Family Vacation(Complete)

By BelindaPeters-Waine

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This is a fanfiction based on C.L.Stone's Ghost Bird Series. The boys surprise Sang to a Vacation to Disney L... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Author's Note

Chapter Five

3.8K 134 4
By BelindaPeters-Waine

I know my eyes are as wide as saucers and I'm very aware of my mouth hanging open in this moment. I'm also very aware that I'm frozen in place, unmoving and that the boys are asking me what is wrong but I am in complete and utter awe.
This place, Magic Kingdom, the place where dreams come true is like no other place I have ever, ever seen before. It's breathtaking. So beautiful.
My eyes are dancing around taking in the different shops that have different figurines of the different princesses in the windows, the ornaments and souvenir collections. It's all so beautiful.
"Sang." I jump when nine male voices call my name in unison. That's when I realize that they're all standing in front of me trying to get my attention.
"What?" I say trying to not let my eyes waver from them for a moment.
"Are you okay, Sweetie?" Kota asks. He looks a little worried.
"Am I okay?" He nods. "Of course I'm okay. I'm perfect actually." I grin so big my cheeks ache. I grab my camera out of my bag and turn it on. Where they are standing you can see the beautiful white, blue and gold castle behind them. "Gather closer guys. I want a picture."
No one at all complains as they gather together, chucking arms over one another's shoulders. Luke jumping on Silas' back and Gabriel jumping onto North's. I snap a picture then spot an elderly couple not far away. I go over to them. "Excuse me."
"Yes dear." The old lady says.
"Can you take a picture of me and my friends please?" I hold out the camera.
"Of course, sweet child." She looks to her husband. "Come on John."
I hand her the camera and they stand where I was. I show her what to do and then I go over to the boys. I'm surprised when Owen crouches down. "Jump on, Sang."
My smile is huge as I jump onto Owen's back, wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist, locking them there.
Owen, North and Silas stand beside each other with me, Luke, and Gabriel on their backs. The others gather round close.
"Say Magic Kindom." The lady says.
"Magic Kingdom." We echo. When she takes the picture I jump down from Owen's back and go over to the lady. "Thank you."
"That's okay sweet child. You enjoy your holiday." I take the camera from her. Then she leans in close. "They love you very much."
I'm pretty sure my mouth drops open and all I can do is watch her as she walks away with her husband. When they disappear into a shop I look down at the camera and at the picture. I smile when I notice that we all look happy and carefree.
"What do you want to do first Sang?" Kota asks.
I shrug. "Whatever as long as I get to see the whole place."
"Don't worry Baby. You'll get to see every part of it." North replies.


