Optimus Prime x reader (trans...

By Just_a_rose8

4.5K 164 43

"I'm gonna name you Steve" "my name is not Steve it's Optimus Prime" Y/n is a truck driver. Driving all over... More

Not Steve
Part 4
Old friend

old lady

996 42 23
By Just_a_rose8

"NO WAY? you saw a robot zombie fight?? Mikooooo" I shake Miko by the shoulders in disappointment da she didn't tell me about the robots. "I'm sorry auntie, you know I would have told you right away, but OP said noo" wailed Miko beside me on the couch. Raf and Jake watched us interact, Raf on the floor and Jake leaning on the wall. Bee was looking over us beside Raf. 

"Miko what did I teach you" I point a finger at her. She sighs "don't let anyone tell you what to do" "SO?!" she jumped "But Optimus is a giant ass robot. What was I supposed to do? He can step on me and would just be a pancake!" she said slapping her hands together. "ok good point, good point" I cross my arms. "ok new rule, don't let anyone tell you what to do EXPECT giant ass robots" I look over to Jake and Raf "same goes for both of you"

"what about Decepticons?" "Who? oh the bad robots, no of course you don't listen to them. Unless they are about to kill you" Jakes then says defensively "you just got here yesterday and you already act like you are our mom" Bee than beeps something to Raf "Bee asks how old are you" "Not telling" 

"why?" asked Jake his hand on his hip. He and Arcee are a lot alike. "I don't want you to think I'm some old lady" "you drive a truck, we already think you are old" "HEY! Bee you don't think that right?" I ask Bee and he waves his head and hands in a no while beeping. "Wait I wanna hear this too" Bulk suddenly appeared from behind the halway. "Even I don't know your age Y/N" 

"Wow why is everyone so interested in my age. Ok then everyone geez gather around I'm gonna whisper it" and everyone leaned in, even Arcee peaked behind Bulk and Optimus and Ratched were on the computers but from here they could hear me. "i am..... 32" i whisper at first then I say loudly my age. "What?! you are 32?" "I would give you 25 max" said Raf. I touch my hair dramatically "aww thanks guys, you are not allowed to say anything else anyway"

"You all humans are all so young, makes me feel old, and I'm not even old" said Bulk looking at his hands  "How old are you Bulk?" "I'm not sure, because we traveled through space I lost count" Arcee than joined into the conversation "Bee is the youngest that's for sure" Bee beeped sadly like a child "Explains a lot actually" i giggle. "Bulk and me are around the same age but i think I'm younger by a few thousand" i stop them 

"wait a minute. Thousand?!" "Yeah auntie, they are over a thousand years old. Maybe even older" I rub my head in surprise "so you are all fossiles" i joke around "Only on earth" said Arcee grumpily "yeah you tell yourself that" I laugh putting hands on my hips. I then walk over to Optimus and Ratched "How about you two? how old are you?" I ask leaning on the railing. Optimus fully turns too me. "hmmm I don't remember when i last celebrated my creation day" "you what?" "birthday" said Ratched "Oh" 

"but I am younger than Ratched" said Optimus putting a hand on Ratcheds shoulder. "oh so I wasn't far away when i said you were grandpa huh?" Ratched grumpily rambles something and I laugh. "but you are all over thousands maybe million years old" "that is correct" 

"hmm, in human years i would give you maybeee. Not sure. Maybe late 30s going on 40s. Do you guys think so too?" i look over at Raf, Jake and Miko "yeah sounds about right" Raf and Jake also grunt in approval. "makes sense" how old would  Ratched years be in human years?" asked Optimus "60s, definitely" "do i really look that old?" asked Ratched "you don't look old, you ACT old. I don't know how old robots look so I can't tell by appearance" Then Arcee came by my side "what would you give to me?" "28, because of the attitude" 

"How can you tell if have an attitude you don't even know me" "you showed me more attitude today than the teenagers did my whole life" she looked offended "that's it, i had enough of this old lady" said Arcee "easy Arcee it is just a game" said Optimus to calm her down. And she listened. "and me?" Bulk said and Bee beeped beside him pointing at himself. "hmmm I actually think Bulk we are around the same age. 30. Bee i would give you 25, definitely" Bee beeped happily and looked at Raf "yeah i think she got it right" said Raf. 

"children it is getting late and you all have school tomorrow. You should all head home" said Optimus "awww but it is just getting fun in here" said Miko sadly "Miko what did I tell you" she crosses her arms "don't let anyone tell you what to do except giant ass robots" she hmps and heads over to Bulk "wow if I knew it was that easy for Miko to listen I would have done so ages ago" "I always listen to you" "no you don't" said the whole base in unison, expect me. I started to laugh and look over at Optimus "is she that bad?" "she has her moments" I start to laugh even more and he looks at me "you put that so nicely" 

We watch them head out and I turn back to Optimus. "so where do i sleep?" he looks at me confused "I sleep in my truck remember? you don't want me to sleep in you do you?" I smirk at him. "I'm leaving. Good night" said Ratched as he left his computer and headed for the bed. I giggle. "you only arrived today and you already seem so comfortable" he put a hand in front of me for me to step on. "oh that's only because I feel like this is all a dream and when I go to sleep I will wake up in my old truck." "I can assure you miss this is not a dream" he looks at me softly and he walks me somewhere. "I know, i could never dream of something so crazy. and Y/N is fine...........Where are you taking me?" "to my chambers" "Omg Optimus we just met don't you think it's too soon for you to take me to your bedroom" he rubs his eyebrow and looks away shyly his engines working. 

"It is nothing like that" I giggle grabbing onto his thumb "I know, but it's fun seeing a strong stoic leader shy and flustered" I said making myself look buff and serious while saying. "I am taking you to my chambers until we get you a proper bed to sleep on. I have a few things you can sleep on for the time being." "couldn't I have just slept on the couch?" "I don't think you would have been very comfortable on that one, but I have another one that agent has provided me when we have created this base" he opens the big door and there was a huge like bed. To be honest it didn't look comfortable. It looked hard and the pillow looked old. "what do you need an extra bed for? do you bring a lot of women here?" he puts me on his bed and goes to look at his closet. "i am not going to answer that" "ohhh not women than.....maybe men?" "here you go" he cuts me off and puts a huge couch even bigger than the yellow on his bedside table. 

"nice, thank you. I know I joke a lot and am not serious often. But I'm sorry to be a burden." "you are not a burden mis-" "i said Y/N was fine" he puts me on his bedside table and smiles at me "you are not a burden Y/N. It is not your fault that you got involved with us" "i know but still" i sigh

"go to sleep you had a long day" "ok thanks. Good night" I made myself comfortable on the couch that was big enough for me. It wasn't a bed but since I was sleeping in a truck all the time this felt like haven. "Good night"  he said softly. Those two words sends such a pleasing feeling through me that I fell asleep in a few minutes. Hours later I woke up and it was pitch black in a room. 

I whisper loudly "Optimus....Optimus" I hear him stir in his sleep. I call out again "Optimus" he then slowly opens his eyes and finally there was some light in the room "is something wrong" holy shit his morning voice. Holy fuck! "I'm sorry to wake you up, but I have to be on my job in like two hours" he then leans on his arm and rubs his eyes. That's so cute. 

Shit, I'm attracted to a robot. Me and my alien kink. GOD DAMIT!

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