Distant Secrets { Merder}

By mygreyslife

166K 3.5K 226

Meredith lives in boston for two years now, right after the one night stand with her then 'soon to be boss' a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Distant Secrets 2

Chapter 24

3.2K 87 4
By mygreyslife

"Grey, your shift is over go home" shouted Dr.Webber whom was seeing Meredith writing on a chart. "I'm fine, not tired" sighed Meredith annoyed. " You've been awake for 72 hours, go home it's an order" sighed Dr.Webber annoyed. Meredith closed her chart and walked away to the residency lounge to change.

Meredith walked outside and saw a big black car with a men whom was holding a board with Meredith's name on it "Meredith Grey?" the man asked. Meredith nodded slightly, "Derek Shepherd asked me to take you" the man added. Meredith moved closer to the car when the man opened the door for her, she sat down slightly uncomfertable. The car started moving,

"Derek's land?" asked Meredith weird when the car stopped in the woods. "You can get out now,follow the light" said the man in a monotone voice. Meredith got out of the car and followed a line of candles, someone tucked at her shoulder and put a blindfold infront of her eyes "What is happenning?" asked Meredith flabbergasted. Meredith got pushed further and further and suddenly her blindfold was taken off.

100's of candles were placed on the big land, Derek in the middle with a picknick blanket and food. "Come here" he smiled dreamy. Meredith walked up to the candles and stepped over them. She wrapped her arms around his neck "What is this?" she smiled chuckeling. "This is our kitchen" smiled Derek, he grabbed her hand "This is Emma's room" "and this is our bedroom" smiled Derek, together they walked back to the picknick blanket " I want to build this house for you, and for Emma, and for us, i love Lexie but god she's everywhere. I want to live with you for eternity"" smiled Derek slowly sanking down on one knee " Meredith Grey, will you be my wife for better or worse, will you marry me" asked Derek. Meredith slapped her hands for her mouth flushing red immediatly. "Derek Christopher Shepherd, i love you" she said " So yes" she cried out. Derek put the ring on her finger and hugged her so tight. Derek sat Meredith down on their picknick blanket " We have grilled cheese and uhm.. here's some pie oh,here are hotdogs" chuckled Derek holding food in the air and putting it infront of Meredith, "and the best of all" chuckled Derek. "CHAMPAGNE" he shouted.


"Morning baby" smiled Derek when he heard Meredith stirr next to him. Meredith kissed Derek's cheek soft and smiled "Morning" Meredith looked at her ring again and smiled " Thank you for last night". "Thank you for saying yes" smiled Derek. Meredith wrapped her arms around Derek and put her head on Derek's chest. Their alarm went off waking them up out of their cuddeling session. "How do we always wake up before our alarm" chuckled Meredith rolling around out of their bed. "I'm gonna wake Emma" smiled Meredith putting on her robe. "Cant you walk around naked all day?" chuckeled Derek. Meredith glanced at Derek and lifted up her robe a little, Derek bursted out in laughter and rolled out of bed walking up to the shower.

"So where do we want to get married anyway?" adked Meredith. "I thought maybe in the backyard of our house on our land" smiled Derek. "YES" squeeled Meredith. " i love that" she added. " But when" asked Meredith while handing Emma a slice of bread. "We could, in 2 months maybe" smiled Derek. Meredith's face lit up smiling "I'm going to look for a dress then" chuckeled Meredith finsihing her breakfast.

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