LET ME IN (J. JK ff)

By just_kimaya

25 14 0

He was getting hurt everyday, I vowed to stand by him. I wanted to help, but he kept pushing me away. It brok... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Ten

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By just_kimaya

Jungkook's P.O.V

Kelly is looking at me with teary eyes as I walk down the stairs. Sometimes I wonder where she came from, I'm sure I'm the only one who sees her. She's an absolute angel taking my health and wellbeing into consideration first. I must look really bad with the look on her face. When a knock comes on the door, I take the chance to break away from her sad gaze.

I walk to the door and open it and I almost fall back on my back as the person jumps on me. I tense slightly as he untangles himself from me.

"I'm so sorry, I thought you were Jimin," he apologises.
"Is Jiminie and Jinie hyung home?" He asks snapping me out of my current trance.
"Yes and no, Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung left early for work I think," I say awkwardly.
"Phew! You must be Jungkook, can I call you Kookie?" He asks still smiling overly excited.
"Yeah, its okay," I smile back.
"I'm Taehyung, or just Tae," he says.
"Come on in then Tae," I say stepping aside and allowing him inside. He leads the way to the kitchen. It surprises me until I remember that he lives here meaning he slept out or went out early.
"Jiminie," he says. Jimin hyung turns to him and rolls his eyes.
"What do you want, Taehyungie?" Jimin hyung mimics him.
"You're so boring," Tae argues and the two start bickering tirelessly. I'm just standing there laughing at their cute friendship. He runs upstairs to take a shower and change.

All four of us have breakfast together and the rest of the day is pretty much normal. I'm sitting on the couch later in the day and Tae who has been annoying Jimin since morning sits beside me.
"What are you watching?"
"Nothing hyung, I'm just sitting, not really paying attention," I tell him.
"Well, can we watch something together then?" He asks and I just nod. He takes the remote and scrolls through the channel list trying to find something to watch. He finally settles on Regular Show and we start watching.

By the time we finish the show, I'm in pain from too much laughing. Partly because of the show and mostly because of his comments on the show. He is just funny and kind and easy going. I mean everyone here is but I'm still kind of holding back afraid I'd get hurt again. Kelly of course is the only person that keeps me sane and safe.

When Jin and Joonie come back from work, Jin gets to cooking. He is being helped by Kelly who seems to be bonding really well with everyone. We have dinner and retire to bed. Tonight, Kelly sleeps in my bed cuddling me close, I just have a bad dream but it doesn't turn into a nightmare.

The following morning, I'm awoken by Kelly lightly shaking me.
"I'm going to the grocery store with Jimin hyung, I'll be back soon. Is it okay?" She asks.
"Yeah, its okay," I say honestly.
After she's gone, I eat an apple for breakfast and go back to our shared bedroom. I lie on my back on the soft mattress staring into space, I do that a lot these days. Just zone out and escape into nothingness.
"Hey, wanna play a game?" A certain blonde head peeps inside the room. I nod hesitantly he lets himself in. We sit on the carpeted floor and start playing monopoly. He's quite good but I win against him though, I'm just better at board games.

We are sitting playing peacefully for over an hour now until we are disturbed by sounds. Sounds I know too well. Moaning. It's coming from the passageway. There are really loud moans.
"Ahhhg Joon, right there- ahhhh!" A feminine voice screams out making me widen my eyes and Tae roll his.
"This is why I like it when he goes to work. This early and he already has a girl in his room. If Jin hyung was here he'd hit him with a frying pan" Taehyung scolds no one in particular and gets to his feet. He shouts something nasty into the passageway hoping it gets to the two lovebirds' bedroom. He then goes on to close the previously open door shut cursing quietly.

In that split second, my mind goes from shocked to scared. I'm shaking nervously as I get to my feet. The way he closed the door and cursed pushing his hair backwards is too familiar. I know someone who did that and it didn't end well. My chest tightens and I struggle to breathe. My hand flies to my chest as I try to calm myself but fail miserably. I can't breathe anymore, I'm wheezing as tears flow out of my eyes uncontrollably.

Meanwhile, Tae is in complete shock. He looks at me with wide eyes and terror. He steps towards me and I step back shaking my head vigorously. He comes even closer and I fall into a corner and curl into a ball shaking like a leaf.
"Kookie, what's wrong?" He asks and I continue wheezing in the corner.
"I won't hurt you, please," he tries coming closer only making my chest tighten more. I start sobbing quietly.

He backs away and fishes his phone out of his pocket. He dials frantically pulling his hair back,
"You guys need to come back right now! I think Kookie is having a panic attack!" He yells into the speaker before running out towards to get Joonie hyung.

Kellyn's P.O.V

Jimin hangs up and looks at me with sad eyes. I  am dying to know what's going on. We just paid for the groceries and were loading them in the trunk when he got the call.
"Kookie is having a panic attack," he informs me.
"We need to go now!" I say in panic as I slam the trunk closed before jumping onto the passenger seat. He gets in and drives off without another word. Soon as he parks the car outside the house, I get out of the car and run into the house. I see Jin crying softly standing next toto Namjoon. then Tae who is crouching on the floor with his head bowed down. He looks up at me when he sees me approach them,

"I just closed the door and he started panicking. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I dont know what's happening to him," he says throwing his hands around.
"Hey, its not your fault. Let me talk to him," I let go of Tae then walk cautiously into our shared room leaving the door open.

There he is, sitting in a corner, sobbing bitterly and shaking like a leaf. I dont waste another second, I sit on the floor beside his shaking body.

"Its me, Kelly, it's just me. I wont hurt you, come," I say ever so softly, I take him into my arms, he doesn't resist, he just falls into my arms and sobs continuously. He isn't breathing normally, he's almost wheezing and I cant help the tears welling in my eyes too watching him like that. I rock his body back and forth,

White glows the lily,
Red glows the rose,
Here lies my baby,
Look how he grows,
Calm, calm my baby,
Calm, calm for me...

I sing the song ever so slowly and I feel him start to relax. His breathing comes back to normal as he is still buried in my tiny arms. I let him cry and once he has calmed down, I make his upper body lie on my lap. I start stroking his hair soothingly still humming the song.

"What happened hun?" I ask him softly.
"I d-don't k-know, one m-moment I was okay and t-then I s-started panicking," he manages to say despite the constant stuttering that ive noticed he does a lot when he's really scared.
"Who hurt you?" I ask softly still playing with his hair.
"I ...h-he..,"
"Hey, honey, take your time. I'm listening, take all the time you need. I'm here," I urge him softly with my sweetest voice. I take his hand and lock our fingers with my other hand. I place a chaste kiss on his forehead and red nose.
"I-It's my s-stepfather," he says, "It happened almost two weeks ago," I don't interrupt him and listen as attentively as I can.

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