(Mileven texting au) Riptide

By MWThedealersmanager

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(Mileven texting au) Riptide I was scared of dentists and the dark I was scared of pretty girls and startin... More



272 9 18
By MWThedealersmanager

Chapter 05
"You're dead to me"

New York, New York
7:12 am

"Holly hurry up you're gonna be late!" Mike yelled upstairs to Holly. "I can't get this dang shoe on!" She yelled out of frustration. "Never mind I got it!" She yelled and ran her way downstairs. Holly had on blue jeans a Nirvana shirt and a black zip up hoodie.

Holly looked at his attire before saying "somethings missing" she said before pointing towards his head and running back upstairs and coming back with a green hat.
"This put it on" she demanded. Mike looked at the hat before shrugging and putting it on his head.

"You ready?" Mike asked handing her a pop tart. She nodded, they both grabbed their book bags from the hooks on the staircase and left. Mike and Holly walked to school due to them only having one car. Mike was planning on buying on next month based on his estimations he should have at least 30,000 saved up which in his opinion is at least enough for a good car to drive him and Holly around in.

"How's school going so far?" Mike asked as they started walking. "It's...alright" She says as they walked towards Holly's middle school. Holly gave her brother a hug before walking to the school doors. "If you need anything call me ok?" Mike reassured. "I know I love you" She said. "I love you too Holly"


Hawkins Indiana
12:34 pm

El sighed as she stepped into the crowed store. "Hey El!" Her manager Heather said as the girl walked over to the counter. "Holy shit what happened to your hand?" Heather gasped. "I cut it" She said simply. "Do you still want to work today?" Heather asked. El nodded as she stepped over to the register typing in random numbers. "See I'm great" She said holding a thumbs up and a smile. "Ok" heather sighed before she went to fold shirts to display on shelf's.

A couple minutes later a young girl came up to the counter who looked about 14 she had five items clutched between her hands. She had long blonde hair, circle framed glasses, she had a bright sense to her.

"Hi my names Eleanor are you ready to check out" She said in a friendly manner. The guys looked up and smiled softly and nodded placing her stuff onto the counter. As el started to check out the girl's purchases she noticed something significant about them. "I'm sorry but if you don't mind me asking what happened to your hand?" The girl asked. "No it's fine...I cut it down the middle" El said the girl eyes widened. "Are you?"

El was confused at first but then caught on "oh, no I was trying make a salad and was focused on something else and when I went to dry the knife off I thought my hand was the towel" she explained quickly. The girl nodded.
"You a fan of Harry Potter?" She asked. "Totally I've read all the books but never got a chance to watch the movies have you?" She said. El nodded "I'd say their good you should totally watch them if you'd like" She said

"What's your house I'm Hufflepuff" The girl asked happily. "I looked it up and it said I'm huffle but the other time it said I was a raven so I don't quite know" she said. "I could totally see you as a Ravenclaw" The blonde said as El finished up her stuff. "You think?" Eleanor asked. She nodded with a smile. El smiled back "ok your total is 17.35" she said bagging up her stuff. The girl reached in her pocket and took out a 20 and handed it to el.

"Here's your change I hope you have a nice rest of your day" Eleanor said. "I hope you do too I really enjoyed our conversation" The girl said. "Me too" el said before the girl left the store.


New York ,New York
(Some random middle school )
1:56 pm

*sometime earlier in New York*

"What's up Wheeler" The blonde said with a grin on her face as she stood in front of Holly. "Was that a question?" She asked as she closed her locker. The Girl just looked at her up and down. "The sky I guess" Holly said about to walk away

. "Funny" The girl said clearly unamused by her reply sticking her foot out in Holly's walk way. Holly sighed knowing what was about to come. "What's your problem?" Holly asked annoyed. "No wheeler what's your problem!" She questioned gaining the rest of the halls attention. "You and your friends not only bother me but pull my hair, make fun of me, my clothes, my laugh....just me and general every single day! And  you really have the thought of mind to ask what's my problem?" She said angrily as hot tears stung in the back of her eyes.

