Chapter 9

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Things have been rather calm during the following weeks after the entrance exams. No chaos, no crazy scheme and most notably no green haired menace to be seen. The days where the news would hound on another incident occurred by the town idiot were soon switched to mundane, more uninteresting things (besides heroes of course.). Some were overjoyed at finally having a shred of peace, before quickly devolving into a constant loop of dread in realizing that it was only going to be temporary.

To the rest however, they were for the most part very confused. What happened? Where is that green lunatic they always see on the TV? Will the narrator just shut up and move along with the story?

...Maybe not the last one, but it seemed appropriate at the time.

Nevertheless, contrary to popular belief Izuku is not always a raving lunatic. There are times where the insanity and the wackiness must be set aside for the rational and the more composed. Just as the saying "all work and no play" can also be twisted to "all play and no work", there must be a time where one puts their nose to the grindstone.

...Although he hasn't found the time to do THAT just yet. In fact, the only times where he would actually be busy would be when either he is doing his hero analysis or helping someone out with their own projects.

Which is exactly the kind of person that Mei needs at the moment in her parents' garage.


The sounds of tools can be heard as Mei fiddled around with a large engine, with Izuku by her side wearing his mechanic outfit and Mirio watching from a safe distance. The garage itself was big enough to house several vehicles, as both her parents were aficionados on automobiles and would use every opportunity to work on many cars of many brands and models. Knowing that their daughter would be working on machines, they allowed her to work at the garage. So long as she didn't do anything ridiculous like blowing things up or somehow creating sentient A.I

Obviously that wouldn't be the case, because any sane person would have the common sense to prevent that from happening. Not in a million years. Nope.

Mei held a hand out to Izuku, focusing on her work.


"Wrench!", said Izuku handing said tool to Mei.





"Moral Support!"

"Moral Support!"

This time Izuku hands her a blueprint of a highly complex machine, filled with measurements and calculations.

"*Shudder*ufufufuffu... oof, oh yeah, that's the stuff~"

If Mirio or Izuku were creeped out, they didn't show it.

"Sooooo... what exactly is this for, Mei? This doesn't look like any support item you usually work on.", said a very confused Mirio

Mei looked up from the project she was working on, already covered in grease and grime and with a smile real wide. "Well obviously you can't be a great inventor without trying out a few new things! I figured, if I'm building something for the heroes, why not something for the masses? That'll be double the profits! Double the exposure!"


"And double the FUN! Woohooo!", yelled out Izuku switching back to his casual clothes. "Let me tell ya something guys, I wouldn't mind spending a pretty yen for this little number here!"

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