So that's what we do. We walk around the whole park taking in different parts and remembering whereabouts different things were for later on in the day. My camera was in my hand the whole time snapping away with pictures. I'm pretty determined never to ever forget this place. I will burn this place into my memory.
After an hour we walk into a gift shop and start looking around. From the entrance I spot what looks like ears to Minnie Mouse so I grab Kota and Nathan's hands and drag them over. I immediately pick up a head band with Minnie Mouse ears and a red bow. I put it on my head and turn to Kota and Nathan. "What do you think?"
"It suits you." Kota grins.
Nathan takes my camera from my hand. I pull a pose knowing he's going to take a picture. "You look perfect Peanut." He says.
I pick up Mickey Mouse ones and put them on their heads. I grin. "Can we get you all one?"
Nathan raises an eyebrow. "You want us all to have Mickey Mouse ears?" I nod excitedly. Nathan smirks. "I'll wear them. But you have to persuade everyone else."
"Oh. I will. Don't worry."
I pick up seven more pairs and go in search of the others. The first two I find are Victor and Luke. I sneak up behind them and quickly put the headbands on their heads. They both jump and turn around, a frown on their beautiful faces. "You have to wear them." I tell them in the best demanding tone I can muster up. I then turn to Victor. "And you have to buy them."
They both share a look between them doing that silent communication thing they do. When they both look back to me they look over my head and then start laughing. I follow where they were looking to find Kota and Nathan wearing their ears. "Okay Princess, I'll buy them."
"And you'll wear them."
"But it's a headband. A girl thing." Luke says.
"It'll keep your hair out of your eyes." I flash him a grin and then go in search for Gabriel, North, Silas, Sean and Owen.
I find North, Silas and Sean standing near different snow globes. Unfortunately I wasn't able to sneak up on them because North spots me first. I'm pretty sure I heard a low growl come from him as I get closer but I can't be sure. "What are you wearing on your head Baby?"
"Minnie Mouse ears. Victor's going to buy them." I pause. "And yours."
Eyebrows shoot up. "Ours?"
"Yeah. Victor, Luke, Nathan and Kota are already wearing theirs." I hold up the remaining headbands. "So take a pair each and stick them on."
Sean's eyes twinkle with amusement. He takes a head band and puts it on. "How do I look, Pookie?"
"It suits you." I grin at him. I thrust my hand that's holding the headbands in North and Silas' direction.
North looks down at the head bands like it's a piece of cheese gone bad. Silas looks at me and I give him a slight pout. He shakes his head and chuckles but picks up a headband and sticks it on his head. North looks at him. "You're actually going to wear that?"
"Yep." Silas replies. "Anything for Aggele Mou."
North grunts and mutters something in Greek which causes Silas to slap him on the back. I have no idea what he said, my Greek isn't that great yet but I note to ask him later. I smile big when he reaches out and takes a headband but he just holds it. "Put it on." I urge trying to fight my smile from getting any bigger and turning into a smug one.
He grunts again but puts the headband on. I go over to him and go up on my tiptoes and I kiss his cheek. Going back down on flat feet I say. "I'm going to find Gabriel and Owen."
I start to walk off in search of Gabriel and Owen but then on a last second decision I quickly turn just in time to see North reaching up to take his ears off. I narrow my eyes at him in a glare. He smirks but lowers his hand. I smile satisfied and continue with my search.
I find Gabriel and Owen near the clothes. Gabriel is holding up a red strappy dress with white spots while Owen holds clothes over his arm. I can't help but be a little amused at the sight as Owen is shopping with my Meanie.
I skip up to them and hold out the Mickey ears. "I got these for you."
Owen and Gabriel turn around to face me. Gabriel looks down at the headbands then to me. "Oh Trouble, they'll go perfect with this dress." He holds out the dress to me. Now I'm closer I can tell it's a Minnie Mouse version of the dress. Black belt included.
"Oh. I like." I say. "Here." I thrust the headbands their way.
Gabriel takes his and slides in on his head. I love that he doesn't argue with me. Owen looks down at the headband I'm holding then looks back to me. "You want me to wear that?"
"Yes." I say, dragging out the S.
"I don't wear headbands Sang." My smile drops and I feel my lip going into a playful pout. It's the first time I have ever done this with Owen and he's a sucker for it because he quickly takes the headband and pops it onto his head. "You have to wear it all day." I add, beaming from ear to ear.
"You just fell for Trouble's bottom lip, Mr. B." Gabriel says grinning.
Owen gives me an amused smile. "So I have."
"What have you got there?" I ask, nodding a head to his arm.
"Clothes for you apparently." Owen says. "Tops with different characters on them. A Minnie Mouse onesie and now Gabe is looking at this Minnie Mouse dress."
I turn to Meanie. "You're not buying anyone else clothes?"
"No Trouble. Just you because I like dressing you more then I like dressing those guys. Besides they've had years of me dressing them, you've only had a few months."
I look at Owen for help but he just shrugs his shoulders as if to say 'what can I do?'.
After another ten minutes or so walking around the store we all meet at the checkout desk and I'm happy to see everyone wearing their ears. Everyone puts all their stuff in together and Victor pays. I move myself away from the checkout desk not wanting to know how much everything costs.
Walking out of the store Kota says. "There's a parade at one."
"Can we watch it?" I ask.
Kota pushes his glasses up his nose. "Yes. I want to see it anyway."
"So what are we doing in the meantime?" Victor asks.
Kota looks at his watch. "It's half past ten now. We'll come back to this end around two eve for some food over in that resturant. How about in the meantime we go check out some of the rides?"
My eyes immediately go to North. I saw some of the roller coaster rides while we were walking around. When he catches my eyes he gives me a small, nervous smile and I hate it. I hate that smile. Looking back at the guys I say. "I don't care what we do. As long as we find the teacups." Everyone bursts into laughter.


I find myself shuffling from foot to foot as I look up at the sign of the ride we're going on. It's called Splash Mountain. I'm guessing we get wet...the word 'splash' gives it away slightly.
Turning to the boys I say. "So, who is coming on with me?"
North's immediately shaking his head. I send him a reassuring smile so he knows I'm not expecting him to. I wouldn't ask that of him but I wouldn't mind if I could help him fight his fear one day this week.
"I'll come, Aggele."
"Me too, Pookie." I smile.
"Fuck it. I'm in, Trouble." My smile gets a little bit bigger.
Luke shrugs his shoulder. "I'm in."
"Count me in, Peanut."
I look at Owen, Victor and Kota. "Coming?"
Kota shakes his head. "No. I'll think I'll skip this one sweetie."
"Same here, Princess." Victor says.
"We will be right here when you get off Sang."
I nod my head and remove my ears. I place them on Victor's backpack that's on the floor. I turn to the guys that are coming with me. "You can take your ears off but you put them straight back on when we get off."
I receive wide grins but they all remove their headbands. Sean and Nathan then grab my hand and pull me towards the entrance. The man that's sitting in the booth waves us forward.
We weave our way through the little maze where parallel lines of wood line so you can queue in an orderly fashion. Thankfully it's not busy so we find ourselves pretty much at the front when we get there. We then walk up some steps into a cabin sort of looking hut. It's large and all wood. Clear signs and posters tell me that I 'may' get wet. I don't care though.
Sean tells a man that controls little gates that lead to little log looking boat things that we want to go together on one and no splitting us up. The man agrees and tells us to wait a moment.
When two different families jump onto one and gets going the man waves us forward to get onto the log looking boat.
Luke and Gabriel get into the front seat. Sean and I get in behind them and Silas and Nathan get in behind us. And then we're off.
We start off slowly first and go into a cave and around a corner. It's like a river with the water. I fight the urge to put my hand in it.
We then go down a little slope. My smile is huge on my face I'm sure.
I see Luke hold up his wrist. That's when I notice a camera on his watch. "Are you taking a picture?" I ask.
"Yep. Smile." I'm already smiling so I don't bother making an effort. He snaps a picture.
No sooner have we gone down that small slope we're going up one. I can't help but grab hold of Sean's hand and hold it tight. He just chuckles beside me.
I then let out a little sigh of relief when we go back down and splash into this pond area where it looks like dragons are diving in and out of the water. I spot the others standing and watching so I wave over to them. I notice Victor with a camera. I also notice North's worried expression.
Going around the pond I notice a drop from higher up. It looks like a waterfall at first until one of the log boats comes dropping down it landing somewhere underneath with a splash. Water flies up soaking us all. I giggle.
My giggles quickly stop though when we start going back up and into the cave. I can't help but wonder if it's taking us to that drop.
All of a sudden I'm bouncing in my seat with excitement.
Once up the slope we drop down on a little one back into a river of water. I look around, taking in my surroundings in awe. It's amazing how someone comes up with these things.
When we turn a corner, I see the drop. My heart pounds quickly in my chest. My hand grips Sean's tighter.
And then we're falling. It was only a little drop but I know the bigger one is approaching now. I can hear the screams of excitement from the groups before us.
We go back into a dark cave area. It takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust. I smile when some music reaches my ears. We continue floating around in the river trail again in the cave. I get Luke to snap photos for me.
The further we travel around the scenes change. Animal noises echo around the cave and so does the music. My eyes want to be everywhere at once, taking it in, every last little bit of it.
And then we're traveling up. I know it's different from the others because it's awfully slow and Luke and Gabriel are making me very aware it's approaching by saying. "We're nearly there Sang. Hold on."
"Get ready Pookie." Sean whispers in my ear.
No sooner had he said that we're dropping. My stomach is flipping and twisting with the drop. I'm aware of a scream coming from my lips and I'm aware that the hand Sean is holding his in the air as we drop down. I hear the boys laughing which then makes me laugh.
We then land at the bottom with a large splash, water soaking our clothes.
The log boat starts traveling around a river again. "Wow. That was great." I say.
"Wanna go again, Trouble?" Gabriel looks over his shoulder at me.
"Yes!" I sit back and enjoy the rest of the ride.
When we come to a stop we all climb off. Silas and Nathan are right in there holding my hands. On the way out we spot a little brown hut with computer monitor screens. "Hey look. It should come up with our picture." Nathan says.
After a few seconds our picture flashes up. Luke runs off and I wonder where he has gone. We laugh at the picture and our expressions. My mouth is wide open with my scream. The boys are open with their laughter.
Luke returns with the others. I'm immediately pulled into a solid chest. "Shit Baby. You look so fucking scared." I wrap my arms around North's waist and note that he's trembling.
Looking up I hate the pale, fearful face I see in that moment. It doesn't suit North and I hate it. "I'm okay. It was fun." I grin.
"Scared the shit out of me." He mutters. He holds me close to his chest and I watch as the others gather around the hut.
"What are they doing?" I ask North.
"Buying ten copies of that picture that what's they're doing." North says. "Personally I don't want to fucking see it cause Baby I can't see that face of yours again."
"North, I'm fine. I promise. Trust me." I plead with him.
He looks down and meets my eyes. Nodding his head he says. "Trust you Baby."


