The Ssssmokin' Hero: Deku!

Galing kay GinsengKalbern

37.5K 830 817

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? NO! It's a green haired nutcase with the power of CARTOON LOGIC! Prepare for gag... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter... something
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
U.A : The of Heroics (In a Good Way)

Chapter 8

2.6K 76 53
Galing kay GinsengKalbern

When a pro hero makes their debut, first impressions are everything. When a pro hero become popular enough, they get to work more out of their local area. Sometimes, when a pro hero becomes really popular to the point of being a household name, they get the opportunity to work overseas. All Might is among those who were able to gain fame outside of their country, becoming a ameri-weeb in the process.

However.. when it comes to guys like Captain Celebrity, that is simply not the case. After having to deal with a totally rigged and obviously manipulated lawsuit involving a few angry women and husbands, our cleft chinned pretty boy hero decided it would be a good idea to take his work to Japan, because if All-Might can pull of that foreigner charm then he can too.

And so we find him patrolling the nice little town of Musutafu, waving to the raving crowd below him and flashing his best smile.

"Look it's Captain Celebrity!"

"We love you, Captain Celebrity!"



..keep in mind that some of those outbursts were not all from women. No, it is not known which said which.

Regardless, our bootleg Booster Gold wannabe grins in satisfaction hearing his name being chanted in fanatic worship.

I knew this was a good idea, he thought, pretty soon I'll be next big thing in Japan and chicks won't be able to keep their hands off me.

Little did he know, he was about to learn the most important lesson about being in Musutafu: Beware of the green-haired lunatic.






Captain Celebrity gets interrupted by a massive smack to the face, sending him spiraling out of control until- BOOOM! SPLASH!- he crashes into a water tower. The water gushes out of the tower, the force shooting his unconscious self out to the rooftop. To make matters worse for him, a random bystander at a different building managed to film the whole thing, who would later post it online for millions to see.

...maybe it was best that Captain Celebrity stays unconscious for awhile.

Meanwhile our favorite greenie is seen flying erratically in the sky at high speeds, thanks to Mei's new jetpack he "borrowed" from her a few days ago. His arms are spread apart, imagining himself chasing down an enemy plane.

"Brrrrat-at-at-at-at-at-at-at-at-at! Bogey is down, engaging another one at twelve o' clock!"

He dips down towards the street where he sees a delinquent about to talk to a girl, who is already feeing uncomfortable by his presence.

"Hey there, pretty girl, why don't you come and have some fun wit-"



The girl becomes shocked as she sees the delinquent get hoodwinked to the sky... before taking this time to carry on with her day. It is also important to note that it was the delinquent that screamed, not the girl. Strange day today, isn't it?

Izuku kept flying through the town in the direction towards UA, carrying the delinquent in his arms. The delinquent, however, was not amused.

"What the hell man!? The [BEEP!] you think u doin'!? Let me go!"

"Hmm? Wait, you're not the girl!"


"...Ok, sure."


"Target in sight! BOMBS AWAY! HAHAHAHA!"


The delinquent screams become more quiet as he descends towards the ground, regretting ever getting out of bed today.

By the way, where did Izuku drop him?



...apparently on top of Naomasa, who was just about to head inside a coffee shop. More specifically, on top of his car. Hopefully car insurance is decent in Japan.

Moving back to Izuku, the Green Baron, with his arms out like the wings of a plane and the sound of a Fokker, continues on his journey through the open skies. He has fought many dogfights and even bombed an enemy vehicle, and he will do his best to arrive towards fort UA and receive his badge of hono-


His train of though got interrupted with the sound of his phone ringing in his pocket. He stabilized himself before taking out the phone to answer the call.

"Hellllooo, this is Izuku speaking!"

"Izuku where the hell are you!? The exams are starting in 5 minutes and- wait what's that whooshing nois-*GASP!* YOU HAVE MY JETPACK DON'T YOU!?"

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Like hell I don't! I had to use public transportation! PUBLIC! TRANSPORTATION!"

"Sorry Mei! I overslept!"

"Ugh, you better make this up for me you hear!?"

"*sigh* yeah, yeah, whate-WHOAAA MAMA!"

"Izuku? What happened? What's going on?"