Holly could see that she was about to throw the first hit so before she could Holly got some sense into her and swung first. After that Holly couldn't remember most of the events that happened in those few minutes but all she could remember was the few screams coming from kids around them, the forces of teachers and counselors trying to break up the fight and of course her heart dropping into her stomach once she'd seen blood dripping from
Jennifer Anderson's


sat down beside ashamed Holly who looked as if she had been caught for murder. "Im so sorry Mike" she apologized as a tear ran down her eye. Mike pulled her in for a hug and sighed. "Whatever you did cant be that bad" he said surely. The principal walked in and sat in front of the two.

"Holly go wait outside" mike whispered she got up and went outside. "Hello I'm principal Jones nice to meet you" the man said offering his hand. " Mike wheeler" he said shaking his hand. "I'm terribly sorry to call you on such short notice but your daughter got into a fight today" He said. "Oh she not my daughter she's my sister" Mike corrected. "Oh I'm sorry it's just you're always bringing her to school and showing up to conference's and-"

"It's fine" Mike said. "Is she going to be suspended?" He asked. "Unfortunately yes since she not only got into a fight but also because she left the other girl with a few minor injuries" He said. Mike nodded "how long till I bring her back?" He asked "only for about two weeks" the man said "ok thank you" Mike said standing up from the bench and walking out.

Mike and Holly walk out the school doors and thry still hadn't said a word to each other. "I'm not mad at you by the way" Mike said. "You're not?" Holly asked confused. Mike shook his head "so I'm not in trouble?" She asked again. "Not with me at least I'm actually kinda proud" He said. Holly smiled lightly at the statement.

she really did have the best brother she could ask for.

"Race you home!" She said starting to run. Holly thought she was at a head start and was about to win for sure until Mike skated right passed her.
"Hey that's cheating!" She said speaking up to catch him. She soon caught up to him still running swiftly as he glided so effortlessly. Mike could tell she was getting tired and did what the best big brother would do. He picked her up and set her on the skateboard with him.

"Mike I don't think this is a good idea!" She yelled. "It'll be fine just balance" He said before speeding up. "AHHHHHHH!" The blonde yelled as they sped up.


Mike 😊

Not me being in the hospital again 😗

I don't even-
How do you always find a way to hurt yourself?

Honestly I don't know maybe I'm just clumsier than I thought🧐
The doctors said they weren't surprised to see me here and Idk if I should feel happy about that statement or embarrassed🥲...

I wouldn't be either

*me ignoring your comment*

Sorry how'd you hurt yourself

I fell,tripped on the stairs outside and got a big scar on my leg some how 😅

Are you ok?

Yea I'm just waiting for The doctors to give me the ok so I can leave😕
But anyway how was your day

It was great my sister painted my nails black today
How was yours besides the stair thing

Ohh let me see

Why the pose-

I was just sitting on the couch like that and she came and snapped a picture

I was very much feeling the beat today 😌

Feeling the beat..?

Liking the beat...


My day was good Mike 😐
We really need to spice up your vocabulary/

Great 😊

I'm leaving the doctors now 🥳

Are you driving home?

Yep I should be fine though

Ok be safe El please

I will don't worry you won't be losing me yet😌

We can't afford to have happening can we?

Good night Mike

Good night El
Read 7:34 pm


A/n: heyyy, so can we just talk about everyone's acting in season 2. In my opinion everyone's acting in season 2 was just pure talent. Like Noah and how he performed Will throughout the whole season or how Finn's acting was in the hopper and Mike argument scene at the Byers. Just everyone's acting period was fantastic in that season. I also feel like season two was one of the most emotional seasons as well.



My Question of the day for you guys is (What was your favorite scene from season 2?)

Also please leave a vote on this chapter if you can and as always thanks for reading this chapter and supporting my book and

See ya soon....

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