The Blessed Curse - PJM FF

By kimchiii_v

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"As your master I'm ordering you to stay right there" she ordered in the hope he will stop on his place. Smir... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26

chapter 9

101 3 0
By kimchiii_v

She hoped to the class, physics! A deep liking towards the subject was felt within her, she didn't know what really was the reason, was it the subject itself or was it the teacher who was teaching the subject.

Jimin entered the class getting all girls to fangirl along with Rhythm, she was no exception, she knew to appreciate beauty.

He wrote a problem on the board and gave a time slot to solve it while he walked along columns checking if everyone were doing it right.

Things seemed so easy to Rhythm, even though her friend groaned near her not getting the answer, she was already half way through it, and she was sure as never before that she would get the correct answer.

She felt Jimin's presence near her, and soon she grew a bit nervous. He had this effect on her. He pointed to one point in the answer and left. When she rechecked the point again she realised she did a calculation mistake.

Biting her tongue in realization she scratched it and corrected. In just after 5 minutes she was done and she shot her hand up, getting amazed looks from her classmates especially from Blue. Rhythm couldn't help but smirk at the girl.

"Done Rhythm??" Jimin walked to her place as she handed him her paper with sky level confidence.

His eyes scanned through the answers and then he smiled.

"Rhythm is the first one to complete with correct answers that is, so give a big applause" he clapped followed by the rest. Elise couldn't believe her eyes at her friends sudden intelligence but she couldn't even hide the idiotic smile on of her face as Jimin went back to the front to assemble his books, the bell rang marking the end of the period.

Elise nudged Rhythm,

"Classes with him really did work didn't it?"

"Sure it did" Rhythm beamed admiring her professor as he threw the chalk back in its box.

"Well looks like something else is also going to work out" Elise winked getting Rhythm to blush.

Jimin striked her a smile getting many death glares to direct towards her but she didn't care, she smiled back. Butterflies occupying her stomach.

She hadn't spoken with him for two days now and he hadn't even kept any extra classes saying he had some work, so it was lunch and she decided to meet him. As she walked through the corridors in search of him she heard gossips and rumours, sure not about her. She was never a main topic ever, except the time Blue decided to spill out the unforgotten.

Her ears professionaly picked up some whisperings about a new young chemistry teacher, who was told to be really pretty and 'like a Disney princess', that was exactly what she heard one girl with a cute Bob haircut exclaim to her bored friend.

Pursing her lips and locking her hand behind she peeped inside the physics lab only to be welcomed by lifeless wires and non interesting large circuits.

Sighing she thought of the only place he would be in, the Garden!! Beaming the moment she got a glimpse of his face in her mind and that charming smile that was directed towards her , not to forget those eyes that literally goes on a hideout whenever he smiles, she couldn't help but feel her heartbeat rise.

Once she stepped on the green lush grass of the garden she turned around the corner to-

She stopped. Her legs dared not to move. Her mind grew blank as her eyes was fixed infront of her. Right under the tree were two of them, those tousled hair, the lifted up sleeves, and those milky cheeks can never go unidentified by her. Tears welled up her eyes that she was unaware of, her eyes not leaving the sight of her professor cupping the face of the girl a little shorter than him and kissing her.

It didn't look forced, it wasn't, just by the way he encircled those same hands that wrapped themselves around her the other day for comfort was now around the girl pulling her closer, she knew it, it was mutual.

A sharp pain reverberated her chest, the taste of her salty tears were felt in her lips.

Jimin pulled back smiling at her and the way he eyed her with atmost love was enough for Rhythm to cup her mouth and hide behind the wall not wanting to be seen.

She didn't want to be here anymore and just as she was going to walk she was stopped by his voice.


She was fast to wipe of her tears before she felt him right infront of her with the unknown girl.

"I want to introduce you to someone. Meet Kang Seoyoon"

Rhythm looked up finally setting her eyes upon the girl. And she didn't fail to internally gasp at her beauty. Real beauty. Her long eyelashes beautifully covered her hazel eyes that shined under the sunlight, long brown hair flowed down elegantly. Her sharp nose and her slight plump lips coudnt do justice to her perfectly v shaped face.

