
By Phaereedarh_

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Two complete opposites but from the same world meet at a point. Relive Nazneen Umar Bahzad's and Khalil shei... More

Chapter One๐Ÿ‘‘
Chapter two๐Ÿ‘‘
Chapter three๐Ÿ‘‘
chapter four ๐Ÿ‘‘
chapter five๐Ÿ‘‘
chapter six๐Ÿ‘‘
Chapter seven๐Ÿ‘‘
chapter eight๐Ÿ‘‘.
Chapter nine๐Ÿ‘‘
chapter ten๐Ÿ‘‘
Chapter eleven ๐Ÿ‘‘
Chapter twelve ๐Ÿ‘‘
Chapter fourteen ๐Ÿ‘‘
Chapter fifteen ๐Ÿ‘‘
Chapter sixteen๐Ÿ‘‘
chapter seventeen ๐Ÿ‘‘
Chapter Eighteen ๐Ÿ‘‘

Chapter thirteen ๐Ÿ‘‘

34 10 2
By Phaereedarh_

Ignore all the typos please,I was feeling very sleepy

Khalil walked to were his friends were standing next to their rented jaguar after Abdullah had already driven off leaving him to answered his unanswered questions himself. As if Khalil hadn't already gotten enough madness for one day, upon reaching them,he saw that the car was already decorated with balloons and ribbons as if he was the groom if the day.

'Oh wait,he was actually the groom of the day by circumstances' his subconscious mind kicked in.

"Well if it's isn't the latest ango in town" Aaman teased with a big grin  plastered on his face.

How on Earth is he still in a good mood?
Of course Mas'ud and Khalil knew the answer and that was why they chose to ignore him.

"Who was that?" Mas'ud asked referring to the hooded guy he saw earlier.

"Abdul from Montreal" Khalil answered with a slight frown on his face and his two friends gasped "He's the runaway groom of the Bahzad heiress" he passed each of them a look "I don't even know why he even hitched me with her in his place" he ran his hand through his hair and let out a tired sighed.

A child ran passed them holding a kettle of water in his hand as he rushed to give it to an old man. Khalil followed the boy's movement then suddenly jerked back to reality as the thought of him having to meet his in-laws place made him have cold feet.

As they entered the car and Mas'ud started the engine,he gave Khalil back his phone. He collected and absentmindedly unlocked it while Mas'ud skillfully backed up the car and reversed it outside the mosque's premises.

Two other black tinted cars which they later learnt that they were the ones that was to take them to Hajiya kaka's's house, arranged themselves in front of them. Kaka specifically sent them to lead Khalil to her house in order to avoid the history of that morning to repeat itself.

He tapped on the phone icon and had his jaw hanging by the amount of missed calls he had had.

Eighty three missed calls from Mammiey.

Seventeen missed calls from Zulfa.

Nine missed calls from Fauziya.

A missed call from Na'ilah. (Why was she even calling him?).

Many many missed calls from other random people like his colleagues, friends and people who had already heard the news.



"I don't even know what happened Asiya, I'm sorry for dragging your family into this" Umma broke into sobs and Mammiey patted her on the back.

Hajiya Maymunah had refused to come out of her room since she left kaka's. She knew she was supposed to be with the guests outside but she didn't feel the need to. She didn't see herself worthy to be called the mother of the bride.

A mother was supposed to make sure that her daughter was happily married to the one she loves not watch her to be forced into one just because of her grandmother's selfish wants.

Her phone was switched off since that morning, just in case so she didn't know when her daughter's knot was tied or who she was married to.

But when Hajiya Asiya Al-farsi came inside the room,she knew exactly who her son in-law was going to be and then she broke into a fresher wave of tears.

Hajiya Asiya rushed to were Hajiya Maymunah was crouched on the floor next to her bed and began to draw soothing circles on her back as she cried.

"Maymunatu,ki daina kuka mana, ba abunda mu ke so ba?" She said trying to console her friend. (Maymunatu,stop crying,is it not we wanted?).

