Retribution: A 13 Reasons Why...

By espinosa1989

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It all leads to this. 2 Years have past since Hannah Baker's death. Almost a year since the murder of Bryce... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 1

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By espinosa1989

The Myth of The Court of Owls is as old or possibly even older than Gotham City itself. Their existence has been passed down from generations in the form of that old Gotham City nursery rhyme: "Beware The Court of Owls, that watches all the time, ruling Gotham from a shadow perch, behind granite and lime. They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed, speak not a whispered word of them or they'll send The Talon for your head". Throughout The Court of Owls' existence the secret organization also uses The Talons, a group of loyal lethal assassins, whenever they feel that their existence is threatened. For over a century, the secret society known as The Court of Owls have been an enigmatic and powerful organization in Gotham City, with little known of them other than the fact that they were a "secret council" that ran everything in Gotham, including Wayne Enterprises. The organization could be describedas a secret society composed of the city's wealthiest and most influential citizens. The Court have destroyed Gotham before, twice in the city's history in order to cleanse it. When The Court tried to destroyed Gotham for a 3rd time, their plan was thwarted by Batman. Ever since Bruce Wayne became The Dark Knight of Gotham, he has been a thorn in The Court of Owls' plans. Carmine Falcone & Hugo Strange were 2 of The Court's allies that were apprehended by Batman. The Court have called for a meeting as members have gathered at the mansion of Gotham socialite Samantha Vanaver outside of Gotham's city limits. Among the other members are Joseph Powers, The owner of the Powers Hotel & Powers Tech. His wife, Maria Powers. And John Wycliffe, A Grandmaster of the Court of Owls. Leading the secret society is Lincoln March, better known as Owlman. Lincoln March was a candidate for Gotham City Mayor and supporterof Bruce Wayne's vision of a new revitalized Gotham. He also believes himself to be Bruce Wayne's long lost presumed-dead brother, Thomas Wayne, Jr.. The members of The Court of Owls greet each other as they enter the mansion.

Joseph Powers: Samantha, how lovely to see you again.

Samantha Vanaver: It's lovely to see you too, Joseph. And you look lovely tonight, Maria.

Maria Powers: Why thank you, Samantha.

John Wycliffe: So how are the kids.

Maria Powers: Ugh, those little brats. I swear they will be the death of me.

John Wycliffe: That bad?

Joseph Power: They can't even matain a good grade at school.

Owlman: Ladies and gentlemen...

Lincoln March aka Owlman, now approaches the rest of The Court.

Owlman: Let us all gather downstairs.

Everyone now puts on their robe and put on their owl mask as they start making their way downstairs where there's a secret underground chamber. Every member enters the chamber as they gather around in a circle with Owlman in the center.

Owlman: My brothers and sisters, thank you for coming. I gathered you all here because a gift has come to us. Bring her.

Owlman signals the Talons as they bring someone with a sack over her head and her arma tied behind her back. They let go of her as she falls to her knees.

Owlman: My brothers and sisters...

Owlman approaches the prisoner and removes the sack off of her head.

Owlman: I give you, Hannah Baker.

It was Hannah Baker in her Batgirl suit.

Owlman: Or do you prefer either Batgirl or Prometheus?

Hannah Baker: Fuck you!

Samantha Vanaver: I've heard of her, she took her own life 2 years ago.

John Wycliffe: Yes, I heard about her as well. She was brought back by the League of Assassins.

Maria Powers: Shouldn't she be locked up in Arkham? I've heard that she was arrested and sent to Arkham.

Owlman: You've heard correct. But because the D.A. who put her in Arkham was crooked, she was released from Arkham. But according to Hugo Strange, she has a darkness within her. Something that was created by the Lazarus Pit. A blood lust. But this blood lust was trained by the League of Assassins. A killing machine. She calls herself Prometheus, a assassin who's a master of killing. Even almost killing the Bat.

The members of the Court of Owls begin to whisper with one another.

Joseph Powers: Seems to me like she's perfect.

Hannah Baker: For what? Perfect for what?

Samantha Vanaver: To join the Court of Owls.

Hannah Baker: You want me to join your cult?

Joseph Powers: We are not a cult!

Owlman: I know what you're thinking. Why would you join us? For starters, we can protect you from the League of Assassins.

Hannah Baker: I don't need you, I have Batman.

