From Afar | Winrina

By reasouru

294K 13.4K 7.5K

"𝘠𝘰đ˜ļ đ˜Ĩđ˜°đ˜¯'đ˜ĩ 𝘭𝘰𝘰đ˜Ŧ 𝘧𝘰đ˜ŗ đ˜ĸ 𝘱đ˜Ļđ˜ŗ𝘧đ˜Ļ𝘤đ˜ĩ 𝘱đ˜Ļđ˜ŗđ˜´đ˜°đ˜¯. 𝘠𝘰đ˜ļ 𝘭𝘰𝘰đ˜Ŧ 𝘧𝘰đ˜ŗ 𝘴𝘰𝘮đ˜Ļđ˜°đ˜¯đ˜Ļ 𝘸𝘩īŋŊ... More

01 | Secrets, Reasons, And Pink Pringles
02 | Not Her Story
03 | Who She Deserves
04 | The Red Haired Girl
05 | Mindoongie And Yuji
06 | A Double What?
07 | She's Perfect
08 | Too High
09 | Defy All Odds
10 | The Breakfast For Today is Misunderstanding
11 | Lies And Motives
12 | The Start
13 | Always Been
14 | Chase You Not
15 | How Tall Are You?
16 | Love Is War
17 | She, Who Deserves Her
18 | Behind The Lines
19 | All The Things I Did
20 | All The Things I Took
21 | Of Sacrifices And Risks
22 | Reached You
23 | Fate's Work
24 | She Likes Spring, I Prefer Winter
25 | Come Home
26 | Best Friends
A Letter From Me To You

Fin | From Afar

11.3K 451 154
By reasouru

One Week Later.

"Thanks for the breakfast." Ningning said and lifted the paper bag filled with homemade breakfast from Minjeong. 

The latter got out of the car. But before walking away, she crouched down and knocked on the windshield.

"Eat on time, Ning!"

"I will." Ningning smiled at her, mouthing the words 'See you soon' before starting the car again. Minjeong stepped back as she watched Ningning drive away from her. 

The singer will be gone for weeks because of another world tour concert. She has been busy but she never forgets to check on Minjeong whenever she has free time. 

Minjeong knows that Ningning is still in love with her. The former already said that it won't change. But this time, Ningning is already content with what they have right now. She values her friendship with Minjeong more than to lose it over her feelings. She's only there for Minjeong as a friend, nothing more and nothing less. 

"Minjeongie!" The short haired girl heard Aeri greeted as soon as she stepped inside the school. She saw her friends sitting on the bench, waiting for her. 

She stopped in front of them with a smile.

"Hey guys," She greeted, glancing at Yeji and Chaeryeong. "They're still not done yet?"

"They are already done, I think Jisu and Jimin are checking everything just to be sure." Yeji answered.

Jimin couldn't drive Minjeong to school earlier because of the council duties. They will have an event later, so Minjeong knows that her lover would surely be busy. 

"Are they coming here?"

"Yep, they said they will." Chaeryeong said, looking at the side. "Actually, they're here."

"Hi girls!" Jisu greeted them cheerfully as soon as they got closer.

"Hey girls," Jimin greeted everyone, before standing beside Minjeong. "Hi, love."

"Ah, here we go again. The lovebirds." Ryujin rolled her eyes playfully. 

"As if you're not with Yeji." Yuna snorted. 

"Speaking of lovebirds," Aeri spoke and looked at the two. "Are you guys 'officially' lovebirds now?"

Just like Ningning, Aeri knows where she stands now. Of course, it isn't that easy to move on from someone you really like. And saying that Aeri has moved on from Jimin is not exactly right. She, however, has moved on from the idea of Jimin and her having a chance being together. 

She is just genuinely happy for her best friend right now. 

"...No." Minjeong and Jimin answered in chorus.

"They are still not," Ryujin said. "But they kiss." 

"You don't eat something you don't own, Minjeong." Yuna teased her friend. 

"Why would you even say it like that?" The short haired girl sighed. 

