Wolfie King

By theAkgirl

379 24 1

A young werewolf who hasn't matured into her wolf runs into a stranger who instantly defends her against any... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

chapter 6

20 2 0
By theAkgirl

Family dinner

Dad (Vidar)
First -Jackson 30 (mate Stacie)
Second- Jace 29
Third- Levi 27
Fourth -Landon 25
Fifth - Trenton 23
Sixth- Trevor 22
Seventh - Adeline (Me) 17. (Mate Zander)


uncle Tyr's kids
Andrew 26
Toby 24
Alexia 22
Justin 21

Aunt Delphine's kids
James 26
Brice 24
Cory 22
Claire 20

Zander laced our hands together, "what's wrong?" I bit my lip and looked at him through my eye lashes, "they can be a bit much." He chuckled and pulled me into him, "I think I can handle this." I snuggled into his chest. He ran his hand down my back, "my love, it will be fine." I nodded. He pulled away slightly and grabbed my chin and made me look at him. I smiled at him. He leaned down to my ear and whispered, "you are perfect." I blushed and shivered at our close proximity. His hand pulled me closer to him. I let out a little giggle, "Zander!" He chuckled which sent vibrations throughout my body. I snuggled into the safety of his chest once more.

The front door flew open, "what the hell are you two doing?" I grumbled, "I don't want too." Jackson huffed and shut the front door, "this was your idea. You are making us sit through a dinner together which only happens three times a year. Don't get me started on you not wanting to do something. Also. Why the hell is my goddaughter here." I sighed and pulled away from Zander, "she thinks you hate her. Show her you don't." Jackson pulled me into his arms, "how do you do it? She looks just like them. I nodded, "I know. It's hard but seeing her reminds me of them. Her smile and laugh. That beautiful white hair, That's all Emery. Her nose, and facial expressions and Her personality is Carter. She is the best parts of them. She is 4 and she has been through things no child should experience." I pulled away from Jackson and looked him dead in the eye, "protect her like she's your own. That's what Carter and Emery wanted." He frowned, "I can't. Not yet. The humans haven't finished the investigation and I can't risk losing her. I promised Carter I would protect her. I failed him." I shook my head, "you haven't failed anyone. Jack, you are a good alpha. You're a good brother. A good friend.  A good son and you will be a great father." "How do you know that?" I smiled at him, "you've always been the one to protect me." "I'm your brother. It's what we do." I frowned, "no. The others are idiots. Jack, you have always protected me more than the others have. Your like that with the others too. If one of us gets hurt your the first to make sure we're okay. When mom was sick and dad was panicking you were the one to take care of us. To take care of me. I know your going to be a great dad because I've seen those qualities. Just look at it like being a big brother just a little more serious." He frowned, "I'm going to mess these kids up." I shook my head, "Stop. Jackson, they are both going to be amazing." He frowned, "you don't know that." I gave a small smile, "I do. Besides they will have so much love around them that even if you "fail" -with you won't- that they will have people to fall back on." He sighed softly, "how do you know they will be okay?" I looked at Zander who had a small smirk on his lips.

I looked at Jackson again and sighed, "the same way I know Levi and Jackie are mates." His eyes widened, "they are getting stronger." He looked at Zander, "it's barely been a day and it's already getting stronger." Zander grabbed my waist, "we will deal with the humans. The packs shouldn't have to worry about them interfering with their lives. I'll send out a few of my top men to make sure they don't interfere with anymore packs especially yours." Jackson gapped, "w-why Are you helping us? Please don't take that the wrong way. It's just- your the alpha king." Zander chuckled, "and part of my job as the Alpha king is to protect my people. Besides, once Adeline and I complete the mating ceremony, we will be family. I protect my family." I relaxed into Zander more. He continued, "there's also a slight interior motive behind it. I want Addie to have a safe place to come back too. To bring our pups too visit. She has made it extremely clear how important this pack is to her and with that you now have the full protective of the alpha king and Queen." I felt tears prick my eyes. Jackson looked close to tears himself. He looked between us, "thank you." Zander tightened his hold on my waist, "like I said, we're family. Just don't do anything completely stupid." Jackson nodded. Before he smirked, "so when are you going to make us all uncles?" I rolled my eyes, "Jackson." He ran into the house. I huffed, "he's an idiot." Zander chuckled. I spun around in his arms, "thank you. For protecting them." He ran his hand through my hair, "Always. No question about it." I bit my lip.

