His Breath

Por SkySeaSahara

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He can't live without me... • Taekook • Top Jungkook • bottom Taehyung Más



904 35 52
Por SkySeaSahara

Jungkook was cleaning the kitchen after their dinner. Though the kitchen is already clean and tidy, he still continued to rub the shiny glass table with a paper towel as he hummed an unknown tune. But before he could get satisfied with his work,

"BABYYYY!!!" Hearing his husband's scream, Jungkook instantly flew to upstair.

"oh My GOD! HONEY ARE YOU OKAY? WHAT HAPPENED? DON'T TELL ME YOUR WO_.........what are you doing?" But he stopped right after opening their bed room door and stood there dumbfounded only to find his hubby like a pudding on the bed. He was covering himself with a huge blanket while sitting on their bed, probably hugging his legs and only his cute little chubby face is visible.

"I_I think I killed himm" Taehyung whimpered with a crying face breaking his husband's poor heart pieces to pieces.

"Killed who hon?" Jungkook asked worriedly and hurriedly walked towards his husband.

"I murdered him. Oh my god baby will I become a mur_mur_"

"Shhh, honey. You are not going to be a murderer okay? Shh calm down, calm down." Jungkoook said while trying to calm his husband while rubbing his back.

"Tell me who did you killed this time hon?" Jungkook asked soothingly wrapping his arms around his puddle of pudding. Taehyung still didn't come out of his blanket and Jungkook was having a hard time at keeping his face serious and not to coo at his cute husband.

"T-there_There." Taehyung bearly pulled out his hand from his blanket and point it at a big red book that laid on the ground.

With a soft sigh, Jungkook stood up from the bed. He walked towards the book and bend down but made sure that Taehyung can't see what he is doing. He slowly lifted the book and_ oh boy! He wished he never did that.

And there it is, a gecko_ a smashed to a pulp gecko, laying on the ground lifeless and to make it special, its tail is still jumping around near its owner's body.

Jungkook wanted to puke at the very moment but he managed to suppress the feeling for a while and hardly pulled his lips to a fake smile. He is glad that this sight is not bad as the half-chopped rat that he had to clean a few days ago.

"_oh, look honey! It's not d-dead. You didn't_ you didn't kill it!" Jungkook lied through his teeth and tried his best to make it sound joyful. But it's all worth it when he heard his husband's soft relieved sigh behind his back.

"Oh really? I really thought I killed it this time cause I heard a 'chakas' sound. Haha, I thought I turned him into a paper." Taehyung said chuckling and finally coming out of his worm cave.

"It would be better if you just turned him into a paper, honey." Jungkook mumbled under his breath while thinking of a way to clean this mess.

"What's that baby? I didn't hear you."

"Oh, no nothing honey. I will just take this gecko to a safe place so he won't get any harm again, yeah?" Jungkook said hurriedly and took out his handkerchief to collect the flesh of_ oh god! This is gross!!!

After the hard cleaning session on the floor, Jungkook walk towards his husband who still lying on their bed like a starfish fully unwrapped from his bedsheet. With messy curly black hair and a small baby bump, he was lying there like a deadly cute penguin.

Aish... Jungkook going to have a heart attack because of the overloaded cuteness.

So, forgetting what happened before, Jungkook jumped on the bed with his bright bunny smile and pulled his husband on his chest who instantly cuddled up on him. As they lay on there in complete silence, Jungkook's hand slowly began to caress his husband's little swollen tummy. An undying soft smile ghosting on both soon to be parents faces.

As you see, Jungkook's husband is six months pregnant even though his baby bump is kinda small_ no it's not tiny, it's just small. And he is getting chubby like a puffy doll. His rosy cheeks got chubby, his pretty fingers got chubby and basically, his everything is cutely got chubby to the point that you just want to chew him and as the luckiest person in the world, that's what Jungkook did.

"Yah! Baby! Stop biting my cheeks! It hurts, you brainless dumb dummy!" Taehyung whined earning a set of giggles from his husband.

"Hahaha... but honey you look so delicious!... and you really is delicious..." Jungkook said purring out the last part seductively and drow his hand towards Taehyung's low area with a smirk only to get slapped away by his lovely husband.