"Sorry pinky, I gotta go! Just found a UFA!"

"...UFA? What's that?"



With that he ended the call, and he descends towards the crowd where the UFA is. Upon closer inspection it appears that it is a lady hero that just fought a villain.

And by god it is a mountain of a lady.

"Looks like we got ourselves a bunker! Time for a strike!", declares Izuku as he hypes himself for the attack.

"Weapons check! All systems go! Fuel sufficient! Landing gear... uh, half-chub! Preparing for the offensive!"

Seeing that everything is in place, he waits till he appears just above the target. Just a minute later, he quickly dives down towards her.



Now, let's take a look at what was occurring just a few moments before disaster, shall we?


A few minutes before disaster...

A villain can be seen causing chaos in the city, already causing immense damage to the area including the train. A crowd of civilians stay just behind the exclusion zone set up by several pro heroes who have arrived at the scene. Backdraft and Death Arms are keeping the crowd back while Kamui Woods engages the villain.

Both are on the railways as Kamui effortlessly dodges the incoming attacks from the villain, before landing on the roof of the station.

"You are charged with illegal use of your quirk during commuting hours as well as assault and robbery!", declared the pike branch, " Now it's time to face the music, evildoer!"

As much as that line was cheesy as hell, the crowd would not stop loving it. They cheered for their hero to kick ass and save the day, and Kamui wasn't one to disappoint.



"Wait what the fu-"


Unfortunately, Mt. Lady would be the one to disappoint him today as the villain received a vicious flying kick from the giantess, sending from the railway towards the empty street. Good thing too, since the civilians where nowhere near that area.

What is it with hero's and recklessness these days?

Leaving that to the side, quickly made sure that the villain would stay down... while making sure the men's spirits will stay up.

"Hello everyone! Don't panic, I'll take care of this bum!", said Mt. Lady, emphasizing the pun with her assets. She smiled for the cameras that no doubt is capturing her perfect physique.

And it was from this moment that she would know... she [DOI!] up.



For those cameras would take one of the most scandalous images created. Later down her career she would do everything she can to get rid of those photos, with only a few existing on sale for thousands online. What kind of photo is it you ask?



A green-haired kid in a jetpack photobombing Mt. Lady's photo shoot in the most perfect way possible. On an unrelated note, this was also around the time where discussions took place about her "preferences", further damaging her reputation.

"Payload deployed! And by golly what a payoff! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Izuku laughed maniacally as he heard the cameras shuttering off even quicker in the distance. The creeps will have a field day with that. Just suddenly the ground started to shake around him.


"Huh? Are we having an earthquake right now?"


The moment Izuku looks over his shoulder, he sees the heroine striding towards him with a murderous look in her eyes. AWOOOGA! His eyes pop out in shock and fear and begins to go faster.





Mt. Lady tries to snatch Izuku from the air, but fails to do so while he quickly maneuvers around in the sky.

"Haha! You can't catch me Big Lady, not when I have this baby in MAXIMUM OVERDRI-"


"...well crap..."

Izuku is now face to face with the giant lady, now seething in barely repressed anger.

"Now then... tell me one good reason why I shouldn't squish you like the jitterbug you are?..."

Now sweating bullets, the green bean racked his brain for a good enough answer.

"...because I would be late for the exams?..."


"...Oh is that so? well then..."

Mt. Lady winds up her arm, and throws him with all the strength she could muster.



...on a lighter note, this actually cuts another 4 minutes into his commute.


Today is the day of the practical exam at UA, and everyone is truly excited to have the opportunity to join one of the most successful schools of all Japan! Many hopeful and naïve students from all over arrive to take part, and for one Ochako Uraraka this is a dream come true as she sees the massive building in front. Even now she cannot believe what she sees.

I can't believe this is happening! This is it! I'm about to take the practical exams!, the little country girl thought, Oh gosh I'm so nervous!...I wonder if I can even make the bare minimum...

She was quickly brought out of her thoughts by a certain blonde.

"Hey, get out of the fucking way!"

"Eep!",She made way before the guy could barrel her over, "Sorry!"

"You better be, fucking round face! Now fuck off!"

