Protect Us || 3mix x Fem. Rea...

By twicejihyospecial

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"are you protecting us or are you just protecting yourself?" More



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By twicejihyospecial

Few weeks back:

Y/N was busy with duties so the girls decided to sneak out and chill at a park because they knew they needed Y/N to go anywhere.

They were having fun as they walked, run, laugh about anything and just acting like kids. When they were together, the whole world just seem to disappear. As they had fun, they remembered their past as kids together, all they ever wanted was to never be separated from each other and they got it.

There was never a time that when the other would place the other last. The girls were each other's priorities. Whenever one got hurt, the other two would always be there for her. They were so close to the heart and soul, that every parent or couple adored their friendship but as always, they couldn't afford taking in 3 kids so just like the girls wished, they stayed by each other's side till now.

However, it feels as though they are drifting apart slowly. Why? because of Y/N. They each loved Y/N, fell for her in their own ways but they knew that if Y/N liked one of them.. that means breaking each other's heart which they never wanted but they are slowly confessing in their own ways without knowing..

so what now?

Jihyo was smiling and tired from jumping so she sat down at a nearby bench. Nayeon sat on her right and Jeongyeon on her left.

"why did you want to sneak out, Jihyo-ssi?" Jeongyeon asked.

"yeah and out of the blue too" Nayeon laughed.

"just because" Jihyo smiled.

"seriously?" Nayeon chuckled, "yah! we know you Jihyo, so what is it?"

"i wanted to talk about Y/N, like a real proper talk about her"

"okay.. what about Y/N?" Jeongyeon said.

"we are all in love with her aren't we?" Jihyo looked down. She then continued, "remembered how we promise to always put each other first? I feel like the three of us are drifting away because of our feelings for Y/N. One of us is going to end up with her if she ever feels the same way with one of us and we're all just going to hurt each other. But now.."

There was silence for awhile till she continued, "when we found out about the contract, I was relieved that none of our hearts are going to get heartbroken by rejection but I don't know if we are one the same page but.. the fact that we won't be able to see Y/N after her contracts ends just breaks my heart so are we going to just let it flow or are we going to try to extend her contract?" She looks at her unnies with worry eyes.

Nayeon sighs and Jeongyeon says, "me and Nayeon have been talking and we knew that one day, you will want to talk to us about this. We know you love her and we are willing to let our feelings go, just for you"

"you've grown up, Hyo" Nayeon giggled, "you'll always be our baby sister even if you are all grown up"

"unnie... thank you.. but I don't think it's going to be worth it.. I don't want to end up like her ex.."

"hey.. we will be here for you if she isn't but if you won't try, you'll never know right? remember what i said? she may choose you over her work this time.." Jeongyeon said.

"but what about her contract?" Jihyo asked.

"we will let her contract be.. no extension.. if it was meant to be.. then it will be, Jihyo" Nayeon said.

"even if we do find a way to extend it, she is still going to leave us if she chooses her job over you.. so we'll just it flow, okay?"

Jihyo pulled her unnies into a hug and whispered, "i love you unnies.."

"we love you too" Nayeon and Jeongyeon said as they tighten the hug.


"so how was it?" Jeongyeon whispered in Jihyo's ear as they were eating breakfast. Y/N was washing the dishes. Jihyo got shy.

Last night, Jeongyeon watched as Jihyo followed Y/N around. Sure, Y/N was fucking hot but it was so cute to look at her sister getting shy around Y/N.

"unnie.." Jihyo nudged Jeongyeon. Meanwhile, Nayeon was trying not to laugh and jihyo nudged Nayeon. Nayeon then gave a smirk to Jihyo and Jihyo replied, "don't you dare, unnie"

"hey y/n"


"did you know the kids back then used to bully Jihyo and called her watermelon"

Y/N off the water tap, dried her hands and turned to face the girls, "well, that's mean but it's okay. I love watermelons. I guess you're one of my favorite then Jihyo" Y/N smiled at Jihyo before continuing to wash the dishes.

Jihyo felt her face burning up and her tummy hurting from the butterflies. Nayeon and Jeongyeon just giggling away.

Nayeon then went to watch TV while y/N and the other two got ready for school and their basic routines of the day.

Later that night, the girls wanted to play a game with Y/N if she was on her day off from the guards and lucky for them, expecially Jihyo, Y/N's shift was done early as expected.

"we may or may not have asked the guards to finished up the work faster so that she can spend some time with us" Nayeon whispered to Jihyo and winked.

"so what are we playing?" Y/N asked as she joined the circle.

"the basic one. Truth or Dare" Jeongyeon said.

"unless you want to imitate Squid Game" Nayeon said.

"oh, I haven't watch that yet.." Y/N said with her innocent face.

"huh, okay. oh my goodness" Nayeon was acting dramatic.

"I'm sorry but it's not my fault, I get so tired till I can't watch it" Y/N pouted.

"is she acting cute?" Jihyo thought to herself as she smiled, "she's adorable.." and Jeongyeon noticed it.

"maybe we can watch it after this truth or dare?" Y/N suggested.

"what do you think, Jihyo?" and now all eyes are on Jihyo especially Y/N's. The butterflies starts to kick in.

"yeah, sure" Jihyo said without stuttering, "so who's going first?"

"up to you" Nayeon said.

"you go first unnie" Jihyo replied.

"okay, then, Jihyo, truth or dare?"

Jihyo was giving her the 'fuck you' look and Nayeon just smirks.

"there is never peace with these girls" Y/N thought to herself as she looked at the two, thinking a fight is going to break out.

"truth" Jihyo said after a few seconds.

"do you have a crush on a girl?" Nayeon asked.

