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Chapter 03
"Where I can cover up my face
Don't cry, I am just a freak"

New York, New York
1:34 pm

Mike and Holly were on their way to a new field Holly had discovered after school the other day. She said she needed some new pictures for her walls and asked Mike if he could supervise her.

"Holly not trying to be a party pooper or anything but we've been walking for an hour and passed like two fields" He said following close behind Holly as she continued walking. "Don't worry tree you'll be able to rest your lanky legs in a minute" She said.

5 minutes later Holly suddenly stopped in front of a large gate that seemed to be sealed up with vines. "Congratulations tree you made it!" She said cheering after and giving him rounds of applause. "Yea, yea" Mike said unamused. "So how are we supposed to get in, it's sealed isn't it?" He said referring to the gate. "Just open it of course" she said swinging the gate open.

The boy walked inside, Holly walking inside after closing the gate. He looked around and was amazed with what he saw. For a place like this to be in New York was mind blowing to Mike. It was a small field with flowers scattered across it and a stream on the far side.

(A/n: again like I said I'm not the best at explaining things)

"Here I brought this" She said handing him a bag. Before he could ask questions she had ran off into the field. There was a folded note attached to the side which read:

"As payback for all you've done for me

From: Holly To: the best brother in
the world aka Michael wheeler

Mike smiled at the note and opened the bag and pulled out a brand new camera with two new lenses as well wrapped in gift paper. He looked over to Holly who was to busy taking pictures of the creak to notice him. He walked over and sat next to her.

"It wasn't that much was it?" He asked as he looked at the camera. Holly shook her head "just 200 dollars" she said. Mike's eyes widened and he looked over at her, and Holly just laughed and started walking up a hill to get a better angle. "Come on tree you can't just sit there forever now can you?" She said running back, grabbing his wrist and pulling him towards the hill.


New York Central Park
4:35 pm

Mike and Holly were walking their way home from the field where they took quite a few pictures they were satisfied with. They were in Central Park which was not to far away from their home when Holly groaned on annoyance.

"Aw shit!" Holly mumbled. "Holly!" Mike scolded. Holly mumbled an apology. "Can I hide behind you?" She asked looking over at the fountain. Mike looked over in that direction to see a group of girls sitting down around it. He immediately knew what was going on and threw an arm over her shoulder and sighed.

"I'm sorry Holly" he frowned before walking the other way around the fountain.


Hawkins Indiana
5:34 pm

"Hey Will! Got any extra bottles?" Elaine yelled from her room. Will soon entered her room. "Sorry el no" he apologized sitting next to her on the floor. "Still saving up for that camera huh?" He said watching as she searched inside her closet. "Yep" he heard her muffled voice say before she huffed and brung her face out of the closet.

(Mileven texting au) Riptide Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat