The Return of The Captain(on...

By SoulEater_6706

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Steve Rodgers aka Captain America sacrifices his life in order to defeat the titan Thanos once and for all an... More

Chapter 0: Goodbye.....Captain
Chapter 1: a second chance
Chapter 2: new life
Chapter 3: The Rise of Captain America
Chapter 4: Beacon and Reunion
Chapter 5: Initiation
Chapter 6: First day of school
Chapter 7: Telling Truths and the threat make their move
Chapter 8: Bullys, Broken Heart and Forever Falls
Chapter 9: Secrets reveald and a surpise encounter: Cap vs Black Death
Chapter 10: A good day and Hydra made their next move
Chapter 11: A stressed cat and Planing a Recon Mission
Chapter 12: Mission objective: Reconnaissance
Chapter 14: A Tired Cat, Dance, infiltration with a quick encounter
Chapter 15: New mission: Search And Destroy Mount Glenn pt1
Chapter 16: New mission: Search And Destroy Mount Glenn pt2
Hello Again😁
Heads up
Chapter 17: A calm day at Beacon and...parents coming to visit?!
Chapter 18: Who are you?
Chapter 19:Commence the operation
Chapter 20: A Family brawl and step one
Chapter 21: A funky encounter and farytales coming to life?
Chapter 22: Begining of the end. Commence ze operation
Chapter 23: Battle for Beacon. The end of a Beginning part 1
Chapter 24: Battle for Beacon. The end of a Beginning part 2 season finally
S2 Ch1: A lovely reunion
S2 Ch2: Training
Team CAP's new attier
S2 Ch3: 'Will you walk into my parlour?' said the Spider to the Fly
Merry Christmas
S2 Ch4: To the forge!
Happy new year everyone
S2 ch5: School Brawl
Quick update
S2 Ch 6: HAIL HYDRA!!!
S2 Ch 7: Falcon and his Golden Dragon
S2 Ch 8: The Ice Queen and her Winter Soldier
Im Ok
Trailer for future collab story

S2 Ch 0: A new dawn

817 9 25
By SoulEater_6706

-Hidra base, Red Skulls Office-

We see in an office in a Hydra Headquarters we see the Red Skull looking at a tablet that showed a few projects in development and also a few reports of past missions that his men completed while listening to his second in command

Hydra Second-Command: The events of "The Battle for Beacon" as they named it have been a moderate success Heir Skull. Those Hunters wont bee of problem for the time being.- he said to his leader

Red Skull: hmmm ve cant get to confident my friend. *serious* Because knowing Rogers or Jaune Arc as he is called now has his vays of catching up to us and possible ruining our plans for making this vorld ours

Hydra Second-Command: *raises an eyebrow* What do you suggest heir Skull?

Red Skull: *crosses his hand together and places them under his chin* hmmmm...... for now ve vill let zem have their victory. *sinister grin* Soon I ve vill have our victory and I vill make sure that Rogers along vith his friends and lovers see how they failed to stop us- he begins to laugh maliciously for a moment then he stoped and looked at his companion- Any reports of ze Dr.?

Hydra Second-Command: For the moment Heir Skull the Doctor said that the device is near completion, just a few adjustments and it will be complete

Red Skull smiles at this as he gives another sinister laugh

Red Skull: Good. Vith ze help of ze Doctor ve vill have the ze full control of those Grimm and please send me ze files woth ze names of Salem's pawns zhat ze Doctor was so generous wnough to give us and go check if Mr. Zola has any new about ze Maidens.

And with that Red Skull's second in command left the room

- Vale-

The sun began to rise as the start of a new day began on the world of Remnant after the battle for Beacon Academy took place. Leaving the victory to the huntsman and huntresses that protected the place.

The camera begins to show how damaged beacon was as the buildings have fallen down leaving nothing but remains of what they were and some left over fire that were still lit but soon faded into smoke

We now we go to the city of vale in one of the hospitals that have our protagonist along with his friends residing temporarily while they recover from the damage and fatigue from yesterdays incounter

They are currently lecturing their two new member of their about Remnant and its culture seeing that these two forgot to lecture themselves due to them focusing on getting ready to join the fight last night

Ruby: *Siting in Jaune's lap with a bag of cookies in hand* And that is what you two need to know about Remnant- she smiled afterward as she grabbed another cookie and eat it and she gave one to Pyrrha who was sitting next to Jaune and fead Jaune his

Sam and Bucky were just sitting in their make shift beds taking in all of the information given to them as Sam gives out a whistle of surprise

Sam: Man I guess this is just a typical Wednesday up in here- he joked as he got a jab from Bucky and then continued-  *serious* I think this goes somewhere with the big three

Yang: Big three?- she asked confused

Sam: Yea THE Big three. You know: Androids, Aliens, and wizards- he numbers them earning an eye roll from Bucky

Bucky: Thats not a thing

Sam: *looks at Bucky* That is defiantly a thing

Bucky:No its not

Sam: Dude every time we fight one of the three

Bucky: *irritated* So what are we fighting now Gandalf?