Bakugo kept trudging foreword, leaving the poor girl in place. Not much of a good start, but the day is only young! All she needs to do is get by without any more problems and...


Wait where is that noise coming from? Uraraka quickly looked around trying to find the source of the sound, not noticing the blonde haired bomber suddenly stiffing up in alarm.


Now even the other passersby are stopping to look for that strange yelling.

"The hell is that noise?"

"Ya think it's the wind?"

"Don't be stupid dude! What if it's a villain!"


One of the test takers motions everyone to look up, and sure enough they see what looks like a guy with a busted and sputtering jetpack heading towards them. And by them, that means-


Bakugo turns around and steels himself for what's to come.



The walkway suddenly explodes in a violent manner as Izuku crashes into Bakugo, sending the students in a panic as they try to rush inside to get help (or, more accurately, just trying to get the hell out of there). Meanwhile, Uraraka becomes slack jawed at the massive destruction that just happened right now. The dust soon cleared, leaving behind a large crater.

Izuku peers out from the rubble, now covered in soot and dirt.

"Ugh... note to self, invest in helmets.", he said. Then he realized there was a girl in front of him, albeit still in shock. Well now, time to put on the Mydoriya charm. Izuku quickly shakes himself free of grime as he flashes his best smile.

"Well hello there sweet cheeks! I was just in the neighborhood and was looking for a place called UA. Ya know where it is?"

"Huh!? Well, I, uh-"

"DEKU! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT YOU LITTLE SHIT!", yelled out Bakugo. He also shot out from the crater, now grabbing Izuku by his shirt collar. The green bean, however, is not fazed if his still plastered smile is anything to go by.

"What was what?"


"That what?"


"What st-Oh you mean that stunt! It all started when I found Mt. Lady on my way here when she was showing of her as-"


The greenie suddenly received a punch from the blondie, sending him from the the crater BAM! to one of the hero busts.

"Owwwiee... you sure like bustin' heads, don't ya sparky?"


FWOOOSH! Izuku quickly spun towards Bakugo, pissing him off with his smirk.

"Well if you must know, yours truly is taking the entrance test!"

"Like hell I will! I'm not gonna let you take my place as number one hero!"

"Well, I was actually going into business, buuuuut if getting in there means that I get to mess with ya.."

HONK! Izuku quickly pinches Bakugo nose, making him yelp in pain.


Izuku quickly spins off into the building, leaving a furious Bakugo behind nursing his nose.


BOOM! Bakugo quickly propels himself towards the building, not wanting to let Izuku get the last laugh.

Meanwhile, the poor girl known as Uraraka quietly moved along towards the building, still in a bit of shock throughout the whole ordeal.

... I hope it's not like this all the time.

Oh of course not, my dear.

Sometimes it worse.


UA Academy, Auditorium


Present Mic's opening is met with utter silence... except for Izuku, who is standing on his seat and applauding very obnoxiously.




"Shut it, kissass!"

The Micster ignored the interruption in stride, "Alright now, little listeners! Ya better pay attention for this next part, ya dig?"

From there he went on a brief overview on the basis of the exams, including the rules, scoring, types of villains and other miscellaneous things. We would go into further detail, but keep in mind that due to Izuku being, well, Izuku, he did not bother to pay attention. Instead, he (not so subtly) poked Bakugo to further piss him off. It wasn't until another interruption rang out through the auditorium.

"...And another thing, YOU THERE!", yelled a bespectacled young man, looking at Izuku.

Caught off guard by the call out, the greenete stood up and looked around before looking at four-eyes.

"Huh? You talking to me?"

"Of course I am! Can't you stop bothering others, let alone sit still!? You're distracting!", he reprimanded the green bean with a glare, "If you think UA is just another place for you to goof off then leave this place immediately!"

That got a few snickers from the crowd, not feeling sorry for the (admittedly) annoying kid. Welp, he's now on his naughty list. However, Present Mic intervened before things got out of hand.

"Alright Alright, no need for beef here little listeners! Save that for the trials! Now then..."

After the explanation everyone went to their designated areas, where the examiners are hyping themselves up and getting ready for the test. Izuku looked at the bunch of test takers with not so subtle pity.

Awww they think they got a chance. Looks like I'll have to be the bearer of bad news then, hahaha!