A sense of insecurity spread within Rhythm. How can she even think he will like her when he is with someone so annoyingly beautiful. Rhythm knew she didn't have good looks, or a good fashion, so there was completely no chance against the girl standing Infront of her. Ant the next think Jimin said wasn't unexpected but it had greater effects on Rhythm. Truth is always hard.

"My girlfriend" he beamed pulling the girl closer.

"And yoon- ah this is Rhythm, my student and friend"

Fine did she just get friend zoned now? And she never even in her dreams thought that getting friend zoned was this hard. The more she stood Infront of him the more she suffocated.

Jimin soon frowned,

"Did you cry Rhythm? Are your eyes red?" He leaned down to see but she was fast to step back.

"I need to go" with that she left him.

Placing herself in a faraway bench she broke down, all her emotions pouring out. She had to know, for someone who was as good looking as Jimin it was obvious he was taken. It was all her fault, to take common gestures of concern towards her from him as lov- . Love? Wasn't that a such big word. Only because he was so generous and caring towards her doesn't mean he loves her right? But why was she like this? Because it was rare for her to receive so much care and love from someone, was it her fault to mistake it as love, was it her fault to not receive enough since she was small, was it her fault to not know what is real and not, was it her fault to never get that attention she yearned from her parents. It was her fault. It was her fault to not be normal, to get crazy visuals of the future. To be different. All these thoughts that ran in her head came out as tears from her eyes. The more she thought about it the more she cried harder.

She wanted Elise so badly, but she was unfortunate in this too, Elise was recently elected as the school's president so she would be in rounds now. She had to cry all alone.

A sudden hand pulled her to its embrace and the moment she felt the warmth she couldn't help but clench onto it's shirt and cry. Why was she crying? Is it because Jimin liked someone else? Does that mean she loved him?

"You saw it too?" He asked and she nodded "fool. You liked him"

She was a fool, the biggest fool in the world.

"Does that mean I loved him?" She asked looking up at him, he saw her delicate face and for once felt like protecting her and guide her in the right path which he couldn't in the case of his sister, in the end loosing her.

"Does it hurt" he pointed towards her chest just where her heart lays.

She nodded sniffing.

He gave a pitiful look,

"Stupid" he scolded and pulled her into a hug.

"They have been together since 2 years now. She is a pretty quiet girl. And trust me I don't like her too" he said making Rhythm laugh as he helped her wipe her tears and make her sit upstraight.

"Don't you have class now Taehyung?"

"Well, surprise! I don't" he smiled widely happy he doesnt have one.

She smiled, her eyes still red and she looked as drained as ever.

"Don't ever cry" he caressed her cheek "it's not that if you cry you are weak, keep one thing in mind ones you cry your letting your gaurd down. You are one in a million Rhythm and I want you to know that. You are a rare gem. You get it?"

Rhythm felt so blessed,.  Never has she heard those kind of words from anyone. She couldn't help but feel her heart swell up with love. She felt so thankful.

"Thanks" she smiled.

"Where is Elise by the way?" He asked getting a teasing smile on Rhythm's face.

"Oh She is right behind you!" She pointed behind and Taehyung was fast to snap his head back in desperation.

"Where??!" His eyes searched and with that he heard Rhythm laughing. He shut his eyes close embarrassed.

"Elise huh?"

"She is just interesting" he shrugged.

"She sure is. Anyways Taehyung I'll go, I have class now"

Rhythm walked to her next class, chemistry. She remembered about the rumoured pretty looking chemistry teacher.

Something in her stomach said that it was whom she was thinking and she sweared at her shamanism, she was right.

In entered her new chemistry professor, Kang Seoyoon. Boys gaped at her beauty and some girls were awestruck while the others were just frowning.

"Good afternoon students. Your new chem professor here, Kang Seoyoon"

Boys enthusiastically clapped, that was an odd sight. Boys who literally bunked most of the classes were hearing every word slipping out of her mouth with unshakable attention, that was her beauty.

Rhythm already did hate the subject due to the tsunami of equations she needed to learn and now she had another reason for hating it.