Sam: ye.... *squints his eyes* How do you know about Gandalf?

Bucky: I read the Hobbit... in 1937... when it first came out

Sam: *smirk* So you see my point

Bucky: No, I don't there are no wizards

Sam: Dr. Strange?

Bucky: He is a sorcerer

Sam: OHAH *points at Bucky with a confident smile* HAHA HA a sorcerer is a Wizard without a hat!. Think about it

Nora: *shrugs* I cant argue with that logic

Yang: Yeah, I honestly don't see the difference

Sam: HAH they get it!

Bucky only groans in annoyance

Blake rases her hand earning a nod from Bucky

Blake: Whats the Hobbit?- she said confused earning a shocked look from Sam and Bucky

Sam: *dread* noooooooo * looks at Jaune an Pyrrha with hope in his eyes*

Pyrrha: Sorry Sam but most of the things from our world don't exist here

And at that moment something inside Sam shattered

Sam:*looks down and sighs* at least I packed some things from our world

Nora: OH OH WHAT YOU BRING?!- she asked exited

Sam: Only the best things that were created in our world- he was about to grab a capsule that had his stuff but was stoped by Bucky
Soul Eater: Think of the capsules like the ones in Dragon Ball where they store anything

Bucky: We will un pack our thing when we are somewhere more secure Sam- he demanded, earning a frustrated sigh from Sam then Bucky looks towards Blake- and the Hobbit is a Fantasy Book from our world- he answered

When he said that Blake's ear perk up at that

Blake: ummm Mr. Barns... do do you think that maybe I could...- she looks down while poking her fingers

Bucky: Read the book?- he asked earning a small nod from her- sure, your lucky I brought with me all the chapters of the Hobbit along with a few more. So don't hesitate in asking me for wanting to read them. And please call me Bucky, we are friends after all

Sam: *jokingly* Plus calling him Mr. makes him feel old- he said earning a jab from Bucky

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

The 10 teens look at the door and see that General Ironwood walks in

Ironwood: Hello everyone. I hope you are all well rested- he received a nod from everyone- thats good to know. Also im here for Pyrrha and Weiss

The two mentioned looked confused

Pyrrha: Is there a problem General?

Ironwood: No not really. Its just that the two of you have a call and Weiss- Weiss notices his face frown a bit- its your father

Weiss froze in place. (No not him! Anyone but him!) She thought. Her father, the man she had come to loathe even more than when she'd first left home had called. That could only mean one thing...

Weiss:He wants to take me home.-she said in dismay, an intense atmosphere having fallen over the room.-I haven't even gone down there yet and I already know that's what he wants.

Bucky: Weiss, I—he began before Weiss cut him off.

Weiss: Bucky, please. No amount of words is going to change this. Whatever my father wants... he gets. No matter what.

Bucky saw how Weiss looked down saddened he clenched his fists on anger

Bucky: What right does he have?-he asked angry

Weiss: He's the head of the largest Dust mining company in Remnant! He always gets what he wants! And now...*she lowered her head*now he wants me to come home.

Pyrrha: Well then, we'll just have to come up with a plan so that he DOESN'T take you home.-Weiss' head shot up at the red-haired Spartan's words as she placed her hands on her shoulders- Weiss, from one friend to another, I can't just stand by while you get dragged around by your father."

Weiss: But I...

Pyrrha: Weiss.-Pyrrha had spoken up, gaining Weiss' attention. The warrior girl- I've come to realize something. And that is that we all shape our own destinies. Our own lives. If you wish to be out of your father's shadow, now might be the perfect time to do it. But... you have to be the one to make that decision.

Weiss stood shocked at what Pyrrha said to her. Never before did she feel so inspired to do something. And suddenly, an idea sprang into her head, a smile overtaking her features.

Weiss: Guys, I think I have an idea.

