softly while feeling his big baby's face on his fingertips.

"I know, I understand... we can use another way to have a baby, okay... I understand it, so don't blame your self. It's not your fault, okay?" Taehyung said while continuing the rub on Jungkook's face as he felt the other leaning on his touch. Taehyung felt like his heart is melting at his husband's personality. Seriously, if there is a competition to choose who's best self blamer, then it would be definitely Jeon over sensitive Jungkook without a doubt!

And on the other hand, Jungkook felt terrible. He felt a usual burning sensation in his heart as he remembered something that he could never forget.

His honey said nothing is his fault. But how can he think like that when_ when he...

"Ha- honey..." Jungkook called with a slight trembling voice and Taehyung was alerted by the sudden change of the voice.

"Why? What's wrong?" So he couldn't help but ask concernly. Taehyung's eyebrows frowned when he felt abnormally fast Jungkook's heartbeat as his palm was resting on his husband's chest. No need to say, Taehyung already felt that his baby is having some troubles.

"Baby? Tell me... what's bothering you?" Taehyung asked softly again when Jungkook stayed silent without uttering a word.


"Hmm?" Taehyung listened patiently.

"Say... if I ever... if I ever to do something that_ that you hate... will you stop loving me?"

"...." what's his husband talking about suddenly?

Taehyung fell speechless as his eyes darken for some reason. But soon, he gave a uncertain laugh and open his mouth to speak.

"Wha_ what are you talking about Jungkook? Why would I ever stop loving you? And I know you would never do something I hate."

Hearing his husband words, the painful feeling in Jungkook's heart got worsened. So he bit his lips hard and took a sharp breath to control his crumbling emotions.

"But really_ what if I do something_ something unforgivable_ what if I_" Jungkook began to stutter and his breath got sharpened.

"Baby_ Jungkook_ Jungkook! Listen to me_ calm down okay... calm down..." Taehyung said rubbing Jungkook's chest in a soothing way. Then he lifted his body up and completely dropped it on his husband's body as he wraps his arms around him tightly. And he let out a deep breath completely relaxing his body as he began to talk with much more easy manner.

"Jungkook-ah... aren't you looking down on my love too much?" As soon as Jungkook heard this words, his whole body shuddered as he hurriedly began to deny it.

"What!? No!! I didn't _ I didn't meant it that way_ honey_"

"Then tell me, what if it was me who did something unforgivable to you? Then what? Will you ever stop loving me? Hmm?" Taehyung asked cutting off Jungkook with the same relax tone.

And Jungkook_ who was stunned for a moment, let out a tiny chuckle after understanding what his honey trying to say. He felt his boiling heart began to ease up a bit.

"No... I would never... my love for you is not something can stop..." he whispered sincerely with his slight hoarse voice and closed his eyes tightly before opening them again. And It's true, Jungkook knows that the feeling he have for Taehyung is not something that just called 'love'. It was more than that. More than that four letters could describe.

A lovely knowing smile appeared on Taehyung's face in the dark. It would be a joke if he say that he doesn't know about his baby. He knows him. He knows him very well.

"And me too... I didn't love you to ever stop... and after all, if you did something wrong, I can punish you, right?" Saying that, Taehyung let out a chuckle and for Jungkook too, a smile soon appeared on his face.

"Yeah... you can punish me."

Jungkook mumbled and forced his negative thoughts to back of his head. He doesn't want to continue this topic anymore. It was too much to handle it at once.

"You can punish me and do anything you want with me but_ but you can never leave me, okay?" Jungkook said with a breathy tone in a pleading way. And for Taehyung, he can feel so many emotions had piled up in those words. He doesn't know whether to cry or laugh. Taehyung is completely drown in Jungkook's love that had for him. Only for him. And so yeah, also the possessiveness.

"Ofcourse babe, I can never leave you. And I will never able to do so..." Taehyung's voice filled with so many affectionate feelings as he replied with all by his heart. And raised his head to give an open mouth kiss on his adorable husband's lips and when he felt that Jungkook is going to get heated again, he quickly stopped.

"Nah_nah~ it's enough for today. Now be a good boy and sleep, okay..." suddenly losing the sweet lips, Jungkook pouted deeply but still obeyed. So with a childish grunt, he pressed their body together with his muscular arms and closed his eyes.

"Good night honey...love you..."

"Good night baby... and love you too..."