It never felt like she was a beginner at teaching, she showed off her professionalism just by the way she was explaining every detail of the reaction.

"Any doubts? Rhythm?" She asked as she stood near the girl's table. Rhythm clenched her jaw, she didn't know why but she was angry, 'damn you Jimin!'

"No" she snapped and looked back at her book.

Time could never go this slow, it was painfully slow that after every two seconds Rhythm checked her wristwatch.

The bell rang and she was the first one to storm out. She couldn't just hear the girls appreciate her beauty, it somehow angered her.

"Hey Rhythm!" She heard Elise's voice and turned around to watch the girl hop towards her.

"You missed chemistry" rhythm sighed

"I know. I couldn't help it, anyways I can't attend the next class too."

"Why!" Rhythm exclaimed.

"We have another meeting. Regarding some school trip or nonsence. So inform mam for me will you??"

Rhythm nodded, she hated being alone and having no one to talk to.

"Did you eat?" Elise placed a hand on Rhythm's shoulder, her mother teresa mode on.

"Yeah I did"

"Good. Go now you will get late."

Even before Rhythm could say anything further, or share her feelings about the day her friend was long gone. She heaved a big sigh, Elise was sad too, she was bearing a lot of responsibilities and Rhythm was sure she didn't want to burden the girl more by her silly high school love stories.

She rolled her eyes at the thought and continued walking towards the next class, and just as she took another step forward she was stopped by the same soft honey like voice, but this time it sounded bitter in her ears.

"Whats wrong with you everything alright?" He asked his eyes filled with concern.

She felt like ripping those eyes off for making her feel things and fall in the pit hole. Those eyes of his that held the whole universe was the only thing that fooled her.

"I'm fine" she said with a poker face looking away from him. Then she remembered she had to inform him about something. Not wanting to be beside him anymore or even see, talk to him she tried to finish all her matters fast and run away from there.

"Anyways sir, I'm not attending extra classes today" she snapped her eyes void of any emotion.

"Why?" He creased his brows taken aback at her cold treatment.

"I just need to go somewhere" she rolled her eyes and tried to walk past him but he was fast to catch her upper arm.

"Today you had your test remember. So I need you to come"

She groaned internally remembering her shedule, she really didnt want to see him.

She pulled her arm from his grip and walked away from there not answering his question.

And according to her suspicion, she was sure the girl will be there too. She didn't want to go witness them being all clingy herself.

Just as she guessed, there was no exception to how close the both got at time, while Rhythm sat on the couch of the hall, tapping her legs softly to an unknown tune.

"Anything you want Rhythm dear?" Seoyoon tilted her head placing herself on the arm rest of the couch Jimin was sitting on.

Rhythm scoffed at the sight, there were literally four more empty couches where she could sit like all she wanted and here she was like a leach sitting right beside him.

"Uhm shall we start the test?" Jimin wore his round rimmed glasses and sorted a few papers in the file.

Rhythm nodded, her eyes falling on Elvin and Taehyung who showed her fists of victory and she couldn't help but roll her eyes at their over exaggeration. She was just writing a test not a country level exam.

"Make sure you check your answers always before submitting. The units are necessary. Start now. 30mins"

With that serious talk of his she began answering the question paper. After everything, after not able to focus in classes, he was really helpful, she felt everything so damn easy and no matter how angry she was with him she was always thankful when it came to her education.

Ignoring the little talks between the couple that she could oh! So clearly hear, she tried her level best to focus on the paper.

Once done she handed him waiting for him to evaluate.

"Mm..wrong. How many times I tell you to write the units correctly" he scolded shaking his head. Rhythm pursed her lips as she was getting screwed by her extra strict professor.

"Done. So you lost 5 marks and all our silly mistakes which even my dog in my hometown won't do!"

"I forgot sirr" she whined.

"How the hell can you forget basic stuffs. It's my upteenth time telling you to check your paper before submitting!"

Rhythm was actually angry with him for personal reasons but this just angered her for some nonsense.