Hajiya Maymunah looked at her,of course she found liking in Hajiya Asiya and her family, not because of their wealth or anything but because of their humbleness,she had dreamt of having Nazneen marry Khalil one day and even voiced her wish to Hajiya Asiya many times.

The noise of drummers singing praises to a newcomer made Mammiey smile.

"He has come already" Hajiya Maymunah stood up and stretched out her hand for her friend to help her up "let's go and welcome him"


Again,the photographer took Nazneen's pictures as soon as she finished dressing into the golden coloured lace that was sewn into a wrap gown with shiny sequins attached to the bottom helm,sleeves and her left shoulder. A shiny matching tulle was attached to her headtie and flowed down to her waist.

The dress was very beautiful and all of that but Nazneen didn't like it. A silent sob escaped her lips when she heard that Khalil sheikh Al-farsi had arrived but no one in the room noticed. Yusrah came in hollering that it was time for Nazneen to come out.

She found standing up from the vanity stool difficult because her legs were wobbling with anxiety and also the dress seemed to be a bit too heavy for her.

Nazneen cast her gaze downwards as they walked outside her room to the living room were everyone was waiting for her. Camera flashes reflected her peripheral vision from every angle,then Yusrah that was holding her hand stopped and all she could see was that she was standing in front of somebody that was wearing a black chain embellished Versace loafers.

"She's all yours" Nazneen heard Yusrah whisper to the person before outstretching her hand and the waiting person took and gave it a light squeeze in assurance he was telling her that was alright and they'd sort it out together.

Khalil lifted her veil and his breath hitched slightly. He had never been the one to say a lady was beautiful but Nazneen was going to be the first. A small smile carved on his face as he used his index finger to raise her chin up with his other hand still holding hers.

Nazneen still avoided his gaze. She was heartbroken nevertheless and people were still cheering on. A lone tear fell down from her eyes and Khalil wiped it away with his thumb.

Another flash caught Nazneen's peripheral vision again. The photographer was at work capturing every single moment.

The rest of the day passed in a blur. Nazneen changed her dress again before she and Khalil went to Abba's room for his advice.

Then Khalil with his friends left once they left Abba's room and that was the last time she saw him that day.

She was carted to kaka's large bedroom  for the talk. The huge room which was filled to the brim with her Aunties and older cousins both the ones she knew and those she knew not of their existence.

One by one,they passed their advises and Nazneen listened to each and every one of it because she had no other choice but to. She made mental notes to discard the useless and negative ones though.

After almost an hour or so, Hajiya Kaka who hadn't spoken a word since asked everyone to leave the room including Ummi and Yusrah. According to her,she wanted to talk to her granddaughter in private.

"I know you hate me by now" Kaka said after Yusrah had gone, shutting the door behind her.

Nazneen who had her head bent and was wringing the bangles in her hand paused for a moment to think. Did she really hate her grandmother? Not really. She found it difficult to hate anybody but she wasn't happy with her grandmother not one bit.

"Where's Abdullah?" Nazneen asked Kaka meekly.

"I don't know,he left without a message and people are searching everywhere for him"

"Then why did you still push through with it, do you hate me that much?"

Kaka sighed "I don't hate you, not even a single bit" then she sighed "But the show must go on"

"Is that why you have to make my life so miserable"

Kaka chuckled slightly "I wouldn't have gotten you married if it would have made you miserable, neither did I do it to make you happy"

Nazneen whisked her gaze from her grandmother back to her hands and the carpet.

When Kaka got no reply,she nodded her head and sat beside Nazneen on the rug. "I didn't do it for you to like me because I'm not fond of likeness, your mother must have already told you that"

Nazneen nodded her head.

Kaka took Nazneen's hand into hers "This is what is best for you" she shrugged her shoulders "You should now I don't do things willfully"

And Nazneen began to cry again and Kaka made no move to console her."Stop crying child, your mother has already done a lot of that earlier" She said coldly like she was forced to
"Your aunties have already said everything so there's nothing else left. Be patient Nazneen and don't ever look back, promise me you'll never forget that"

Nazneen nodded her head and promised to always hold on to her grandmother's words.