"Yah! Stop it! Don't forget I'm pregnant now." Taehyung said and Jungkook let out a whiny sound with a pout.

"But honey, didn't the doctor said that we can do it till the last month???" Jungkook asked with his big doe eyes and deepen his pout.

"Still, it's a No. I don't wanna risk anything"

"But honeyyy_"

"Baby..." Taehyung said in a warning way and Jungkook huffed defend at that.

"Agh, fine fine." He grumbled and hugged his pluffy husband with a grumpy face but soon, it's turned into a 'lovesick fool' face again.

"Honey..." Jungkook called out lovingly.


"Did you think about a name for your baby's baby?" Hearing his husband's choice of words, Taehyung let out a breathy chuckle and looked up at his husband. Seriously? Isn't his big baby so cute? And it always like that. Jungkook never called their baby as 'their baby' or 'his baby'. He will always call them, "your baby's baby" or "honey's baby's baby". If they are out, then it will become 'my Taehyung's baby's baby'.

And for everyone, these sounds will be so adorable, cute and lovely. but the problem is, not every sugar-coated thing are sweet. And Taehyung very well knew what's the meaning of his husband's choice of words. And that is, Jungkook's dangerous possessiveness. By those cute names, Jungkook will always remind Taehyung who's he belongs to. And what's his first priority even before... their children. So the thing is, Jungkook is not as bright as you see or feel.

Jungkook took Taehyung's earlobe by his lips and nibbled on it as he waited for some list of cute names from his husband but a frown appeared on his face when he heard Taehyung's answer.

"Nope... not yet..." Taehyung replied slightly shaking his head.


"Because I want to see his or her face first." Hearing that, Jungkook made a tiny 'ohh' sound and mindlessly rubbed his husband's baby bump. No one knows how or when, but his right hand already sneaked in under Taehyung's shirt and his other hand disappearing into Taehyung's pants as it began to caress his soft thighs.

Taehyung's body didn't warn him either because it's all usual for him so he only sighed at the soft touch.

"You know... I can't wait till your baby's baby to pop out from your little tummy." A stupid grin ghosting on his face as he muttered those words softly and Taehyung's lips curved up to a permanent smile. He mumbled a tiny 'me too' and rose his head to give a soft peck on his husband's lips and again, he hid his face in Jungkook's neck as his eyelids began to feel heavy.

"I'm going to love them like there's no tomorrow..." Jungkook said and excitement was written on all over his face.

"I'm going to buy everything they want... I'm going to read stories for them at night... and play with them all the day... go picnics... and if it was a girl... I'm going to do shopping with her as much as she wants..." he rambled about his dreams with his children childishly and already planning to spoil them as much as he can. Nah... he will do more than he can.

So... however, when Jungkook lost in his dreamy thoughts, he missed the sudden changes of his pregnant husband. But somehow he managed to feel the burning gaze on his face as he came out from his train of thoughts and looked at his husband confusedly. And gulped nervously when he saw how Taehyung glaring at him angrily.

"Wha_why honey?" Jungkook stuttered and Taehyung raised an eyebrow while placing his body on Jungkook chest in a more comfortable way so he can look at his husband directly. But still, his glare didn't waver from Jungkook's face.

"What did you just say?" With a calm voice, Taehyung asked but it didn't help even a bit to Jungkook to be calm.

"I_ umm... I..." Jungkook began to look around with unfocused eyes and his both hand rubbing Taehyung's baby bump and inner thighs nervously as he couldn't understand what he did wrong his husband to get angry. Because Angry Taehyung is not good and angry pregnant Taehyung is never was good.

"Yes, Jungkook?" Taehyung asked again pushing his husband to answer and Jungkook finally looked at him.

"I- I said, I will go picnics with your baby's baby and buy him toys and play with them and... is it bad honey?" He asked showing his innocent big doe eyes with lost bunny look.

"Of course it's not bad but where the fuck am I when you go for your so-called picnics and shopping with your kids huh?" And that's when Jungkook's eyes widened in realisation.