"It's fine, Jimin. She will learn. Mistakes are what makes us learn" Seoyoon sat beside Rhythm on the couch and the girl couldn't help but swear under her breath. She never liked the idea of Seoyoon standing up for her no matter what. Even if she was falsely accused and was going to get hanged and Seoyoon stands by her side to prove the girls innocence she would never love it, she would rather admit the lie and get hanged.

"As you say" Jimin sighed submitting himself which Rhythm could never digest. She bit her lip in anger.

"Fine now that it's over. I'm going home" she got up and swung her bag on her shoulder baffling Jimin.

"Yah yah! Now that it's over let's go outside. What say?" Elvin swung his hand on her shoulder.

She didn't want to go with him, no she didn't want to go with 'them'. She couldn't help but feel pain when she saw them together and now that she was going with them she will be seeing them more and she never liked the idea.

"Uhm. You guys go. Why me? I mean you guys can have a friend's outing-"

"Are you saying you are not our friend? You are too adding Elise. Now come on-"


"I'm not gonna take a no for an answer" he shut his ears.

Her helpless eyes fell on Taehyung who clearly understood why she was declining.

She bit her lip contemplating,

"Oh come on Rhythm we will have fun!" Seoyoon smiled widely placing her hand around the girl's shoulder "I really wanna know you more. You seem fun"

This made Rhythm have second thoughts, the girl just spoiled her mood. Taehyung nodded giving her an assuring gaze.

She sighed and shut her eyes tight,


"If you don't want to come you need not to. No one is forcing you" she heard Jimin's voice as he tucked his hands in his pockets and directed his eyes from the ground to her.

She clenched her fists, and now he is acting all cool.

"I will come" she gritted her teeth glaring at him.

He nonchalantly shrugged and walked to get his keys.

"So where do we go?" Elvin thought out loud as they walked to the car.

"Uhm there is a latest movie that's gotten released shall we go? The action movie!" Seoyoon suggested and Rhythm couldn't help but nod immediately beyond the restrictions her mind placed cause she wanted to so badly watch the movie.

"Come come let's go" she pushed all inside the car.

Once they reached the mall she was the first one to run to the theatre, she pulled her phone out and clicked selfies with the posters of the movie. Her eyes admiring the heroes undeniable handsome face.

"Tickets with me let's go!" Taehyung excitedly entered the theatre while the rest followed, she just wanted to grab the front seat. And right when she was going to she found Jimin already seated there and she stopped. They had bought only two tickets in the first row while three tickets in the third row. She pouted, guess she just didn't have luck.

While she was going to go join taehyung and Elvin in the third row she was stopped by a hand.

"You can go sit with him" she smiled shocking Rhythm.

"What?" She asked in disbelief.

"You can go sit with him, you are a fan of the movie aren't you. Go" she urged the girl.

Rhythm gave her a weird look, was she hearing it right? Was she really asking her to,

"Sit with your boyfriend? I mean..don' get..uhm...jealou..s?" She asked doubtfully.

Seoyoon just patted the girl's shoulder with a sweet smile and shook her head,

"I trust you with him."

That sent a pang of guilt towards Rhythm's chest. Something totally she didn't expect. Seoyoon, was so kind that it made Rhythm rechange her opinions about the girl.

"Go it's going to start. Enjoy!" She smiled and walked to the third row.

As sense of shame spread within Rhythm for thinking so badly about her character, well she turned out be complete opposite of how she expected.

Not wasting time she moved towards the seat, where he was sitting, and she could immediately feel her heartbeat quicken.

Gulping she took place beside him, his cologne turning her insides.

"Seo- oh" he turned around and looked at her "you?"

She didn't actually know if he was dissapointed or happy. She awkwardly raised her hand and waved it.


At the next thing he asked answered all her questions and it even angered her.

"Where is Seoyoon?" He frowned.

"Uhm in the third row. She allowed me to sit here" Rhythm mumbled pointing behind.

He turned around to look at his girlfriend sitting with Taehyung and Elvin just to make his eyes slit in jealousy, that was the same emotion Rhythm felt too when she looked at his expression.

She clenched her fists but soon her attention diverted to the screen where the intro of the movie had already began.