Bucky: Okay, that being?-he inquired hopeful for some reason

Weiss: Here's the thing, the one thing that I know my father loves the most is having his ego fed. All we have to do is tell him not what we want to hear, but rather what he wants to hear.

Sam: Sooo, you basically want to lie to your father right to his face?- he asked.

Weiss: I know it's not the best plan, but it's probably the one most likely to work.-she looked back over to the Invincible Girl with a look of determination.-Pyrrha, let's go take those calls!

Pyrrha: Right!... but first is whats should we do after we finish the call. I mean Beacon is under construction so we cant train there and most of our stuff is gone. Any ideas?

The teens stay silent for a moment thinking on what to do until Yang raised her hand gaining everyones attention

Yang: I may have some idea of where we can go... if we have the room.

Jaune: What do you mean, Yang?

Yang: If we can all fit, my dad's place over on Patch may be the perfect place for us right now. He's even got his own training facility.

Ruby: *gasped* A whole group of friends all living under OUR roof?! It'll be just like a giant sleep over! Only for a really long time and we get to train like in school!"

Pyrrha: Sound great! So how far is it?"

Yang: Just a short ferry ride away.-she answered- I'll call him and let him know we're coming.

She took out her scroll and began dialing the number.

Ironwood: If its not to much to ask is it ok for Penny to tag along? I wish for her to learn more about the outside world and train more with people she knows and I think you all are the perfect candidates for her- he said with a small smile. Hiding his real reason being that he only wants whats best for Penny and he thinks that she will enjoy being with her real friends

Ruby: THATS A GREAT IDEA GENERAL!!!- she said excitedly only to realize what she just did-I mean *ahem* we accept your offer General

Everyone laughed at this even the General

-small time skip-

As the group of four teens walked out of the elevator, they made a left for the Comm Rooms. Unlike at Beacon where the screens were all in one open area, the computers were all in small separate rooms within the actual room so that patients could have their privacy. It was in front of one of these doors that General Ironwood was guiding them to

Ironwood: Were here.Weiss...*sighed*. Are you ready?

Weiss:*expression steeled* I am- She glanced over to Bucky who gave her an encouraging smile that made her blush a little

Bucky: You can do this Weiss. I know you can. I'll be out here if you need me.- The winter soldier said. Weiss smiled back and took a deep breath, Ironwood opening the door for her as she walked in, following her soon after. There, on the video screen, sitting behind his desk was her father, Jacques Schnee. He was currently doing some paper work, jotting down something on the dotted lines when he heard the door close. His brows rose as his daughter sat on the chair in front of the screen.

(Jacques Schnee)

Weiss: Hello Father

Jacques: Ah, Weiss, dearest! I am pleased to see that you're alright! General Ironwood just finished telling me what happened over there.

Weiss: I see, so you know about Beacon and Vale.

Jacques: Oh yes, simply dreadful! But, it could have been far worse. We're lucky the Transmit System is still operational.

Of course. Her wellbeing always came second.

Weiss: Father... Professor Ozpin is dead.

Jacques: Yes, I am aware of that too. Shame really, he was a good man, I hear. I can only assume that his next in command will be taking over as the new Headmistress.

Weiss: Yes, Professor Goodwitch will be taking over soon.

Jacques: Indeed, now I hear that things seem a bit dour over there.

Weiss: Yes father, things are looking grim...-If possible, Weiss sat up even straighter- but I feel it is my duty as a huntress in training to stay in Vale to help."

Her father's brows furrowed and he leaned forward in his chair.

Jacques: Weiss, I am afraid that is out of the question. The city is simply far too dangerous for you to stay in.

Weiss didn't falter.

Weiss: I'm not questioning your judgment father, but there is still so much to do here. Besides, I'm sure that my being here to oversee the reconstruction would be good for the company's image.(Come on, take the bait) -she thought.

As much as she hated feeding her father's ego, it was the only way. She'd tell him off later. And when she did, she would have a few choice words for him. Jacques put a hand to his chin in contemplation.

Jacques: Hmm... you make a good point. But the city is very dangerous to be in at this time. Where will you stay?-Jacques pointed out.

Weiss: My team and I will be staying on the island of Patch where my teammates' father lives. He's agreed to let us stay there for the duration. I'll simply go back and forth when I'm needed in the city.- In truth, she had no idea of the housing situation yet, but this HAD to work.

Jacques: Hmm... well..."

Jacques stared at his daughters face and she had that look. The look of determination that a Schnee was famous for.

Jacques: You're dead set on this aren't you?