"Am I dead_" Taehyung was about to say but before he could complete his words, Jungkook suddenly pulled him into a rough kiss. A moan escape through his lips when Jungkook grabbed one side of his chest and an inner thigh tightly. After a few minutes of the angry kiss, Jungkook finally let go of Taehyung but put his forehead on Taehyung's as both breathed in each other mouth.

"Don't ever say that word okay?" Jungkook scolded his husband but in a soft way.

"Nothing is gonna happen to you and I'm sorry_ I'm sorry my love I didn't mean it that way. Because wherever I go or whatever I do, I don't need to mention you because you will be already with me. Because you are my life, my soul Tae... I love you so so much and I can't live without you.. you know that." Jungkook said softly looking directly at his husband's eyes and Taehyung felt so guilty for saying that word. Because he knows how much he meant for his baby and such.

"Oh, I'm so sorry baby I was just kidding. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Shh... You don't need to be sorry. It's okay. Just don't say something like that ever again 'kay?"

"Okay... And I love you too..." Hearing these words, Jungkook break into a big bunny smile again. No matter how much he heard these three words from Taehyung, it still will be so special to him.

"And by the way..." Taehyung began again placing his chin on his husband's chest.

"I'm happy that you love our kid more now." He said softly.

Aghh... To say the truth, Jungkook wasn't so fond of the idea of having a child first. To him, Taehyung was enough in his life. But he had to agree with the idea since Taehyung loves children so much. And he will do anything to make his Tae happy. So... that's why Taehyung was so worried before, but now, he don't think he need to worry anymore...

"But Tae... I still love you the most." Jungkook said sweetly and Taehyung gave a playful smirk at that.

"Oh yeah? Ofcourse you should love me the most." He said chuckling a bit and,

"But baby... your first priority should be our child. Got it?" Taehyung said but Jungkook shook his head disapprovingly. You know, he is stubborn.

"No_ not gonna happen. You are my first and this brat can be second." Jungkook said childishly while softly patting his husband's belly. But boy... he is not kidding. He is hella serious about this.

"No! Your first choice always should be the kid." ...if Jungkook is stubborn, then Taehyung is god of stubborn.

"But tae_"

"No buts. No matter what happens. Kid comes first. Got it?" Taehyung said but Jungkook shook his head negatively again.

"Nope. I don't get it. It's not like that they can come out without you anyway. without you, they cannot exist and I won't have existence too. So... you should be my first priority, right?" Jungkook explained with a serious face and break in to a victorious smile when he saw his honey's speechless face. Haha, He won. You know, winning an argument with your husband is more victorious than winning a world cup in a game.

And on the other hand, Taehyung just stared at his husband's face for a moment and let out tired sigh. Without a word, he just put his blushing face on Jungkook's wide chest again and closed his eyes. He is too sleepy to argue with his stupid bunny now. And how can he anyway... after seeing those love filled eyes of his hubby. So much love... just for him...

"I love you too..." Taehyung murmured sleepily.

"I love you more..." Jungkook whispered back and gave a loving peck on Taehyung's forehead as both hummed at the soft feeling. With a small smile, Taehyung snuggled more into Jungkook's body and make himself comfortable on his human bed to sleep but before a minute could pass, something make his eyebrows frowned as he open his eyes again.

"Baby..." he called his husband.


"You know I love you right?" Taehyung asked softly and sweetly earning another dreamy hum from his husband.



"AGHHHHH! Agh! Huff! Huff! No plea_ agh_ stoph_ stop_ please!" The sweat drenched man cried out of pain as his tearful eyes struggling to focus at the man in front of him.

By this time, he had already lost his nails and now it's time for his fingers. One by one - by the devil who act innocent like this is a normal thing to do - his fingers that placed on a iron plate got crushed by a hammer ruthlessly. The dark blood is splattering every where as his torturer tortured him while talking causally. Like they are in different worlds.

The man continued to howl in pain as his bloodshot eyes flashed many emotions. Behind the pain and fear, he was furious! He can't believe once he thought as weak, now torturing him like a expert! So now, he was having doubts, Will he be able to escape from here?


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