It was completely silent between them, it felt like he never expected her beside him or worse never wanted her beside him. Rhythm eyed the couple just beside them who were completely lovey dovey focusing on the movie less and then her eyes fell on Jimin, she pursed her lips, even he had the rights to enjoy with his girlfriend and here she was like a great wall of china between them. When he is already commited to some another girl, whom he really loves she had to just let him go no matter if she loved him or not.

A slight head pain developed in her temple, she shook her head thinking it was all because of her continously rambling thoughts but realised what it was when it spread throughout her head, her eyes peaked with pain, her gaze which was on her shoes swayed.

Her hand instantly clenched onto Jimin's that was on the armrest alerting him.

"Rhythm?" She felt his hand soon around her shoulder.

She felt afraid. Afraid of who might the killer need now. She had just started to forget things and tried to live a normal life and then now this happens. She had to be aware of the sudden stop, cause always before a storm there will be calm. She squeezed his hand out of pain not wanting to succumb to it, she couldn't help but close her eyes knowing that if she didn't see then she will be the loser. Like that everything turned black.

Spine chilling screams echoed the place, with people running like crazy out of control just to save their lives. The alarm was continously ringing in the background. 

More shops went down by the blazing merciless roaring fire, some died, some still ran to survive. A small baby unaware of anything in this world was left alone on the floor crying just beside his dead mother amidst the stampede and chaos.

Gasping she opened her eyes wide. Breathing hard all she could hear were the bloodcurdling screams of the people, the cries of the baby rang in her ears. She shut her ears close to block all the scary sounds.

"Rhythm!" She was shaken by someone making her eyes land on Jimin who still sat beside her but with a dead concerned look.

"Si..sir!" She clenched onto his arm her eyes shaking.

"What's it now ?" Her professor asked desperately.

"Sir. There is going to be a fire in the mall.WE NEED TO EVACUATE ALL NOW!!" She said standing up and just as she did she could hear a scary explosive sound from outside.

Jimin soon alarmed ran and helped the ones outside the theatre,

"SIR, THERE IS GOING TO BE A FIRE!! MOVE TO ENTRANCE!!" He urged everyone as they began to shriek and run for the entrances and just as Rhythm said the 4th floor was already on fire. Jimin cursed under his breath and helped people leave the mall in a hurry.

"PLEASE GO OUT!! THERE IS FIRE!" Rhythm alerted the people within the theatre.

People screamed out of fear when they heard another explosion and stormed out of the theatre doors in a hustle bustle.

The fire alarm rang throughout the building helping to increase the anxiety in people more.
Taehyung helped Rhythm with the escape while Elvin took Seoyoon to escape.

"FAST!" Rhythm cried as she saw ceiling of shops in the above floor fall down. Screams of dread filled the mall, out of panic all of them only cared about their lives ,forgetting humanity they mercilessly stamped on dead bodies on the way just to save their lives.

The whole mall was on fire as the smoke invaded her nostrils making her cough. She had to leave too. Atleast a part of her was happy that people were being saved.

An elderly man fell down groaning making her immediately help him.

"Are you alright??" She screamt so that she could be heard.

The man nodded and she helped him out of the exit. That's when she heard it. The baby's cries. The errange flashed in her mind and she began looking for the baby with its cries.

Tears flowed down her eyes, her lungs were burning for the smoke, coughing she slapped the smoke wanting to look at the place when she heard the sound nearer.

That's when she spotted, the small bub on the floor near the dead mom, who must have died because of the fire.

Rhythm tried to run towards him in between the crowd but she was constantly pushed making her destiny farther. People were just storming not watching anything.

A huge chunk of ceiling fell down right infront of her startling her and missing her just by inches. She looked up, the building won't stay longer it will collapse soon. She had to get the kid out fast. But when she looked at the direction of the baby, she squinted her eyes to take a better look, the baby wasn't there.

Panic raised within her as she searched for it, she was feeling dreadful for not saving even that small life.

Her hand was caught by another hand before she could go further and look for it. Turning around she spotted taehyung.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING? COME WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW!!" With that said he pulled her towards the entrance and just as they exited the building collapsed halfway.

Cries, cries was all that was heard. Everyone checking if their relations were there.

