A Gangster With Roses β€’ Tommy...

By starlightluvrr

420K 11.9K 4.3K

Rosella Kimber is the daughter of Billy Kimber, one of the biggest crime bosses in 1919 England. Tommy Shelby... More

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6.7K 192 73
By starlightluvrr


POLLY LOOKED UP at the ceiling, with her hands together. In her palms was a wooden crucifix necklace which she held sacred. The betting shop was empty and the morning had barely saw light, Polly was still in her white nightgown. It was a miracle she got any sleep knowing the events of today.

"Dear Lord, make this day pass well. Let none get hurt. And make them that do, not Shelby's." Polly clutches onto the necklace, with her eyes shut tightly.

Taking a deep breath, she continues. "Watch John, cos' he has so many depending on him." Her mind goes to John's four kids and his new wife, Esme. "Watch Arthur, because he's as likely to hurt himself as anyone else."

Polly waits, listening to the sound of the crickets chirping in the distance, the early morning chatter outside and the birds.

"Watch Thomas." She finally prays, unaware that Thomas was now stood behind her by the doorway. "I know how he is. But he does what he does for us."

Polly does the sign of the cross slowly. "I think. Amen."

She turns around, nearly jumping at Tommy's presence. He had his hands in the pockets of his navy blue suit, watching, without a word.

"I used to do that. Every single morning during the war. When the war ended, I hoped I'd done it for the last time." Polly admits, timidly.

"Today will be the last time, Pol." Tommy promises.

She looks down at her crucifix necklace.

"After today, no prayers will be needed. We'll be set."

Polly lifts her head up at her nephew with hope in her eyes.

"Family meeting. Half ten. Don't be late." Tommy reminds her, leaving.


"It is way too early for our neighbours to be dancin' to a stupid gramophone!" Renie complains, still in her night dress with a cup of tea and cigarette in hand.

"They could probably say the same about you up at night singing like a dying cat, drunk." Harry replies whilst opening the kitchen cupboard, chuckling.

"I'm so bloody close to going over there and smashing it up." Renie grumbles, sitting down at the dining table.

Rose walks in, yawning. "You're just jealous because yours is broken."

Their aunt doesn't reply, instead, she sulks in her chair, letting her tea get cold.

"Rosie, do you mind checking the post? Was meant to get a letter from Jack."

Jack was the only surviving child of Renie Lovell and cousin to Harry and Rose.

His younger brother, Blake, was lost in action during the war. They never recovered his body or found his whereabouts, if he was alive. Therefore, Blake was presumed dead.

Since the tragedy, Jack had gotten married to a woman named Irene Smith and they resided in America. Renie had never fully been herself since losing her son; there was still a lot of pain.

Sometimes, Renie felt like she had lost Jack too.

Their only contact for now were the letters they sent each other which Renie anticipated day and night.

"Okay." Rose heads to the front door. They were two envelopes on the floor, the first one was from Jack which Rose knew straight away.

But, the second one had Billy Kimber on it.

Intrigued and stunned, Rose begins to open the letter that her father had addressed.

Dear Rosella,

This letter comes to you from a heavy heart. You and your brother were my right hand. But, if thy right hand offend thee, you must cut it off.

I have my faults but you surely do also.

Rose scoffs. It was evident her father had gotten Roberts to write this, this wasn't his vocabulary.

One day, I won't be here. I have devoted my life, long or short, into making sure you and Harry can stand without the world kicking at your feet.

I know I hurt people at times.

But, I speak to you as my daughter.
You left me. You choose someone else over family. The both of you. You have engraved the lie in your hearts that I have abandoned and disowned you. Your mother held family to the highest calibre, she would be ashamed of you both. You have betrayed the principle of blood and fled as outcasts, abandoning me and the business. And for what?

"Love." Rose answers out loud, shaking with the letter in her hands.

"Rosie! Did you see any letters?" Renie calls out from the kitchen.

Rose quickly puts the letter from her dad under the doormat, heading straight back to the kitchen.

"Yes." She hands her aunt the letter from Jack.

"Is that all?"

"Yeah, it was the only one." Rose lies, trying to hide her emotions that were running all over the place.

"Alright then." Renie stretches and heads back upstairs.

Harry looks at his twin sister, trying to study her face. He could tell when something was bothering her and right now she looked infuriated, petrified and sad at the same time.

However, before he can even utter a sentence there's a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Rose heads to the door, trying to distract herself.

"Tommy? Thought you were scared to go through the front door."

He takes off his peaky cap, "Well, today's not a day for being scared. I don't have much time ."

She nods, looking at him directly in the eyes. His dark brunette hair was slightly messy, cheeks and hands reddened from the winters harsh icy breath. Tommy was wearing a long black coat and the time was ticking from the watch attached to his midnight blue suit.

"I know."

Tommy had told her about today countless times. Although, he never went into detail about how he planned on doing what he was going to do.