As he scanned the area he found the round-faced girl, who was noticeably nervous as she stared at the entrance. Not one to see a damsel in distress, he made his way over to her.

"Well now, she looks like she's about to float! Time to cheer her up!"


Well great, so much for a 'good luck' there...

Izuku did an about face, seeing an irritated looking four-eyes storming towards him.

"I see what you're doing! You're not trying to sabotage your fellow test takers are you!?"


WHOOOSH! Izuku changed into a gentleman's outfit, now with mustache and cane! The glasses guy really didn't expect that, and neither did the others as well if their jaw drops are anything to go by.

" *Posh English accent* I say! How dare you insinuate that I will be commuting some sort of sportsmanship behavior among my fellow examiners?"

"Well obviously you-"

"You what? I am only attempting to provide moral and emotional support to the young lady who is obviously out of her element!"

"Now see here, you delinquent I-!"

SMACK! The glasses guy gets interrupted by a smack across the face with a white glove.

"How dare you insult me!? Very well, I shall defend my honor with utmost haste!"

SWISH! Izuku quickly draws a saber from out of nowhere and points it at glasses guy.




Izuku immediately stopped his antics...


Before leaving literally everyone else in the dust, choking and sputtering on said dirt.


Meanwhile, at the teachers lounge

In an area far from the action of the mock cities where the exam was taking place, the teachers of UA watched with interest as the examiners quickly dashed into the streets, eager to find their first few villains. With special cameras placed all round, there wouldn't be one single place that would be overlooked in the evaluations for the exams. However, it seems that one city in particular has gone off to a rocky start.

"Well then, that is quite a mighty conundrum they got themselves into.", said Snipe

"Hmm? What makes you say that?", asked Midnight

"Well it seems that in city F, alot of the test takers are to busy clearin their throats than getting in."

Looking closely, they can all see that alot have already began moving in, although still dealing with the discomfort. They can also see several of them suddenly falling down on their faces, before being trampled and blocked by the rest and creating more confusion in the process.

"Okay, what the hell is going on?", asked Vlad King exasperatedly, obviously not too amused with the sudden chain of events. Aizawa on the other hand begins to glare at Principal Nezu, who is calmly sipping tea by a very nervous All-Might.

"Nezu...didn't you say that Izuku was going to the business course?..."

The rat-bear-thing gently placed his tea down before responding, "Well of course, Aizawa! I personally made sure that all the necessary arrangements were made to ensure proper enrollment procedures."

"THEN WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING THERE!?", the hobo shouted, startling the other heroes. Then they looked back at the screen that Aizawa mentioned and saw a lone examiner quickly zooming around the city in cartoony fashion, dispatching the villain bots left and right. They were impressed at the quick efficiency the young boy presented...until it was quickly dashed away with how extremely reckless he was acting.

"Uhhhh, filling in for us about what's going on there principal?", asked a confused Present Mic.

Nezu quickly pulled out Izuku's special file on the table for everyone, prompting everyone to look into a few of its pages.

"Very glad you asked, Hizashi. For those who are not native to the Musutafu region, Izuku Mydoria is, by definition, a loose canon that was recently expelled from Aldrea middle school last year, along with another troublemaker by the name of Katsuki Bakugo. Both have been part of many incidents and have dealt with authorities before, although this has not stopped them from being hostile towards each other."

Looking back at the screen, they see Izuku now dealing with a 3-pointer... by riding the damn thing rodeo-style in a cowboy costume.


The 3-pointer tries to buck jesee jackass of its back with little luck, on causing collateral damage on the area. A 2-pointer comes along and tries to come in to support its troubling ally.

CLANK!CRASH! Only for it to be kicked by the 3-pointer out of confusion sending it through a building. The 3-pointer bucks wildly through the streets until the poor thing manages to overexert itself, now sputtering around before collapsing into a heap of scrap. Izuku jumps form the scrap heap, dusting himself off.

"Well then ain't that a kick in the head! HAHAHAAAA!"

WHOOOSH! Izuku then quickly spun off to find another victim...

The teachers sat in relative silence as they slowly moved their gaze from the screen towards the principal, who continued to drink his tea.