Rhythm squatted down on the ground tears flowing down continously, her mind never leaving the baby. She felt so miserable when she heard one of the man cry because he lost his wife inside.

She began weeping when everything around her turned out to be only misery. Her errange always led to something bad and she didn't like it..why was all this even happening?

"Where is Jimin??"

Rhythm's ears perked up at Seoyoon's voice as she looked up and scanned her eyes along them.





"He is not here!!" Seoyoon panicked looking around the large crowd that stood outside the building. Rhythm's heart froze, her mind couldn't process anything, the siren of the ambulance was heard just at the back of her head, the only thing she could hear was "Jimin" she whispered.

She got up Immediately and began searching for him too.

"JIMIN!" She screamt desperately, her eyes leaving out tears. She couldn't handle the idea of Jimin still inside the building.

"PARK JIMIN!!" Taehyung yelled trying to comfort his unsettling heart with white lies that his friend was safe.

Rhythm couldn't find those enchanting eyes, that cotton like fluffy hair. She ran towards the crumbling building surrounded with fire, before she could go inside the collapsed building where the fire looked like it wouldn't rest sooner a hand encircled itself around her waist preventing her from going inside,

"JIMIN! LEAVE ME. HE IS INSIDE! JIMIN" she tried to break his grip and move forward. The young police officer didn't know how to handle the girl.

"ITS DANGEROUS! YOU CANT GO INSIDE!!!"  He pulled the girl back as the whole building crashed down to pieces, the fire  completely taking over the whole territory.

Her lips quivered as she fell on the ground.

"" she felt this unbearable pain in her chest when she didn't find him and saw even Taehyung and the others come back in vain.

Was that it? Was that the last time she saw him? Damn she couldn't even say how much she loved him. Did that mean that was the last moment?

"" Seoyoon mumbled looking ahead of her in shock. The others along with Rhythm followed her line of vision and when they did they couldn't help but freeze too.

A figure was walking outside the building. Rhythm rubbed her eyes and looked more clearly and when she did she didn't fail to recognise the familiar features.

She got up in happiness, happiness feeling every ounce of her as she felt him weakly walk towards them.

It was real, the park Jimin was alive, the Jimin she fell in love with was actually walking.

She couldnt contain her happiness so she took her steps forwards to just throw herself in him and submit herself but soon she stopped when another figured passed by her and right infront of her eyes just like Rhythm wanted Seoyoon ran and hugged Jimin.

Jimin too engulfed her in his arms and slightly lifted her up the ground.

Rhythm could literally hear her heartbreaking, right she was just expecting too much. He was her boyfriend so she had all rights and Rhythm clearly didn't. Tears fell down her eyes looking at them speaking to each other smiling.

She cupped her mouth crying harder, she felt hopeless, pathetic for being this emotionally unstable.

"Rhythm! Are you alright??" She heard his voice making her look up. So hopeless that she couldn't console herself, she wanted him, no one else to be beside her. He caught her shoulders his eyes scanning her to detect any injuries while her eyes did the same too. Some part of his face had a few scars, his smooth milky skin was coated with smoky dust.

She nodded biting her lips.

"Don't cry. We are safe" he smiled patting her shoulder, she couldn't help but smile too. How she thought she was never going to see that smile of his.

"Miss Rhythm Ray and Park jimin?" A middle aged police man called them grabbing their attention.

"Yes?" Jimin nodded

"The main chief is calling you sir"

Both of them exchanged confused looks but decided to follow the man anyways. The man led them to the bench the police chief was standing near. His tall stature, a big mustache and a stern look defined his character.

"Hello mam and sir" he shook his hand with both "I'm lee sung Hin, chief of police department. Sorry for your inconvenience but we called you here only to ask you both how did you know there was fire In the building? Some people were saying you helped them escape even before the fire alarm went off or when the fire was barely noticeable?"

Rhythm uncomfortably moved in her place not knowing how to reply, she sure couldnt say about her power,

"Mmm sir, actually we have a very strong sense of smell. So we could smell some smoke and the moment we heard the explosion we confirmed our suspicions. Right Rhythm??" Jimin managed smiling.