Owlman: Ah, Batman. I had a Batman in my life. He was a thief. A damn good one. And from a very young age, he made certain I was too. I was his shadow. His echo. I worshiped him. And more than anything, I wanted to please him.

Hannah Baker: And did you?

Owlman: No. No matter what I did, how hard I tried, I was never good enough. Not long after that, I was recruited by a secret society, the Court of Owls. They took me in, raised me, trained me. Gave me strength and purpose. What they did for me, I want to do for you. You've done quite enough. Killing your rapist, your tormentors, other world leaders & dictators.

Hannah Baker: How would you...?

Owlman: Not too hard to track, considering the bloody trail you've have left. This is where you choose sides once and for all.

While Hannah is being held captive by the Court of Owls, outside of the mansion...

Batman: Everyone, report.

Red Robin: Red Robin & Robin checking in. We're on the east end. Talons on guard.

The Huntress: Huntress & Spoiler checking in from the west side. There are Talons over here as well.

Azrael: Azrael here. I'm in the back garden of the mansion, there are Talons out here. I can also see Talons inside the mansion as well.

Batman: I've got Talons on the front. I can also see Talons inside the mansion as well.

Hannah was on patrol around Gotham as Batgirl with The Huntress & The Spoiler the other night. After apprehending the criminal known as Firefly, they were attacked by the Talons. It was there that they've captured Hannah. However, 1 Talon was left behind after being defeated by The Huntress. Batman interrogated the Talon for hours until he gave the location of where they were taking Hannah. The plan, to break into Samantha Vanaver's mansion, take down the Court of Owls, & rescue Hannah.

Batman: Let's move in.

Everyone begins to move in from their respective locations. Batman move in from the front as he attacks the Talons that were guarding the front entrance. Red Robin & Robin begin moving in from the east side as they engage with the Talons that were guarding the east side. The same can be said for Huntress & Spoiler with the Talons in the west side. Azreal got through the Talons from the back garden and made his way inside the mansion.

Azrael: Where is she?

The Talons begin to attack Azrael as he defends himself from their attacks. Soon enough, Batman fights his way inside the mansion from the front entrance as he now joins Azrael in fighting off the Talons. The 2 Robins, Huntress, & Spoiler also fight their in from the side doors as they now join Batman & Azrael. Batman & his team finish off the rest of the Talons one by one as the Dark Knight begins to interrogate 1 of them.

Batman: Where's Batgirl?

Talon #1: Eat shit!

The Spoiler: Wrong answer.

Batman punches the Talon he's interrogating. Azrael picks up a Talon as he draws his sword and puts it near the Talon's throat.

Azrael: Perhaps you might know where you're keeping Batgirl.

Talon #2: (Whispering) Okay, okay, I'll talk. They're keeping her downstairs with the rest of The Court.

Azrael: They have her downstairs.

Azrael & Batman both drop the Talons they were interrogating.

The Huntress: They probably have a trap set for us.

Robin: I agree. The Court of Owls are probably expecting us.

Batman: If there is a trap, we'll spring it.

Meanwhile back downstairs...

Hannah Baker: Look, I've heard this speech before from Ra's al Ghul. I'm done being his puppet and I'm totally not going to be yours, Owl-dude.

Owlman: That's Owlman.

Maria Powers: You dare turn us down?

Joseph Powers: No turns us down and lives.

Hannah Baker: I've been dead before.

John Wycliffe: Yes, but this time you don't have the Lazarus Pit to bring you back.

Hannah Baker: I'm not worried. My friends will come for me.

Owlman: And when they do, we'll be ready for them.

Batman: Unfortunately, your Talons weren't.

The Court of Owls look and see that Batman and his team have made it through the Talons and made their way down to the chamber room.

Batman: Surprised to see us?

Hannah Baker: Told you they would come.

Samantha Vanaver: It was a mistake for you to come here.

The members of The Court of Owls draw out their daggers from underneath their robes as Batman & his team put up their guard. Robin draws out his sword while Red Robin draws out his bo-staff. Azrael draws out his other sword to go along with the other one he had out.

Azreal: The only mistake you did was taking her.

Hannah Baker: You fucked up now.

Owlman: Kill them. Kill them all.

The Court of Owls begin to attack Batman and his team. Robin quickly gets to Hannah and frees her as she now joins in on the battle. Batman is now engaged in a fight with Owlman.

Owlman: Such a same. You both could've been one of us.

Batman: We will never join you.