"Girls," Jimin butted into the conversation. "We're still waiting for the right time."

"Here we go again with the 'right time'." Yeji shook her head. 

Minjeong cleared her throat. "I remember, I thought you both have to perform today? The event is for your troupe, afterall." She asked, pertaining to Yeji and Chaeryeong.

"Smooth change of topic," Chaeryeong chuckled. "But to answer your question, we just came here because Yeji wants to see Ryujin before getting ready for the performance."

"How about me?" Yuna asked, frowning.

"How about you?"

"You didn't come here to see me?"

"Of course, I did." Chaeryeong answered, which made Yuna smile widely—only to frown once again when Chaeryeong followed it with, "Because I need to charge you with those pizzas you bought with my money."

"Geez, I actually hoped that you would forget about that."

Jimin chuckled at the two. She quietly went behind Minjeong, hugging the girl. 

"Sorry if I didn't bring you to school today." 

"It's fine." Minjeong said, holding the arms that are wrapped around her. "Ningning brought me here."

"Speaking of, she'll be having a world tour, right?"

Minjeong nodded cutely, which made Jimin kiss her cheek. 

"It sucks," The taller girl said, placing her chin on Minjeong's shoulder. "I can't be with you often today, I have duties to fulfill."

"As you should." Minjeong laughed. "I can't have you slacking around just because of me."

"Hmm, now you're giving me an idea."


"I'm kidding." Jimin grinned. "Of course I wouldn't set aside my responsibilities. But," She kissed Minjeong's cheek again. "I want us to spend time together."




"Okay." Jimin repeated with a smile. 

"Jimin," Jisu called, interrupting the two from their sweet conversation. "President Soyeon is looking for us, we have to go now." 

"Alright." Jimin slowly pulled away from Minjeong, but not before kissing the latter's head. "I'll see you later, Mindeongie."

"I think we should go too." Yeji announced, kissing Ryujin's cheek before pulling Chaeryeong away. "Bye guys!"

The four girls watch them leave. 

"So..." Aeri faced them. "We have no classes today. Where do you all want to go?" 




"Bummer." Aeri playfully rolled her eyes at Minjeong. "We'll go to the cafeteria."

"...Do I have other options?"


Minjeong sighed. "Right. Let's go."

Aeri grinned, pulling Minjeong away while the two Shins followed them with a smile.

"It's good to be back."

"What do you mean?" Yuna asked her cousins.

Ryujin shook her head, the smile never leaving her face.



"That was hot, Yeji."

Aeri said, smirking at Yeji who just finished her solo performance of the song, 'River'.

The said girl smiled, brushing her messy hair with her hands. "Thank you, I really prepared for that."

"You didn't tell us that it would be a solo performance!" Yuna exclaimed, pulling the lightfury close to sit beside her. "Does Chaeryeong have a solo performance too?"

"She has." Yeji answered. "She's the next to perform, actually."

"Oh my God!"

"Ryujin," Minjeong chuckled. "Close your mouth."

Upon hearing her friend, Ryujin immediately closed her mouth, but her eyes never left Yeji. Specifically, her girlfriend's outfit. 

"It's starting." Yeji announced to the four of them. They all looked at the stage, seeing Chaeryeong in a full sexy white outfit, contrast to Yeji's black one.  

"I think I'm gonna faint..." Minjeong heard Yuna whisper, which made her laugh.

"Excuse me, Miss Kim Minjeong?" 

The short haired girl turned to look at the person who called her. It was the smiling Kim Sunoo, standing behind her chair. 

"Oh, Hi."

"Secretary Jimin wants to see you." 

'Huh? Why?'

Minjeong glanced at her friends before standing up from her seat. Sunoo walked first and Minjeong followed him. They arrived at the backstage of the auditorium, where all the student council members are at. 

"That's her." Sunoo pointed at the girl on the corner who's sitting on a wooden chair. 

"Thank you." Minjeong bowed at Sunoo before going towards her lover. 


Jimin looked up, her smile beaming as soon as she saw her girl. "Hi."