The door flew open again, "mom wants you inside. Zoey has been talking about you two nonstop saying how amazing you both are blah blah blah." I blinked up at my mate who chuckled, "thanks Trevor, we will be right in." Trevor all but fainted, "you know my name?" Zander shot my a smile before looking at my brother again and said something. I tuned them out while I checked out my mate. The way his jaw and Adam's apple moved. His perfect nose and the amusement in his eyes.

I was so entranced by my mate that I didn't even notice when Trevor left. Zander ran his fingers over my cheek, "my little love," I hummed in response. He chuckled, "Angel, we have to go inside now." I sighed softly, "okay." He smirked down at me, "did I stop you from checking me out?" I rolled my eyes, "your my mate. I can check you out whenever I want." He slapped my butt as I turned around. I yelped, "Alexander!" He smirked, "mine." I bit my lip, "yours." His eyes got dark and he growled, "Adeline. Don't. Test me." I frowned, "I'm not. I am yours. Heart and soul." He nuzzled our noses together, "I could kiss you right now." I smiled, "what's stopping you." The door opened again, "Oops did I interrupt? I'm sorry." I sighed and pulled away from Zander, "mom. This is Zander, my mate." Zander smiled down at me. Mom squealed and tackled him in a hug, "oh it's so good to finally meet you. Come come. Let's get you some food. We have steak and potatoes and some pasta. Oh I'm so excited!" She pulled away and covered her mouth, "my baby is growing up!" She tackled me in a hug next. Dad came out of the door and chuckled, "let them breathe, woman." Mom pulled away and whacked my dad upside the head, "you old baboon! 2000 years you've been alive and you still irritate me." I blinked at dad. Dad sighed, "Pup, it was irrelevant knowledge." I nodded. He smirked, "I knew she was my favorite." Mom huffed, "oh hush. 600 years together and you still are as annoying as the day we met." Dad smiled, "you loved me then and you love me more now." Mom crossed her arms, "you chased me around in wolf form. I thought I was going to die!"

I looked at Zander who looked deep in thought. I ran my hand over his arm he snapped his eyes down to me. I smiled softly at him. He ran his nose along my neck. I clung to him and wrapped my legs around his waist. He ran his hand up and down my back. I closed my eyes and relaxed into him. Mom awwwed, "okay you cuties, dinner. You both need to eat. Fruit does not count." She sent me a glare. I huffed and let Zander put me down. He laced our fingers together, "let's go, little love." I smiled up at him. He hummed in question at me. I snuggled into his side.

As soon as we made it through the door Zoey squealed, "Addie!!! Zander!!" Zander picked her up, "hello again, little one." She smiled at him and pocked his cheek. He chuckled, "yes?" She gave him a lopsided grin, "I like it when you smile. You look happy." He smiled at her, "I am happy because i have, Addie." I  melted right there. Zoey looked at me, "Addie looks happy too." I ran my hand over her back, "I'm really happy, Zoey." She smiled and nodded, "Good."

Aunt Delphine gapped at us, "Adeline." I nodded to her in respect, "Aunt Delphine." She looked me over an eyebrow raised, "you've found your mate. Seems he's gotten bored of his lovers." Zander growled. I kissed his knuckles, "aunt Delphine, I don't believe you have any right to judge my mate or I." She huffed, "my Claire is a much better match for a man as powerful as him." Zander growled again. Dad and my brothers growled. James snapped, "Mother. That is enough. Addie deserves to be happy." Aunt Delphine crackled, "oh please, the runt doesn't even have a wolf. Now she is to have our aunts mate? Mother warned us about this. He's to powerful for her. She's just Aria's replacement."

Zander growled, "Delphine. I recommend you watch what you say next." Aunt Delphine rolled her eyes, "these two idiots might pretend they don't remember you but they do. I remember you. I remember you being our uncle for 300 years. Now you've traded in Aria for my niece?" Zander frowned, "Delphine, it that is not how this happened and you know that." I frowned at them. Delphine shook her head, "Aria wouldn't approve of this and you know that. She wouldn't approve of you replacing her. That's all Adeline is. A replacement." Dad growled, "Delphine, stand down." She smirked, "ah yes the kings mighty warrior stands talk to protect him once more." Dad snapped, "You will not disrespect our king or my daughter in my own house. Adeline has tried for years to hold this family together yet you've done nothing but shame her. She is kind and considerate and she obviously doesn't get that from this side of the family." Delphine rolled her eyes, "she's part human." Mom snapped, "oh yes. You've always hated me for that. My children are not half breeds now leave them the hell alone." I sighed and shook my head. I grabbed Zoey and left the room.