Batman throws punches towards Owlman as he fights backs. While Batman is fighting with Owlman, Hannah is fighting with Samantha Vanaver.

Samantha Vanaver: No one says no to us.

Hannah Baker: Well, guess I'm the first one.

Hannah kicks and punches Samantha left and right as she counters Hannah's attacks with her daggers. Hannah blocks Samantha's dagger attacks with her gauntlets. Meanwhile, Robin deals with John Wycliffe while Huntress & Spoiler deal with the Powers'.

The Huntress: I thought The Court of Owls were supposed to be scarrier than the League of Assasins.

The Spoiler: So far, I'm not impressed.

Joseph Powers: It's not about being scarier than any society.

Maria Powers: It's about control.

Robin: You're gonna wish that you didn't come to Gotham.

John Wycliffe: Young boy, we've been around for over a century. You're the ones that's gonna wish you didn't cross our paths.

As they continue their battle with The Court, Hannah & Samantha reaches to a stand off.

Hannah Baker: I'll never join your cult. So why don't you just surrender.

Samantha Vanaver: The Court of Owls never surrenders. the court of Owls will never give up. We will never...

Out of nowhere, a dagger was thrown into Samantha Vanaver's head as she drops to the ground. Hannah turns around and she sees that everyone has been slayed. Robin, Red Robin, Huntress, Spoiler, Azreal, & all the members of The Court of Owls were laying down dead. Hannah looks around and sees all the dead bodies surrounding her.

Hannah Baker: What the fuck?

Hannah then see a figure step forward and couldn't believe who it is.

Hannah Baker: Prometheus?

It was Prometheus as she stood in front of Hannah as she holds up the severed head of Batman.

Prometheus: Did you think you can get rid of me that easy?

Prometheus throws a dagger towards Hannah as it hits her on her chest. Hannah falls to her knees as Prometheus slowly approaches her.

Prometheus: I told you that I would be back and that I would get you. And don't worry about 

Clay or your "Friends" or your parents, I'll take care of them.

Prometheus draws out her sword and swing her sword at Hannah...

Hannah Baker: And then I woke up, gasping for air. I found myself back on my bed in Barbara's apartment.

Hannah Baker had been sitting on a couch in the office of Dr. Leslie Thompkins for her therapy session. It had been 4 months since Hannah's experience inside Arkham Asylum. She was arrested for the murders she committed in Evergreen as Prometheus as well as the 3 criminals in Metropolis. She was sent to Arkham where Professor Hugo Strange brought out Prometheus while the inmates staged an breakout. Batman and his team stopped the breakout and were able to bring Hannah back and sent away Prometheus. The District Attorney who sent Hannah to Arkham was arrested for taking bribes from mobster Rupert Thorne. As a result of his arrest, Hannah was released from Arkham. Barbara took Hannah in and also gave her the mantleof Batgirl so she can stay in Gotham while Batman and his team can help her out and protect her from The League of Assassins. Bruce Wayne was able to arrange therapy sessions between Hannah and Dr. Leslie Thompkins. Leslie Thompkins is a old friend of the Wayne family, she was the therapist for Bruce Wayne when his parents were murdered when he was 10 and has been ever since. She also know that Bruce Wayne is Batman. Hannah has told Leslie her whole life's story, from her childhood to her time in Liberty. She also told Leslie about her time as Prometheus with The League of Assassins.

Lesie Thompkins: With Prometheus still inside you, she must've used your experience with The Court of Owls from 2 weeks ago against you in your dreams.

Hannah Baker: This is the first I've seen her in over 3 weeks, when the bloodlust took over when we fought Firefly. Before that, I did my best to contain the bloodlust. I've been here in Gotham for over 8 months and I'm still no close in getting rid of her like Bruce promised he would help with.

Leslie Thompkins: How's is that going?

Hannah Baker: (Sighs) Bruce may have a lead in the whereabouts of John Constantine. He and a friend of his have left the country in search of Constantine. That was 2 days ago, leaving only me, Tim, Damien, & Jason in charge of Gotham while Helena & Stephanie are out of town to deal with some family drama. Azrael also had to leave.

Leslie Thompkins: Do you still think about them?

Hannah Baker: Everyday. I wonder what my parents are doing right now with my mother in New York and my father back in Evergreen with his new wife and step daughter, my step-sister. What my friends are doing now that they're in college and I'm here in the most dangerous city in America.