"Ah..yes sir. But beyond that we are happy that could save them" she spoke awkwardly.

"Absolutely Miss Ray. Our department will always be thankful of you. I'll take my leave then" he smiled politely when he received messages in his walkie talkie and left leaving the two alone.

"That was close" he sighed "anyways, what did you see??"

"I..just this scene. There was fire everywhere, people screaming running for their lives...a baby...left alone" tears formed in her eyes "I couldn't save it" she sobbed.

"Hey Rhythm" he caught her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Come" he pulled her up.

"Where?" She asked sniffing.

"Just Come" he led her towards an ambulance.

"Why here?"

"Shh" he kept his finger on lips, "stay quiet" he said sternly and with that she stayed quiet and let him lead her.

Her eyes fell inside the ambulance, there was a nurse sitting there adorned with her white dress swaying side to side in her hands was a small baby bundled up in furry blanket. It's eyes shut close, innocence overflowing it's face.

"Th..that is" she pointed her shaking finger.

"I saved him. He is alright now. Thanks to you" he smiled and she didn't know what had gotten into her but she just lunged forward and engulfed him in a hug breaking down.

Taken aback at the sudden skinship he looked down at her shocked. Hesitantly bringing his hand up he patted her back.

"It's ok why are you crying" he chuckled as she shook her head like a kid.

She pulled back wiping her tears "I was just feeling guilty. But thanks a lot. Am feeling better now" she smiled to which he returned his eye smile nodding.


The fire in the mall was the hot topic of the week later. The casualties was fortunately really less compared to the usual casualties expected during a normal fire accident. And a fire in a large scale with less casualties was something appreciable though the injured cases were more. Rhythm felt a little happy atleast that she was able to save them even though not all of them.

A week rolled by without much notice of the serial murderer or her errange. She was rather afraid than happy that she didn't get them, if it isn't coming that only meant one thing, something big was surely going to happen and the murderer must be plotting something.

She shook her head as she refocused on the her surroundings. The chirping of birds, the sweet fragrance of belled flowers, colourful rows of petunias, small kids running here and there with the most widest smile that could relief anyone from all their pains. Soft breeze dusted her cheeks as her hair softly whipped her face.

Her eyes fell on the fountain that was shaped like a beautiful bird infront of her and just as her eyes travelled down she scoffed.

Both Jimin and Seoyoon were taking pics together being too touchy. She couldn't say anything too they were girlfriend and boyfriend afterall. The whole weak they had their outings together, even though she tried to ignore them because she didn't want to witness the two love birds Elvin and Taehyung would never leave her. So they became of like a group including her and Elise. Elise being head over heals for Taehyung gladly enjoyed the company. Rhythm couldn't blame her, attractions can make you do stuffs.

She saw Seoyoon pouting her lips with her one hand around Jimin's waist as she posed. As far as Rhythm had observed, Kang Seoyoon was a gem. She was really too good to be true. There were time when Rhythm thought she faked it but it seems like the girl was kind and humble.

Seoyoon's phone vibrated as the caller ring reached till Rhythm's ears. She saw Seoyoon's expression change when she saw the phone. It was kind of like she was..afraid? Rhythm frowned when the girl excused herself from Jimin who smiled nodding and walked away. Another thing she had noticed about Seoyoon, was she gets these calls often so she excuses herself.

Rhythm felt foolish herself for even thinking about her getting calls, but what if she was speaking to someone maybe Jimin didn't like? She thought to herself. Soon she shook her head, must be a office worker. Well let she speak to whoever she wants, Rhythm tried to not give a damn.

She switched her gaze away from them making it land on the cutest couple ever if it happens. Taehyung held the bluish purple phone up which Rhythm in the blink of an eye recognised as Elise's as the poor girl who was short compared to Taehyung was jumping to take it. Taehyung was laughing at her attempts. She frowned clicking her tongue stopping her attempts as she turned and walked away. And just as she did Taehyung didn't fail to run after her to  convince her.