I heard footsteps behind me and I ignored it. "Adeline." I sighed softly and shook my head. "Addie." I kept walking until he growled, "you will not walk away from me. We talked about Aria earlier." I sighed softly, "can we do this later. Zoey shouldn't have to hear this." He grabbed my elbow, "Adeline, my love." I frowned, "please. Don't." He sighed, "Adeline." I pulled my arm away From him and walked into the kitchen.

Zoey gave me a sad look, "are you okay?" I kissed her head, "I'm fine." She frowned, "no. Your not." I sighed, "why don't we make some cookies." She gave me a weak smile, "they are going to be fighting for awhile aren't they?" I nodded softly. She frowned, "why do you try?" I sighed, "because I don't give up on people. Even when they are mean to me." "That's what makes her a strong queen." I ignored him. He sighed, "can we talk?" I grabbed the fork and started wishing the cookie batter.

Zoey sighed softly, "I think I hear Stacie calling me." She was heading for the door. I growled, "stay." She huffed, "I don't want to! I don't like when your mad especially at Zander." I huffed, "I'm not mad at anyone." Both the wolves in front of me crossed their arms. I huffed, "it doesn't matter." Zander growled, "Fine." I continued making cookies. Zoey huffed, "I'm going to see uncle Jack." I watched her leave. Zander sat quietly at the counter. I continued to ignore him as I baked the cookies. He sighed, "Addie." I opened the oven and put the cookies in. He sat quietly for a few more minutes before he got up and tried grabbed my hand. I took a step back. He huffed, "Don't. Pull away from me." He crossed my arms and turned around. He growled, "your acting like a pup." I snapped my head around, "I am a pup. I'm 17. Even in the werewolf culture that's considered a pup. So I'm sorry that I'm immature." He smirked, "there's my girl." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. He tried grabbed my arm. I pulled away, "I don't want you touching me."He frowned, "Adeline-." "No. I don't want to talk. I don't want you to touch me and I don't want to leave tomorrow." He frowned, "you don't get to decide that. We're leaving tomorrow. It's not an option." I went to get the cooking glove and he sighed, "Addie, please don't do this." I grabbed the glove and put it on before grabbing the cookies. He huffed, "Adeline." I put it down on the stove top and took the stupid glove off.

Zander frowned, "please. Just hear me out-."I shook my head. He took a step towards me and I took one backwards my arm nicked the hot pan and i hissed. Zander went into full panic mode, "let me see." I growled, "no." His eyes flashed blue, "LET ME HELP YOU." I felt something stir in me. I whimpered and gave him my arm. He kissed the burnt skin, "I'll make it better." I bit my Lip to stop the moan that wanted to come out when he licked my arm. He ran his tongue over my wound a few times and ran kisses around the area. I shivered. He smirked at me. I closed my eyes and let him heal me. He pulled me closer to him and kissed my neck where his mark would lay. I shivered again and moaned. He pulled away and cupped my cheeks, "My love," I frowned and took a step back, "thank you." I bowed my head. He growled, "don't submit to me." I looked at his chest, "she had valid points. Your the Alpha king, I'm a runt. You deserve someone who is strong and powerful. Not someone who doesn't have a wolf." He growled, "Adeline." I bit back the tears, "maybe the Moon goddess got it wrong. Maybe it's Claire your supposed to be with-." "*Growls* don't *Growls* disrespect the Moon Goddess in such a way. She gave you to me and me to you. We will honor this bond." I closed my eyes, "you only want me because your lonely. I'm nothing but a replacement. I'm not even supposed to be alive." "ADELINE. ENOUGH." I shook my head and took a step back, "w-we aren't good for each other. Y-you know that. You have to know that." He growled, "It does not matter. The moon goddess put us together for a reason. We will honor her choice." "I-I need to go." He grabbed my other arm, "you will not walk away from me." He threw me over his shoulder. I hit his back, "put me down. Put me down right now. Ugh!" He set me down and huffed, "you have and hour to pack whatever you want and say goodbye." I glared at him, "I hate you." He looked crushed, "I'm going to ignore that because I know you are angry and don't mean it but I will not tolerate that form of disrespect again. Do you understand, Mate." I huffed. He nodded, "good. Now pack." I stomped up the stairs to my bedroom and threw my door open and closed before I locked it.

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