With that, the dark bed room engulfed by the night silence. Only leaving the peaceful air around them. But even before one minute could pass, a pair of sleepless eyes opened yet again.

But this time, the liveliness that it held before, had vanished without a trance with his soft smile. Instead, his cold gaze stared at nothing in the dark with an unknown darkness surrounding his eyes.

Taehyung was recalling something. Or more like someone. A someone who helplessly lying on a bed trapped in their own body without able to move an inch.

His lovely sister, Kim Hera...

Taehyung remembered how his sister came to him two years ago, with so called good intention to tell the truth about what really happened that day.

A truth that his husband and his best friend desperately tried to hide from him. And also the unforgivable thing that Jungkook talked about a moment ago. Yes, he knows...

Taehyung took silent but deep breath. He felt his eyes getting wet as he closed them to stop his tears.

That's the only thing he could do. Yes, he was extremely angry that_ that he couldn't believe his husband let their baby die instead of him! Didn't he told him many times that no matter what happened, their child come first? He should have_ he should have save their baby! But he didn't... he just let their precious baby die like that? And After all Taehyung had lived his life enough but their baby_ that little gem didn't even got a chance to see the world... how could he!? How....

But yet again, Taehyung didn't do anything or didn't went to ask Jungkook about this. Instead he vented his anger on Hera. And surprisingly, he never felt wrong about it. Rather, he felt his anger subsided and that got him time to think about things calmly.

So yeah, he understood why Jungkook did that. And he saw, how much pain his husband is trying to hide. Gosh, he is not the only one went through that bloody moment! his husband too and he had to face everything all alone like that! And Also, Jimin had told him how Jungkook almost went crazy that day...

So... can he really blame his husband for this? After all, he knows how much Jungkook love him. It was so so much that, he never hesitated to put other things second as Taehyung will always will be the first in his heart. And it included their children. Jungkook told him before, didn't he?

So, Taehyung got no choice but to suppress his anger and let his husband be. Because, hating his husband is something he could never imagine in his life.

And also, he can see his husband suffering from guilt every day. Isn't today was a best example for it? It's been two years, but still their hearts couldn't escape from that dark day.

As much as how stupid it sounds is, Jungkook still couldn't master up his courage to confess his lies in front of Taehyung and there is Taehyung... he is waiting for Jungkook to confess.

Ofcourse, he had already forgiven his husband but_ he didn't say he will just let it slide like that, right?

Yeah, this is a punishment. Not only for Jungkook. But for both of them.

Though, it's true that what happened is not even slightest their fault. But isn't it human nature to blame themselves for something that they couldn't even control?

Haa, whatever.

And by the way, this all drama will end up on the day Jungkook finally managed to confess his guilt.

So, till then, they will continue to learn through their pain...

Shaking his trashing thoughts away, Taehyung took another shaky but silent breath to calm himself down. Raising his body, he once again gave a deep but innocent kiss on his baby's lips who had already went into his dreamland.

And there is also one more truth that Taehyung know. It was, not only Jungkook is crazily love with him. He too, his love for Jungkook is crazy too. To the point that, it's doesn't matter, his Jungkook is a good person or not, it's doesn't matter his husband is a criminal or not, and it doesn't matter his baby do unforgivable things or not... Taehyung will just continue to give his everything and anything for Jungkook like a love sick fool. Because...

"It's not only you my baby... your honey too... he can't live without you too..."




Okay, I know the ending is a little bit...
I'm sorry there's also some '???' Scenes...
Please forgive me if I irritated you, okay?

And I don't know a slightest thing about medical science so please spare me in that too.

And please don't get angry at Jungkook's character's decision. Because there is no way you have any right to get angry.

And I know there is so many stories like this and this is probably why I didn't share it with anyone and just kept it in my private collection but, I wrote this story because I wanted to highlight the situation that main character had to went through. (But I'm extremely bad at writing emotional scene)

And specially, the doctor's character is not fake. I have a uncle who is a great skilled doctor and also soft hearted. He has many experience as a doctor but he still blames himself when he couldn't save someone even it's not his fault. He really is a great middle aged man who still single. Aghh... thinking about it now, it must be really hard for him because of the Corona.

Mmm... I think I forgot what I really needed to say....

Whatever... I'm sorry for my mistakes...

And tell me if I did something wrong...

Thank you 💙💜❤

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