Aizawa was not in the mood to deal with this, "Okay...let me ask again... why the hell did you allow him to take the exams!?"

"Why, it's simple really. I didn't.", replied Nezu. This threw them for a loop.

"What!? Then who did!?"

"From what I've discovered, it appears that a third party altered the forms so that Izuku would be in the hero course. This third party also made sure that there was no way that the alterations would be corrected, lest the school face some sort of cyberattack."

"We need to end the tests immediately! That boy could be an agent of theirs trying to infiltrate the school!", cried Vlad King.

Principal Nezu waved of the concerns, "Now now, that will not be necessary. In fact, I have already decided to welcome him into UA the moment he sent his application in."

Midnight is confused by the notion, "If that's the case, then why does he need to take the exams? As much as I love making men work for it, isn't it a bit excessive to make him do it anyways?"

"I'm so very glad you asked, Kayama-sensei!", replied Nezu gleefully, " You see, I have kept tabs on the young man for many years, and you would be surprised at the many things he can be able to do with his quirk. However, many of the incidents he has been involved with have had virtually zero casualties, with most of the injuries being mostly from those causing the commotion or by Izuku himself. Reckless and unpredictable he can be, there is no doubt in my mind that he has at least a moral compass. If we can assist him with this, we just might be able to curb some of his more erratic tendencies."

The principal motioned for one of the teachers to head towards the control console, preparing the zero-pointer for deployment.

Nezu continued with his explanation, " As for this mystery group, whatever they have in store for us they need the boy for. We must make sure that he doesn't fall in the wrong crowd, and at the very least let him enjoy his school days before venturing out into the real world. He is still a child, after all."

The button is pressed, finally releasing the behemoth at the unsuspecting examiners. The teachers went back to looking intently at the screen, eager to see the results.

"Now then, let us see if he has what it takes."


Meanwhile, back at City F

"Hehehe! Ohhh Izuku you sly dog you! That 'double shoe tie-up' you did is absolutely genius! Hahahaha!"

Now that he felt more comfortable with the amount of points he has, Izuku decided to take stroll through the city, ignoring the villain bots that came by. While some of them did try to take advantage of his supposed lowered guard...

"Target Acquired, prepare to die!"


...they were immediately killed off by some of the examiners that were still looking for stragglers. A 3-pointer was fixing its weapon towards Izuku before being completely destroyed by a massive kick by the glasses guy.

Izuku quickly turned around to face his supposed savior, "Whoa-mama! You really know how to put your foot down, don'cha four-eyes?"

Four-eyes was not having it, "That is enough out of you, ruffian! We're here to test ourselves to see if we are worthy enough to be heroes-in-training, and yet here you are walking around as if it was just a game! Don't you have any shame!?"

"I do, which is why I'm planning to go to the business course! Shame sells, you know! Besides, I'm not using it anyways."



Four-eyes flails his arms in a robotic motion, too frustrated with his idiotic reasoning.

"Enough! I will make sure that you are disqualified from the exams!"

This struck a nerve with Izuku, now pissed off with the wiseass wall-e, "OH YOU WOULDN'T DARE, FOUR-EYES!"





Ground shaking steps interrupt their argument, throwing them both off guard. Some of the buildings that were already weakened by the previous encounters collapse under the intense movement, adding to the confusion. Soon, they begin to the the other examiners running away from whatever was approaching.


Suddenly, a giant robotic fist bursts through a previously untouched building closely, revealing the zero-pointer in all its unholy glory.

The two boys are dumbfounded by the sheer size of this absolute unit, their argument quickly dying down for now. Izuku is the first to snap back to his senses.

"Well now, this looks like one hell of a boss fight, ain't it four eyes?"

Iida didn't bother to reply, already dashing away from the scene. Knowing that sticking around wouldn't do any good, Izuku started to dash away from the danger as well. Suddenly a sound was heard, making him stop in place.

"Owwwieee, I think I broke something..."

Izuku looked back and saw the girl from earlier on the ground, her feet caught in the rubble and unable to move. He looked to see if anyone was around to help, but it was only him that was closeby. Not one to leave a lady in distress, he quickly zooms over to her.

FWOOOSH! "Hello again, sweet cheeks! Seems you're a bit grounded at the moment."