Kaka brought her lips close to Nazneen's ear and lowered her voice in a hissy whisper "And remember one thing Nazneen, raise your head up in whatever situation"

Hajiya Larai begged to see Nazneen that evening when they were already gathered for the wedding walimah. It had already started and midway gone when Nazneen excused herself to meet Hajiya Larai in her room.

The woman started off by by praising Nazneen for being a good child, strong and brave to go through what had happened that day without going into coma. Then she apologized fervently on behalf of her cowardly son for leaving so suddenly and pleaded with her to ask for a divorce from Khalil sheikh Al-farsi as soon as the next day so Nazneen could remarry her son again.

It all sounded absurd to Nazneen's ears. Was this how cheap people here regarded marriage? Like it was a play thing. Nazneen was not surprised until a question popped inside her head. Where was her husband any way. Probably with another wife,she was quick to deduce. She didn't look anything like a widow with the way she dresses so expensively. She must have surely dissolved her marriage with her husband.

"Wallahi,my son would bring the world to your feet" the woman swore and Nazneen felt that she was over exaggerating. "There is nothing that man can offer you" she then snorted"

Did this woman really know who the Al-farsis are? Surely she didn't. And her offer was very tempting is that kind of that chased the glitters of this world and all it's riches but at that moment, she was unfazed.

"You're the only woman in his life,he may not love you and that is why he left, but he's coming back"

Lies. Abdullah told her that there was already someone else and she was grateful because she didn't want to be the other woman. But it's either Hajiya Larai didn't know her son was already seeing someone else or she deliberately didn't acknowledge that fact because the girl– whosoever she was didn't meet her liking,so Nazneen just kept quiet.

"How did you know he's coming back?" Nazneen asked in order to test her if she was actually lying. Hajiya Larai looked like someone that would do anything to have her way.

She saw something like doubt and reluctance flash in Hajiya Larai's eyes before she gave her reply which only affirmed Nazneen's suspicions. "He called,he asked me to try to convince you"

She covered her richly adorned hands with gold rings and bracelet over  Nazneen's and squeezed it gently,the cold jewelry pressing against  the back of her hands softly. Nazneen didn't fail to notice that the ring that was supposed to be on her ring finger or her engagement ring was absent.

"Please,tell your grandmother that you don't wish to be an Al-farsi"

Nazneen abruptly stood up from the stood up from the chair she had been sitting on,her movement startled Hajiya Larai.

"I have to go Hajiya"

"And your divorce with sheikh Al-farsi?" She asked meticulously.

Nazneen sucked in a deep breath before giving her reply "I'm not doing it"

Hajiya Larai's lips curved into a lopsided frown. "Is there anything we can do to change your mind?"

Nazneen turned to look at her directly in her eyes "That's the problem,you think everything can be bought with wealth"

"Because everything can be bought with wealth"

Nazneen shook her head "Not my decision Hajiya. I'm not going to divorce Khalil Al-farsi because I want to but because it's not the right thing to do and of course,I don't love him if that's what you're thinking, but I must not act carelessly. Doing as you wish would only affect the people around us, your son included" she said slowly "I'm sure you can see yourself out"

She had already reached the door and was about to twist the handle when she remembered something "And Hajiya Larai?"

"What is it" the woman answered spitefully but Nazneen was not surprised. She expected it.

"Abdullah already has someone he likes" that was all she wanted to say and she left the room.

Immediately they left her father's room, Khalil went to find his sister who had surprisingly not cornered him for answers. His phone began to ring in his hands and already knowing who it was, tossed to Mas'ud so he could cover up for him.

He didn't have the patience to deal with Fauziya's tantrums at all.

"Deal with it for me, please" he begged a reluctant Mas'ud who pressed the phone on his ear and walked away.