Rhythm smiled happy for her friend, but for herself, the girl was sad for herself. Guess she was going to stay single her whole life. She pursed her lips tucking her hand in her pockets and walked towards the benches to take a seat and as she walked she spotted the blue eyed man, silent as never before.

"Hey" she smiled as she sat beside him.

Elvin and she got to become really close the past few days, he was a really friendly man to be with.

"Hey" he smiled.

"Thinking about someone?" She tilted her head as she leaned back on the seat.

"Yep. How did you know?"

"That smile says it all" she pointed out "and is it someone you like?" She wriggled her brows nudging him.

"Like?" He raised his brows at her and looked up, his adams apple prominent along with his defined jawline. "Love. Someone I love"

She gasped with a sheepish smile,

"Who is the one who stole our handsome's heart" she rested her chin on her palm.

"No no. You got it all wrong Rhythm" he chuckled "I'm talking about my sister"

Rhythm slapped her forehead "sorry. I am sch fool..anyways you have a SISTER!! AND YOU DIDNT SAY ME??? WHAT IS HER AGE??" she spoke excitedly.

He laughed "well the whole park knows now that I have a sister"

Talking about Elvin, Rhythm actually didn't know anything about him except the fact that he was from Scotland. Same with Taehyung..she never had this deep conversations with them everything was friendly.

"Fine fine. Say now how old is she??" She faced him folding her legs with interest.

"Uhm...she would have been a year or two older than you now"

She chuckled,
"Would have been?? Your grammer is off there." She playfully pointed out not noticing the change in Elvin's expression.

"No. I'm completely right. She would have been a year or two older than you" he repeated his words again with a painful smile and like a truck the reality hit her hard.

Her eyes widened,

"Wh-what? She .."

"Yea. She died." He gave a tight smile but she could clearly see the sorrow filled in his eyes.

"I'm..I'm sorry." She looked down pursing her lips.

"She was maybe a 13 year old when it happened" he spoke out silently.

She placed her hand on his and gave it a gentle squeeze. She did want to ask the whereabouts of how and why but she shut her mouth and swallowed her words of curiosity that might further sadden him.

He chucked slightly,

"You want to how don't you?"

Baffled at his question she was fast to shake her head like a deer caught on headlights but gradually she couldnt help but nod. He shook his head with a smile and looked up again.

"Tell me Rhythm why did the chief the other day call you?"

Frowning at the unusual and unrelated question she anyways answered.

"Uhm he asked about how I and Jimin saved them. How did we know-"

"There was a fire in the first place without any alarms. Am I right?" He looked at her getting her shocked. How did he know? Was he spying or what?

She nodded.

"And what did you answer"

She didn't know where he was leading this to, when all she asked was for how his sister died. How was that even related to this?

"I..I said that I am sensitive to smell so I smelled the smoke and just as the explosion sound was heard I confirmed it."

"I'm sensitive to smell too why didn't I smell it then??" He asked getting her fiddling with her fingers not knowing how to answer.

"Uhm you must have not payed concentration to it..."

"Even if I didn't" he leaned forward "isn't it impractical Rhythm to smell the smoke of fire that was barely burning at the start that to on the fourth floor?? With you my darling being on the first floor. So your telling me others couldn't smell? Who were right in the fourth floor too?"

She bit her lip not knowing how to answer.

"You got it right?" He asked getting her eyes to widen. She began to sweat even though the cool airy breeze swayed along her.

"G-got what?" She laughed awkwardly looking away from him.

"No need to lie Rhythm" he smiled at her "I know you can see glimpses of the future."

She froze, her eyes shaking..cold sweat running down her forehead.

"H-how?" No words formed in her throat.

"You get headaches before it?" He asked tilting his head getting her to nod.

"You too?" He mumbled under his breath but she was fast to catch it even though she was in the state of shock.

"What do you mean by you too? know someone else is there with the same power as mine?" Her eyes enlarged.

His blue eyes met hers, it looked like an ocean filled with sorrowful tears.

"Didn't you ask how my sister died?" He smiled slightly, his eyes sparkling with tears.

She slowly processed everything he said, and then she realised and once she did she looked at him shocked.

"Do-dont tell me"

"Yes. My sister could see the future too"

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