Weiss: *nodded* I am."

Jacques sighed and leaned back in his chair.

Jacques: Very well. In light of recent events, along with the fact that you helped bring in one of the leaders of the White Fang from what James has told me, I shall grant this request. But I expect at least a few visits from you before the school is finished rebuilding. Don't forget to uphold the Schnee name, understand?

Weiss:* nodded* I understand, father.- In her head she thought- (I understand that you can kiss a Goliath's backside you arrogant jerk)

Jacques: Very good. Well, I have business to attend to, so I will have to say goodbye.

Weiss:* nodded* Goodbye father.

When the screen went dark, Weiss slumped in her chair, exhausted from the conversation.

Weiss: That was one of the most stressful moments of my life.

Ironwood: Miss Schnee, are you okay?

Weiss: Oh sure, fine. It's not like I just convinced my father to let me stay or anything.

Ironwood:*sighed and rubbed his right temple.* Yes, your father IS quite the detestable person. But I'm glad to see you stood your ground on the matter. I'm sure your team will be very proud of you.

Weiss:Thank you General... but... can I ask a favor of you?

Ironwood: Of course.

Weiss: I know this might sound selfish, but... could you maybe...

Ironwood: Miss Schnee, if this is about your sister -Ironwood smiled- She's already on her way here.

Weiss: *gasp*She IS?!

Ironwood: Yes, the moment I contacted her, she told me she was already making preparations to leave Mistral. She'll be here in a day or so. Now, let's leave shall we?

Ironwood opened the door, Bucky still on the other side.

Bucky: So, how'd it go?- he said with a small smile

Weiss:*blushed a little by his smile but smiled back* I'm staying.

Bucky: That's great! How were you able to convince him?

Weiss: It... was very stressful Mr. Barns. He didn't say it directly... but I know that he's frustrated with me. But what do I care? I'm already with my real family. But I do have another bit of good news.

Bucky: And what would that be? and please just call me Bucky

Weiss: *brightened up but blushed* You and Sam are going to meet my older sister.

-With Pyrrha and Jaune moments before-

When Weiss and Ironwood went into the first Comm Room, Pyrrha and Jaune were directed to another one just a few doors down, this one guarded by Professor Goodwitch. The woman grinned as the two made their way to her, though there was now a hint of sadness behind her smile as she greeted the duo. "Mr. Arc, Miss Nikos. I'm glad you could make it."

Jaune: *nodded* Of course Miss Goodwitch.

Glynda nodded back before redirecting her saddened gaze back to Pyrrha, who was decidedly looking away from her. It only served to make Glynda even more upset with herself.

Glynda:(She is my best student. How could I have let this happen?) -She took a deep breath and said-Miss Ni—Pyrrha, I want you to know that... I have so much regret for what happened today. I know that you might think that all of this is your fault, but it isn't. It was our fault. The faculty's fault. We should have been better prepared for something like this to happen. Please, don't blame yourself. We were the ones who pulled you into this... and now we're paying the price. I do not expect you to forgive me Pyrrha, but I want you to now that... I am so very sorry. Same goes to you to Amber" Glynda closed her eyes in shame and awaited an answer. A moment passed before she got one.

Pyrrha: Do you mean that?-Glynda looked back up to see Pyrrha with a saddened gaze of her own.

Glynda: Of course. You are one of my best students. And believe it or not, I do care about ALL of you. More importantly you are still young. You didn't deserve what happened to you in that tower.

Pyrrha: And Ironwood? Qrow?

Glynda: *sighed* General Ironwood feels just as guilty as I do... Qrow I have no clue. Though I imagine that he's drowning his sorrows in whiskey as we speak, I can't exactly speak for him.

Another moment passed... and Pyrrha smiled.

Pyrrha: Professor Goodwitch, thank you for your apology. It means very much to me. I do not know if I am ready to forgive just yet, but I am glad that you care about my wellbeing.

Pyrrha's eyes soon change color to a light brown

Pyrrha(Amber): And I also accept your apology Glynda. Though I wished that I still had my real body but K knew that it was inevitable that I had to give up what was left of my powers due to my condition. But still, there are no hard feelings

Glynda: *wore a relieved smile* Then You are very welcome Pyrrha and Amber. That means very much to me as well *The professor straighten up* Now, I believe that you have call waiting.

Glynda twisted the knob to the door and pushed it open, revealing the screen inside. On that screen was a woman in her late thirties, a beautiful face over taken by intense worry, her lovely red hair disheveled and her vibrant green eyes had widened at the doors opening. Pyrrha's eyes widened as she took in the woman on the monitor.