Leslie Thompkins: Do you think about him?

Hannah Baker: Yes.

Leslie was referring to Clay Jensen.

Leslie Thompkins: Have you tried to contact any of them and reach out?

Hannah Baker: No, I can't. For their safety. I have been looking into their Facebooks & Instagrams.

Leslie Thompkins: Especially Clay's.

Hannah Baker: Yeah. He's moved on. Losing Justin really hurt him much like when he lost me & Jeff. I'm glad he's doing better at Brown. He even has a girlfriend now, her name is Heidi.

Leslie Thompkins: And how does that make you feel?

Hannah took a moment to sink that thought through.

Hannah Baker: That's the thing, Doc. I can't feel anything. But I can think it.

Leslie Thompkins: What were your thoughts?

Hannah Baker: That it could've been me had I not...

Hannah just stops right there.

Leslie Thompkins: You do know what today is.

Hannah Baker: Yeah, I do.

Today marks 2 years since Hannah Baker took her own life and turn the lives of the students of Liberty upside down with the tapes.

Hannah Baker: 2 Years, hard to believe.

Leslie Thompkins: Have you ever thought what your life could've been had you not taken your own life?

Hannah Baker: I haven't. So many outcomes.

Leslie Thompkins: Hannah, you're not my first patient who's a victim of sexual assault. I've had a lot of women and men come forward and even had suicidal thoughts. None of them went through it. Some of them have come forward, but...

Hannah Baker: Being Gotham City, all the corruption, they got off.

Leslie Thompkins: Until Batman came along and started cleaning up the city.

Hannah Baker: Wished I had him around in Evergreen 2 years ago.

Leslie Thompkins: Have you had any encounter with the League of Assassins?

Hannah Baker: Not since they sent Bane after me months ago.

Leslie Thompkins: And you have no intentions of ever contacting your parents or your friends, for as long as Ra's al Ghul is hunting you down.

Hannah Baker: Correct.

Hannah's session with Dr. Thompkins was done. She heads out of the building as she approaches Jason Todd who was waiting for her.

Jason Todd: How did your session with Dr. Thompkins go?

Hannah Baker: It went great. We talked about The Court of Owls.

Jason Todd: Wish I've been there for that. Hop on, Barb is waiting for you.

Hannah Baker: Do I have to go to this fancy party tonight?

Jason Todd: For as long as you're Barb's ward, you'll go where she goes. I went through the same thing with Bruce back when I was Robin.

Hannah Baker: Any word from Bruce?

Jason Todd: He's in London, so is Constantine.

Hannah climbs on the back of Jason Todd's motorcycle as she puts on a helmet as Jason drives away towards Barbara Gordon's apartment. Meanwhile in London, England, John Constantine is in a pub having a pint when he hears the sound of drunk men whistling at a lady.

Drunk Guy #1: Hey, baby. You're looking for a real man.

Drunk Guy #2: Looking good.

Drunk guy #3: Will you marry me?

John Constantine: Pipe down, you morons!

The lady approaches John.

Zatanna: Hi, John.

Constantine recognizes her voice, it was Zatanna Zatara.

John Constantine: Zatanna? Fancy seeing you here.

Zatanna: Not surprise to find you in a place like this.

John Constantine: So what brings you all the way out here in merry ole London?

Zatanna: We've been looking for you.

John Constantine: We? Whose we?

Drunk Guy #1: Is this guy bothering you?

The 3 drunk men who were trying to flirt with Zatanna now approaches both Zatanna & Constantine.

John Constantine: If anything, it's the other way around, mate.

Zatanna: He's not bothering me, it's you 3 morons who are.

Drunk Guy #3: She's a bloody yank! What did call you us?

John Constantine: She called you lot morons and you are. Now bugger off.

One of the drunk men grabs Constantine by the collar of his coat.

Drunk Guy #2: You mind repeating that!

Suddenly, the lights go out.

Drunk Guy #1: WHAT THE FUCK? Who turned off the lights?

Zatanna: Now you've done it.

Batman jump through the glass ceiling window as he lands on top of one of the drunk guys.

Drunk Guy #2: Who the bloody hell are you?

Batman just lays waste to the other 2 drunk men as the rest of the pub costumers & employees run out of the building.

John Constantine: Oh, "we". Meaning you & him.

Batman: I've been looking for you, John.

After months of searching, Batman has found John Constantine.

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