I went on the ride again another two times. Both times Kota, Victor and Owen joined us while North waited patiently with all our bags. Each time I got off he would be waiting and would wrap me up into a huge bear hug. I wasn't complaining. I love North's hugs.
When we were done with the ride we made our way towards the resturant where everyone said we'll eat. On the way in that direction I saw cups and a saucer ride.
I grab North's hand to get his attention. He looks down at me. "What's wrong Baby?"
I grin and point over in the direction of the ride. "Is that the ride you said you can go on?"
He nods his head. "Yeah Sang Baby, they're the teacups."
"Well, come on then." I pull him along and over to the teacups. The others start chuckling quietly to themselves but both North and I ignore them.
The lady working the ride nods to us and points us in the direction of a baby pink teacup. We hop on.
I look over at North and see that he's relaxing. I scoot over in his direction and take his hand in mine. "It's okay."
"I know Baby." He says. "I still can't believe you don't think I'm an idiot."
The ride starts up and quickly we're travelling round in a small circle and then the teacups start turning. North wraps an arm around my shoulder and brings me closer to him. I rest my head on his chest. I can hear his heart beating quickly. It's a soothing sound. Looking up at him we lock eyes as he looks down at me. "Don't think so low of me, North. I don't understand why you don't like them but everyone has a fear."
"I don't mean to think like that. It's just any other girl would call me a wimp or some shit like that."
"I'm not some other girl, North. I care about you and what you think. I want to know what you fear, I want to know what you love and what you don't. I want to know everything about you." I tell him.
A small smile crosses his lips. "You most definitely aren't some other girl Baby. You're our girl. My girl."
My heart soars. "I am your girl. All of yours girl." And so much more. They all hold a piece of my heart in their hands and only one knows it. I so desperately want to tell North I love him but I don't want to scare him off and ruin our friendship. Our friendship means everything to me. I have to have him and the others in my life some way even if it's not what my heart wants. My heart wants more with these boys but I'll take them anyway I can have them because they complete me.
"Yeah Baby. Yeah you are." He says.
We spend the next couple of minutes on the teacups cuddled up. It was a nice small ride actually. Not a thrill, not an adrenaline rush but I smiled on it. This will be mine and North's thing. He better get used to it because we'll be going on the teacups a lot over the next week.
When we get off the ride we all continue heading over towards the resturant. North has this huge grin on his face and I can't help but love the sight of it. It warms me up knowing that I put that smile there. I'd go on teacups everyday for the rest of my life just so I can see that smile.