Pyrrha: MOTHER?!"

Athena: PYRRHA! Oh my darling child, you're ALIVE! Thank the gods!- As Jaune and Pyrrha walked into the room, she took notice of her

Pyrrha: I can assure you that I'm alright mother

Athena: Oh, that is quite the relief, my dear. When I heard what was happening I was so worried about you that I almost put on my armor. Then I remembered that Vale is a day's flight away so I stopped myself. Oh! And I see that you aren't alone! Hello again Jaune

Jaune: *smiled* Its a pleasure to see you to Miss Nikos

Athena: Please Jaune your family now so just call me Athena

Jaune: * laughs a little* Very well Athena

Athena:*looks at Pyrrha* So dear, I believe we have some things to discuss about you being in Vale."

Pyrrha: *grew nervous* M-mom, I do not think that I am ready to go back to Mistral,I would actually like to stay with my team.

Athena: Oh, I completely understand my dear.

Pyrrha: * her eyebrows rose in shock* You do?

Athena: Indeed!-Athena pulled up what seemed like an Athenian helmet from beneath the table she was sitting behind. It was painted in garnet red and gold, complete with a gold crest and engraved with two golden owls on the sides. -And that is why I am coming to you!

WHAT?! the two teens exclaimed. Pyrrha was flabbergasted.

Pyrrha: Mom, are you seriously coming here?!

Athena: Indeed I am. My flight leaves in two days!

Pyrrha: While I appreciate the thought mother, I don't think that is completely necessary. It's not very safe here and we might actually be moving ourselves to Patch soon.

Athena: Oh, but it necessary! When a Huntress' beloved daughter can't come home to her, she will do everything in her power to reunite with her. This I vow! Besides, Patch sounds like the perfect place to meet up! Should be relatively peaceful on that island.

Pyrrha: *Sighing in defeat and smiled at her mother* Well... I guess it would be good to see you mother.

Athena:*smiled back* There's that Nikos spirit. Ill see you soon my dear. Take care.

Pyrrha: Thank you mom. I'll see you in a few days. Have a safe trip.

Athena: I will. Jaune, please keep watch over my daughter.

Jaune: *nodded* Yes ma'am. With my life- he said earning a blush from Pyrrha

Athena: *smiled back to her daughter* Goodbye dear. I love you.

Pyrrha: Love you too mom-The screen turned off and Pyrrha gave a heavy dramatic sigh- That was an ordeal.

Jaune: At least she knows that your ok and that you'll see her soon Honey

Pyrrha: Yeah *hugs Jaune and bury's her face in his chest* now we wait for Weiss to tell us how her call went

Jaune: Im sure shell be fine

The two exit the room an later regroup with Weiss and Bucky as Weiss tells them that she is staying.

As the four teens walk back they tell their friends the news and they all celebrate that Weiss is not leaving them

Blake: Um Weiss, Ruby?-the two mentioned looked at her- I have something to say- she looks at Yang who gave her a nod-Before all of yesterday happened, Adam told me that he would take away everything I love. It... it had to be one of the weakest moments of my life. And if Summer hadn't gotten therr when he did, one of those things might not be still here with us today.-She looked to Yang, who gave a guilty smile and a shrug, Blake smirking back- I've made my decision. No more running away. I'm going to stay, and protect everything that's important to me. I'm staying, and protecting my family.

Weiss was smiling, though she was confused at the last statement.

Weiss: That's really great to hear Blake! Although, I wasn't aware you had family in Vale. Are they close by?

Blake: *her smile grew and she chuckled* Closer than you think, Weiss.

The Ice Queen's confusion grew as she placed her hands on her hips.

Weiss:I don't follow.

Ruby, however, picked up on the subtext pretty quickly and rolled her eyes at her partner's expense.

Weiss: Ugh, Weiss, how can you be so incredibly dense?!- Her expression quickly changed to a smile- She's talking about us- At that, Weiss' eyes widened as she watched Ruby bound over to Blake and hugged her, squeeing like an excited school girl-

Ruby: EEEEE! I have another sister!

The Schnee heiress looked to her Faunus friend and Blake gave the most sincere smile that Weiss had ever seen.

Weiss: I-is that true? D-do you really think of me as... a sister?

She got her answer when Yang clasped her on the shoulder and pulled her into a hug.