And there she was, the solution to his problem laughing with some group of other girls around her age who he was sure, didn't know anything about down to even their age.

Without acknowledging those she was with,or asking her permission or giving her a warning,he pulled her away from the group.

"That was rude" she said in annoyance.

They went outside to where Mas'ud and Aaman were waiting for him by the car. Mas'ud gave him back his phone.

"She did not sound too happy about you not calling since morning" Mas'ud told him.

"And what did you tell her?"

He shrugged and snatched the car keys from Zulfa who collected it from Aaman "there is no way you're driving us thank you very much" he then averted his attention back to Khalil "The usual, that you were with your parents"

Amman began to laugh "How come she doesn't know yet?" He laughed again "Nevermind that" he brought out his phone "I'm calling her right now to break the news"

"Don't do that Amman if you still value the hands you eat with" Mas'ud cautioned.

"Hello" Zulfa waved her hand at them "You seem to forget that I'm still standing here"

"Yeah,why did you bring her here?" Amman asked him still looking at Zulfa. "Is she going back to Abuja with us?"

Khalil nodded his head.


"Because only she and your sister can put my house in order before tomorrow evening"

Mas'ud chuckled and leaned on the car's hood.

Zulfa's eyes widened "You mean to clean it up? But it's huge!"

"That's  not what I meant" Khalil pulled out his credit card from his wallet and flashed it in her eyes "you and Minaal are going to do what you guys do best"

"Shopping" she squealed.

Mas'ud's phone buzzed in his front pocket and he brought it out "Your private jet is ready"

"We're going to Abuja right now?" Zulfa asked.

Amman poked her nose "Don't be surprised, your brother is someone's husband now so he has to behave responsibly" he laughed.

Khalil sheikh Al-farsi had a lot of assets under his name as part of the perks being the chief executive officer of the Al-farsi enterprise. His very own mansion was the first project he had even before he became CEO and worked as a top architect at the construction company.

Then Abbiey gifted him the house when he became CEO. It was located in another estate at maitama and Khalil didn't feel the need to move in yet. He was a mummy's boy after all.

Though it was furnished and all, they were still somethings that were needed, especially in the kitchen. And other aesthetic cushions too.

He called a cleaning service to thoroughly cleaned the house and arrange the rooms and put everything in place but they over did it because they decorated the master's bedroom with roses and candles like they were in a honeymoon.

Khalil wasn't even around to see it, he put Zulfa in charge while he went to see to other things.

Nazneen was all tears when she was about to leave the house the next morning for the airport. Kaka chartered a private jet that would be used to convey her to her matrimonial home and Yusrah, Amina and Rahma were to accompany her.

She literally refused to let go of her Ummi when it was time to leave. Nazneen couldn't bare to leave her mother behind. Even the thought of it stung her. But then eventually, she did.

"Welcome to the grand mansion of my big brother,Khalil sheikh Al-farsi" Zulfa said in a grand tone as she opened the double doors for them "We've been waiting for you"

Aisha Minaal who was standing behind her rolled her eyes and lit the incense burner in her hand.

Yusrah was the first to step in even before Nazneen "MADDD!!!" She exclaimed with her mouth hung open "So this is where you would be living"

"And now I have found a place to come for vacations" Rahma breathed out.

"This house was furnished at the last minute so most of the things I got might not be to your liking" Zulfa supplied.

They crossed the foyer and entered a double height living room. The walls were pained light cream and the sofas was a nice combination of light and dark grey. A glass shelf pushed to the wall and contained many antique items.

"I think she'd adjust just fine" Yusrah said in a daze and all laughed except for Nazneen though,she didn't find it funny.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Minaal said and walked away from them.

Well like they say, it's better late than never. I promised someone I was going to update today and here it is.

I hope you like it.

I don't have much to say because I'm feeling very sleepy 😴.

Don't forget to
And follow

Stay happy 💯
Stay blessed
Stay safe
And don't forget to be nice to each other 😊

Sai dai safe

Ciao amigos

Xoxoxo, Phaereedarh

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