We all ate burgers and fries at the resturant with cans of soda. It was yummy and it went down a treat. I didn't even realize how hungry I was.
When we leave the resturant Kota turns to me and says. "There's a show going on at the castle, would you like to see it?"
"The parade is right after isn't it?" Victor asks Kota.
Kota nods. "Yeah. Straight after and according to their leaflets the Disney characters are placed around the parks for kids to approach."
"Doesn't have to be a kid." Luke grumbles. "Sang can go if she wants to."
My whole face lights up. "I can?"
Heads nod. "Can even have your picture taken with them if you want Peanut." Nathan adds.
"I can?" I'm beaming.
Heads nod again. "That's what it says in the leaflet anyway." Kota says.
"Yes. Come on then. Let's go." I say skipping in hopefully the right direction.
A few minutes later, we're pushing through a crowd to get closer to the front of the stage. However I'm still really short so I won't be able to see much.
As if understanding my small dilemma, Silas crouches down in front of me just as some music starts playing up. I quickly hop onto his back, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He jumps a few times so I'm higher up on his back.
"Silas. Don't drop her." North bellows.
"I'm not going to drop her." Silas bellows back.
North shuffles past Kota and Luke and come and stands behind me and Silas. "I'll catch you if you fall Baby."
"North. I'm not going to fall." I know he's worried I'll hurt myself but he has got to remember that I'm not a delicate piece of glass. I won't break if I fall. Better yet he should trust his team member, his brother, to hold onto me and not hurt me. "Trust us, North." I feel like I'm telling him what he was telling me only months ago. He was practically forcing me to trust him and the others but now he won't trust me or Silas.
North's hard eyes soften. He nods slowly. "I'm sorry Baby. I trust you." He flicks his eyes to Silas. "Both of you."
I nod my head slowly, smiling gently towards him. "Good." I turn my head and start paying attention to the show and my smile breaks across my face when Minnie Mouse, Mickey Mouse, Goofy and Donald Duck come out dancing with nice royal blue outfits. "This is going to be awesome." I declare.


I unravel myself from Silas who was able to hold me up on his back through the entire twenty minutes. It was a beautiful thing to watch. Listening to Mickey tell us that if you believe, dreams can come true and all of a sudden I have this new hope blossoming large in my heart. Hope that if I tell the boys myself how I feel that they won't reject me, tell me I'm stupid for having these insane feeling for not one but all of them. I know Sean has told me that he loves me, he's even shown it throughout the morning with small touches here, loving glances there. My heart flutters everytime.
But I want more. And now this new hope has blossomed, determination is following. I am determined to tell each and every single one of these boys that I love them by the time the vacation is over.
I've never felt so sure and so confident in myself than what I do right now as I follow Kota to the side of Main Street Disney to get ready to watch the parade.
I'm not sure what I have ever done in my life to deserve these boys, I don't know what I have done to make them stay even if I did try and tell them to go, they stayed. What they saw in me I'll never know but what I do know is that I want these boys to accept this unnatural way of loving someone and getting that someone to accept that I love the other eight members of their family. The family they have brought together through friendship, trust, brotherhood, love, determination, hope, the list is endless and I could go on and on.
What I understand is Owen and Sean were a team and then they found five boys in an elementary school with talents like some have never seen before. They opened themselves and extended their family. Owen even went through the depths of searching for North, but North only saying he'll come if Silas did. They accepted each other, helped each other come through everything they have been through in their lives and they've helped me.
North told me once that trust is what helps build a family. I trust these boys with everything I have but even before that trust was fully built, I knew they were my family.
For the rest of my life I'll never regret sneaking out of my house, away from my step-mother for just one night. That night became the best night of my life.
I treasure that night with all I have.
That night brought me home to where I know I belong.
A hand waving in my face pulls me away from my thought. Following the arm of the owners's hand I smile wide when I come face to face with Victor, his fire eyes blazing. "Lost in thought, Princess?"
I blush because I was caught. "Yeah, just a little."
"Okay, well I have a new toy you can use." Victor holds out what looks like a video camera. It's black, sleek and new and looks very, very, expensive. "You can record the parade on this and then watch it back later or in the future that way you'll never, ever forget."
I beam from ear to ear. This causes Victor's fire eyes to blaze even more than they were originally. I then listen carefully for the next few minutes on how to work the camera. He shows me many different techniques but I simply tell him that I only need to record normally which makes his cheeks tint a little when he realizes he must have been rambling but I don't care. I love listening to his baritone voice.
When he was done he handed the camera to me. "Thank you, Victor."
He kisses my cheek. "You're welcome, Princess."
"Sang, it's about to start." Kota tells me just as music starts filling the large area.
I look at the camera and put my finger on the on button. I don't press it though. Instead I look at Victor and raise an eyebrow, silently asking if I'm right. He nods his head so I press the button, lift it up and aim it onto the first float that's slowly traveling this way. I can't help but smile but I'm not going to complain. I love smiling right now.