She pulled Minjeong to her lap, hugging her waist tightly. 

"Have you already eaten?" Minjeong asked while wiping Jimin's sweaty forehead.

"Hmm, no."

"You were that busy?" Minjeong muttered. "Come on, let's eat."

"Later. I want to rest here first." Jimin buried her face on Minjeong's neck. "You were enjoying the performance too much."

"You saw me?"

The taller girl lifted her head up before pointing at the curtains. It was a bit open, so the people backstage could see what's going on outside. 

"Yuji," Minjeong chuckled, wrapping her arms around Jimin's neck. "It was just Yeji."

"But still..."

"I didn't know you were that type of person to get jealous easily."

"I didn't know, either." Jimin buried her face on Minjeong's neck again. "Until you came."

" know I love you, right?"

Jimin nodded.

"And you know I only want you, right?"

She nodded once again.

"...And you do know that you, nodding your head on my neck, tickles, right?"

Jimin stopped, before nodding her head repeatedly, making Minjeong giggle. 

"Yuji, stop!"

The taller girl laughed before lifting her head up from Minjeong's neck. "I have a question."


"Do you like surprises?"

"...That's so random." Minjeong muttered. "But to answer you...I guess?"

"You're not sure?"

"I don't know. I just don't like planned surprises. I think it's just a waste of effort." The short haired girl shrugged. "I do like unexpected moments, though."

"Like what?"

"Like...meeting you once again? In the convenience store?" Minjeong answered. "Almost a decade had passed before I got the chance to meet you."

"Yeah, even though we're in the same city." Jimin said. 

"Actually, that's not quite right." Minjeong responded. "After my parents got divorced, I stayed in Busan. I spent my whole High School years there. I only went back to Seoul because Jennie Unnie wants me to come with her."

"So that's why I didn't see you."

"Yes." Minjeong pecked Jimin's lips. "I'm sorry for making you wait."

"It's alright." The taller girl smiled,

"What matters is, we're together now."


"Welcome back." 

The cashier greeted the two girls who went inside the convenience store. Minjeong just smiled at him, while Jimin said 'Hi' before they both went to the snack area.

"After this, where do you want to go?" Jimin asked while watching her girl taking gummy worms and pringles. 

"Let's go to the cinema?" The short haired girl suggested. "I heard there's a new movie released."

"Is it even open? It's 1AM now."

"Should we check?"


The two purchased the snacks they got before going out of the store. The night is quiet, only Jimin and Minjeong are walking on the side of the road. 

The moment is peaceful.

"Look," Jimin wrapped an arm around Minjeong's shoulders before pointing at the night sky. "There's so many stars."

Minjeong looked up. "...You're right." 

"It's beautiful, right?"

"Uh-huh." The short haired girl nodded. "Do you know that star is my symbol?" 

Jimin looked at her. "Really?"

"Yup." Minjeong nodded once again. "My Mom used to tell me that. I even had a blanket with stars printed on it when I was a kid." She chuckled, still staring at the stars.



"Is it possible...To have a star be my girlfriend?"

Minjeong stopped from walking, and Jimin stopped too.

"Is it?" Jimin repeated.

"...No." Minjeong said, amusement is seen in her eyes. 

"No? Well then," Jimin smiled. "Is it possible for Kim Minjeong to be my girlfriend?"

Minjeong smiled and wrapped her arms around Jimin's neck, pulling the girl close to her. Noses are touching, lips are just an inch apart. 

" possible."

She finally closed the gap. 

In the middle of the night, below the stars, near the convenience store where everything started. 

Who would've thought that Jimin would decide to ask the biggest question in front of her?

But isn't that great? No planning, no surprises, just an unexpected question in an unexpected moment. It was random, but it was surely special. 

Minjeong doesn't care if she received the biggest blessing in her life in the most unexpected time. All that matters is,

She's not far from Jimin anymore.

Because right at this moment, she's holding the girl in her arms. The girl she never thought she would have. 

The girl she thought she would only watch from afar. 

The campus sweetheart Yu Jimin, is finally hers

- E N D -

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