"yes" Jihyo answered, "now, Jeongyeon unnie, truth or dare"


"i dare you to slap one of the guards of my choice and i mean a medium hard"

Jeongyeon breathed out, "fine" and then the two went out with the other two following from behind.

Jihyo pointed out to Ace. Jeongyeon walked up to him, "hey Ace, i'm sorry"

"why-" before Ace could complete his sentence, he received a slap. His first slap from a woman. The look on his face.. he thought he did something wrong.

Jeongyeon then bent 90 degrees and apologised, "I'm sorry, Ace. It was a dare. You did nothing wrong"

"ah... uh.. okay" he then bowed back awkwardly as he watched the girls ran off back into house and Y/N walking to him with a smile and her arms crossed.

Y/N then rubbed his head, "you're adorable, you know that, Ace"

Ace then smiled, "thank you, noona"

"you make me sound old" Y/N pouted. "How is your face? You're a man right? it shouldn't hurt right?"

"not at all but did you know you have pretty eyes, Y/N?"

Y/N giggled, "thank you" she then walked back to the girls. Meanwhile, the girls were looking at the two from the window and the two unnies sensed jealousy.

They immediately sat back into their circle before Y/N opened the front door.

As soon as Y/N sat down,

"well, that was fun to watch" Nayeon said.

"I feel bad now" Jeongyeon said.

"if you feel bad, why don't you give him a kiss" Nayeon said.

"why don't you do it? He likes older woman and you like younger men" Jeongyeon playfully rolls her eyes.

Nayeon laughed, "fuck you. anyways, hurry up, I want Y/N to watch squid game"

"okay fine. Y/N, truth or dare?" Jeongyeon turned to Y/N.


"what is your most favourite thing about Jihyo?"

"most favourite thing.. hmm... if I had to choose, it'll be her personality. She always chooses responsibility over most things. Basically, she's serious about her work and I like that" Y/N smiled at Jihyo while Jihyo got lost in Y/N's eyes.

"okay!" Nayeon clapped her hand to snap Jihyo out from her world and back to reality, "let's watch Squid Game. I'm sorry but I can't stand the fact that you haven't watch Squid Game" Nayeon said and Y/N laughed.

Jeongyeon then turned on Netflix and they started to watch.

After their Netflix time ended, the other two pretended to be sleepy and went upstairs but they went to Nayeon's room to talk about the possibilities of what might happen.

"this is the first they gotten sleepy really fast" Y/N said as she watches the two walk upstairs.

"yeah.." Jihyo said softly.

"are you sleepy yet?" Y/N looked at Jihyo. They were sitting beside each other so Jihyo's heart wasn't helping her at all.

"no, you?"

"me neither"

"hey, y/n.."


"is it okay if I join you on your duties with the other guards? I can help out"

"and why is that?"

"it came to me that I never really spent time with them because I was never close with them and now with you, maybe I could" Jihyo wasn't lying.

"sure. If your dad approves"

"okay, I'll ask him" Jihyo then messaged him. It wasn't long till they got back a reply, "he approves"

"well, that was fast" Y/N was shocked.

"he priorities us over his work"

"that's so... sweet"

Jihyo looks at Y/N, "don't your brother does the same?"

"nope. we always priorities our work over our own feelings. that way the job gets done and none of our clients get hurt"

"but you will get hurt"

Y/N chuckled softly, "it's okay. I'm a strong woman"

"indeed you are. Y/N.. if you don't mind, can I talk to you about something personal?"


"your ex.. what did you use to call her?"

"baby cub" and Jihyo just slowly nodded.

"um, there is this girl that i'm in love with"

"hey.. if you feel uncomfortable, you don't have to force yourself with it" Y/N reassured Jihyo.

"no, I'm sure. She... I don't know if she feels the same way.."

"and why do you think so?"

"well, we only been friends for awhile now and she's moving away to another country and I don't know if I will be able to see her again"

"I'm sure you will. You two can still video call"

"I don't know if we can do that.." Jihyo looks down, "she's the type to choose her studies over her friends.. that's why she's the smartest in class.."

"when you feel like the time is right, confess to her and who knows, maybe she'll finally priorities you over everything else. If it doesn't work out then it just wasn't meant to be"

Jihyo chuckled, "you sound like my unnies"

"and they are right. Don't let one person ruin your chance at love again. There is definitely someone out there that will love us beyond that what we can imagined. You may think it's a long way but good things comes to those who wait right?"

"just like you, Y/N. Don't let your ex be the reason why you are afraid to love someone else again.." Jihyo looks at Y/N with seriousness.


"I understand that you're feeling guilty for what she did to herself but you are not responsible for her actions. She could have been stronger and just continued her life and finding someone else that its worthy for her but she chose the wrong path"


"I don't understand why you're still stuck with her... she chose to go and you chose to stay.. I just don't get it"

"I hate you, Min Y/N"

Y/N took in a deep breathe, "if you knew the exact story, you would have hated me as well"

"what is there to hate? you chose your job over her and she just-"

Y/N placed her right hand on Jihyo's head with her head on Jihyo's left shoulder, "let's stop talking about her, yeah.. You better head to sleep. You have school tomorrow"

"Y/N... i-i i'm sorry.."

"Jihyo, sometimes, there are some things best to not know" Y/N looked at her with sad eyes.

Y/N then tucked Jihyo into bed, "goodnight, jihyo"

The girls were listening. Once Y/N got into her room, they sneaked into jihyo's room.

"so what happened?" ANyeon asked, wanting to hear something good but the look on Jihyo's face gave it away.

"what happened.." Jeongyeon asked as she sat beside Jihyo.

"I made her upset" Jihyo said and continued to explain what happened.

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