"Stay home." Tommy warns, inching closer to her.

Rose straightens out the collar of his suit, smiling slightly. "Can't you stay for a bit? So I can see you properly before you go."

Tommy cups her face with his hands. "No. Besides, wasn't yesterday under the bridge enough?"

Rose chuckles softly, reminiscing on the moment they shared yesterday. "It's never enough."

"Stay safe, Rosie. Don't fucking leave this house." Tommy cautions with much seriousness beneath his ocean blue eyes. "Whatever happens today..."

Rose takes his hand, squeezing it as a gush of icy wind races past. "It's about time we started making a name for ourselves, don't you think?"

Tommy holds his cigarette to his mouth, taking in her words and blackening his lungs once more.

Rose's face quickly changes to an expression of determination. "Do whatever you need to do."

Tommy nods, "Is your brother Harry about?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I need him. We have a meeting."


"Right." Tommy starts, standing in front of his family, workers and men in the betting shop. "I brought you all here today, because this is the day we replace Billy Kimber."

Everything had to go to plan today, it was not a day where Tommy could afford any slip ups. It could cost a life; and his family needed to be aware of that.

"This is the day, we, the Peaky Blinders, become respectable."

Arthur, Polly and John all exchange looks of hopefulness. This was finally their moment.

"The day we join the official National Association of Race Course Bookmakers." Tommy explains proudly. "But first..."

He pauses.

"We do the dirty work. Now, this day, we've all known it's been coming. I just haven't told anyone the specifics."

He turns around to face the large chalkboard that was behind him. It was the board they tracked all betting activities on. Today, was the Worcester races.

"We're going to the races, in Worcester." Tommy announces, looking at the chalkboard that displayed all the names of the horses running and bets.

"Track will open at one but we'll get there by two." He faces his family again. "Now, since Kimber still thinks we work for him, he thinks we're going there to help him fight the O'Donnells."

Tommy turns to Harry and his wife Lucy, who had their arms linked together. "However, thanks to Harry, and his lovely new wife Lucy, the O'Donnells are now our friends."

The O'Donnells were now secretly working with the Peaky Blinders behind Billy Kimber's back, another betrayal.

"The Lee's will also be helping us, thanks to the efforts of our John, and his wife Esme. I interrupted those efforts this morning." Tommy jokes, as some of them snigger.

"I can assure you all," he continues, trying to keep a straight face himself, "John is making tremendous sacrifices in the cause of peace."

"Yeah, yeah, alright." John wasn't as amused as the others, especially Polly who couldn't stop chuckling.

"So, it's us and the Lee and O'Donnell boys against Kimber's boys. The plan is, we take them out, then leave the bookies. A swift victory is what I expect, which will send a signal all the way down to London that we believe in letting legitimate businesses run peacefully."

There's a long pause after Tommy's speech, everyone in the room was digesting what could be a bulimic plan.

"And...um." John shuffles closer, a little uneasy. "What about Kimber himself?"

A thousand thoughts rush through Tommy's mind all at once. From Billy strangling Rose to the way he tried to openly embarrass him and his brothers. Tommy had been waiting for this moment, he had been patient, strategic.

"I'll deal with Kimber." He finally replies. "Any more questions?"

"Well, yes." Polly remembers. She walks up to the teal double doors. "Oh, does anyone have a problem if I bring someone to this meeting?"

They all exchange looks, including Tommy.

She opens the doors that revealed their living room.

"Come on, love." Polly whispers as they all waited.

Ada walks in, wearing a white gown with a lilac purple cardigan. In her arms, was a baby. A baby Tommy never got to see, until now. His nephew. He was a couple weeks old now, rather chubby, he gurgled and cooed in his mothers arms.

"I'd like to introduce, the newest and youngest member of the Shelby clan." Polly smiles proudly as Ada walks in further.

The way her brothers faces lit up at the sight of her and the baby, couldn't be described. Ada had been living alone, isolated from them and refusing to talk to any of them except Polly since the incident.

Arthur begins to clap until they all join in passionately.

Ada smiles; maybe for the first time in weeks. Finn quickly runs up to her side, wanting to see the baby.

"His fingers are so small, Ada!" Finn exclaims giddily, holding the baby's hand.

Ada looks down at the eleven year old, chuckling.

A small smile breaks out on Tommy's face. "Welcome home, Ada."

"We named him Karl. After Karl Marx." Ada reveals to her family, casually.

"Karl bloody Marx?" Arthur chuckles as the rest of them laugh.

"That's what we get for having a commie in the family." John adds nudging Arthur.

"Oh, and his middle name is Aiden."

"Well, let me get a look at him!" Arthur walks up to Ada, ready to see his nephew properly for the first time. "Mr Karl, you've got a lot to learn."

"Oh, here we go." John rolls his eyes, grinning.