"Nngh, I can't... ugh... use my quirk right now. Please help!"

"Don't sweat it, miss mochi, I'll get you out in a jiffy!"

He quickly lifted up the debris with little effort, freeing her feet. Then he quickly picks her up in a bridal carry, dashing away just in time THOOOOM! before the zero pointer squished them flat. Once they were at a safe distance, he gently places her down and avoids adding additional stress to her foot.

"There we go, you're safe! Now if you excuse me, I have to do some recycling!"

Izuku quickly dashes away from the scene before she could say anything, now heading towards the remains of several bots that were already destroyed. FWOOOSH! With another quick spin, he changes into his mechanic uniform and mustache.

"Alright, wez got a few jalopies and a rickety whachamacallits over here. Gotta make sure we make a beaut big enough for the tin can."

From his two front pockets, he whips out two oversized wrenches.


The area soon becomes full of dust as he quickly builds from the leftover scrap.


Back at the teachers lounge...

"What the hell is that kid doing now?"

"Whatever it is, it's bound to be troublesome... *sigh* wish I could take a nap right now..."

"I can't see anything from all that dust. Is he doing that on purpose?"

When the zero pointer was unleashed many of the examiners fled the scene as predicted. While this disappointed them, they were somewhat relived that there was none that were foolish enough for them to actually take on the behemoth. Honestly, the machine was made in mind to withstand with a (slightly weakened) punch from All-Might! There couldn't be someone crazy enough to actually try to take on one.

Well that is, until they realized what the green haired kid is doing. The dust began to settle, finally revealing what he was up to.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL IS THIS!?", yelled Power Loader.

"Why, Maijima-Sensei, surely you know what a robot it correct?", replied an amused Nezu.

"That's not what I meant, and you know it! How in the hell did a kid manage to construct a seemingly flawless robot in the span of 30 seconds!? That's impossible!"

"If you'd read the files then you would've known by now." said Aizawa, bringing the teacher's attention to him. "He's able to do seemingly impossible things because of his quirk."

"His quirk is speed? Or maybe some form of heightened sense?" Asked Thirteen

"If that is the case, then he wouldn't have been able to do many of the things that he has done the last few years."

Aizawa gestured towards the files on the desk. "According to the quirk registry, it's called 'Cartoon-Logic'. He is able to manipulate his body and mind in a way that appears to seemingly bypass any concrete scientific laws, instead creating his own 'logic'."

"Sounds like there is more to it than that. You think he's holding back?", asked Vlad King

"If that's the case, I'd hate to imagine him going all out.", added Power Loader

"Which is why it is a excellent opportunity to have a glimpse of his abilities. I have no doubt that this boy will be resourceful, given his unorthodox ways." , said Nezu.

The teachers look back towards the screen, eager to see what the kid brings to the table.


Meanwhile, in City F

There are only several minutes left in the exams, pushing the examiners to their limits as the number of bots have already dwindled to a very few number. Some have already opted out, unable to continue on while others are rushing to get those last few kills before it ends.

Uraraka is currently sitting down by a lamppost, already knowing that the exams is already over for her. Forcing down a bit of bile due to quirk overuse, she makes sure to tend to her hurting foot.

Ugh, I can't believe this has to happen to me. Why? Muu, I hope I have enough points to pass...


Her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of loud, heavy footsteps coming towards to her location. Her eyes widen in alarm as she tries to find the source of the sound.

What!? Don't tell me that zero-pointer is already here!

Unfortunately her worries have become a reality as the behemoth thunders through the buildings, scanning the area for more victims. It's detectors spots Uraraka closeby, and changes direction towards her.

"Hero found! Prepare to be terminated!"

The behemoth trudges towards towards the poor girl, who quickly begins to scramble back in terror.

Oh no, this is it! I'm done for!... Mom, Dad, forgive me!

She closes her eyes, tears threatening to escape as she braces herself for the inevitable.

I'm sorry I can't be a hero...

The behemoth raises its foot, about to crush the girl.




CLANG! BASH! The zero-pointer gets punched back, sending it tumbling towards the ground. As the behemoth struggles to get back up, a large hand picks up Uraraka making sure she is comfortable in its metal palm.