The rest of the day went by in a blur. We ran around the park after the parade finding all the different Disney characters so we could get pictures with them. Some were just individuals of me and that character and sometimes they were group ones. But what I loved the most was if most of the boys didn't like that character the ones who did joined me in the photo.
In between the photos we also went on every ride on Magic Kingdom grounds. The best one was when I persuaded all the boys, including North to come onto the flying dumbo's. At first he was arguing with me, not wanting to get on there but when I said I'd hold his hand the whole time he said he would. On the ride I'm sure I heard a sigh of relief before he sat back and relaxed. I couldn't have been more proud of him.
We've just finished eating food at another one of the park restaurants and are now on our way to Main Street Disney again because there's a night show with fireworks.
As we get closer and closer to the castle I notice that it's getting dark and that the castle looks like it's glowing with the blue and pink lights shining on it.
Main Street Disney is busy. Everyone is lining up and waiting. Little girls are wearing flashing headbands and holding pink or blue wands.
Little boys are wearing flashing lights around their necks. It's adorable to see.
Kota comes to a stop in front of me and turns around to address us all. "This seems good enough." He looks down at me. "Is it okay with you, sweetie?"
I nod my head. "Yeah. It's perfect."
"Oy. I'm going to go and get Trouble some of those light head band things. Anyone else coming?" Gabriel announces.
"I will." Nathan, Luke and Sean say together.
"I need to use the bathroom." Silas adds and walks off, North, Owen and Kota on his heels.
I look over at Victor. "Looks like it's just you and me." I beam at him.
"Certainly does, Princess." He says. He walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me towards him, my body flush against his. My arms immediately go around his neck, my fingers playing with the hair at his neck. He sighs and rests his forehead against mine. "Have you had a good day?"
"I have." I whisper. I look up and meet his eyes. His eyes are blazing, lighting up in the now dark sky. "Victor."
"Sang. Princess." His breath fans across my face and I close my eyes, relishing the sensation and his sweet breath.


Victor POV

The words are on the tip of my tongue. When Sang went to the toilet in the resturant I asked the others if I could have a few moments alone with Sang so I can tell her how I feel. Tell her that I love her and that she is the one and only person who will ever hold my heart.
I know something went down between Sang and Doc through the night. We all do but none of us will ask questions. What happened between those two stays between them until we're all ready to hear it. If we want to hear it.
We both look up into the black sky when we hear a bang. Pink and blue fireworks go off up into the sky, exploding with a bang.
I look back down at Sang and smile when I see her smile. Her green eyes being lit up by the lights of the fireworks. "Sang." I whisper her name.
Her eyes snap to mine. "Victor..." She pauses and I feel her suck in a deep breath. "...I love you."
I can't help but smile down at her. "You weren't suppose to tell me first Princess."
Her mouth drops open. "What?"
"I was suppose to tell you that I love you first."
"You love me?" Tears well up in her eyes, not moving from mine for a second even when many bangs and sizzles shoot through the sky.
"Yes, Sang Sorenson, I love you." I tell her. I want to look down at her lips but I don't want to move my eyes from hers. I want to keep watching the different flashes of emotions going through them.
"You love me." It's a statement this time and not a question. Then I watch as guilt flashes through her eyes and I hold my breath even though I know, well I hope I know what's coming. "I love you too but I also love Sean and Kota and Owen. I love all of you."
I lift my hand to her face and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "Good. I don't love you any less, Princess."
I feel all the tension leave her tiny body as she sighs with relief. Her eyes go down to my lips and I can't help but snake my tongue out and lick them. "Victor...can...I-I...kiss you?"
I slowly nod my head and wait knowing that she loves me too.


Sang POV

I had to tell him. Being wrapped in his arms tells me I'm home and where I'm suppose to be. Just like it does when I'm wrapped in the others' arms.
I feel like another weight has been lifted off my shoulders now Victor knows how I feel but more weight was lifted when he told me he loved me too and that he was okay with me loving the others.
Now I want to kiss him. He slowly nods his head and waits for my kiss. I wonder why none of the boys have kissed me first and I note to ask one of them later.
With my arms still wrapped around his neck, I pull his head down to mine. I press my lips against his and I can't help but sigh and relax further into his arms. This feels so right.
I pull back after my small kiss and look up at him. His eyes are blazing like never before. Flickering with lust, desire and want. The emotion that stands out the most though is love. Victor Morgan loves me. And I love him.
Several bangs going off up above casts our eyes that way.
Different colored fireworks go off in the night sky and I can't help but think of how wonderful this day has been. Perfection. That's what it was.