Arthur picks up the baby, putting his peaky cap that was way too big, on him. "Eh, look. He looks just like his uncle now, look."

They all erupt into laughter and Tommy tries to conceal the small smile that was threatening to emerge from his lips.

"His next nappy change is what looks like you Arthur." John teases.

"He's perfect, he is." Arthur looks down at the little baby in his arms. "He's a Shelby."

They continue to crowd around Karl, chatting and taking it in turns to hold him. With all the attention on the baby, Tommy addresses Ada.

"Well Ada, am I forgiven?"

She nods slowly. "If what Aunt Polly says is completely true, you are."

"It's true."

Aunt Polly had visited Ada yesterday and laid all the cards on the table. She opened up. About Tommy's plan and what was going to happen with Isaac.

She also told Ada about her personal life.

Polly had kids. Two. One called Sally, one called Micheal. They got taken away by the Parish when they were three and six. The way her aunt had opened up to her, made Ada realise she couldn't hold this grudge any longer.

Sighing with relief and happiness, Ada hugs Tommy tightly. "Thank you."


Renie hummed to herself as she prepared food in the kitchen. A week now, it would've been Blake's birthday. It was tradition to bake two cakes in her household; one seven days before your birthday and an even bigger one on the day.

Every year, Renie still baked cakes for Blake's birthday, hoping he would walk through the door.

"Oh for Suzy's sake. I haven't got any bloody eggs." She mutters to herself, slamming the kitchen cupboard closed.

"Rosie, love!"

"Yeah, what is it?" Rose was already walking down the stairs.

"Could you be a dear and pop to shops and get me some eggs?" Renie asks urgently.

"Course'." Rose nods, grabbing her coat and heading for the front door. She already knew how much this meant to Renie, it was her way of grieving.

Closing the door behind her, Rose breathes in the cold crisp air of December. The sky was a beautiful pale blue and kids ran around the streets, pretending to be planes. That made her smile. Her hands trace the ruby necklace on her neck as she begins walking down the street, diverting into a alleyway.

Rose didn't know why but, she felt optimistic about today than worried.

Things were falling into perspective and after today, her and Tommy could maybe focus on building a future together.

Rose smiles to herself at the thought, turning a corner.

A gun clicks in her face, and Rose feels the cold metal weapon rest on her forehead.

She didn't dare open her eyes, trembling, she dropped her bag and put her hands in the air.

"You were a good girl."

Rose instantly recognised that voice.


"But you'll never understand us. Why we do what we do. You'll never understand him. You think you're better than him, don't you?"

"No..." Rose responds quickly, her eyes still screwed shut.

"I married rich to hide the pain. But in the end, it's him that makes me feel alive." Daisy sighs to herself.

She's married? Rose was more than surprised and disgusted.

Daisy looks away. "I can't watch him live the life we planned with you."

And that's when Rose got her caught off guard, she frantically knees Daisy in the stomach and attempts to make a run for it.

Her heart was beating in her chest, millions of thoughts bombarded her mind as she ran.

But, she didn't make it very far, stumbling over a stray twig on the floor and falling onto the muddy path.

Panting, Rose tries to get up.


"You can't run!" Daisy shouts, catching up and towering over her.

"Daisy... please." Rose pleads, on the floor. "It's okay."

Tears start to stream down Daisy's face, she immediately starts sobbing. "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I'm just— I'm so unhappy. I don't know who I am anymore."

"Look." Rose gets up, embracing her. Daisy was well and truly a broken soul. "It's alright. You don't need someone to be happy, it starts with yourself, okay?"

"I'm sorry." Daisy sobs again.

The sound of a gunshot roars through the rural area and Rose gasps.

Daisy feels the blood seep onto her clothes.

Rose's blood.

Her once warm embrace around her, loosens.

Rose falls onto the floor, bleeding out from her side.

Her hazel green eyes widen.

"W-will... I..die?" Her voice wheezes out, as her hands move to the bullet wound.

Daisy stands over her, still crying.

"Y-yes. Yes, Rose you will."

"I... I don't want to die." Rose whimpers, losing breath. "Please Daisy..."

Daisy puts her hat on, concealing her identity. She wipes her eyes and nose, quickly putting the gun in her bag. She was horrified at the sight of Rose. Daisy's body couldn't stop shaking.

She needed to leave, get out of there.

So, she did.

Leaving Rose to meet her fate.

"I...." Rose's breaths were heavy, using the last amounts of oxygen in her.

Her mind trails to her mother, smiling at her. To her dad picking her up as a little girl. Then to Harry and her, playing on the fields.

Then finally, to Tommy.

"Tommy." She breathes out, looking up at the sky.

Her chest stops moving and her eyes shut.


thank you for reading!
I had to split this chapter into two so part two will be out soon! stay tuned.

what did you think of this chapter? I know it's a lot to take in.


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