She opens her eyes wide in surprise, seeing a robot staring back at her. The robot was humanoid in shape, with a grey metallic color and a simple (and admittingly cute) face on a dome shaped head, which resembled a fuel gauge. It had three arms of different sizes, and a small opening on one side of his chest. The most interesting part, however, was the white and red metal tie it was wearing.

Before she could even comprehend what was going on, a voice rang out.

"Heya sweet cheeks! Got here just in the nick of time huh?", yells Izuku from the opening.

"Wha-but-Where did you get this robot!?"

"Hehehe! You like it? Made it myself! His name is Bil, and he's a gentle giant! Say hello Bil!"

The robot gave a friendly smile, waving at his new friend.


"Of course you are buddy! Now then, let's getcha somewhere safe, alright."

Izuku quickly pulls a few levers from the cockpit, prompting the robot to place Uraraka on the rooftop on one of the buildings closely. After doing so, he quickly moves towards the behemoth, which has already got back on its feet and ready to tango with the Big Robot Bil.

*Now playing- The Battle of Robot Bil (The Neverhood OST)*

The behemoth's detectors quickly lock on to Bil, and ready it's fists while Bil does the same.

"New target acquired! This town is not big enough for the both of us!"

Knowing the situation is about get dicey, Bil puts up his fists and initializes his "mean" mode. Then he provokes the behemoth by throwing the ugliest insult known to robotkind.


First blood has already been drawn, and the behemoth is now crippled by the overwhelming feeling of inadequacy of his floppy disk. Soon, its embarrassment gives in to blind rage as the behemoth begins to race towards Bil. Seeing this, Bil quickly dodges to the left barely missing the metal fist towards his face.

Taking advantage of the opening he quickly gives a left jab to the face, knocking the behemoth back. Now discombobulated, Bil quickly follows up with a right jab, left, right, left then body blow, inching the behemoth back. The behemoth gets fed up and blocks the next incoming attack by grabbing Bil's fist. Seeing an opening, it delivers a massive headbutt, knocking Bil.

Izuku hangs on to dear life on a lever as the behemoth begins to race towards Bil again. Knowing he wouldn't have enough time to get Bil up again, he quickly reaches out and presses a big red button labeled "JUMP OUT OF HOLE". Suddenly Bil lifts both of his legs before two springs pop out of his heels, hitting the behemoth center mass and crashing it towards an unoccupied building.

With time now back on his side, he quickly gets up and straightens his tie before facing the behemoth, who is now struggling to get up again. Not one to take chances, bil quickly jumps on the behemoth and begins to give a series of devastating punches. The situation looks dire for the behemoth as it attempts to grab both of bil's fists again. Knowing what was going to happen, Bil decided to take the initiative and headbutts the behemoth to return the favor.

The damage was too much for the behemoth as it begins to splutter and tremble. Sensing that the fight has gone long enough, Bil quickly secured the behemoth's arms in place as he brought out his third arm and clamped it on its pectoral area.

CRUNCH! The sound of twisted metal can be heard as Bil twisted his hand around before unceremoniously ripping it off, revealing a sort of battery that powered the behemoth. With one final cry, Bil latched his third arm onto the battery and tore the meddlesome compartment straight from it's chest.

It was only a matter of time before the behemoth eyes dimmed, before finally letting its arms falling limp towards the ground.


Bil slowly stood up and looked at the mangled and damaged corpse of the behemoth, he himself worse for wear. With his opponent now laying lifeless on the ground and with its heart in his hands, Bil raised his arms to the sky and cheered over his hard earned victory.


It was at that moment, that the exams finally drew to a close.


Hello Hellos! Kalbern Here!

Alright, another chapter out! Took me a while but there ya go.

Also, I'm very sorry that this came out a bit... later than usual. I'm currently in the middle of taking care of some urgent business IRL. Yuup, adulthood's a bitch ain't it?

Anyways, I hope this chapter retains the same quality as the previous ones as I haven't been working on it as frequently as I would have liked. I'll let you be the judge of that.

As always, don't be afraid to comment, ask and give some constructive criticism. I would love to improve on my writing and I hope this gives at least a chuckle or a smile on your face.

Ipagpatuloy ang Pagbabasa

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