I feel arms wrap around me and pick me up, pulling me from the car. I bury my face into Owen's neck, inhaling his spring soap scent.
I don't bother opening my eyes from the blissful sleep I was in. I'm too tired at the moment to even care. I also stay limp in his arms as he carries me through the hotel, the other boys on his heel.
After the fireworks and mine and Victor's admission the boys arrived back from using the restroom and the gift shop where you could get the flashing headbands from. We all then stood around, huddled together watching the fireworks. It was mesmerizing to watch and I even asked Victor if he could video record it for me.
I was also blushing like crazy with every knowing smile he sent me. His fire eyes stayed lit all night.
After the fireworks and on the way to the car my steps became lazy and I kept leaning on Kota because I was so tired. In the end he chucked his back-pack to Nathan and lifted me up into his arms like I weighed nothing. I was instantly asleep, exhaustion of the day taking over my body.
Now I'm slightly aware of my surroundings. Even though I'm in and out of consciousness.
I feel the air shift when the doors to the elevator close. "Is she still asleep?" I hear. Kota ask in a hush whisper.
I keep my breathing even and light, not moving a muscle, staying relaxed and limp. "She is." Owen replies.
"She's fucking exhausted. It's been a long day." North says. "And her going on that fucking ride with the river and that drop about gave me a heart attack. Sang Baby is going to be the death of me, I swear."
Chuckles fill the small space. "Looks like we finally found something that can kill you." Luke comments.
"Fuck off." North grunts. "Anyway, what the hell was she doing last night by the pool?" My breath catches in my throat. I'm guessing he's asking Sean that question. He's the only one who knows. I force myself to keep still and relaxed.
"Said she got too hot." The doors to the elevator slide open and I feel Owen walking again, carrying me to my room. Sean's voice travels to me as he talks to North. "I don't blame her. Nathan and Victor were proper cuddled up to her last night and with all of us in a room that doesn't have air conditioning that works properly I'm not surprised she got hot."
I feel Owen turn to the side as he takes me into my room after someone unlocks the door for him. I know it's my room because of the sweet fruity scent of my perfume mixed with all the other guys.
"Did anything happen?" Kota asks.
Owen places me down in the middle of one of the beds. I can't help but snuggle into one of the pillows. "Kota. Whatever went down between Sean and Sang stays between them. It's their buisness." Owen tells him.
"I'm curious too." Nathan adds.
"Oy. And me."
I hear Sean sigh. "Yeah, something happened. I told her and we kissed." So the boys talk about their feelings with each other? I mentally slap myself on my forehead. Of course they do. These boys share everything with each other.
Several gasps, grunts and a growl that without a doubt came from North filled the room. "Did you break the rules?" Luke asks.
"No. She asked me to kiss her." Sean replies.
"Oy. You got her first fucking kiss." Gabriel's voice rises a notch.
"First kiss or not, Gabe. He didn't break the rules." Owen says.
Rules? What rules?
"What about you?" Silas asks who I'm not sure.
"I told her. I kissed her." Victor replies. He pauses for a moment. "Actually, she told me first."
"She told you?" North gasps.
"Yeah. It looked like she used a lot of courage and confidence to do so, but she told me first and almost cried when I told her I loved her too." Victor explains.
I feel the bed shift as one of the boys climbs on behind me. An arm wraps around my waist and their head is on mine, I inhale slowly but deeply to capture a scent. I smile a little when I catch Silas' ocean scent. He places a soft kiss on my temple before saying. "Aggele Mou is getting brave. Has she said anything about loving us too? All of us?" Silas asks.
"She loves us." Sean says.
"All of us." Victor confirms. "She told me."
I hear sighs of relief around the room. Everyone is silent a moment as they absorb the words just spoken.
"So, who's sleeping where?" Luke asks.
I feel the bed shift in front of me as someone lays down. When I catch the scent which is unusal, unique, unfamiliar I sigh because that only means it's one person.
He's always swapping and changing his soaps and sprays.
I sense everyone moving around and settling down for the night. Looks like they're all staying with me.
My last thought when I feel myself drifting off was how perfect this is. To us, this is right even if to everyone else it's wrong.

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