Yang: Yup! Welcome to the Fam, Weiss-Cream! Always room for one more!

Weiss brought a hand up to her chest and over her heart, feeling herself tear up while doing so.

Weiss: I... I really don't know what to say. I'm just so honored that you would even consider me like that. Especially considering... well... I haven't exactly been the BEST sister.

Yang: *shrugged* Eh, no family's perfect. We've all got our defects, but who cares?

Weiss:B-but where did this all come from in the first place?!

Blake: *smiled* Let's just say that I had to have some sense beat into my head - Yang smiled and rolled her eyes at that

???: I guess that makes me a mother of four then?

The ten teens turn to see Summer Rose leaning on the door frame looking at them with a small smile

Ruby: MOM!!- she sprinted over to Summer and hugged her with Yang following soon after

Summer: *giggle* Hey Ruby

Jaune: So what bring you here Miss Rose?

Summer: Jaune you are family now as well. So please call me Summer-she looks at the others- it also goes for everyone here

They all Smile at this

Yang: Sooo im guessing you know?

Summer: That you kids are going to patch to train? Yes. Yes I do, and ill be taking you all there in the new van that Ironwood gave me

Jaune for some reason had the urge to say "I know that reference" but he dosen't know why

Ruby: SO YOUR COMING WITH US?!- Summer nods- YAY!!

Ruby hugs her mother more along with Yang

Summer: The only problem is that it dose t have that much space for everyone so two people have to stay out

Yang: Oh don't worry about that mom I can just take Bumblebee

Sam: *shocked* The transformer?!

Everyone looks at him weird

Yang: Whats a transformer?

Something within Sam shattered

Sam: *curls into a ball and murmurs* This world is cursed. They don't have true culture

Everyone has a sweat drop but Pyrrha answers

Pyrrha: Transformers is a show/ franchise about giant talking robots that transform into vehicles. I personally don't watch those kind of things but my niece though, she loved those as a kid- she explains to the group

Yang: Oh! Well no its not a big transforming robot but it is a motorcycle

Sam instantly got up and look at her

Sam: Now you got my attention

Summer: Alright you two calm down. Before we leave we have a meeting with James and Glynda along with Qrow where they will tell you guys of whats going on now and them we can go to Patch

And like that the group had their meeting where they were revealed everything they needed to know
(Jaune and Pyrrha already knew the info) and after that they exited the hospital with a new member to the group being Sun Wukong who wanted to go with Blake and with the approval of his team he got the chance

We now se outside the hospital a drooling Sam currently looking at the motorcycle bumblebee

Sam: She is a beauty- he said as Yang gave a prideful smile

Yang: Yup, she is my pride and joy

Sam: Sweet! How long have you had her?

Yang: Bout two years. Got her for my fifteenth birthday.

Sam: Lucky. This is by far the coolest bike ever

Yang: Why thank you feathers

Sam: feathers?

Yang: Yeah thats my nickname to you. Do you like it?

Sam: *teasing smirk* Only if I get to call you goldilocks

Yang: Sure no problem- she looks over and sees that everyone is getting on the van- hey Sam

Sam: Yeah?

Yang: You wanna hitch a ride on Bumblebee?

That question was heard by the others. And Ruby just froze in place with her mouth wide open

Jaune: Babe? *waves his hand to her face*

Sam: *looks at Yang a little shocked* You mean it

Yang: Yeah! Why not, it would be fun

Sam: hmmm a what the heck, im in

Yang: Thats the spirit! -she grabs a helmet from the bike's compartment and toses it to Sam- hop on Sam

Sam does so as the others carry the still shocked Ruby to the van

Once everyone got read the drove of tho the ferry to Patch

-somewhere in Mistral-

We see in a grassy fields a barn with a house next to it

Inside the house we see a family watching the resent news about the events at Beacon Academy but we aren't focused on that

Down in the basement of the house we see a boy tinkering with some electronics with something standing in a corner thats being covered with a sheet

Ozpin:we need to get going and regroup with the others- he said inside the boys head

Boy: *still focusing on his project* And im telling you that now is not the time Gandalf so be patient sheesh- he said calmly

Ozpin: But the more we sit around and do nothing the more her or hydra have the upper hand on us

Boy: Man you really need to lighten up Ozzy. I mean you saw it on the news. Basically Maleficent's plans have stalled and Im sure Hydra are gonna be extra stealthy with their next approach. So until I finish this we are sitting ducks.

Ozpin stays silent from this and lets the boy continue with his work

-end scene-

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